Meldrum Academy - School Board Minutes of Meeting: 2nd September 2003, 7.30-9.30pm Present: Parent Members - Mary Fawcett, Morag Jamieson, Caroline Smith, Jon Turnbull, Co-opted Non-parent members - Chris Malins Head Teacher - Andrew Sutherland Teacher Rep. tba Councillor – John Loveday Clerk tba Apologies Hugh O’Brien Presenters/Observers: Dr Ian Findlay, Scottish School Boards Association Minutes of Meeting Introduction JT opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. Apologies were received from Minister Hugh O’Brien. Approval of Minutes Minutes of the previous board meeting were approved as accurate, and signed by JT. Actions from previous minutes Update on Safer Routes to Schools plans MF – complete. MF reported that Michael Paterson was unable to attend but had submitted the following note on status by email: “As regards to progress all the questionnaires have been analysed and a report is now being written outlining results. I will send a copy of this report to you next week via email and welcome the opportunity to discuss this with your school board at the earliest opportunity. Once we have discussed the report and agreed on how you would like to take things forward I will add our recommendations to the report. I will then send this report to the local roads engineer to review any infrastructure works that have been recommended and to give me an idea of cost and timeframe for having work carried out. The Safer Routes to School steering group would then have the final say in approving any works. Simultaneously a report is also being prepared for Meldrum Primary, this could also be looked at in conjunction with the Academy report. Therefore I would like to suggest a joint meeting of the school boards before the October break - could you let me know in due course if this is possible.” JL reported that the roundabout at the School entrance was still planned for 2003, and now in the hands of the Highways organisation. JT to invite Dr Ian Findlay of SSBA to next meeting – complete IF in attendance JT to feedback the views of the Board to the Senior Education and Recreation Office, Vaughan Jennings on the Access for Disabilities – complete. Following response submitted “The Meldrum School Board reviewed and discussed the "Strategy for Planning to Improve Access to Education for Pupils with Disabilities" sent by yourself to School Board Chairs on 20/05/03. We concluded the following: As a process for assessing the nature and extent of issues it looks fine at a process level We did not have the information to comment on such things as the audit questions, so could offer no comment on the implications of the strategy Meldrum Academy should reflect state of the art design philosophy on disabled access, so we would not anticipate problems for MA - rather there may be lessons to be shared elsewhere We wanted to be sure that disability was not just physical disability, but covered less visible disabilities that may be less apparent (e.g. autism) There was a view that the target dates did not appear ambitious In summary the Board supported the strategy” AS offered to request of the shopkeepers that they desist from selling cigarettes to MA pupils, if the allegation is accurate. Complete – AS reported that he had written to the shopkeepers alerting them to the concern and requesting their support in preventing pupils purchasing cigarettes. JT undertook to seek details from Jean Boardman, Head of Musical Instrumentation for the Aberdeenshire Council Instrumental Tuition Service on the process for selection of pupils for instrument tuition. Complete JT reported that he had spoke to Ken MacLeod who confirmed the process to be as follows: Priority to pupils who were already receiving tuition at primary schools Additional slots go to pupils who are keen to commence instrument tuition and pass an assessment Music instructors use gaps in their timetable to provide primary school tuition, although outlying primaries are disadvantaged by the travel taken needed. The Scottish Executive was providing £17.5mm additional funding over 3 years with an intent to offer every primary pupil an opportunity for 1 year of free tuition The Arts Council had allocated funds with most going to the rural areas as follows: 2003 £2mm, 2004 £4mm, 2005 £8mm JL offered to raise concern about opportunities for pupils at rural primaries at the next Council meeting on this topic AS offered to present the school structure at the next meeting – complete on agenda Appointment of School Clerk – AS had advertised post in School Newsletter. Board members to network opportunity with contacts. School Board Remit Dr Ian Findlay of the Scottish School Board Association described to the Board the history of School Boards and their current remit. He explained the legal basis, the intent and the lessons that had been learned over the years. He provided various documents. He also described the attributes of success and some of the difficulties that Boards had had in carving out a successful and value adding