Syllabus Spanish 101 spring 2011 - spanishismylife

Community College of Philadelphia
Spanish 101
Foreign Language Department
Instructor: Lynne Sanders Mouiti
Welcome to Español 101! This course is designed for students who have little or no
knowledge of the Spanish language. In this course, we will focus on the basic skills
important to communication including listening, speaking, writing, and reading. More
specifically, we will emphasize the importance of oral communication. The aim of this
class is for the student to develop a better knowledge of the Spanish language and
culture, and communicative competence in Spanish. Upon successful completion of
this course, you will be able to communicate many ideas in Spanish in grammatically
correct, complete sentences and you will be able to understand some basic spoken
Spanish in a variety of contexts.
Text: Apúntate, Workbook/Lab manual and corresponding cds for workbook and
manual. McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Material to be covered: Chapters 1-4 (Text, workbook and manual).
Evaluation: Your final grade will consist of the following:
2 Typed Compositions:
2 Oral exams:
Culture Project
Homework and Participation:
Compositions: (20%) Compositions will consist of two paragraphs each, with each
paragraph being composed of 12-15 sentences as follows:
Composition 1: Describe yourself. Who are you? Write about your classes
and your family. What classes do you have? What times are your classes?
What are your instructors like? Who is in your family? What are they like? How
old are they?
Composition 2: Write about your clothing and your house. Describe the
clothing you wear for school, work or going out. Be sure to include colors in your
description. Where do you buy your clothes? Also, describe your house and
your furniture and the different rooms of your home. Include daily activities using
reflexive verbs.
Oral Exams: (20%) Oral exams are scheduled on your syllabus. They should last for
approximately 5 minutes. You must be prepared to speak in Spanish, privately but
without reading, the information you prepared for each of the compositions. You may
use one index card for reference only as a guide to help you. Remember, no reading!!
Culture Project: (20%) Each student will select a Spanish speaking country and
present its most fascinating aspects. The theme is open and each student may focus
on art, music, history, or any other interesting facet of the chosen country. The project
will be presented in English and should include visual and other aids as a means of
presenting the selected country in an informative and entertaining manner.
Quizzes: (20%) Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis. They will be given at the
beginning of class unless otherwise instructed and will cover any material covered in the
previous week’s lesson.
Homework and Participation: (20%) You will receive a participation grade every week.
Your participation grade is evaluated according to the quality and quantity of class
participation, which both hinge on the amount of your preparation at home. Good class
participation is an opportunity for you to practice new grammar and vocabulary. Being
on time and prepared, speaking your target language as much as possible, participating
actively by answering and asking questions, working well in pairs or small groups,
taking initiative and being willing to take risks, showing respect towards the other
students and being generally enthusiastic will contribute to your success. Don’t feel
silly! Use every opportunity to use what you learn and little by little it will feel more
natural. Your participation grade will include class preparedness including having all
materials required. Additionally, as the syllabus indicates, you are responsible for
completing the workbook outside of class. The workbook will be graded sporadically
during the semester; please do not wait until the last minute to prepare it. It is to your
advantage to prepare it on a weekly basis as we progress through the book. In this way
you will reinforce what you are learning in class and make real progress. Hint: Many of
the workbook exercises will appear in whole or in part on the quizzes! Students with
more than three unexcused absences will be administratively dropped from the course.
Students who do not miss any classes for the entire semester, as well as students who
have an ‘A’ average at the end of the course are exempt from the final.
Letter Grades: Your grades for this class will be determined as follows:
A = (90-100)
B = (80-89)
C = (70-79)
D = (60-69)
F = (59 or below)
Tutoring: Free tutoring is available in the Central Learning Lab (B1-28). The lab is
open six days a week at various times. Please contact them directly at 215.751-8480
for hours. Make appointments early. I am also available for extra help!
Make-ups/Late Work: There will be no make-ups without prior consultation with the
instructor. Late work may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor and may result
in a grade reduction.
Students with Disabilities: Students who are registered with the Center on Disability
must inform the instructor by the end of the first week of classes if special
accommodations are requested.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarizing of any kind is not tolerated. In addition, using Free
Translation services is cheating. While use of online dictionaries and translation of
specific phrases is acceptable, a general translation from English to your target
language will result in a failing grade as well as appropriate disciplinary action. If you
are seen cheating in any form, you will receive a zero grade for that assignment and
further disciplinary action may be taken.
Recommended Resources and Other Helpful Hints
McGraw Hill Website/ Language Lab: You should make every
effort to take advantage of this excellent website for extra grammar and vocabulary
practice. The audio you need to complete for the lab manual is found on this site. This
audio is also available in the Listening Lab (MR-5). This is my personal website which has
additional practice information, reference websites, sample essays, and cultural
information links. I will also post any class announcements here as needed. This website provides an accurate dictionary as well as a verb
conjugator to assist with developing a good vocabulary.
Accents, etc.: In order to accurately write in Spanish, a variety of accents are needed.
