Contents Our school Welcome About us Our Mission Statement and our Aims An organised community Our Governors Our staff Admission to our school Attendance Health Welfare Lunch Behaviour A learning community Learning in Nursery and Reception Curriculum Assessment, Equal Opportunities and Special Needs A community that works together Keeping in touch and supporting us Our home school agreement Charging and parking Clubs Uniform PTFA Dates for the school year The information contained in this booklet is published by the Governors in accordance with the Education Act 1980. Welcome Dear Parents, Welcome to St. Saviours’ Catholic Primary School. We are a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided school in the trusteeship of the Archdiocese of Southwark. The school serves families in the parish of St. Saviours Lewisham and beyond. We are an inclusive school, reflecting the rich diversity of families in our locality. We aim to provide a first class education for all the children at our school. We want them to enjoy and love learning and we hope that they will grow up to be well informed adults who have respect for themselves and others. We rely on you as parents to support these aims and to work in partnership with us to achieve the highest standards in the school. We hope that you find the information you need in this booklet. If you wish to know more about anything, please do come into school and ask us. Yours faithfully, Josephine Spittles J. SPITTLES (Mrs) Headteacher About us Address: St. Saviour’s R.C. Primary School 10 Bonfield Road Lewisham London SE13 6AL Telephone: 0208 852 4283 Fax: 0208 852 4281 Email: Website: Head Teacher: Mrs J. Spittles Chair of Governors: Mrs B. Newman School hours: Nursery hours: 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. (infants) 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (juniors) 1.15 – 3.30 p.m. (infants) 1.30 – 3.30 p.m. (juniors) 9.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. 12.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. Lewisham Children and Young People Directorate: The London Borough of Lewisham 3rd Floor Laurence House 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU About us History and Location of the School St Saviour’s Primary School is situated behind the Parish Church and access is from Bonfield Road. The School was built in 1897 as an all age School but reorganised into a Primary School after the 1944 Education Act. The old School building renovated in August 2001 consists of 3 classrooms, a hall, a library and a Group room. There is also a brand new kitchen where school lunches are prepared and cooked on site. A further 4 classes are situated in the new building (opened March 2001) along with the Headteacher’s office, staff room, school office, medical room, toilets and new ICT suite. A separate Arts Room is available for Music and Art and is used as a base for our breakfast and after school clubs which operate termly from 7.50 – 8.50 a.m. and from 3.30 – 6.00 p.m. for St. Saviour’s pupils. Mission Statement and Aims MISSION STATEMENT The person and teachings of Jesus Christ are central to our Catholic community. We look to Jesus for example and inspiration in all areas of school life. His Gospel values underpin and permeate everything we do. We aim: To provide an excellent education founded on Catholic, Christian principles in which all children will be given the opportunity to reach their full potential; spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, creatively and physically. To develop a school community committed to truth, justice and equality. To foster positive relationships, self esteem and respect for others. To develop an appreciation of other faiths and cultures thus recognising the unique contribution each person can make to the local and wider global community. Governors The Governing Body is made up of Foundation Governors who are the representatives of the Trustees of the Diocese, Local Authority representatives and elected Parent and Teacher Governors. There are 15 Governors on the school’s governing body. 9 Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese. 1 Governor appointed by the Local Education Authority. The Headteacher (ex.officio). 1 Teacher Governor (elected) 3 Parent Governors (elected) 1 Non-Teacher Governor (elected) Governors’ Responsibilities The Governing Body operates under Instruments of Government and is responsible for many decisions in the running of the school. These are as follows: Admissions and Appeals. Appointing the Headteacher and all the staff. Discipline, attendance and grievance procedures. Ensuring that the National Curriculum is implemented. Deciding how Religious Education and Sex Education should be taught in the school. Special Educational Needs. Equal Opportunities. Producing the school prospectus. Deciding what charges should be made for activities outside normal school hours including lettings. School buildings. Finance. Health and Safety. The Governing Body meets at least once a term and is required to present an Annual Report on its work which is discussed at a Governors’ meeting for Parents held once a year. Following the introduction of Local Management of Schools, the Governors have also set up working parties or sub-committees covering the following areas; Finance, Admissions, Curriculum and Personnel and Premises, Health and Safety. These Committees meet regularly and submit reports for the consideration of the whole Governing Body. Minutes of the current termly and annual meeting may be obtained from the School office. Governors MEMBERSHIP OF THE GOVERNING BODY FOUNDATION GOVERNORS Fr. C. Connor Mrs. M. Hannon Mrs D. Atungire-Ocaya Miss. S. Brown Mrs. A. Hurrelle Ms. M.B. Newman Vacancy Mr. B. Vel Mr. C. Ukwuoma - Vice-Chair - Chair HEADTEACHER Mrs. J. Spittles LEA GOVERNORS VACANCY PARENT GOVERNORS Vacancy Mrs. S. Archibald Mrs. B. Jean-Charles SUPPORT STAFF GOVERNOR Mrs. E. Mason TEACHER GOVERNOR Mrs. S. Roycroft Clerk to the Governors: Catherine Munday - Lewisham Children and Young People Directorate, Governors’ Services, 3rd Floor, Laurence House, Catford, London SE6 4RU Staff Teaching Staff Mrs. J. Spittles Mrs. S. Roycroft Miss. Proano Miss. Nash Mrs. M. Spencer Mr. M. Hopper Miss. S. Kelly Ms. C. Honore Mrs. K. Reynolds/ Mrs. Duszynska-Parr Mrs. F. Botley Part time Teaching Staff Mrs. J. Robins Non Teaching Staff Father Agnelo Deacon Javier Administration Mrs. E. Mason Mrs. H. Hodges Teaching Assistants Ms. A. Ahiejczyk Mrs. P. Barnes-Warden Mrs. J. Dummett Mrs. P. Minnott Miss. L. Rippingale Ms. E. Wawak Nursery Nurses Miss. L. Holme Ms. E. Kondolomo Midday Supervisors Miss. S. Begum Ms. V. Forbes Maintenance Mrs. N. Kwenin - Headteacher Assistant Headteacher /Foundation Stage Co-ordinator Reception Class Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 (Assistant Headteacher) Class 5 Class 6 - Nursery Teachers SENCO/Inclusion - Music Teacher - School Chaplain School Chaplain - School Business Manager Administration Assistant Ms. C. Appassamy Mrs.S. Dooley Mrs. M. Maquieira Ms. L. Moloney-Clayden Ms. A. Simon Mrs. N. Zefi - Senior Meals Supervisor Meals Supervisor - Cleaner Admission Policy INTRODUCTION 2) St. Saviour’s Catholic Primary SchooI is a Voluntary Aided school in the Archdiocese of Southwark. It was founded by the Catholic Church 'to provide education for children of Catholic families. The School is conducted by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its trust deed and instrument of government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will always be given to Catholic applicants in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed below. All applicants are required to declare thelr positive support for the aims and ethos of the School. 3) The Admission process for 2013/14 The governing body has sole responsibility for admissions to this school and intends to admit 30 pupils to the reception class in the school year, which begins in September 2013. 4) All applications for a place in the Reception Class, whether from Lewisham or elsewhere, must be: a) Made through the LEA on Lewisham’s Common Application Form. Applicants may also complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) available from St. Saviour’s School or Lewisham’s website at to support their application to a Catholic Primary School (this form if completed must be returned to the School before 15th January 2013); Applications made to the LA without a SIF being completed will be considered by the Governing Body under criteria ‘K’ . b) submitted by the deadline prescribed by the LA. 5) Children who attend a Nursery Class attached to a primary school frequently transfer to the main school but this cannot be guaranteed. Parents of children attending St. Saviour’s Nursery must apply for a place in the Reception Class in accordance with (a) above. These applications will be considered with other applicants at the appropriate time. 6) Consideration of Applications St. Saviour’s R.C. Primary School will consider all applications for places in accordance with the LA deadlines. Where fewer applications than the agreed admission number are received, St. Saviour’s R.C. Primary School will offer places to all those who have applied. 7) Oversubscription Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set below. After the admission of pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs where St. Saviour’s R.C. Primary School is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: a) Looked after Catholic children (in public care(1)) and children looked after(1) by Catholic families. b) Baptised Catholic(2) children from practising(3) Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by the parish priest) and who are resident in the Parish(5) of St. Saviours; c) Baptised Catholic(2) children from practising Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by the parish priest) and who regularly attend St. Saviours Catholic Church (Lewisham) but are resident outside the Parish(5). d) Baptised Catholic(2) children from practising Catholic families (as demonstrated by the family and verified by their parish priest) and who are resident in other parishes; e) Other Baptised Catholic(2) children; f) Non catholic children in public care(1) g) Children of Roman Catholic Catechumens(4) Admission Policy Baptised Eastern Orthodox(5) children; Christians of other denominations whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the School and whose application is supported by a minister of religion. j) Children of other faiths whose parents are in sympathy with the aims and ethos of the School and who can provide evidence of regular practice of their faith. k) Other applicants 8) If it is necessary to distinguish between applicants within any of the above categories, places will be offered first to those applicants who have a sibling(6) who will be attending the School at the proposed date of admission of the applicant and who is expected to be on the roll of the school after the intended date of admission. After siblings, the remaining places will be allocated to those whose home addresses are closest to the School, as measured by a straight line distance from the main entrance of the School to the main entrance to child’s normal place of residence. h) i) 9) Definitions For the purposes of the criteria set out in paragraph 7 above the following definitions will apply: 1. Children in public care (sometimes referred to as Looked After Children) are children who are in the care or interim care of a local authority pursuant to S31 & S38 of the Children Act 1989 or who are accommodated by a local authority,. Pursuant to S20 of the Children Act 1989. 2. Baptised Catholic children are those with a certificate of baptism from a Roman Catholic Parish or from a parish of an oriental Rite Church in communion with the See of Rome. 3. Practising Catholic Families are defined as those who attend Mass on Sundays (family being the child and their immediate family/legal guardian). 4. Roman Catholic Catechumens are those who have a duly authorised certificate of enrolment in the Catechumenate. 5. East Orthodox children are those with a certificate of baptism from an Eastern Orthodox Parish. 6. The Parish Boundaries will apply as shown on the published Parish Boundary map as supplied by the Diocese of Southwark. 7. A sibling is the a person who has the same natural father or mother or legal guardian as a pupil on the roll of the School at the time of admission and who shares permanent domicile with that parent/legal guardian and the pupil is already on the roll of the school and who is expected to be on roll at the intended date of admission. 