Interrogative (?): Was I, he, she, it married? Were you, we, they

Новицкая С.Ф., Плотникова Н.В., Брылёва И.М.
1. Dear David!
I saw your nice advertisement in the newspaper and decided to write
you a letter.
Please, let me introduce myself to you. I am Inga Flemming, 33/169.
I am a non-smoker/drinker, single, kind, cheerful. My interests are travelling, music, movies, nature, sports and family life. I am working at an afterschool center with children aged 5 to 13. My plan is to use the next three
years to become a social worker and then to work with handicapped persons. Danish women mostly work and earn the same as men. I have a secure life but I don’t live in the luxury. What are your dreams for the future?
David, I would become very happy if you send me a letter plus your photo!
Best regards,
2. Dear Olga,
I saw your ad in a Los Angeles paper and decided to write to you.
May I introduce myself? My name is Bill; I am an engineer, 190 cm tall, 89
kg and 49 yo.
I live in the suburb of Los Angeles called “Tarzana” and I work as a
chief engineer for a Los Angeles company. I am a kind, romantic, well situated man and you and I don’t have to start from “zero”. I have a good
financial situation, a nice house and now I want to find a nice Lady like
you to be my wife I shall respect and love.
My hobbies are arts, sports, travel, home life and much more. I am
an American who has European education (University of Paris). I know
and like European women, especially Slavic, maybe because I have some
Slavic blood too.
Well, if you are interested, tell me more about yourself, send some
photos, and I promise a long letter.
Sincerely, Bill.
1. – Good morning, Mike!
- Good morning, Bob!
- How are you?
- Fine. Thanks. How are you?
- Very much the same. Thank you.
2. – Good afternoon, Miss Bright!
- Good afternoon, Mr. Forbes!
- How’s life?
- No complaints. Thank you. How are things with you?
- Nothing to boast of. Thanks.
3. - Good evening, Mrs. McDonald!
- Good evening, Mr. Crooke!
- How is life treating you?
- Life is going its way. How are you getting on?
- I am doing fine. Thank you.
- Glad to hear it.
4. - Hello, everybody!
- Hello, Peter!
- Excuse my being late. I was delayed by the traffic.
- Never mind.
5. - Hi, Helen!
- Hi, Peter!
- I haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been all this time?
- I have just returned from Canada.
- Was it a business trip?
- Exactly.
- Was it successful?
- I am afraid not.
- Sorry to hear it.
6. – Good morning, Mr. Wilson.
- Good morning, Miss Best. How are you?
- Fine, thanks. How’s your sister?
- Very well indeed, thank you, Miss Best.
- Mr. Wilson, please, give her my best regards.
- Thank you. My regards to your family too. Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Mr. Wilson. Nice to see you.
Meeting and introducing people
1. Let me introduce myself.
Allow me to introduce myself.
May I introduce myself?
I’d like to introduce myself.
Позвольте представиться.
2. Let me introduce to you…
Will you meet …, please.
Meet F. B., my colleague.
Позвольте представить вам…
Познакомьтесь с…, пожалуйста.
Познакомьтесь с …, моим/моей
Познакомьтесь с …, врачом.
Я бы хотел представиться.
This is T. N., a doctor.
3. (I’m) glad (happy, pleased, nice)
to meet (see, know) you.
Me too.
It’s a pleasure.
Рад встрече (знакомству).
Я тоже.
Очень приятно.
Greeting people
1. How are you?
How’s life?
How are things with you?
How is life treating you?
How are you getting on?
Как дела / жизнь?
Как поживаете?
2. Life is going its way.
No complaints.
Nothing to boast of.
Could be better.
Couldn’t be better.
Жизнь идёт своим чередом.
Не жалуюсь.
Хвастаться нечем.
Могло бы быть и лучше.
Лучше не бывает!
Giving regards
Give my best regards to…
My regards to…
Say hello to…
Передавай привет…
Привет от меня…
1. The Present Indefinite Tense обозначает обычные, регулярно
повторяющиеся действия.
Образование: O ( s )
Affirmative (+): I, you, we, they work; he, she, it works
Negative (-): I, you, we, they don’t work; he, she, it doesn’t work
Interrogative (?): Do I, you, we, they work? Does he, she, it work?
Note 1.
Окончание -s/-es
после глухих
произносится по-разному:
после звонких
После s, ss, se, sh, ce,
согласных и гласных z, x, ge, tch
Note 2.