role. Topics ranged through training, parental influence on pupil attainment, prioritisation of the School Development Plan agenda, School Board Development plan, and cooperation with PTA, involvement with parents, links with Community Education and communication. Action – JT . The Board Agreed that they would devote an informal meeting to sharing ideas on how the MA Board would operate and what it would undertake. AS presented a letter to JT from Leslie Stopani, Integration Manager for Meldrum Integrated Community School Core Team offering to give the Board a presentation to raise awareness of the Integrated Community School approach. Action – JT to invite LS to the informal meeting. Meldrum Academy Organisational Structure AS described the structure and leadership of the school. An innovative approach had been adopted in designing the structure. The model is predicated on flattening layers of management and reinforcing a collegiate/team approach to management. There are four teams working in the academy. These include a ‘Quality Development’ team led by Linda Evans a Depute and including the PT’s subjects. A ‘Welfare and Pastoral Care’ team which includes the SFL team and Pastoral Care staff. Raymond Jowett, a Depute, leads this team. The Social Inclusion Team, made up of the new community school team of social worker, family care worker etc, is led by Lesley Stopani the Integration Manager, Underpinning the work of these teams is the ‘Business Support Team’ led by Susan Adams the School Support Manager. The teams are interdependent, but have clear roles and responsibilities. The Authority and Trades Unions are evaluating the model over the next session to assess whether it is sustainable. The informal feedback from one year of experience is that it is working well. Issues School Lunches – AS reported that the influx of the new pupils was putting a strain on the system, but various steps had been taken to reduce queues and the time taken to get meals. These included more efficient queuing system, a process to pre-order lunch. Additional satellite vending was planned providing soup and sandwiches. Football pitches – there had been a misunderstanding over the acceptability of the football pitches for the league matches. AS was aware of this and was rectifying the error. PTA Report - CS CS reported that the PTA AGM is scheduled for Wednesday – office bearers and roles would be approved at that meeting. The PTA had purchased an LCD projector for the School and were looking into the purchase of School Benches. CM offered to create closer links with the Rotary Club to see how it could help with PTA objectives. Next Meeting Next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday, 29th September at MA in AS office. Note that this is not an official Board Meeting, but an informal get together of Board Members to discuss its role and effective contribution to the School and Community. CS reported that closer links and better coordination was needed with the community on external events. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for 20th November at 7.30pm JT thanked Members and Dr Findlay for their attendance and contributions. Meeting adjourned. Meldrum Academy School Board Minutes 20th November 2003 Present J. Turnbull (Chair), M. Fawcett (Vice -Chair), C. Smith, M. Jamieson, C. Malins, A. Sutherland (Head teacher), W. Wilkie(Clerk) Apologies, H. O’Brien, Councillor John Loveday Minutes of previous meeting 29th September 2003 approved. Action: Suggested that approved copies for parents can be kept in the library –WW Matters Arising Correspondence Received by Chair: 1. Meeting at Strathburn Primary School, Inverurie on 29th November Re consultation on New inclusive Role of the School in the Community. 2. Quality Fair Conference 25th-27th November at Woodhill House, Aberdeen. 3. Catering Questionnaire to be returned by 31-12-03. 4. Music Tuition primary to secondary. Business Meeting Opened dealing with items of Correspondence 1. Meeting at Strathburn School on 29th November Action: Caroline and Jon to attend and report back to Board. JT/CS 2. Quality Fair –Woodhill House 25th to 27th November Initial letter unclear of venue? Confirmed as Ardoe House. Secondly, what part of the fair is open to the Board and what part is for teachers only. Action: AS to ascertain full details and liase with the Board chairman. 