
11:30a – Council
6:30p – Lay Leadership
7:00p – Trustees
12:30p – UMW
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
9:00a – Busy Bees
11:30a – S.S. Teachers
meeting in parlor
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
6:00p – We Care
6:00pm – Small Group
Ministry meeting
29 Harvest Party at
Yeck Farm 2-4pm
Kidz Club 6-7:30p in
Fellowship Hall
11:30a – CE Board
meeting in Chapel Café
3:30p – Youth to Soup
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
7:00pm – Healing
11:30a – GEMS meeting
7:00p – Adult Night
Out @ Texas
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
28 4-6p -GEMS
Ham Loaf Dinner
9:00a – Busy Bees
31 Reformation Day
Sunday Worship: 8:15am in Eaton Chapel
10:30am in the sanctuary
Sunday School – 9:15am
Youth Band Practice: October 28th 3-4pm
Baden United Methodist Church
420 Dippold Avenue
Baden, PA 15005-1716
Rev. D. Edward Bailey, Pastor
October 2006
Time Value Mail
Change Service Requested
The Gleam
Baden United Methodist Church
Monthly Newsletter
(724) 869-2720
badenumc@verizon.net (Office)
revedbailey@msn.com (Pastor)
Ronda F. Curcio, Editor
Monthly Volunteers
Shirley Bruce, Nancy Dominick,
Carol Harmotto
Joyce Ickley, Patty King
November Issue Deadline – Oct 16
Assembly Day – Oct 25
Schedule of Services
Sunday ........................................................................................................... Chapel – 8:15 a.m.
Sunday ..................................................................................................Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.
Last Saturday of Each Month Contemporary Service - Fellowship Hall – 6:30
(Nursery for ages 6 months to 6 years with attendants during 10:30 Sunday
Baden Church is a caring congregation
dedicated to spreading the gospel of Jesus
Christ to the community through its joyful
The Gleam
expression of love, fellowship and service.
September 2006
Baden United Method ist Church * 420 Dippold Ave nue * Baden, P ennsylvania * (724) 869 -2720
Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC,
Did you know the Bible was written for our admonition, encouragement and inspiration? It is
full of inspirational stories of men and women – like David who was bold and faced a giant and
Daniel who went into a lion’s den – which teach God-given principles. These stories challenge
us to grow deep and strong in our relationship with the Lord and they teach us that it requires
effort and change.
Physiologically, we go through changes all the time. For example, each of us losses about 100
strands of hair a day and some of us lose a lot more! And, we are constantly losing skin cells
each day such that we virtually have new skin every thirty-five days. The point being…we were
designed to change, physically often without even trying our noticing.
However, spiritually, change does not really happen on its own. Just because someone was
saved does not mean there was a growth in his or her spiritual journey. After receiving Christ, a
choice needs to be made to pursue Christ, to grow deep and strong and to be rooted in the Word
of God. This is a growth that takes place in a person’s character.
God is more concerned about the change beneath the surface (where no one can see), than above
the surface. Spiritual growth takes place in our root system; only when our roots grow below the
surface do we become fruitful above ground.
“And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall
again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.”
For example, bonsai plants are beautiful ornamental
plants that are passed on from generation to
generation. They can live up to a hundred years.
Although bonsai plants are able to grow like any
other plants, they’re planted in small pots where
their roots are confined to keep them small.
Similarly, Christians can develop this way. Although being a follower of Christ for ten or twenty
years, growth is limited because there hasn’t been any development of our root system, our heart.
If we do not consciously strengthen our relationship with the Lord, we become bonsai Christians
– but God doesn’t want that! On the contrary, he wants bonsai Christians who “go for it” and
continue to grow and move forward through life. This only happens if we extend our roots down
and change the condition of our root system. The key to growing and going forward is our
relationship with Christ through the Word of God.