10) The Governing Body may increase the priority of an application within a category where evidence is provided at the time of application of an exceptional social, medical, pastoral or other need of the child which can most appropriately be met at this School. 11) Operation of Waiting Lists Subject to any provisions regarding waiting lists in the LEA’s co-ordinated admission scheme, the School will operate a waiting list. Where in any year St. Saviour’s School receives more applications for places than there places available, a waiting list will operate until a month after the last normal annual admission date of January. This will be maintained by St. Saviour’s School and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application. Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out in paragraph 8 above. Where places become vacant they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. Admissions 12) Arrangements for Appeals Panels Parents will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision of the St. Saviour’s School. The Appeal Panel will be independent of the School. The arrangements for the Appeals will be in line with the Code of Practice on School Admission Appeals published by the Department for Education and Skills as it applies to the Foundation and Voluntary Aided Schools. The determination of the appeal panel will be made in accordance with the Code of Practice on School Admission Appeals and is binding on all parties. Parish Boundaries of St. Saviour’s R.C. Church – Lewisham (as supplied by the Diocese of Southwark) Attendance Absence If your child is absent, you are required to telephone the school or send a note explaining the reason on your child’s return to school. In cases of extended absence, please inform us by letter or telephone of the reason for absence, and a possible date for return. Requests to remove your child during term time for the purposes of an annual holiday should be made to the Head Teacher; such requests should be kept to a minimum, and should not exceed two weeks. It must be stressed that children should attend school for the maximum number of days possible since long absences can have a detrimental effect on your child’s learning. All notes and letters to school should be addressed to the Head Teacher and placed in the Black Box at the School Office. Messages from parents to the school should be written, and not sent verbally via another child or an older brother or sister. Lateness It is essential that children attend school on time. Children whose absence is not explained satisfactorily, or are more than 30 minutes late for school without a reason, will have an unauthorised absence entry made in the register. Parents of children who are late should not disturb classes after 9.00a.m. but should report to the School Business Manager at the office so that your child can get a late card to take to their teacher and to ensure that they are registered for dinner. An Education Social Worker (ESW) attached to the school visits regularly to scrutinise registers and discuss any issues/problems regarding regular lateness or absence. She will investigate further any cases which the school is concerned about. NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR ANY CHILD BEFORE 8.50 a.m. OR AFTER 3.30 p.m. unless a child is in a group activity organised by teaching staff. Obviously special circumstances outside these hours will be viewed sympathetically. Collecting your child at the end of the day Parents may wait by the main gates at the end of the afternoon but are asked not to enter the playground until the gate is opened 5 minutes before the bell at home time. Please wait well away from classroom doors and windows as your presence at the windows is very distracting to children in school. In the rare event of being unavoidably delayed, a telephone call to the school office will ensure that your child is asked to wait in the Reception area until collected. Also make sure that you tell us if someone else is going to be collecting your child. Health It is always in your child’s best interests for us to be made aware of any medical condition, which could affect your child’s school life. Both the School Doctor and the School Nurse visit the school. Children will receive health checks from the School Nurse. The School Dental Health Service will check their teeth at the beginning of their school life. Medicines For legal reasons, medicines and tablets are not normally administered in school. In the case of long-term complaints, such as asthma, an exception is made. In these cases the following must be observed: 1) A Doctor’s note should be provided to say that it is necessary for the child to take medicine during school hours. The note should give clear instructions concerning the required dosage. 2) The medicine must be brought to the school by the Parent, not by your child, and should be delivered personally to Mrs. Mason. 3) Medicines must be clearly labelled with contents, owner’s name and dosage. Where children are on short-term medication, but well enough to be in school, the prescribed dose should be time tabled around the school day so that your child needs only take medicine at lunchtime when you are available to come in and administer it personally. We are unable to administer antibiotics at School. If your child needs medication more than once in the school day he/she should be kept at home. Obviously, long-term conditions require co-operation and support from the school and parents. Medical Concerns/Emergencies It is sometimes necessary, in the event of illness or accident to contact a Parent/Carer during the school day. Occasionally, we have difficulty through not knowing your place of work. Would you please notify the School of the following details. INCLUDING that of a neighbour or relative through whom we may reach you: Home address and telephone number Parent/Carer place of work and telephone number Emergency address (neighbour or relative) and telephone number Doctor’s name and address and telephone number. Welfare Illness or accident We try to deal with minor incidents in school. If the problem is more serious then we will try to contact you, so that your child may