3. Catering Questionnaire Comments were requested to the Aberdeenshire Education Audit and Scrutiny Committee on catering. Main topics on which comment sought are: Dining area Cost of meals Quality of food Suggested improvements? Comments to be returned by end of December 2003. Board agreed to have a sub committee on which CS, JT, MJ and MF will liase. Suggested date Monday 8th December in AS office at 7:30 p.m. Suggested that catering manager be asked to attend or provide input. Action: Sub-committee to respond in writing to Aberdeenshire Council and report back at next Board meeting – JT/MF/CS/MJ 4. Music Tuition primary to secondary. Letter received from Jeff Knight chair of Rayne North School Board expressing concern over provision of music tuition in primary schools. Was there a possibility of using the Academy as a support service to the feeder primary schools? AS commented that there was limited opportunity to supply teaching or classroom facilities as these were already utilised to the maximum by the academy pupils. He did suggest looking at the feasibility of introducing music clubs after 4:00p.m or offering evening practice rooms. This was an unknown potential and would need to be assessed. He also suggested that Jean Boardman be contacted as she is in charge of the policy on music provision in Aberdeenshire for her comments. Action: JT to reply on behalf of the boar, including the above comments from AS and that the matter was being looked into further. MF suggested that this could be item for the Local feeder Primary Board meeting agenda in the Spring. Board agreed. CS suggested that there is often conflict issues between pupils receiving school or private music lessons and this may need to be considered. Style of Future Board meetings Chair suggested that the opportunity to have an informational element to the Board meetings could be explored as previous presentations had been informative. AS agreed that this a good idea and suggested some speakers: Representatives from the pupil council Mr Jowett Depute- Behaviour management policy staff perspective is to be invited to the next meeting in January by (Action AS) MS suggested that an information file be made of support material be kept to pass on to future new board members. MF suggested that the Board had an over arching plan/diagram of all the linked groups within the school and their representative liaison person. AS indicated that this was in progress. AS commented that the school was making links with the community and local commerce via BP link officer Liz Wilkinson and the Rotarians through CM. Communication Discussion on how the Board communicates with parents. Mr Sutherland commented that the school was still hoping to have a directory of families wishing to receive correspondence via E-mail. CS asked if it was known what percentage of families had E-mail facilities. PTA were hoping to address the issue of notes not arriving home by sending them in envelopes. Document on Inclusive Schools in the Community CS asked if comments had been received from HO’B. She also felt that the document was heavy on its use of educational jargon. AS agreed that it was not in a written style that was friendly to the lay reader. He expressed that there were good points in terms of change to educational presentation Key points were: Broadening base of education Access for disabled Health Family approach Outside links- enterprise etc Board discussed the challenge of incorporating broadening achievement skills with life experience, core skills and academic grades. CS brought up the issue of emphasis of raising attainment in the lowest 20% and the fairness/ inclusiveness of this to all other pupils. AS responded that the policy also included promoting extension of the top 20% of pupils to be able to extend their abilities. Document states that the present 5-14 curriculum does not achieve this. Also, that the format of assessments was under review. CS asked what the value of the Board members comments were? As the deadline was tomorrow The Chair commented that he felt there would be more discussion and opportunity for comment at the meeting on the 29th November at Strathburn School. AS felt that opinions on the presentation were very relevant as well as the feedback he had heard this evening. AS felt the Board should also be aware of the impact of the recent Scottish School Audit relating to promoting National culture and this would also be part of the inclusive school approach. Standards and Quality Report The Chair apologised for the late issue to the Board for consultation and comment this evening but it was only received the previous day. He then proceeded to take the Board through the documentation. Overall comments were that it was very well written and that the presentation was good and very readable. The Board is required to endorse the report as part of their activities. This should occur around November each year. JT inquired about the links with careers information. A careers fair is being planned jointly with Inverurie Academy. JT also asked whether there was the potential of the school looking at outside achievement awards such as: Charter mark Investor’s in people Sports Council AS said it was possible but there was a need for further discussion on the priorities for the School. School Board News Letter MF was in the process of the draft of issue 1. Suggested all board members E-mail Mary with comments. CM offered to do the desk top publishing and include digital photos of Board members. Discussion of printing / photocopy costs. Mr Sutherland agreed school resources could be used for the first issue at a potential cost of 10p per copy. But other means to be explored