1. A brief request or declaracion presented unto ... the Duchesse of Parme ... By the Lordes ...
of the same Countrie, 1566 (STC 11028; not microfilmed; copy in Lambeth Palace
[1584.13] = Knuttel 137
2. Peter Frarin, An Oration against the unlawful insurrections of the Protestants, [Tr.] J.
Fowler (Antwerp, I. Fouleri) 1566 (STC 11333, 11334; microfilm reel 241; Eng.
Recusant Lit., vol. 226; BL C. 37.d. 47.)
3. Philip Marnix, A True Narrative and Writing Defensive of things Happened, in the Base
Countries touching the cause of relligione the yeare of our Lord, 1566. English
translation in MS of Vraye Narration. MS in BL. Harleian 424 fol. 67.
4. [Orange's Warning] A declaration and publication of the most worthy prince of Orange,
contayning the cause of his necessary defence against the duke of Alva. Translated
out of French into English, (J. Daye, London, [1568] (STC 25708; microfilm reel
1016; Kossmann/Mellink, doc. 11 = Knuttel 164)
5. A iustification of cleering of the prince of Orendge agaynst the false sclaunders wherwith
his ilwillers goe about to charge him wrongfully (London, J. Daye [1575] (STC
25712; microfilm reel 945; Original 1568 - Knuttel 159)
6. Antonio de Corro, An Epistle or godlie admonition, of a learned Minister of the Gospel ...
sent to the Pastoures of the Flemish Church in Antwerp (who name themselves of the
Confession of Auspurge) exhorting them to concord with the other Ministers of the
Gospell. Translated out of French by G. Fenton (H. Bynneman, London, 1569) (STC
5787; microfilm reel 207)
7. A defence and true declaration of the things lately done in the lowe Countrey whereby may
easily be seen to whom all the beginning and cause of the late troubles and calamities
is to be imputed (J. Daye, 1571) (= Libellus supplex, 1570) (STC 18441; not
microfilmed; copies in BL [C.33.a.22], Queen's Oxford and KB [1709--F-17]) [For a
modernised edition of A defence and true declaration see Martin van Gelderen, The
Dutch Revolt (Cambridge, 1993, 1-77. Reprinted in 1580.]
List of pamphlets concerning the revolt of The Netherlands, compiled by Dr. Alastair
Duke with assistance of Dr. Hugh Dunthorne. Works published before 1566 and the religious
publications of English Catholics and Nonconformists printed in the Low Countries have
been omitted.
8. A Supplication to the Kinges Majestie of Spayne, made by the Prince of Orange, the states
of Holland and Zeland, with ... his faithfull subjectes of the loew Countreys, presently
oppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards ... Faithfully translated
out of Duytsch into English by T.W. London, (H. Middleton, 1573) (= Muller 127)
[For partial modern translation see Kossmann & Mellink, doc. 17]
9. An Answer and true discourse to a certain Letter lately sennt by the Duke of Alba ... to
those of Amsterdam [1573] (STC 540; microfilm reel 948)
10. A true rehersall of the Honorable and Tryumphant Victory: which the defenders of the
Trueth have had againste the ... League of ye Albanists ... the xxxv. daye of March
1573 (1573) (STC 13578; microfilm reel 639)
11. A brief and true rehersall of the noble victory ... which ... the Protestantes of the north
partes of Holland had ahainsty the Duke of Alba (1573) (STC 13570; not
microfilmed; copy in Lambeth Palace [1584.13]
12. Certain letters wherein is set forth a Discourse of the peace that was attempted and sought
to have bin put in effecte by the Lords and States of Holland and Zelande in ... 1574
(London, 1576) This includes Junius' Discours van Johannes Junius de Jonghe op den
briefe van den here van Champagney ( STC 15527; microfilm reel 965; Kossmann &
Mellink, doc. 21; Knuttel, 224)
13. Middleborow. A briefe Rehersall of the accorde and agreement, that the Captaynes,
Burgises and armie of Middleborow and Armew [Arnemuiden] have made [1574]
STC 17865, 17865a; microfilm reel 1320. Translation of Knuttel 219.