be sent home. In the event of a serious accident we will take appropriate action, for example, call an ambulance, and try to contact parents. If, under such circumstances we cannot contact you immediately then we will act in your place, for example, in authorising medical treatment, say stitching a wound or setting a broken bone. Parents who would not wish school staff to assume such responsibility, must inform us in writing. If children have slight accidents in the school then they are treated by one of the trained First Aiders. Ointments or lotions are not applied and no form of medication can be administered. If an accident appears to be serious, parents are notified in case hospital treatment is necessary. The same course of action applies if your child becomes unwell during the day. All accidents are recorded in the Accident Book. Should a child suffer a head injury, parents are contacted. If a parent is unavailable and the injury is slight a note is sent home. Parents are contacted to collect their child only if it is considered necessary. It is therefore very important that the school has contact numbers where parents may be contacted during school hours. We also request alternative numbers in case a relative, friend or neighbour may be contacted if necessary. PLEASE keep the school and class teacher informed of any changes. CHILD PROTECTION The school seeks to build a working relationship with parents. We have a legal obligation to work with other agencies to safeguard the welfare of children. This means that if we become aware that there is a possibility that a child may have been abused, then we must refer the matter to social services. SCHOOL LUNCH ARRANGEMENTS Lunch Hot meals can be ordered and paid for in advance (current cost £1.60 per meal). Payment must be made on the first day of the week or half term, either weekly or for a half term. Cash or cheques (payable to St Saviour’s R.C. Primary School) should be placed in a clearly labelled envelope and taken to the office or put in your child’s book bag and given to the class teacher. Any meals not taken due to absence will be credited to the next week. Information regarding eligibility for free meals may be obtained from the Local Education Authority. PACKED LUNCHES These should be brought in a labelled lunch box. A soft (not fizzy) drink may be brought with the packed lunch in a plastic container. We ask that you provide a balanced diet of items which your child can manage unaided and not to include sweets/crisps/chocolate/nuts/fizzy drinks. CHANGE OF LUNCH ARRANGEMENTS If a change from school meals to packed lunch is required this may only be changed at half-term breaks. A change from packed lunch to school meal may also be made with the same notice. LUNCH TIME SUPERVISION We are fortunate in having many experienced lunch time Supervisors to take care of the children during the lunch break. We do consider it important that all adults in the school are consistent in the way they act with children and also that the children behave in the same manner with all adults. Therefore we do ask for your support of all adults who work in our school. Behaviour We aim to: develop children’s self- esteem and to celebrate their talents. to promote respect for themselves, others and the environment. to enable children to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour. Responsibility of Children To follow the school/class rules and procedures in the classroom and in the playground. To look after their classroom, equipment and their environment. To value their work and that of others. To accept responsibility for their own actions. To be polite and courteous. Not to hurt others by the things they say or do. To move quietly and sensibly around the school Parents are expected to: Support the work and ethos of the School. Be aware of the School’s home learning policy. Ensure that books and materials borrowed from school are returned in good order. Attend parents’ evenings and other school events and keep informed by reading the School newsletters. Talk to your child about their work and behaviour at school. Positive Recognition We use the going for green behaviour system to praise children who behave well and to encourage others to follow their example. All children who behave well receive a green card and golden time, we also use praise, stickers, certificates and our achievement assembly to praise. Consequences We use the following sanctions when rules are broken. Warning (yellow card) Time out in class or missing golden time (red card), Sent to Head teacher Request for parents to meet with Class Teacher and/or Headteacher Temporary exclusion (1 day), temporary exclusion (2 days), temporary exclusion (3 days) Permanent exclusion Nursery and Reception Learning in Nursery and Reception Starting nursery or Reception is a big step for you and your child. We aim to work closely with you so that we can share in these early years in your child’s education and help your child to settle happily and become a confident and independent learner. When your child joins us in Nursery or in our Reception class they are in a stage of their schooling called the Early Years Foundation Stage. The principles which guide our work are split into 4 themes. These are: - A unique child (all children are able to learn from birth) - Positive relationships (children learn to be strong and independent when they have secure relationships) - The environment (setting up an interesting and safe environment extends your child’s learning and development) - Learning and development (all children learn and develop in different ways) Play underpins our delivery of the early years foundation stage curriculum. Through play all children develop physically, intellectually, creatively, socially and emotionally. Our curriculum is split into areas of learning. They help us to plan and deliver activities matched to your child’s development and needs. There are six areas of learning. These are: Personal, social and emotional development Communication, language and literacy Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy Knowledge and understanding of the world Physical development Creative development We plan play based activities every day. They happen inside and outside and so dressing your child suitably