for future issues. Teacher Member to Board AS said several staff had expressed interest and that letters from the education office were to be sent out with a possible election in the near future. Feedback from Parent Teachers Association CS commented about the duplication of correspondence and the difficulties of consultative documents. Could there be a decision about who comments on which and the role of PTA and the Board in relation to these documents? To be discussed at the next PTA meeting Chair offered to include the Officers of the PTA at the sub-committee on catering. Halloween disco had been very successful with £500 raised as profit. The PTA would like to endorse/buy something for the school but difficult when it was so new and well equipped. Storage of PTA items was also an issue and AS offered to address this. Next PTA meeting changed to Wednesday 3rd December. Rotarians- Chris Malins CM gave a report on a package that the Rotarians have developed to assist school pupils with: Interviews Coping with Life Programme -8 videos Youth Sailing trust Youth Leadership Awards (1 Boy-1Girl) AS agreed to explore these links further. AOCB Comment that no parent issues had been received. Decision to take up Scottish School Board Association Membership Board Bank Account to be set up at Old Meldrum Clydesdale Bank - 3 signatories, Jon, Mary and Wendy Board meeting closed at 10:30 thanks to all expressed by Chairman. Date of next Meeting Thursday 29th January 2004 at 7:30pm in Mr Sutherland’s Office. N.B Rearranged for Wednesday 19th February due to bad weather conditions. Venue and time as previously arranged. Dates for Calendar Monday 2nd December PTA meeting 9th and 10th December School Pantomime Tuesday 16th December S1 & 2 Ceilidh Thursday 18th December S3 Ceilidh 18th of December Concert for the elderly Minutes approved Jon Turnbull Chair Meldrum Academy School Board Minutes 19th March 2004 Present J. Turnbull (Chair), M. Fawcett (Vice-Chair), C. Smith, M. Jamieson, C. Malins, A. Sutherland (Head teacher), R. Jowett, I. Jackson (teacher representative) W. Wilkie(Clerk) Apologies, H. O’Brien, Councillor John Loveday Minutes of previous meeting 20th November 2003 to be approved post revisions. Suggested that approved copies for parents be kept in the library. Welcome expressed to Ian Jackson and Mr Raymond Jowett. Correspondence Received by Chair: 1. Letter received from education authority re voting for new title of Community Schools. 2. School Board Training Programme. Business Meeting Opened with Matters arising from previous minutes 1. Meeting at Strathburn School on 29th November Re - Integrated Community Schools JT and CS attended. Key points Lack of communication between School Boards and the education authority No-one clear of aim of session- confused atmosphere Useful to meet others and share viewpoints Meeting with feeder primaries and academy boards seen as a positive step. 2. Quality Fair –Woodhill House 25th to 27th November No one able to attend on behalf of the board. No feedback had been circulated from the authority. 3. Catering Questionnaire Sub committee met in December and sent away the questionnaire for which they received a letter of thanks. 4. Music Tuition primary to secondary. JT replied on behalf of the board including comments from AS and that the matter was being looked into further. AS informed the Board that Mrs Jean Boardman had recently resigned and as no-one was yet in place to fill her post it would be difficult to explore this issue further at present. This will now be discussed as an agenda item for the Local feeder Primary Board meeting agenda in April. School Catering Feedback of the mini audit was circulated as addressed by the sub-group meeting in December. These comments had been collated as part of an audit initiated by the Aberdeen Council scrutiny and audit committee. AS had asked how comments /opinions were collected from the students. MF, CS and MJ had been for a school dinner to appraise the whole ethos of lunchtime within the schools daily routine, and sought the views of various pupils. Queuing was identified as an issue and some discussion was undertaken as to how this had been documented. CS said it was the nature of the audit process to identify present issues so that they could be addressed for future improvements. This would be of high importance when the school role was at its maximum. AS identified issues that were already being explored: A quick service buffet bar Changing vending machines to incorporate food items Other discussion points were: Site of canteen as first point of visibility to the public and visitors Number of staff involved per day in lunchtime duties Student council had commented on the queues- mainly a 1st year issue rather than upper school Present Vending machines were the responsibility of a commercial company. School cannot at present change this. AS said he would support a letter sent to Mike Hearnden-head of catering about this Morag suggested the possibility of having timed switched