TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 SUMMARY This paper describes the process of cloning configured TaxWise installations from one computer to others. The assignment of a TaxWise workstation number to a computer can interfere with the successful creation of a TaxWise clone on that computer. This paper describes how to manage the TaxWise workstation number on a computer which is used as a clone source. The procedures are current for TaxWise 2009, and we expect them to be similar, if not the same, for TaxWise 2010. The document will be revised if changes are needed for TaxWise 2010 after the software is released. INTRODUCTION What is a TaxWise clone? A TaxWise clone is a fully or partially-configured TaxWise installation consisting of a complete UTSyy folder that can be used to transfer the configured TaxWise installation from one computer (called the clone source computer) to other computers (called the clone target computers). Generally, the UTSyy folder from the clone source computer is copied onto a CD or a flash drive, from which it is then copied onto a clone target computer. The TaxWise workstation setup program, \UTSyy\TWTech\setup.exe, is then run to install the TaxWise program into the Windows system on the clone target computer. The details of the process vary depending on the specific cloning techniques and tools that may be used. Despite its name, the “TaxWise workstation setup program” is used to install both network and non-network TaxWise installations on clone target computers. Clones are used widely in the AARP Tax-Aide program. Some states distribute a training CD with process-based training files, a prior-year TaxWise clone file that includes the state’s tax module and a preset training EFIN and matching registration code, the files for the state’s version of the Volunteer Workbook, and various other files, to any volunteer (not just new volunteers) for practice and study. Try to make the use of this CD as simple as possible for volunteers. We find that volunteers who have practiced TaxWise use with this CD are much better prepared when they come to the training classes and also during the first week at a tax site. Clones are also very useful and save a lot of time when setting up several computers for your District or State for the tax season. But clones are not supported by CCH and they typically will not assist if you have problems with an installation that used a clone. AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 1 Revised 3/7/2016 TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 What is a TaxWise workstation number? A TaxWise workstation number is a three-digit number between 100 and 999 that uniquely identifies a computer that can participate in a TaxWise client/server network. A [first] computer that participates in any TaxWise client/server network is required to have an assigned TaxWise workstation number that is different from the TaxWise workstation numbers that are assigned to any of the other computers that participate in any TaxWise client/server network with that [first] computer. A computer that never participates in a TaxWise client/server network is not required to have an assigned TaxWise workstation number, although it is permitted to have an assigned TaxWise workstation number. WHAT’S NEW ABOUT CLONING IN TAXWISE 2009? For 2009, the TaxWise workstation setup program, \UTS09\TWTech\setup.exe, requires that a valid TaxWise workstation number be assigned to the computer on which it is running. This was not required by the TaxWise workstation setup program in earlier years. For 2009, the TaxWise workstation setup program detects whether the Windows component “Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1” is installed on the computer on which it is running. If not, it attempts to download this component from the Microsoft download website and install it. This can cause confusion and can significantly delay the installation of TaxWise on the clone target computer. HOW TO HANDLE THE .NET FRAMEWORK 3.5 SP1 ISSUE: If the operating system is Windows Vista or Windows 7, it already has this program. For Windows XP, if the system is regularly on the Internet with Windows Update turned on, it’s probably already installed. To check, go to START, then “Control Panel,” then “Add or Remove Programs.” If the “Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1” file is listed, it is already installed on this computer. If any clone target computer needs .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installed, you can use the following steps to obtain it and add it to your TaxWise clone media: Use your web browser to go to the web site. In the box labeled “Search,” enter “.NET Framework 3.5 SP1” Click on the button to search the Microsoft web site. Download the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 file to the C: drive. This is the install file for the .NET Framework program. (The file was named dotnetfx35setup.exe when downloaded; that name may have been changed on the Microsoft web site.) Now copy C:\dotnetfx35setup.exe to the CD or flash drive that contains your TaxWise clone [UTSyy folder]. AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 2 Revised 3/7/2016 TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 Before running the TaxWise workstation setup program on a clone target computer, first install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 by double clicking on the dotnetfx35setup.exe file on the CD or flash drive that contains your TaxWise clone. AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 3 Revised 3/7/2016 TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 HOW TO HANDLE WORKSTATION NUMBERS WHEN USING THE FL1 CLONE TOOLS Some AARP Tax-Aide volunteers use a set of tools called the FL1 Clone