Although there are many books out on the market today about Christian Living, God has
provided us with a single book which tells us everything we need to know to have a growing
vibrant Life. This book, the Bible, contains stories of people’s victories, challenges, failures and
sins. It also includes stories about redemption and rejoicing. Its stories are the best of the best to
inspire us. The Bible is priceless, so read it everyday and let it inspire you.
Grace, Hope, and Joy!
Ed Bailey
Christina Blinn; Debi Brocklebank; Katherine Collingwood; Brooke DiCicco; Linda
Fleming; Maggie Gall; Virginia Gallagher; Brent Harmon; Albert Hartge; Jason
Hazelwood; Ken Jones; Amber Mazur; Jeffrey Parkhurst; Phyllis Parkhurst; Helen
Quinet; Homer Quinet; Kim Short; Joshua Shoup (cousin of Amanda & Ashley Hartge);
Betty Smith; Leila Strobel; Margery Tillery; Betty Vagias; David Waxler; Dave Wright
(friend of Shirley Bruce)
Please note: unless the church office is otherwise notified, names will remain on the prayer list for three
Sundays only. If you would like to have a name added to the prayer list, please contact the church office.
Conference of United Methodist Men
Annual Gathering
Join the pastor and other men from Baden UMC as we travel to Faith UMC in Delmont on
Saturday October 21st from 9:30A.M. – 3:00 P.M. The cost is $15.00 and includes breakfast and
lunch. The keynote speaker is Tom McGough, former pitcher of the Cleveland Indians. If
interested, please complete the registration form below. Registration form and money must be
received no later than October 16th.
Registration Form for Annual Gathering
Please send, with a check for $15.00 payable to WPA UM Men, to Harold Yannayon, 2926
Homer Avenue, Erie, PA 16506-2632.
NAME________________________________________ PHONE__________________
CITY_____________________________ STATE___________ ZIP_______________
CHURCH_____________________________ DISTRICT______________________
Billy McCoy, Jr.
Clement Marmagin
Melissa Jones
Celia Overholt
Heather Patterson
Dale DiCicco
Larry Murphy
Samantha Lubic
Sue Conrady
Amanda Hartge
Harold Moorhead
Al Tomei, Jr.
Deborah Polonoli
Kristin Pedersen
Linda Babich
Carol Harmotto
Karen Lecerf
David Salopek
Audra Burmeister
Sue Schaeffer
Walter Tillery
Daryn Waligora
Jacob Bailey 
Sue Schukart
Mike Herrmann
Bob Glasser, Jr.
Travis Debogovich
Chelsea Covert
Daniel Walsh
Tom Gross
Thomas Oaks
Marilyn Edder
Samantha Peters
Alice Smith
Danielle Gibson
Jim Fox
Barb Majercik
David Ickley
April Waligora
Joshua Tomei
Emma Sovich
Ed Schwarz
John Lubic
Marci Patterson
Ed Bozek
Dena Anderson
Jill Miller
Ashley Mowry
Jakob Mackanych
Sue Corless
Fred Ramsey
Mark Giles
Isaac Jones
Jeff McClure
Marsha Geweth
Patricia A. Lewis
Karen Haluck
Doug Smith
Chad Seamon
Justin Fennell
Linda Ruckert
Denise Belfiore
Richard Cunningham
Sue Ramsey
Donna Herrmann
Janet Hamilton
Please help us keep our
birthday list current. If you
or someone you know has an
October birthday and is not
Oct 29
1…………………………….…….Alan Freed
8…………………………….Christy Sheaffer
15…………………………..…..Carol Walker
22……….………………….Donna Brynczak
29……………………...……….Bob Blanarik
included on, or would like to
be removed from our list,
please contact the church
2:00p – Harvest Party at the
Yeck Farm
1.................................................Betty Wells
8....................................Dick & Janet Johns
15.............................................Teres Fausti
22................................The Woodling family
29.......................Betty & Walter Szymoniak
1............................Brooke DiCicco, Candle
.....................................Garrett Foley, Bible
8....................................................., Candle
.........................................................., Bible
15................................Katie Jones, Candle
....................................Melissa Jones, Bible
