
From Vinexpo
in Bordeaux
What ten-year strategy for the Languedoc-Roussillon,
a giant among wine regions?
Bordeaux, June 18 2007. Despite the fact that world wine production (270 million
hectolitres) includes an overproduction of approximately 40 million HL (France's share of this
is from 5 to 7 million HL), the Languedoc-Roussillon, the world's largest winegrowing region,
has defined a very go-ahead strategy (1) for the next decade (2007/2017).
The first step
In union, there is strength. This is especially true in an increasingly competitive global
market… Well-aware of this necessity, the Languedoc-Roussillon's wine industry
organisations decided to join forces and form a federation: Inter Sud de France. The
Languedoc and Roussillon appellations (CIVL, CIVR), varietal wines (Inter Oc), and vins de
pays (Anivit Languedoc-Roussillon) have now entrusted Inter Sud de France with organising
production, marketing, and shared resources.
A strategy based on innovation and growth
Inter Sud de France wants the Languedoc-Roussillon to become a major, profitable player
in all wine-consuming countries,
- In order to do so, they have developed a marketing plan based on their values to
generate and maintain profitable distribution to consumers in target markets.
A brand that reflects the values and strong points of Languedoc-Roussillon
The wines of the Languedoc-Roussillon will marketed under the "Sud de France" or "South
of France" umbrella brand over the next decade.
Other than highlighting the region's many advantages (an extremely wide and varied range of
wines, regional typicity, good price/pleasure ratio, etc.), the Sud de France brand will be
based on the following values: a long tradition of expertise, quality wines, an exciting range
of wines to discover, the attractive Mediterranean life style, and affordable wines that are
"close" to consumers.
Ambitious goals for 6 key markets
While France remains the number one market for Sud de France wines, 6 major export
markets have also been targeted:
- in Europe: Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK
- in North America: Canada and the USA
- in Asia: Japan
The strategic plan for Sud de France was prepared with three specialised audit firms: Ernst &
Young, Merrill Research-Sopexa USA, and Wine Intelligence.
The aims are ambitious both in terms of volume and value:
For targeted export markets: an increase from 2.2 to 4.7 million hectolitres, and from 950
million to 2.5 billion € (for wines over 2 €) by 2017
For France: an increase from 1.5 to 2.7 million hectolitres, and from 700 million to 2
billion € (for wines over 2 €) over the same period.
A solid organisation and considerable long term budget
In order to attain these goals, Inter Sud de France relies on an efficient organisation and a
budget in keeping with its ambitions.
In terms of structure, Inter Sud de France combines the efforts of the region's existing
organisations and will establish an International Council of Experts consisting of
twelve respected international experts to make sure that Sud de France's strategy is in
keeping with the needs of all main markets.
In terms of budget, a sizeable amount of money has been allocated to finance an
effective worldwide marketing plan. This budget is 10 million euros for 2007 alone.
The Languedoc-Roussillon Regional Council is a major contributor to this budget.
The next step concerns the upstream part of the 2007/2017 strategic plan, which will be
presented at the next Vinisud exhibition in Montpellier, capital of the Languedoc-Roussillon
Created in June 2006, Inter Sud de France includes the Languedoc-Roussillon's 4 wine industry
associations: the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins du Languedoc, the Conseil Interprofessionnel
des Vins du Roussillon, INTER OC, and the ANIVIT regional committee.
Inter Sud de France's main role is to provide direction to the region's wine industry: management and
regulation of supply, promotion and communication, quality control, establishing technical standards,
and supporting applied research programmes.
With more than 15 millions hectolitres, Inter Sud de France represents the world's largest winegrowing
region and 30% of total French production.
This vast region offers a very wide range of wines: white, red, and rosé wines, appellation contrôlée
wines, vins doux naturels, varietal wines, sparkling wines, and vins de pays.
Key figures for the Languedoc-Roussillon wine industry:
- 290,000 hectares of vines, 27,600 estates, 320 cooperative cellars, 2,600 caves particulières, 40
appellations d'origine contrôlée, and 59 vins de pays (including Vins de Pays d'Oc).
Inter Sud de France:
President: Bernard Devic (CIVL) – Executive Vice-President: Philippe Coste (CIVL)
Vice-Presidents: Malo Bouëssel du Bourg (CIVR); Jacques Gravegeal (INTER OC)
Secretary General: René Moreno (ANIVIT) – Assistant Secretary General: Patrick Doudon (ANIVIT)
Treasurer: Jean-Louis Salies (CIVR) – Assistant Treasurer: Laurent Emmanuel Migeon (ANIVIT)
Members of the board: Gérard Bertrand, Frédéric Maurel (CIVL); Bernard de Roquette Buisson, Louis
Lazutte (CIVR); Jean Marc Floutier, José Tastavy, and Guy Sarton du Jonchay (INTER OC); and Jean
Huillet (ANIVIT).
Commission presidents:
• Communication Commission: Gérard Bertrand
• Economic Commission: Jean Huillet
• Quality Commission: Bernard de Roquette Buisson • Technical Commission: José Tastavy
• VDN Commission: Jean-Louis Salies
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