machines to limit the constant availability of sugar-laden drinks. Possibility of awareness letters/ information to all pupils on healthy eating Availability of water 1. Jugs not available on tables, IJ suggested use of a trolley at side of dining area so pupils could help themselves 2. Issue of tidiness and cleanliness 3. Many schools allow pupils to take water into the classrooms- idea to be explored for future. AS to consider and assess the potential for implementing this. IJ commented on the amount of litter that is left post lunch - AS said this was being addressed but it was an ongoing problem. Suggestion of relocating bins to more prominent places in the lunch area and to encourage better litter discipline among the pupils. Janitors to relocate bins MF asked how actively the school promoted recycling naming BP as good role model Mr Jowett Presented the New Behaviour Management Policy to the Board See Copies of overhead slides used. Questions raised; 1. Chair asked about the role of prefects in the future 2. CS asked about the use of buddy systems Mr Jowett indicated that these were ideas that were likely to be used in the future as the policy adapted with the changing pupil balance within the school. Mr Jowett was then thanked by the Chair on behalf of all the Board for a very useful insight into resolving issues of poor behaviour/promoting positive behaviour. School Board News Letter CM had first draft of School Board newsletter for comments on layout. Photos of Board members to be taken at the end of the meeting Discussion of printing / photocopy costs agreed at £40. Discussion occurred over the best means of distribution, posting was ruled out as too expensive but it was agreed to ensure that pupils delivered them by making them look more official by using envelopes. Safer Routes Policy MF gave feedback on the recent joint meeting with the primary school and councillor Loveday over the issues of Safer School Routes. New 20 mile per hour speed zones were to be introduced during 2004/2005 as well as pelican crossings and a pedestrian island to increase safety. Whilst most of these were for the primary school only at present, there was a need to address safety issues for the academy as well. IJ commented on the barrier access to the road that was in the wrong place (too far from road). Mary said she would follow this up. JT commented on the risks of forward parking, suggesting reverse parking guidance could be introduced to reduce danger risks of reversing in small areas during busy arrival and departure times. AS thought this was a good issue for the Board to explore and that parents could be encouraged to use the staff and bus park area at certain key times of the day instead of crowding the small car park at the front of the school beyond reasonable capacity. Janitors had had to paint double yellow lines in certain areas that had become a particular danger zone. Feedback from Parent Teachers Association CS reminded everyone about the forthcoming fashion show on March 11th. This was a joint fundraiser with Meldrum primary school and the tickets were selling well so far. The PTA was to support the school by buying Vango tents and outdoor seating. It was also exploring the funding of a pupil radio station. The potential costs for the radio station were high with an initial estimate of £11,000. Next PTA events were the family Quiz night on 1st April and the car boot sale in June. Agenda for Combined Meeting With Primary feeder Schools As Mrs Boardman had resigned and a key discussion was to be on music provision were there other items to be discussed or would it be feasible to have an open agenda. JT agreed to contact Dave Marshall as co-ordinator of the feeder schools to see if there were other items for the agenda prior to the meeting. AOCB 1. IJ raised the issue of the smell from the nearby sewage works and that you can’t open classroom windows on certain days. Chair said he would look into this. 2. Parent complaint on the issue of pupils throwing bottles - Mr Sutherland agreed to look into this. 3. MF thanked the school for it sensitive approach and support that had been offered to pupils over the recent death of Jennifer Minto. Board meeting closed at 9:30 thanks to all expressed by Chairman. Date of next Meeting Wednesday 28th April 2004 at 7:00pm in Staff Room. Will include representatives from local feeder primary schools. Dates for Calendar School Board training Dates. 1. 25th March Effective School Board At Work 1. 24th March Responsibilities and Partnership 3. 