for indoor and outdoor play is essential. The booklet ‘Starting at Nursery or in Our Reception class’ provides detailed information about this stage of your child’s education. Starting in Reception Class Parents of Children who are starting Reception Class in the next academic year will be offered by the LEA a choice of which term their child starts School during that year. Children will then join Reception Class on a staggered intake according to chronological age order. Before children join the Reception Class, parents will be invited to meet the Headteacher and Class Teacher. Arrangements will be made for your child to spend a session in the class, prior to starting school. Curriculum All pupils follow the National Curriculum (NC) which consists of the following subjects:Religious Education English Mathematics Science Information Communication Technology History Geography Physical Education Music Design and Technology Art English, Mathematics, Science and ICT are Core Subjects. We also regard R.E. as a Core Subject in our Catholic School. PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The personal, social and emotional development of the children is an important part of children’s education. In order to allow individuals, friendship groups, and classes to react to, and cope with, the pressures of the world around them, we allow time for talk, discussion and reflection so that everyone knows that they are important and that their opinions are valued. Circle Time allows children to participate as partners in the process of developing responsibility for their own behaviour and learning. It aims to encourage the development of self-esteem, interpersonal skills and strengthens relationships, whilst at the same time allows all involved to have fun together. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION You have the right in law to withdraw your child from assemblies or R.E. However, R.E. is interpreted into every aspect of life in our Catholic school so this would be incompatible with the reflection of St Saviour’s for your child’s education. We aim to work together with home and parish to help each child develop a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. The school follows the ‘Here I Am’ programme, which provides a systematic presentation of the Christian message and way of life appropriate to the ages of the children. During the school week, children are given many opportunities to celebrate God’s love through prayer and assemblies. The school has a rota of class Masses, with additional whole school Masses each term. Time is given for reflection to enable children to consider what is of value to them and what gives purpose to their lives. Throughout the year, the children are also encouraged to contribute in a variety of ways to different charitable causes. Curriculum ENGLISH The development of language skills is one of the most important areas of school life and takes place at all times of the school day. We aim to teach our children to use language as effectively as they can in a wide variety of situations, as laid down in the National Curriculum. They will be introduced to many types of literature including fiction, non-fiction and poetry and will be encouraged to read widely. Our aim is that all our pupils will be able to: Speak, listen, read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding; Be able to use and apply a range of reading skills to correct their own mistakes; Understand and use their knowledge of phonics and spelling to read and spell accurately; Have fluent and legible handwriting; Have an interest in words and their meanings and develop a growing vocabulary; Know, understand and be able to write in a range of genres ; Understand, use and write a range of non-fiction texts; Plan, draft and revise their own writing; Be interested in books, read with enjoyment and evaluate and justify their preferences MATHEMATICS We aim to help children develop their knowledge and understanding of Maths in an enjoyable way, but one which will also fit them for adult life as well as help them achieve the appropriate levels in the National Curriculum. Our children are given the opportunity to work both in groups and individually, using a variety of resources including the Abacus Mathematics Scheme. Children are encouraged to cooperate within a group and to discuss a task by thinking and planning, trying, observing and checking. We aim for all our pupils to: Have a sense of the size of a number and where it fits into the number system; Know by heart number facts such as number bonds, multiplication tables, doubles and halves; Use what they know by heart to figure out answers mentally Calculate accurately and efficiently, both mentally and with pencil and paper, drawing on a range of calculation strategies; Make sense of number problems and recognise the operations needed to solve them; Explain their methods and reasoning using correct mathematical terms; Judge whether their answers are reasonable and have strategies for checking them; Suggest suitable units for measuring, and make sensible estimates of measurement; Explain and make predictions from the numbers in graphs, diagrams and tables. Curriculum SCIENCE Through our Science curriculum we aim to give children the experience of a wide range of practical work as well as developing scientific skills and attitudes. Science helps children to understand more about the world around them and encourages them to question aspects that they don’t understand. Children are given an awareness of the role and importance of science in everyday life together with a consideration of the part that science has played in the development of everyday items. Our children are also given the opportunity to consider ways in which living things and the environment need protection. INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (I.C.T.) A new Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.) suite has been installed in September 2008 and we are proud of the ICT facilities we have in our school. All classes have access to Interactive whiteboards and computers within their classrooms which are linked to our ICT suite. We have access to the internet which is carefully monitored (including a child and a parental agreement form) to ensure that children