22..............................Daniel Walsh, Candle
.........................................................., Bible
29...................................Mali Lubic, Candle
......................................Carrie Freed, Bible
8:15..................................Leila Strobel
10:30..................Walt King, Fred Zajac,
John Parkhurst, Bud Meade
8:15...........................Gerald Ferguson
10:30............David Smith, Jeff McClure
William Ickley, John Krepps
15 8:15..........................Paula Hazelwood
10:30................Don Fleming, Bill Ickley
Bill VanDeCar, Jeff McClure
22 8:15...............................Timothy Smith
10:30............Dale Sheaffer, Fred Zajac
David Smith, John Parkhurst
29 8:15............................David Woodling
10:30...........Teres Fausti, Carol Walker
Tracy Krepps, Joyce Hudson
1..................................Marcia Hespenheide
8........................................Tracy Charlovich
15.......................................Chrissy Taggart
Jenny Zuratovic
22...........................Nicole DiCicco & family
29..........................Michele Sheets & family
Special Events
Oct 20
7:00p - Adult Night out at Texas
Oct 28
4:00p - GEMS Ham Loaf Dinner
Oct 1
11:30a - Lay Leadership meeting
6:30p - Trustees meeting
11:30a - GEMS meeting
11:30a - CE Board meeting
12:30p - UMW meeting
11:30a - Sunday School Teachers
Oct 17
Oct 23
7:00p - Church Conference
6:00p - Small Group Ministry
Until further notice, the
Bible study group will
not be meeting.
As many of you already
know, we have experienced
some MAJOR problems that
were beyond our control with
our computers here at
BUMC. While it has been a
long and tedious process, we are making progress.
However, we still have a lot of work ahead of us! Some
of our files have been restored and we were able to
retrieve some of our data, but it will be a long process to
get us back to where we were. The internet access has
been partially restored. Pastor Bailey is still patiently
waiting to get back on line, but he can be reached via his
personal e-mail at revedbailey@msn.com. The internet
access for the office has been changed and our new
email address is badenumc@verizon.net. Linda is now
back on line with the same email address,
bumc_linda@hotmail.com. We apologize for any
inconvenience that you may have experienced, and we
ask for your continued patience and prayers.
The Youth Fellowship would like to invite any
interested adults to join them in youth band. If you
play an instrument - we need you!!! Our practice will be
held on Saturday October 28th from 3:00-4:00pm. We
will be discussing the songs we want to play and
practicing, so bring your instrument. Please call Joe
Barsic-724 869-3457, Donna Brynczak-724 266-1315,
Linda Ruckert-724 869-4430 or Tracy Krepps-724 4944358 if you have any questions. THANKS!
The youth will be helping out with the Ham Loaf
Dinner afterward from 4-7 pm and you are welcome
to stay for a great dinner and fellowship time. If you
want to make an evening out of it; after the dinner is
the Contemporary Service
with Faith +5 @ 6:30 pm.
On Tuesday October 17, 2006 at
7:00pm the Baden UMC will be
hosting a Cluster Conference.
This is our annual Church Conference Meeting with the
District Superintendent presiding. It is a Cluster
Conference because we will be joined by eleven other
UM churches. Come out and meet your brothers and
sisters in the Lord and hear what God is doing in other
COMING SOON – A PIE SALE! As in the past,
the GEMS will have a sign up sheet for frozen pies to be
delivered in time for Thanksgiving. Contact Lori Hartge
for more information.
Our first gathering will be at the Texas Roadhouse on
October 20th at 7:00pm. Come out and join your friends
for good food, great conversation and fellowship.
Ham Loaf Dinner
On October 28th from 4 to 6pm the GEMS will be serving
a ham loaf dinner. Dessert and beverage are included.
