
NVS 2002-2003 : Evaluation
Basically, strategy is about two things: deciding where you want your business to
go, and deciding how to get there.
Frameworks vs. Models
We distinguish here between strategy frameworks and strategy models. Strategy
models have been used in theory building in economics to understand industrial
organization. However, the models are difficult to apply to specific company
Instead, qualitative frameworks have been developed with the specific goal of better
informing business practice. In another sense, we may also talk about
“frameworks” as referring to the guiding analytical approach an entrepreneur takes
for structuring his/her new venture project.
Some Perspective on Strategy Frameworks: Internal and External Framing for
Strategic Decisions
It may be helpful to think of strategy frameworks as having two components:
internal and external analysis. The external analysis builds on an economics
perspective of industry structure, and how a firm can make the most of competing
in that structure. It emphasizes where a company should compete, and what's
important when it does compete there. The external view helps inform strategic
investments and decisions. Internal analysis is less based on industry structure and
more in specific business operations and decisions. It emphasizes how a company
should compete. The internal view is more appropriate for strategic organization
and goal setting for the firm.
You are asked to write a report analysing a particular industry (if you have no idea
about the industry to investigate, please take a look at the suggestive list of industry
at the end of this document). This course will provide you with precise guidelines
and tools on how to perform such an external analysis.
You can work in groups of three to five students. The report may be written either
in English or in French, should be no longer than 25 pages and will count for 100
percent of the grade.
For each group, the calendar is as follows :
By 2003 February, 13
A one-page report in which you specify the names
of each member of your group and the industry you will analyse
By 2003 May, 5.
Final report is due.
Grading will primarily reward the relevance of the analysis performed. A special
attention will be paid on the following aspects : methodology (please make explicit
how and where you’ve found the necessary information), relevance (please make
sure to make use of the numerous concepts and tools discussed in class) and
consistency (please make sure that your report globally makes sense in providing
the reader with an in-depth and comprehensive overview of the industry under
investigation), not to mention that your report should be free of errors, both
grammar and spelling.
Appendix I : Some Suggestions of Industry (in French)
1. Brasserie (Producteur de bières)
2. Chaussures
3. Cinéma (Distribution et projection de films)
4. Cinéma (Production de films)
5. Club de vacances
6. Consulting
7. Diamant
8. Eau minérale
9. Edition de livres
10. Edition de bandes dessinées
11. Entretien automobile
12. Equipement sportif
13. Fast food
14. Grande distribution
15. Industrie cimentière
16. Industrie du pneu
17. Industrie du luxe
18. Industrie du papier
19. Industrie laitière
20. Industrie pharmaceutique
21. Industrie du tabac
22. Industrie sucrière
23. Location de voitures
24. Location cassettes vidéo
25. Opticien (lunettes)
26. Night shops
27. Parfumerie
28. Photographie
29. Presse écrite
30. Promoteur immobilier
31. Provider d'accès Internet
32. Radio
33. Société d’Interim
34. Téléphonie mobile
35. Télévision (production de postes de TV)
36. etc.