are protected from inappropriate material. We also have a school web-site which is up-dated regularly. We teach ICT as a discrete subject as well as encouraging our children to use and develop their ICT skills across all other subjects. Our aim is to provide children with the skills to live in the 21st century and we are constantly updating our facilities to ensure our children have access to up to date equipment. ART Through Art our children are encouraged to develop their creativity and imagination. Children are encouraged to build on skills to develop their control of materials, tools and techniques. We develop our children’s critical awareness of the roles and purposes of Art, craft and design in different times and cultures. Our aim is for children to become more confident in using visual and tactile elements and materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. MUSIC We have a strong musical tradition within the school. Children participate in a range of musical activities, which include singing, composing and performing using tuned and percussion instruments. They listen to and discuss a variety of styles of music. In Key Stage 2 a limited number of children have the opportunity to learn to play the guitar and clarinet through the Lewisham Music Service. There are also opportunities for many of our children to join music clubs and choirs run by the staff throughout the year. Curriculum DESIGN TECHNOLOGY (D.T.) Design and Technology draws from other areas of the curriculum and is essentially practical. At St. Saviours we encourage children to: Develop their designing and making skills; Develop their capability to create high quality products through combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding; Nurture creativity and innovation through designing and making; Explore values about and attitudes to the made world and how we live and work within it; Develop an understanding of technological processes, products, and their manufacture, and their contribution to our society; Exercise their initiative, proposing, planning and developing ideas; Enjoy exercising and developing the manipulative skills of measuring, cutting and joining materials; Develop a critical awareness of both their own and others’ responses to their designs as well as responding to designs around them in the man-made world. GEOGRAPHY Pupils investigate a variety of people, places and environments at different scales in the United Kingdom and abroad, including the local area, then find out about different environments and the people who live there. They also begin to learn about the wider world. They carry out geographical enquiry inside and outside the classroom. We encourage field trips, to allow pupils to see places for themselves, and regularly visit Horton Kirby in Kent. Children are encouraged to ask geographical questions, and use geographical skills and resources such as maps, atlases, aerial photographs and ICT. Design Technology: HISTORY Through History our pupils learn about significant people, events and places from both the recent and more distant past. They learn about change and continuity in their own area in Britain and in other parts of the world. They use different sources of information to help them investigate the past both in depth and in overview, using dates and historical vocabulary to describe events, people and developments. They also learn that the past can be represented and interpreted in different ways. Good use is made of the local environment,which is rich in resources and of the many fantastic museums in London. Curriculum P.E. Children are expected to participate in all P.E. activities. Throughout their time at St Saviour’s children will have experience of dance, gymnastics, athletics, swimming and outdoor games. Together, these promote the children’s physical development, an awareness and understanding of the body, the development of skills and imagination and an appreciation of creative performances. Most importantly, it is hoped that the children will gain enjoyment from physical education and pursue sporting activities outside school, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle. FRENCH We also teach French. This provides children with the necessary skills to communicate orally and help prepare them for transfer to secondary school. SEX EDUCATION Sex Education is taught in the context of marriage, Christian morality and respect for other people. The Governors have recently reviewed the school policy as to how this is to be presented. Extensive use is made of materials provided. The School recognises the parents privilege and responsibility in this matter but is always ready to complement and support. Our approach to children’s questions to sexual matters is to answer them truthfully and frankly – in a Christian manner – as and when they arrive. ASSESSMENT Assessment is an important part of the Curriculum. It takes many forms including marking children’s work, testing and where possible involves the children themselves. The Government’s statutory tests (SATs - Standard Assessment Tasks) are carried out at the end of Key Stage One (Class 2) and Key Stage Two (Class 6). The Foundation Stage Profile is used during your child’s Reception year and a report is given to you at the end of the year to sum up the progress your child has made and the steps they need to take next. Termly assessments are made, including standardised reading and NFER tests. They are used to monitor progress and inform future planning. Equal opportunities EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES We concern ourselves with equality of opportunity in the areas of race, sex and ability as these are the areas currently covered by statutory legislation in this country. Thus our aims at St Saviour’s School are as follows:1) to ensure that all children regardless of gender, race or ability have the maximum opportunity for developing their potential as individuals; academically, physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and aesthetically. 2) to foster an overall loving atmosphere where each child is encouraged to develop a positive self-image, regardless of gender, race or ability, by means of a well balanced curriculum providing a wide range of non stereotyped activities and experiences. 