28th February meeting at Stirling University Members of the Board were encouraged by the Chair to sign up for those that they could attend. Action Points NOMINATED PERSON Jon Letters/Tasks Mary Invite Feeder School boards to next meeting Discuss School Board attendance with Rev O’Brien Investigate what could be done about Sewage smell Write to Mike Hearnden regarding vending machines Draft letter to parents on Safety aspects of Reverse parking Provide specimen signature for the Bank Take up with the council the wrongly positioned Barrier at the walkway to the road Provide specimen signature for the Bank Morag Chris Edit newsletter and have photocopied for distribution Caroline Andrew Bottle throwing Wendy Minutes to Jon Copy of previous minutes on notice board in Library. Arrange to have bank account activated and annual budget deposited. COMPLETION Meldrum Academy School Board Minutes 28th April 2004 Present J. Turnbull (Chair), M. Fawcett (Vice-Chair), M. Jamieson, C. Malins, A. Sutherland (Head teacher), W. Wilkie (Clerk) Apologies, H. O’Brien, Councillor John Loveday, C. Smith Minutes of previous meeting 19th March approved. Suggested that approved copies for parents be kept in the library. Welcome expressed to Guests from feeder primary’s- and Guest Speaker Mr Richard Paton Acting head of music. Correspondence Received by Chair: 3. Correction letter received from education authority re voting for new title of Community Schools- didn’t alter our choice 4. Education and Recreation Standards and Quality Report for area- Jon to circulate to members. 5. Curriculum Matters Success 2003 6. Book entitled School Boards- A guide to Legislation (2004) Business Meeting Opened with Matters arising from previous minutes 1. See Action Points 2. Jon gave feedback on a meeting he had attended in April Re the Role of School Boards and the potential change in legislation. 3. Jon talked of opening a resource file in the library and all board members are asked to contribute any resource material that they have collected over the last 2 years 4. Jon agreed to circulate recently received material in the orange envelope system to board members for them to read between meetings. Child Protection CM asked AS and the Board if they were aware of a recent document that gave advice about adults participation in activities with children naming PTA’s and parent volunteers used for trips / other term time activities. CM asked if the Board could arrange a future talk about child protection issues. AS replied that both he and Mr Jowett were child protection officers within the school and that all teachers had to undergo a Disclosure Scotland search. He was unsure of the education department’s remit in relation to other adults and school lets for the purposes of sports and other activities. The health and safety committee was about to meet and this could be a good mechanism to explore this issue and give feedback. School Catering AS to look into the feedback on water in the classrooms at the staff forum meeting next week. School Board News Letter Has now been distributed and positive feedback received. Thanks were given to CM for his photos. Safer Routes Policy Mike Paterson was discussing the barrier access to the road that was deemed to be in the wrong place with the engineers to see if this was a council matter or an issue for Robertson’s the builders. JT said that a recent school letter had been sent about the merits of reverse parking to all parents. MF said that there were many other users of the school building that needed to be aware of this. Asked about developing posters for the school windows at the door. AS thought this was a good idea and that a copy of the parent’s letter could be included with all Let applications for use of the building out of hours. Possibility of developing signs for lampposts in the car park, could Robertson’s be approached? AS to ask the facilities manager about this. Feedback from Parent Teachers Association In the absence of Caroline Mr Sutherland reminded everyone about the car boot sale on the 5th June. Next PTA meets Monday 7th June. AOCB 4. MF asked about the recent school bus problems- Mr Sutherland said that this seemed to have improved with occasional isolated incidents. 5. Jon asked about the phone call from a parent about a specific incident- Mr Sutherland said this had been dealt with 6. MF raised the issue of the 3 academies working on a calendar of events that help families with children at 2 different schools. Covering issues such as end of term concerts, local holidays and in-service day’s etc. Board meeting closed at 8:40 thanks to all expressed by Chairman. Date of next Meeting Wednesday 9th June at 7:30pm in Staff Room. Action Points From March meeting NOMINATED PERSON Jon Letters/Tasks Mary Invite Feeder School boards to next meeting Discuss School Board attendance with Rev O’Brien Investigate what could be done about Sewage smell Write to Mike Hampden regarding vending machines Draft letter to parents on Safety aspects of Reverse parking Provide specimen signature for the Bank Take up with the council the wrongly positioned Barrier at the walkway to the road Provide specimen signature for the Bank COMPLETION -Completed -review at end of session -Jon to ask Councillor Loveday’s advice - Letter sent copy circulated -went into school newsletter - in progress -Mike Paterson looking at who’s problem i.e. council or builders - in progress Chris Edit newsletter and have photocopied for distribution - Completed and distributed, feedback very