Bring family and friends for fellowship and stay for the
Contemporary Worship service at 6:30pm. The profits
from this dinner will go toward a church wide adult retreat
at Jumonville. Tickets may be purchased from Linda
Fleming, Christy Sheaffer, Tracy Krepps, Lori Hartge,
Paula Hazelwood, Sue Meade, Marilyn Dobich, JoAnn
McCartney, or Annette Trehar.
married on September 30th.
Oct 1
John & Judith
Linda Ruckert
Sunday School:
Oct 23 Del & Helen
Classes for all ages began on Rally Day, September 10,
2006. Each Sunday we begin with Opening at 9:15am and
then proceed to our classes. Our children’s department is
currently using the “Hands On Bible” Sunday school
curriculum. All of our Sunday school staff has the
necessary clearances as required by our “Safe Sanctuary”
policies. You will also notice that our staff is wearing name
badges to identify them as Sunday school staff. We are
asking that you please observe our Safe Sanctuary policy of
staff only in our classrooms. You may walk your child to
class, and then enjoy a fresh cup of coffee in the café, or
join our Adult Sunday School class. We will come and get
you if your child is need of mommy or daddy.
The “Purpose Driven Church” Adult Class is offered from 910am in the church parlor. Chapel Café is open from 910:15am for anyone who would like to sit and chat, or just
have a fresh cup of coffee. This month is “Bring a Friend to
Sunday School”. Each person who brings a friend will
receive a special surprise from Pastor Bailey.
Oct 24 Mickey & Missy
Kidz Club:
Oct 1
Chris & Leslie
Oct 8
Chuck & Joyce
Oct 12 Alan & Amy
Oct 17 Ken & Tammy
Oct 18 Bill & Joyce Ickley
Oct 19 Louis & Marge
Please help us keep our anniversary list
current. If you have an October
anniversary that is not included on, or
should be removed from our list, please
contact the church office.
Our Thursday evening Kidz Club is now meeting the first
Thursday of every month from 6-7:30pm. We provide
games, bible stories, crafts, and as always, snacks! Any
child preschool age or older is welcome. Come and join us,
we have a lot of fun!! Parents, this allows you to have time
to get some groceries, or even get an early start on that
Christmas shopping!
Upcoming events:
Congratulations to Kat
McFarland and James
Bonerigo who were
annual Harvest Party and hay ride will be
held again at the Yeck farm on Sunday
October 29th from 2 to 4pm. The cost will be
$3.00 per person or $12.00 per family of 4 or
more. Come out and enjoy the corn maze,
hay ride, bonfire and
wiener roast and the
chance to pick a pumpkin.
This event is open to
everyone in the church!
We are going to have two
wagons reserved for our
church family. Plan on
attending and bring a
On Sunday, Oct. 15th we will go to the Salvation Army Soup
Kitchen in Beaver Falls. We will leave from the church at
3:30pm and serve at the soup kitchen from 4-6pm. Then off
to the Hot Dog Shoppe for dinner. Please bring brownies,
cupcakes, etc... to share with the community. Drivers are needed
as this is a well attended service project. All adults are welcome!
Come and help us serve.
Continued on page 10...
P.S. The Steelers game is
at 4:15 and we will make
sure that the party is over in
time for
from Miss Linda
Sanctuary Choir:
Donna Brynczak
In His House:
I know, it's not summer ~
that went too fast! But, I
would like to continue IHH
for the fall and have it the
first Sunday of every month
as we are able. The first
one will be this Sunday,
Oct. 1st @ 5:30 pm. This is
a little earlier than normal so
we can catch the daylight if
needed for activities.
Hopefully this will work for
everyone. We'll discuss this
when we meet; if a time
change is needed, no
problem. Parent pick up will
be at McDonalds. If any
adults are able to help with
IHH I would be happy to
have you. This would be a
great opportunity for you
to be involved with the
youth. You are always
Soup Kitchen:
We are back and already practicing for the Christmas Cantata!
