MEMORANDUM CAMOSUN COLLEGE Division of Trades & Technology TO: Royal Roads Faculty and Staff FROM: Camosun College-Horticulture Technician Program DATE: January 28, 2014 RE: LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS 2014 Each year the Horticulture Technician Program selects Victoria-and-area homes for student Landscape Analysis. The Landscape Analysis concludes a five week course on landscape design, installation and maintenance and will provide a written analysis of your existing garden. The projects are considered beneficial to students, as they provide an opportunity for a practical application of information they have been studying - and are well received by homeowners. Students will be repeating the process early this year in March 2014. If you would like to volunteer your yard to a student for a Landscape Analysis, please complete the form below and return to the horticulture office by email or fax by February 14th, 2014. You will be advised before an evaluation is begun. Please note that, due to logistics and time constraints, we are only able to accommodate 8 requests. We thank you for your continued interest and support of the program. - RETURN TO HORTICULTURE OFFICE (Email: fax: 391 2567) I would like a student Landscape Evaluation of my property. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: Work: Home: SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN MY YARD: (PLEASE ADD SUFFICIENT DETAIL FOR STUDENTS)