positive Andrew Bottle throwing - 2 pupils excluded Wendy Minutes to Jon Copy of previous minutes on notice board in Library. Arrange to have bank account activated and annual budget deposited. -Completed - Completed £141-85 at the bank ,waiting for account to be fully registered. Current Action Points NOMINATED PERSON Jon Letters/Tasks Circulate current documents to board members in orange envelope Resource file in library Mary Morag Chris Caroline Andrew Wendy letter Re reverse parking with LET applications Signs on doors and lampposts approach facilities manager Feedback on water in classrooms Feedback on new child protection document Minutes Check on bank account progress COMPLETION Meldrum Academy School Board Minutes 9th June 2004 Present J. Turnbull (Chair), M. Fawcett (Vice-Chair), M. Jamieson, C. Malins, C. Smith, Councillor John Loveday, A. Sutherland (Head teacher), W. Wilkie (Clerk) Apologies, Ian Jackson Minutes of previous meeting 28th April 2004 approved. Note: approved copies for parents are kept in the library. Correspondence Received by Chair: 7. Scrutiny and audit Report on school Catering 8. Questionnaire from HMIe Re functions of local authority Business Meeting Opened with Matters arising from previous minutes 5. See Action Points HeadTeacher’s Report 1-Teaching Posts AS commented on the recent recruitment necessary for next year’s intake. Design and Technology along with physics and maths were proving difficult subjects for recruiting teachers. CS asked whether this would affect the standard grade programme. AS said not at the moment, but there were contingency plans if necessary. MF asked about possible implications for subjects in S5/S6 and whether it was possible to overcome this by liasing with Inverurie and Ellon academies. AS said he was looking into this at present. Pupil Numbers expected were: YEAR 1 170 pupils (all out of zone placing requests had to be refused) YEAR 2 204 pupils (includes 10 extra new enrolments into area) 2-School Trips Four very successful trips to London, Strasbourg, Alten Towers and Donnelley as well as a sailing trip had been undertaken this term. An in-house activities week had not been programmed this year but will run next year. This was partly due to pressures of staff workload. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and a camping trip were some ideas to be looked at for next year. 3-Other items mentioned: S1 and S2 parent evenings P7 induction days Gideon Assembly next week Recent school disco 24th June summer extravaganza end of term award ceremonies academic and non-academic new timetable starts on 21st June (MF asked about School Board input to the P7 evening but JT said he had already spoken to the P7 parents.) 4- Staff and Pupil Questionnaire Survey AS gave the results of a questionnaire that he distributed in January. The report was very positive and comprehensive and thanks was given to AS by the Chair and Councillor Loveday for a completing it and sharing the results. Discussion arose around the nature of the PPE contract with Robertsons and the imposing limitations it sets. AS commented on 2 issues that were under negotiation at present: 1. A second catering facility 2. Autism base Presentation on the Role of the Student Forum Millie Fawcett and Rachael Tait gave a very informative report to the Board on the role of the student forum within the school and the wider Aberdeen schools student forum. AS will attend the next Aberdeen schools forum where the pupils have been asked to take along a senior management teacher from their school. Meeting date 25th June. Issues Highlighted were: Vending machines Water in classrooms Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme Fundraisers Talent Competition Smoking issues The Chair and Board members thanked Millie and Rachael for their presentation. School Catering MF asked whether the school promoted “meals to go”? AS replied that it had the system at present and would look to see whether more pupils could use it in the future. AS fed back information to the Board that two other schools, which have introduced the same lunch scheme as OM Academy, have noted that there have been queue management problems. MF and JT commented on the recent report from a Northumbria school that was promoting organic produce in its catering. AS fed back that the final decision on whether to allow water in the classrooms was to be taken at the staff forum meeting next week. Annual School Board Review The Board discussed the achievements and areas for improvement, reflecting on the year the Board had now been running. Key Points: Promotion of a Healthy eating Policy Survey of school food and vending machines Primary School feeder Liaison School Board Information Newsletter has been distributed and positive feedback received. Thanks were given to MF and CM. CM thanked AS for his support to the Board and felt that the Board had made good progress in its first year MF commented on the value of the material presented at the guest presentations AS commented that he felt