Tools for cloning TaxWise. These tools were developed by Lee Boszak, an AARP Tax-Aide Technology Coordinator in FL1 District 11. They are not supported by the AARP TaxAide National Technology Committee or the AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Manager. An introduction to these tools is posted in the TaxWise section of the Technology page of the AARP Tax-Aide ExtraNet, Version 8 of the FL1 Clone Tools was developed for cloning stand-alone installations of TaxWise. Version 10 provides full support for TaxWise client/server networking, as well as for stand-alone TaxWise installations. If you are using the FL1 Clone Tools, their author strongly recommends that you use Version 10, and NOT Version 8, of those tools whether or not you are using TaxWise client/server networking. This recommendation is made because the change that was made to the TaxWise workstation setup program for 2009, requiring the assignment of a TaxWise workstation number, interferes with the correct operation of the Version 8 clone tools, but does not affect the operation of the Version 10 clone tools. Users of the FL1 Clone Tools should read, study, and rely on the FL1 Clone Tools Version 10 User Guide for guidance regarding TaxWise workstation numbers and TaxWise setup. THE REST OF THIS PAPER IS NOT INTENDED FOR USERS OF THE FL1 CLONE TOOLS. HOW TO HANDLE WORKSTATION NUMBERS WHEN NOT USING THE FL1 CLONE TOOLS Care must be taken when preparing clones of the TaxWise program for general use. The computer on which a TaxWise clone is prepared should be a stand-alone computer without an assigned TaxWise workstation number. A TaxWise clone prepared on a source computer that has an assigned workstation number may not install properly on other computers. How workstation numbers may interfere with creating a TaxWise clone: A situation where TaxWise apparently "misbehaves" on a clone target computer can often be traced to a TaxWise workstation number being assigned on the clone source computer. Then the "cloned" setup files may have information in them that may not match the values that were set on the clone source computer. A TaxWise workstation number is automatically assigned to a computer if the computer is used on a LAN where only the "server" computer has a copy of TaxWise and all other computers access TaxWise on the "server" computer. Starting with TaxWise 2009, a AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 4 Revised 3/7/2016 TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 workstation number is also assigned whenever the TaxWise workstation setup program [\UTS09\TWTech\setup.exe] is run. A computer with an assigned TaxWise workstation number maintains its setup information in the file \UTSyy\setup.nnn, where “nnn” is the TaxWise workstation number assigned to the computer. This differs from a computer without a TaxWise workstation number, which maintains its setup information in \UTSyy\setup.0. The following paragraphs describe how to detect and remove the TaxWise workstation number from a clone source computer so that a valid clone can be prepared that will install correctly on other clone target computers. Before a TaxWise clone is prepared, the following items should be verified and corrected as necessary: (1) Open the x:\UTSyy\ directory (where x is the drive on which TaxWise is installed and yy is a year, e.g. P:\UTS09\) and check for all files named SETUP.* (where * is any value). Delete all SETUP files except for SETUP.0 (the extension is zero). [If you want, you can copy SETUP.364 (or any other workstation setup file) to SETUP.0 before deleting all except the SETUP.0 file. This will set the defaults the same as for workstation 364.] (2) Check to make sure that the computer does not have a workstation number (see instructions below). (3) Check all desired setup values and defaults; then carry out the clone procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To check (and delete if necessary) the workstation number for any Windows computer: (1) Right-click on "MY COMPUTER". (2) Select "Properties" (3) Click on the "Advanced" tab (4) Click on "Environment Variables" (5) In the bottom panel “System variables,” (a) Scroll down to the bottom of this panel. (b) Look for a line that reads: "WORKSTATION nnn" (where “nnn” is the workstation number). (c) Highlight this line, then press the "Delete" button. (6) Click "O.K.", then "O.K." again to exit. This effectively resets the workstation number to zero which is the workstation number for a stand-alone computer. AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 5 Revised 3/7/2016 TAXWISE CLONES AND COMPUTER WORKSTATION NUMBERS Revised for TaxWise 2009 MORE TECHNICAL DETAILS ON WORKSTATION NUMBERS AND TAXWISE: The key is where TaxWise stores the "Workstation number". SETUP.0 is created when TaxWise is first installed, and you go through the very first SETUP process to register the EFIN. If the TaxWise workstation setup program is ever run, a workstation number [nnn] will be assigned and a new SETUP.nnn file will be created in which setup information is stored. If that computer is ever used in a TaxWise client/server network, additional SETUP.nnn files will be created if the computer is used as a TaxWise server for other computers. There will be a SETUP.nnn file for every workstation, including the server, where “nnn” is the workstation number. The workstation number is also "set" in the Windows Registry - completely separate from any of the TaxWise installation files. That Windows setting will persist even if TaxWise is uninstalled and the entire TaxWise folder UTSyy is deleted. The TaxWise workstation number is maintained in the System Environment Variables and can be accessed as described above. AARP Tax-Aide National Technology Committee 6 Revised 3/7/2016