We are always looking for new members to join us on
Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 in the choir room.
Anyone in Jr. High School and beyond is welcome to join our
happy crew! We will be presenting the Christmas Cantata on
December 24th at the 10:30am worship service. This year’s
cantata is called “Sing and Shout for Joy!” by Tom Fettke.
Practices for the cantata are held on Wednesday evenings at
8:00 in the choir room. If you would prefer to sing just for the
cantata, you may join us at this time.
Praise Ringers:
Our Praise Ringers are back and as crazy as ever! We have so
much fun at our practices. (“Hey Randi, don’t forget the
chocolate!”) The ladies will be playing for the congregation
during the month of October. We always have room for bell
ringers. If you would like to join all the fun, and think that you
could never do this, you are WRONG! All you have to do is come
to our practice from 6:00 to 7:00 on Wednesday evenings in the
church parlor, and we guarantee that you will have so much fun;
you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this before.
Contemporary Worship:
We would like to thank Aldersgate for leading us in Contemporary
worship last month. Our Contemporary worship services take
place on the last Sunday evening of each month from 6:30 to
7:30. However, we have moved our services back to the
sanctuary beginning with our September service. There will still
be a fellowship time following each service in the Fellowship Hall.
Please come and join us on October 28th with Pastor Bailey and
Faith + 5.
FYI: The members of
Aldersgate are Donna
Brynczak, Tom Holcomb,
Grant Miller, Tim Smith,
Dave Smith, and Danna
Smith on sound. The
members of Faith +5 are Jeff
DeSantis, Ray Smith, John
and Julie Walsh, Miss Linda,
and our newest member,
Richard Scheimer.
Welcome aboard Richard!
Thank you all!!
Faith +5 presented a concert
at Zion Methodist Church
near Sylvania Hills Cemetery
on Sunday, September 17th.
What a wonderful time we
had singing praises in the
great outdoors!
Continued on page 10...
....Youth continued
Calling all Youth:
Saturday, October 28th, ~Calling all youth to help
serve the Ham Loaf
Dinner sponsored by the
Gems~ The time is 4-6pm
after our youth band
practice. Come out and
enjoy serving and eating
the wonderful dinner
prepared by the GEMS.
Sunday, October 29th-All Church Hayride at the Yeck
Farm from 2-4pm. Bring your friends for a great time riding
the hay wagon. Hope to see you there!
Sunday, October 8th is Pastor
Appreciation Sunday
...Music continued
Children’s & Cherub Choirs:
Both our Children’s and Cherub choirs will be practicing on
Sunday mornings before and during Sunday school time.
The Children’s choir is for anyone in grades 1 through 6.
They are practicing during the beginning of our Sunday
school opening time. Our Cherub choir is allowing time in
their Sunday school lesson hour to have practice with the
“little ones”. If you would like to have more information on
the Children’s choir, please contact Tabitha Bailey. For
more information on the Cherub choir, you may contact
Marcia Hespenheide or Christine Smith.
BUMC Sunday School Staff 2006-2007:
Toddlers and Preschool
Teachers – Michele Sheets, Nicole DiCicco and Tracy
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Teachers – Christine Smith, Marcia Hespenheide, Phyllis
McClure and Leslie Foley
First and Second Grade
Teachers – Joyce Hudson and Carol Walker
Third and Fourth Grade
Teachers – Danna Smith and Tracy Krepps
Fifth and Sixth Grade
Teachers – Christy
Sheaffer, Linda Fleming
and Dave Smith
Junior and Senior High
Teachers – Jeff DeSantis,
Ray Smith and Miss Linda
Teachers – Donna Brynczak, Tom Holcomb and Joe Barsic
Lori Hartge, Tammy Jones, Tabitha Bailey and Pastor
Health Happenings October 2006
Once again, it is that time of the year; our dreaded winter season of the flu. It
is strongly recommend that everyone receive the flu vaccine, especially those
at high risk for the flu. The flu vaccine is one of the most effective ways to
prevent this potentially deadly disease.