14. Certayne News ... of the Christian Princes and Nobles, the which for the comfort and
deliveraunce of the poor Christians in the low Countries, are gathered together ... with
their armies in the fielde (Dordrecht, 1574) (STC 5182; microfilm reel 7; English
Experience facsimile no. 422)
15. Address and Opening to make a Good, Blessed and General Peace in the Netherlands,
and to bring them under the obedience of the King, in her old Prosperity, Bloom and
Welfare ... to the High and Mighty. Noble, Honourable, Wise and Very Prudent
Lords, My Lords who Represent the States General of the Low Countries [1576]
Modern ET Martin van Gelderen (ed.) The Dutch Revolt 79-122 of Vertoog ende
Openinghe om een goede, salighe ende generale vrede te maken in dese Nederlanden
(KB Brussels, code II-59-252A)
16. A Treatise of the peace made and concluded between the states of the lowe Countries,
assembled within the Citie of Bruxels, and the Prince of Orenge, the states of Holland
and Zeland, with the Associates, published the 8. day of November. With the
agreement and confirmation of the King's maiestie as followeth. Translated out of the
dutch copy (London, W. Booth [1576]. (Pacification of Ghent STC 18448; microfilm
reel 7; English Experience facsimile no. 615; Kossmann & Mellink, doc. 23; Knuttel
260 f.)
17. George Gascoigne, The Spoyle of Antwerpe, Faithfully by a true Englishman who was
was present at the same, Novem. 1576 (London, R. Iones [1577?] (STC 11644;
microfilm reel 7; Gascoigne, Complete Works ed. Cunliffe, II, 590-99.
18. The Advise and answer of ... ye Prince of Orenge ... and of ye States of holland and
Zeland ...vpon the ... perpetual Edict between don John of Austrich ... and the ...
Generall Estates [1577] [STC 25710.5, formerly 25709; microfilm reel 738; original
Knuttel 295]
19. [Antonio de Corro], A Supplication exhibited to the moste Mightie Prince Philip King of
Spain.... wherin is contained the summe of our Christian Religion, for the profession
wherof the Protestants in the lowe Countries of Flaunders ... doe suffer persecution ...
There is annexed and Epistle written to the Ministers of Antwerpe... concerning the
Supper of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Written in French and Latine by A.C. (London, F.
Coldocke and H. Bynneman, 1577) [STC 5791; microfilm 953]
20. A request presented to the king of Spayn ... By the inhabitantes of the lowe countreyes,
protesting that they will liue according to the reformation of the Gospell: the xxij of
Iune 1578 ([London], 1578) [STC 18445, formerly 19837; microfilm reel 7; English
Experience facsimile no. 266; partial modern ET Kossmann & Mellink, doc. 33;
original Knuttel 363]
21 24. of August. 1578. A discourse of the present state of the Wars in the lowe-Countryes.
Wherein is contayned the pittifull spoyle of Askot [1578] [STC 18438; microfilm reel
22. W.C., The True Reporte of the Skirmish fought betwene the States of Flaunders, and Don
Joan, Duke of Austria ... the first day of August ... 1571 [Battle of Rymenant 1578]
[STC 4322, formerly 11030; microfilm reel 6380]
23. Thomas Churchyard, A Lamentable and pitifull Description of the Wofull Warres in
Flaunders, since the four last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne. With
a brief rehearsall of many things done since that season, untill this present yeare, and
death of Don John (London, R. Newberie, 1578) [STC 5239; microfilm reel 7;
English Experience facsimile no ?]
24. Antwerpes Unitye. An Accord on Peace in Religion and Government, concluded by his
Highness and the Members of the Citie to the Common Weale and quietnes thereof,
there lately proclaymed the 12. of June Anno 1579. Printed uin French and Dutch,
and Englished by the Printer hereof (London, R. Daye, 1579) [ET of Muller no. 194]
25. A defence and true declaration of the thynges lately done in the lowe country, wherby
may easily be seen to whom all the beginning and cause of the late troubles and
calamities is to be imputed. And therewith also the sclaunders wherewith the
adversaries do burden the churches of the lowe countrey are plainly confuted
[Translated by E. Newcomen] (London, John Daye, 1580?). [ET of Meulman no.
