Aboriginal Spirituality and Sacred Sites

Aboriginal Spirituality and Sacred Sites
(Acknowledgement: P.L.Duffy Resource Centre, Trinity College, Western Australia.)
Rebutting the Myths Aboriginal Sacred Sites and Development Reconciliation and Social Justice
Library Sacred Sites
An introduction to INDIGENOUS TRADITIONS - Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
Racism No Way Factsheet
Aboriginal Heritage Sites Register Department of Indigenous Affairs WA
Procedures Manual Aboriginal Heritage Legislation Department of Indigenous Affairs WA
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 (WA) The Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 (Cth) The Agreements, Treaties
and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS)
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) The Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA) The Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS)
Aboriginal Heritage Act 1979 (SA) The Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements (ATNS)
Caring for Country Northern Land Council Aboriginal Land Rights in Australia's Northern Territory
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority NT
Nyoongar Land, Nyoongar Spirit Cliff Humphries Old Growth Forests WA
Ah, White Man, have you any sacred sites Denis Kevans Now We the People
The Sacred Places of the Women of Uluru Jani Roberts
Australian Sacred Sites Ellie Crystal including women's
Nourishing Terrains Australian Aboriginal Views of Landscape and Wilderness Deborah Bird Rose
Australian Heritage Commission
Sacred Geography Gendered Places Deborah Bird Rose Nourishing Terrains Australian Heritage
"Sacred Sites are Made Up" As a Matter of Fact ATSIC
Land Issues ATSIC
Sacred Sites - Program Transcript ABC
...Without the land we are nothing. Without the land we are a lost people...
Djon Mundine Senior Aboriginal Curator, Museum of Contemporary Art
Promiscuous Sacred Sites Reflections on Secrecy and Scepticism in the Hindmarsh Island Affair Ken
Gelder and Jane M. Jacobs Australian Humanities Review
Australia's Sacred Sites ABC The Spirit of Things
Australia Sacred Texts Early European accounts, some racist in tone.
Sacred Sites: Sacred Sounds Mark Balfour
Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Spiritualty in the 20th Century First Nations Encounter - ABC
Sacred Space and Places of Power Barbara Carlson
Songlines Yiri
Songlines Aboriginal Art
Songlines of the Australian Aborigines JoyZine Gambling on the First Race A Comment on Racism
and Talk-Back Radio -- 6PR, the TAB, and the WA Government y Steve Mickler Culture and
Communication Reading Room Murdoch University
Aboriginal Elders addressing UNESCO Rock Art Forum
Sacred Sites Aboriginal Art
Understanding country: sacred sites and dreaming tracks Reconciliation and Social Justice Library
Aboriginal Australia Sacred Pathway Spiritsongs