Influenza is caused by the influenza virus, which primarily infects the
respiratory tract. It is a contagious disease that spreads from person to person when
the infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus is sent into the air and other
people inhale it. If you do not have immunity, you may develop the disease. After
the symptoms start, beginning one day before they start to feel sick, a person can spread the flu and
can pass the flu virus to others for another three to seven days. After you become infected with the
virus (with the clinical spectrum of symptoms), symptoms start in one to four days- ranging from no
symptoms at all to deadly symptoms requiring hospitalization.
The classic flu symptoms are: sudden onset of body aches, fever, headache, fatigue;
respiratory symptoms such as dry cough, sore throat, and runny nose; and occasionally
gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Complications from the flu include:
pneumonia, dehydration, sinusitis, ear infection, and worsening of any preexisting medical
conditions such as heart failure, asthma, or diabetes.
Most people who get influenza will recover in one to two weeks. It is not a bacteria, therefore
antibiotics will not help. Rest, drinking plenty of fluids, pain and fever medications are all advised
as you wait for the illness to run its duration. There are new antiviral medications on the market
that have been found to shorten the duration of the disease, only if started in a timely fashion.
About 10-20% of Americans will get the flu every year. An average of 36,000 people in the
United States will die from influenza. The single most effective way to prevent the flu is to get the
vaccine. The vaccine is inactivated; therefore, it has minimal side effects. It has been found to be
about 70-90% effective. A less serious illness is important to the healthy but to the high risk
population; this vaccine can actually be a lifesaver! The high risk population for influenza is the
o Patients with chronic lung disease such as asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis,
bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, or cystic fibrosis
o Patients with heart disease
o Patients with kidney disease, diabetes, or another metabolic disorder
o Patients with severe anemia or other blood disorders
o Patients with diseases or treatments that depress the immune system
o Residents of nursing homes or other chronic care facilities
o Age over 50
o Children 6 months and above, especially if attending daycare!
“My dear friend, I pray that everything may go well with you and that you may be in good
health- as I know you are well in spirit.” (John 3:2)
A Health Note from Dr. Catherine Udekwu, M.D. Parish Nurse and Health Team Ministry
Our food pantry outreach is GROWING!! There are well over 40 families which
we assisted on a monthly basis and we continue to have new inquiries. We are
crucially low on many items and welcome any donation you can make. We are
especially low on paper products and cleaning supplies, but could also use all
types of canned goods, personal hygiene items, condiments…really ANYTHING
you’d like to donate. If it’s more convenient for you do make your donation in a monetary fashion,
please leave your contribution in the We Care Fund donation “cupboard” located in the Narthex or
place it in the collection plate. Checks can be made payable to the “We Care Food Cupboard”.
Thanks for caring!
“There was not a needy person among them,…distribution was made to each as any had need.” ~ Acts 4:34, 35
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
12:30 pm
Devotions............................... Sue Meade
Hostesses................................Betty Vagias, Anna Margaret Decker
and Marilyn Kouvolo
Program ................................ Making of Halloween favors
The “Busy Bee” sewers will gather on the Thursdays of October 12th & 26th
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
The GEMS with the blessings of the church council are sponsoring a church wide adult retreat at
Jumonville in October 2007. We need many interested people to do this. We will also need
several fundraisers and your support. The cost per double occupancy room is $200.00. This will
include 5 meals and accommodations from check-in on Friday to check-out on Sunday.
In order to reserve a date we need your name and non-refundable deposit in the amount of $25.00
per person / $50.00 per couple. The reservation must be paid in full by June 30, 2007. Please
complete the form below and give it to Sue Meade or the church office by October 8, 2006.
Name ____________________________________________________
Amount paid $_____________
Number of occupants___________
I would like to room with_____________________________________
Please make checks payable to GEMS