8728] [Reprint of 1570 pamphlet]
26 A Treatise against the Proclamation published by the King of Spayne, by which he
proscribed the late Prince of Orange: wherby shall appeare the sclaunders and false
accusations conteyned in the sayd proscription ... Maestricht ... XV. March ... 1580,
which is annexed to the ende of this Treatise [Delft, 1581?] [ET Muller 226]
27. The Apologie or defence of the most noble Prnce William against the proclamation and
edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribed the saide Lord Prince,
whereby shall appeare the sclaunders and false accusations, conteined in the saide
proscription, which is annexed to the ende of the apologie [Delft, 1581] [Meulman
no. 8731]
28. Observations vpon the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland [1581] [Meulman no.
29. W. Blandy, The Castle, or picture of pollicye shewing forth most lively, the face, body
and partes of a commonwealth the dety ... of a perfect ... Souldiar the martiall feates
lat done by our ... nation, under the conduct of ... J. Noris, Generall of the Army of
the States in Friseland ... Handled in manner of a Dialogue betwtixt Gefferay Gate,
W.B., souldiars (London, J. Daye, 1581)
30. Letters conteyning sundry devises, touching the state of Flaunders and Portingall; written
by Card. Granvelle and others, and lately intercepted and published (London, T.
Dawson for T. Creede, 1582). [ET Muller 257]
31. A true discourse of the assualt committed upon the person of ... William Prince of Orange
... by J. Jauregui Spaniarde. With the true copies of his writings... Depositions ...of
Sundry offenders ... Faithfullye translated out of the frenche copie (London, T.
Charde & W. Broome, 1582) [ET Muller,no. 249]
32. A briefe discourse of the assualt ... upon the ...Prince of Orange (London, T. Dawson for
T.C. and W. B., 1582)
33. Theophile, [Gilbert Roy] A Tragicall Historie of the troubles and Civile warres of the
lowe Countries ... and there withall the Estate and cause of Religion, especially from
the yere 1559, unto the yere 1581 ... Translated out of French ... by T. S(tocker) ...
(London, J. Kyngston, 1583) [=ET of D. Théophile L., Histoire des troubles et
guerres ciuiles du Pays Bas (s.l., 1582) BL 1055.b.7 (3)].
34. G[eorge] P[eckham], The true report of the lamentable Death of William of Nassawe
Prince of Orange: who was trayterouslie slayne witha Dagge in his own Courte, by B.
Serack a Burgunian, the first of July 1584 (Middelburg, D. van Respeauwe, 1584)
[BL C. 40. a. 34]
35. The Miserie of Antwerpe: With the Troubles that are (at this instant) in Flaunders, and
many other Townes in the Lowe Countries, by meanes of the Prince of Parmas
power: who by violent force seekes to oppresse and deprive the Inhabitants there,
both of life and goodes. Herein is also described the manner of the Bridge, and
Fortresse thereunto raised by the Prince of Parma ... Written by an English Gentleman
in Flaunders, to a Friend of his in England ... Dated the 24. day of July ... Anno
Domini, 1585 [KB]
36. A declaration of the causes mooving the Queene of England to give aide to the defence of
the people afflicted and oppressed in the lowe Countries. (An addition to the
declaration touching the slaunders published of her Maiestie. 1 Oct. 1585) (London,
C. Barker, 1585)
37. Marnix van St Aldegonde, A pithie and most earnest exhortation concerning the estate of
Christiandome (Antwerp, 1985). [ET of Ad potentissimos ac serenissimos reges,
principes ... serria de reip. christianae statu commonefactio (1583)]
38. An Historicall Discourse, or rather a tragicall History of the cities of Antwerpe, since the
departure of King Philip ... out of Netherland, till this present yeare 1586 (London, J.
Windet, [1586])
39. Allen, William, The copie of a letter concerning the yeelding up of Dauentrie (Antwerp,
I. Trognaesius, 1587) [BL 1010.g.4; G. 19575]
40. A briefe report of the militarie service done in the Lowe Countries by the Erle of
Leicester: written by one that hath served in good place there, in a letter to a friend of
his (London, A. Hatfield for G. Seton, 1587) [also in KB]