These may be inserted manually in Microsoft Word by using the Insert and Symbol
options and then selecting the appropriate accented letter. Also, when writing longer
papers, it may be helpful to go to Tools and Language and then selecting Set
Language. You should select the option for Spanish Spain Modern Sort to ensure
accuracy. If you check the box Automatically Detect Language, when you begin to write
in Spanish, the computer will automatically detect many errors in that language.
1. Only students registered in the class may attend. Please do not bring children or
visitors to the class.
2. Anyone engaging in disruptive behavior will be asked to leave.
3. All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off before class
4. This syllabus is subject to change. Please network with your classmates so that
in the event of illness or other problems which may occur, you are able to keep
up with these changes.
5. There are no makeup quizzes.
6. While CCP rarely closes, in case of a weather emergency, please listen to KYW
or go to online. The closing number is 238 for day classes and
2238 for evening classes.
7. Please do not stay after class with questions. It is imperative that you make an
appointment with the instructor via e-mail.
Course Content
Español 101
Semana 1
La primavera 2011
Capitulo preliminar: primer parte
Saludos y expresiones de cortesía
El alfabeto
Capitulo preliminar: primer parte (cont’d)
¿Cómo es usted?
Nota cultural
Los vocales
Semana 2
Capitulo preliminar: segunda parte
Los números 0-30
Gustos y preferencias
¿Que hora es?
Semana 3
Capitulo 1: En la universidad
Ar verbs
Palabras interrogativos
Gender and articles (singular and plural)
Semana 4
Capitulo 1: En la universidad (cont’d)
Expressing actions
Subject pronouns
Semana 5
Capitulo 2: La familia
Los adjetivos
Expressing age
Semana 6
Capitulo 2: La familia (cont’d)
Los números 31-100
Expressing actions
Er/Ir Verbs
Semana 7
WORKBOOK/LAB MANUAL DUE (through Chapter 2)
Semana 8
Semana Santa
Semana 9
Capitulo 3: De compras
Los colores
Demonstrative adjectives
Tener que and Ir a Expressions
Semana 10
Capitulo 3: De compras (cont’d)
Demonstrative adjectives
Tener que and Ir a Expressions
Semana 11
Cultural Project Presentations
Semana 10
Cultural Project Presentations
Semana 11
Película española
Semana 12
Capitulo 4: En casa
Los muebles y partes de la casa
Days of the week
Expressing actions: hacer, oír, poner, salir, traer, ver, etc.
Semana 13
Capitulo 4: En casa (cont’d)
Stem changing verbs
Reflexive verbs
Semana 14
El repaso
Semana 15
WORKBOOK/LAB MANUAL DUE (through Chapter 4)
Please be advised that this calendar is subject to change as the instructor deems
Oral Rubric
Total Score:
2.5 Excellent
Student is completely
prepared and has
obviously rehearsed.
2.2 Good
Student seems fairly
well prepared.
1.8 Fair
The student is
somewhat prepared,
but it is clear that
rehearsal was
1.5 Poor
Student does not seem
at all prepared to
Vocabulary and
Extends vocabulary
using many new
words. Uses
consistently good
grammar with very
few errors.
Speaks in a clearly
manner. Pronounces
almost all words
correctly. Easily
understood by nonnative speaker.
Uses no English.
Includes some new
words. Makes few
grammatical errors.
Does not include any
vocabulary that might
be new. Makes
some grammatical
Uses words or phrases
that are not clear.
Makes many
grammatical errors.
Speaks clearly and
pronounces most
words correctly. Is
understood by an
Make some
pronunciation errors
and falters in fluency.
Is understood by a
sympathetic listener.
Not easily understood.
Makes many errors in
Uses fewer than five
English words.
Uses more than five
words in English.
Uses unacceptable
number of words in
Fluency and
Use of English
Composition Rubric
Total Score:
2.5 Excellent
Fulfills the task, uses
appropriate ideas in a
logical sequence.
Uses 12-15
sentences to develop
the task.
Uses full range of
appropriate nouns,
verbs & adjectives.
Uses relevant words
to express the topic.
Demonstrates high
degree of control of
structure in subject/
verb agreement,
noun/ adjective
agreement, correct
word order, and
2.2 Good
Fulfills the task by
using mostly relevant
ideas. Uses 9-11
sentences to develop
the task.
1.8 Fair
Fulfills the task but
there are some
irrelevancies. Uses
7-8 comprehensible
sentences to develop
the task.
Uses a variety of
vocabulary to address
the task.
Uses vocabulary that
is not appropriate or
relevant to task.
Demonstrates some
control of structure in
subject/ verb
noun/ adjective
agreement, correct
word order, spelling.
inaccuracies in the
control of structure in
subject/ verb
noun/ adjective
agreement, correct
word order, spelling.
1.5 Poor
Makes at least 1
statement, which
fulfills the task. Uses
fewer than 7
sentences to develop
the task.
Uses limited
vocabulary, which is
often inappropriate for
the task.
Exhibits little control
of structure. Errors
hinder overall
comprehensibility of