3) to develop an awareness of the social and cultural backgrounds of all children. Specific areas of Equal Opportunities Policy are detailed in the School’s:(a) Anti-Racist and Anti-Sexist Statement. (b) Anti-Racist Policy and Code of Practice. SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Many children, at some time in their school career, will have special educational needs of some kind. As a school, we aim to develop each child to their full potential. We follow the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs, and enter onto the school (SEN) register any child with physical, learning or behavioural difficulties. Most children’s needs will be met by the school, providing suitable work and small group activities. Where necessary, with parental co-operation, we liaise with outside agencies to meet a child’’ needs, i.e. Speech Therapist, Educational Behavioural Difficulties Team, Specific Learning Difficulties Team and the Educational Psychologist. A few children in the school may need a statutory assessment, where the Local Education Authority draw up a ‘Statement of Special Educational Needs’. (a ‘Statement’). This describes the child’s needs, and the special help that should be provided. Please go to the office if you would like a copy of our special educational needs booklet for parents or our accessibility plan. ABLE CHILDREN If a child has a special talent or ability, they will be identified. The school will provide teachers with the support to enable the child to be developed at their own level. Keeping in touch KEEPING IN TOUCH After you have gained a place for your child at St Saviour’s you are invited to a New Parents’ Meeting where you are given information about how we will help your child to settle. You are invited to meet with your child’s Class Teacher each term, to discuss progress. In addition you receive a written Annual Report in July which explains children’s strengths and progress, indicating the areas of concern and the action being taken to overcome these. You receive a regular weekly newsletter and letters, which keep you up to date with school information. We invite all parents who have any concerns educationally and medically to make an appointment with the class teacher in the first instance and Headteacher if appropriate. The school notice board is also used to give information to you. Most information is included within this prospectus but we have many policies covering both Curriculum and Non-Curriculum areas. These are reviewed on a three yearly basis and may be viewed by you if you contact the School in advance to discuss or view any particular policy. WORRIES, COMPLAINTS AND COMPLIMENTS We hope that you will never have anxieties about your child’s schooling. If, however, you ever have cause for concern, then please tell us. In the first place, speak with your child’s teacher. Teachers try to be available before and after school. If the situation is urgent please come into school before 8.50a.m. However, the teacher is likely to have more time after school at 3.30p.m. If you can make an appointment, please do so, it will give us the best chance to listen to you. If you remain unsatisfied after discussion with the teacher or if your complaint is of a nature which you would rather not discuss with the teacher, you can complain directly to the Headteacher. If you are still unsatisfied, you should complain to the School Governors by writing to the Clerk to the Governors Catherine Munday, Lewisham Children and Young People Directorate, Governors’ Services,3rd Floor, Laurence House, Catford, London SE6 4RU. The Governing Body will consider how to proceed and will be in touch with you regarding the complaint. Supporting your child You can help support St Saviour’s by: We welcome offers of help with fund raising events. Parents who are interested in assisting in school in any way are very welcome. Please speak to the Class Teacher. Supporting your child to complete their homework. HOMEWORK All pupils are provided with Homework Study bags in which only school materials e.g. reading book, homework/reading diary, should be carried to and from school. Parents are required to purchase a replacement bag should it be lost or damaged. All class teachers provide homework which will vary in amount and regularity depending on age and ability of pupils. However a reading book should be expected home each evening and further homework arrangements will be given by class teachers at the beginning of the Autumn term and may be discussed at the first teacher/parent conference in September/October. Children who regularly do not complete homework will not continue to be given such work as it negates teachers planning time. Our Home School Agreement When we welcome a child we welcome a family As parents you agree to: support and develop the Catholic Faith ensure that your child attends school regularly and is on time give time to talk and listen to your child, discuss homework when appropriate, and give positive support to efforts and progress made by your child. attend meetings at School to discuss your child’ progress and to learn about the work of the School let the School know if you have any concerns about your child’s education support our School’s policies and guidelines for behaviour support your child in homework and other opportunities for home learning The School agrees to: foster and nurture the faith of each individual within the School provide a full and balanced curriculum and strive to educate each pupil to the best of his or her ability provide records and information about your child’s educational progress, and development in practical and social skills let you know immediately if your child is having difficulties at School arrange Parent Teacher Conference Evenings during which progress will be discussed keep you informed about School activities through letters home and notices about special events. charging and parking It is the policy of the school to provide each child with the materials and equipment necessary for his or her education free of charge wherever possible. However, the Governors accept that certain activities that broaden and enrich the curriculum cannot be provided unless parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution to the cost. Educational Trips