Application for individual membership Personal details Please fill in this section completely. All the details are vital for our records. Name: __________________________________ Address: _______________________________ E-mail: _________________________________ ________________________________________ University or college: _____________________ ________________________________________ Graduation or leaving date: _____________ Postcode: ______________________________ Optional Information ‘Phone Number: _________________________ Denomination: __________________________ Subject Area: ____________________________ You must have been a student within the last three years to become a member. If this doesn’t apply, you can still become a Friend of SCM. Just ask for the appropriate form. Membership details I would like to apply for SCM membership £1 I would like to make an additional donation of £____ I enclose a cheque, payable to ‘Student Christian Movement’, for £____ I would like to pay by standing order: standing order (easy payment scheme) instruction to your bank/building society To the manager of _____________________________________________ bank address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return to: SCM, 504F The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6NE _______________________________________________________ postcode: _______________________________ Account holder: ____________________________________________________________________ account number: ____________________________________ sort code: ______________________________ Please pay the sum of £…….. every year (minimum £1), beginning on _____/_____/_____, to the Student Christian Movement (account number 65357604, sort code 08-92-99), until further notice. signed: ______________________________________________ date: ____________________________________ If you are a UK tax payer, you can allow us to reclaim income and/or capital gains tax on your donations. Please treat all donations I make from the date of this declaration as Gift Aid. Signed _______________________________ Date____________ Please return to: SCM, 504F The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham B18 6NE