Name _______________________ # _______ Horticulture Final Project Instead of taking a cumulative final exam, you will select one of the projects below. You will have two class days in the computer lab to complete your assignment. Take this final seriously as it is worth 75 points, which is 20% of your grade. Your completed assignment is due at the beginning of the hour on _______________________. Project Options 1. Landscape Drawing Design a beautiful home and a luxurious landscape, drawing everything to scale. Your landscape design must include at least 20 difference plants with 5 being trees or shrubs. Be sure to include a key with plant name, color, height, and time of bloom. (Many people lost points for incomplete keys earlier in the quarter.) You may use all the equipment and supplies you used earlier during the landscape design unit. 2. Horticulture Article Review Select 5 articles written after 2002 from the following website: For each of your five articles, complete a “Horticulture Article Review Sheet” found on the course website on Centerpoint. Please turn in a typed product. 3. Reference Book Refresh your memory on plant parts and growth requirements. Using this information, create a reference book and be sure to include pictures. Include all items listed below explaining each in detail, and add more as desired. Roots, stems, leaves, flowers: parts and functions Growth requirements: water, sunlight, fertilizer, soil … 4. Plant Identification Card Set Develop a set of 20 – 3x5 inch note cards for 20 different plants. Select your plants from the list found on the course website on Centerpoint titled “Plant list”. Including the following information on each card name (scientific and common), characteristics, uses, picture. Horticulture