the School Board had been an asset to the school and had worked very hard in its first year. He felt it had contributed to many key issues that had arisen in the infancy of the school and that an important point it had demonstrated was to tackle specific issues. Issues for development next academic year: Healthy eating policy Earlier distribution of minutes Support the schools Recycling campaign Widen links with community Parent School Liaison JT and MF felt that guidance would be useful on the reporting of issues that parents or the community might want to raise. This has been discussed with AS before the meeting, and JT and MF had given AS a diagram showing stakeholder issues and the appropriate contacts. AS said that the school was hoping to apply for a charter mark within the next 2 years and this would build a lot of the necessary feedback mechanisms. He was at present working on a customer comments, compliments and complaints leaflet that would initiate this process and may pilot it in the near future. MF suggested an open evening to consult parents on issues of concern. CS commented that the PTA survey had not been all that successful with a return of 37 questionnaires out of 350. Their best attendance at a PTA evening was a cheese and wine event where 50 parents came. JT replied that the challenge was how best to do this. AS suggested having a guest speaker and promoting a special open evening of the School Board. JT suggested that this idea be developed further at the next Board meeting. Safer Routes Policy MF said that much progress had been made but that lack of funding was stopping some areas from being fully addressed. AS had approved and initiated a letter with all Let applications for use of the building out of hours about the safety issues of reverse parking. Feedback from Parent Teachers Association CS reported that the fete had raised almost £900. She thanked CM for his contribution to the BBQ stand and MF and MJ for their help with refreshments. Expenditure was given to ceilidh band an amplifier, transport fund for children who needed costs paid Donation to student radio station fund Next PTA meeting on 24th August when new volunteers are needed to be committee members. Replacement of Co-opted Member Discussion ensued on whom to approach to fill the vacancy created by Hugh O’Brien’s departure. Two people were finalised as possible candidates to be asked and further details will be included in the next minutes. AOCB 7. CS asked about the recent change in pastoral care teachers and Schoolhouses for some pupils – one parent had phoned very concerned over the matter. AS said that the pupils had been told first, as it was an issue that directly affected them, but that a letter was on its way to parents to explain why this had occurred. It was necessary because of the expansion in numbers requiring an additional house, and the desire to retain siblings in the same house. 8. CS raised concerns over the Young Scot Cards that on the surface they looked like a good idea but when you studied them in detail, the discounts section applied to eating MacDonalds. This appears at odds with the government campaign on healthier diets. 9. JT raised a concern that pupils were not being taught keyboard/typing skills. Board agreed this to be a concern. 10. MF commented on the issue of how many of the trees were dead on the school site and could this be addressed. AS was to raise this with the Aberdeen help desk but it was an issue between the contractors (Robertson’s) and Murray landscapes. 11. MF asked if there was to be a long jump pit, which was under discussion from last year. AS said this was still in discussion but was not a forgotten item. 12. John Loveday was to take forward the issue of the smells from the sewerage plant to council. Board meeting closed at 10:00p.m. Thanks were expressed to all by the Chairman. Date of next Meeting Wednesday 8th September at 7:30pm. Action Points From April meeting NOMINATED PERSON Jon Letters/Tasks COMPLETION Circulate current documents to board members in orange envelope Resource file in library - letter Re reverse parking with LET applications Signs on doors and lampposts – approach facilities manager Feedback on water in classrooms - In progress, Jon asked who had received the most recent circulars. Jon asked Wendy to resource the file Mary Morag Chris Caroline Andrew Wendy Feedback on new child protection document Minutes Check on bank account progress Approved to be used Awaiting response from Robertsons To be decided upon at next staff meeting Awaiting response from education authority Mary asked if these could be circulated sooner Awaiting cheque books then accounts to be paid by yearend. Current Action Points NOMINATED PERSON Jon Letters/Tasks HMIe Questionnaire Letter to Primary Schools on Keyboard skills Board expenses with Wendy COMPLETION - Mary Morag Chris Co-opted membership HMIe Questionnaire with Jon John Loveday Letter re smell from sewerage plant Andrew Wendy Trees landscaping Letter to Richard tarring issue?