The school is pleased to organise trips to theatres, museums and the environmental study centre. Each trip is carefully costed and parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of the trip. The school does not seek to make a profit out of such activities. If insufficient funds are contributed the trip will be cancelled. Visits from outside organisations Voluntary contributions are requested from each parent to cover the cost of visits. Music and instruments National Curriculum music is taught in all classes, without charge. Craft, Needlework and Cookery No financial contribution is normally required for these activities, although occasionally children may be requested to bring in ingredients or materials, or to make a small contribution to items they wish to take home. Breakages and Damages The Governors reserve the right to ask parents to make a contribution towards the cost of repair or replacement of items damaged or broken by their child. PARKING FOR PARENTS IN BONFIELD ROAD We do have a School Travel Plan which encourages parents/children to walk to school at least once a week. We do realise that in some circumstances this is not possible, however, please note that only pay and display meter bays should be used to park your car. Vehicles should not be parked on yellow lines. Any vehicle parked on yellow lines or the zigzag lines will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice. The cost is currently 25p per 15 minutes. If there are insufficient bays there is a car-park in Clarendon Rise a few minutes walk from the School. We expect all our children to wear School Uniform. Uniform WINTER SUMMER BOYS Green jumper (with crest)* White Shirt & School Tie * Grey Trousers Black sensible shoes Black/Dark socks Navy/Black/Dark Green Jacket/Coat Green Woolly cap with crest (optional) * Green Fleece with crest (optional) * Green Polo Shirt (with crest) * Grey Trousers Baseball cap (with crest)(optional) * Black shoes GIRLS Green cardigan (with crest)* White blouse with School tie* Grey pinafore dress (NOT skirts) Black sensible shoes (NOT Boots) White socks Black/Navy/Dark Green coat/jacket Green, grey or black woolly tights (optional) Green woolly cap with crest (optional)* Green Fleece with crest (optional) * Green Summer dress (with crest)* White socks Black sensible shoes (NOT Boots) Baseball cap (with crest) (optional)* Between the October and February half-term (and/or during spells of particularly cold weather) girls are permitted to wear ‘Grey School Trousers’. (NO fashion trousers i.e: hipsters/flares, leggings, jeans etc). *Jumpers/cardigans/summer dresses/polo shirts, ties and P.E. Bags can only be purchased from the authorised school outfitters; WHITEHALL CLOTHIERS in Lewisham High Street. A limited stock of hats are kept in the school office. All other items of uniform can be purchased from either Whitehall Clothiers or other local department stores. Uniform Important Note: TRAINING SHOES, BOOTS OR FOOTWEAR WITH OPEN TOES, HEELS or FLASHING LIGHTS ARE NOT TO BE WORN IN SCHOOL. Heels should be no more than 1” or (2.5cm) as they are regarded unsafe to run or play in. A reminder about other aspects of appearance: Hairstyles should be plain. Beads are not permitted except for a simple hair band or ribbon in green or white. Razor lines, steps, shapes and gel are not permitted. Girls with long hair should have it tied back in the interests of hygiene and safety. Hair extensions are not permitted in the interests of safety. Aftershave/perfume should NOT be worn by pupils, ALL Jewellery/watches are not permitted in school. This is a safety rule. If Parents/Guardians wish for their child to have pierced ear(s) this should be carried out at the start of a holiday (preferably Summer) and pupils must cover the stud with tape/plaster until healed. Coats/jackets should not have designer labels/logos. Jean/leather jackets, tracksuit or hooded tops are not permitted. P.E. CLOTHES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS White Plain T-Shirt - Black/navy plain shorts worn during break times) - Black plimsolls (Plimsolls may also be A School P.E. bag is required. The School P.E. bag can only be purchased from Whitehall Clothiers. P.E. kits are kept in class and should only be taken home at the end of each half term for washing. Whilst every care is taken by staff to look after pupil’s clothing, the school is not responsible for property which is lost or stolen on the premises. Please ensure every item is permanently marked. Joining in ST. SAVIOUR’S SCHOOL FUNDRAISING St Saviour’s has the benefit of a FUNDRAISING GROUP, which develops good relationships between home and school. Funds are raised through various events during the School year. These have included Family Discos, Bring & Buy Sales, Quiz Night, Boot Sale and various sponsored events. The members are parents of pupils at St Saviour’s who are invited to regular fundraising meetings at the School to help arrange events. The School is particularly indebted to the fund raising efforts of our supportive parents who contribute a great deal of time and energy to their work for the school. If you would like to know more about Fundraising for the School please enquire at the School Office. SCHOOL CELEBRATIONS/ASSEMBLIES Parents are welcome to attend School Acts of Worship/Celebrations of work which occur on the following occasions: Friday - 9.10a.m. Class Assembly (in rotation) SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 2012/2013 Autumn Term 2012 Dates Half-term holiday Wednesday 5th September – Friday 26th October Monday 29th – Friday 2nd November (inc.) Monday 5th November – Friday 21st December Spring Term 2013 Monday 7th January – Friday 15th February Half-term holiday Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February (inc) Monday 25th February – Thursday 28th March Summer Term 2013 Monday 15th April – Friday 24th May Half-term holiday Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May [inc.] Monday 3rd June – Thursday 18th July Bank Holidays: Christmas Day Boxing Day New Years Day Good Friday Easter Monday May Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Tuesday 25th December Wednesday 26th December Tuesday 1st January 2013 Friday 29th March 2013 Monday 1st April 2013 Monday 6th May 2013 Monday 27th May 2013