He, she, it goes.
He, she, it does.
He, she, it has.
Note 3.
I study – he, she, it studies;
I fly – he, she, it flies
The Passive Present Indefinite
Образование: be + O3
Affirmative (+): I am married; you, we, they are married; he, she, it is
Negative (-): I am not married; you, we, they are not married; he, she, it
is not married
Interrogative (?): Am I married? Are you, we, they married? Is he, she, it
Маркеры the Present Indefinite Tense:
often, always, usually, seldom, rarely, occasionally, sometimes, never,
ever, generally, as a rule, every day (month), every other day, once a
week, etc.
2. Повелительное наклонение может носить характер приказания
или просьбы: Come here!
Иди /Идите сюда!
Do this.
Сделай /Сделайте это!
Do not (don’t) come in.
Не входи / Не входите!
Предложение / приказание можно сформулировать при помощи
глагола to let:
Let’s (let us) do it.
Давайте сделаем это!
Let me do this.
Дайте я это сделаю.
(Разрешите мне сделать это.)
Let him (her, it) do this.
Пусть он сделает (делает) это.
Do not (don’t) let him do this.
Не разрешайте ему это делать.
I. Прочитайте мини-диалоги. Разыграйте их.
1. – What’s your name?
- My name is Pete.
- And what is your neighbour’s name?
- His name is Jack.
2. – Excuse me, please. Is your name Baxter?
- Yes, it is. I am Steve Baxter. And this is my wife, Jill.
- Oh, good. How do you do?
- Oh, good. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
3. – How are you?
- I am very well, thank you.
- And how is Mr. Green today?
- He isn’t very well, I’m afraid.
4. – What’s your job?
- I’m a doctor.
- And what about your husband (wife)?
- He is a pilot (a teacher).
5. – What are you?
- I’m an engineer.
- Is Jim an engineer too?
- Yes, we are both engineers.
6. – Hello, I’m David Clark.
- Hello, I’m Linda Martin.
- Are you a teacher?
- No, I am not.
- Oh, are you a student?
- Yes, I am.
7. – Who is that man?
- Which man?
- The one next to Betty Brown.
- Oh, that’s Anthony Andrews.
8. – Where are you from?
- I’m from England.
- Where is Hans from?
- He is from Germany.
- Is he German?
- Yes, he is.
II. Представьтесь коллегам:
- Good morning. I’d like to introduce myself. My name is… . I am from… .
I am a … and I work as a … at… . Here is my visit card.
- My pleasure.
III. Представьте коллегу:
- Will you meet my neighbour, please? His name is … . He is from … . He
is a …by profession. He works as a … at… .
- I’m pleased.
IV. У Вас на рабочем столе лежит визитная карточка человека,
который приходил в Ваше отсутствие. Прочтите визитку и
ответьте на вопросы Вашего заместителя.
What is the name of this man/ this woman?
What is he/ she?
Where does he/ she work?
Where is his/ her institution situated?
What does he want?
V. Вы – начальник отдела кадров. Вам нужно заполнить вакансии
медсестры, хирурга, педиатра и водителя. Познакомьтесь с
кандидатами. Скажите свои реплики по-английски.
- Good day. Do you need a nurse?
- Да. Как Вас зовут?
- My surname is Sidorova. My first/ Christian name is Maria.
- Откуда Вы?
- I am from the Ukraine, from Kiev.
- Вы украинка?
- No, I am Russian, but my husband / spouse is a Ukrainian.
- Где Вы живёте?
- I live at 16, Lenin Street.
- Кто Вы по профессии?
- I am a nurse by profession. Here are my papers.
- Хорошо. Приходите завтра.
Представьте новых сотрудников коллективу.
VI. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
представить нового гостя;
познакомиться с кем-либо;
ответить на вопрос о том, как Ваши дела;
передать привет коллеге;
спросить, как дела у коллеги;
извиниться за опоздание;
сказать, что не видели друга целую вечность;
поинтересоваться, как прошла деловая поездка;
VII. При каких обстоятельствах состоялся этот разговор?
Oh, let’s go and have a drink, Pauline. I think we’ve earned a rest
after all this sightseeing!
Pauline: I think that’s a very good idea. Oh, John, look over there. There’s
a man waving. I think he is waving to you.
Waving? To me? Good gracious, that’s Peter Harvey! I haven’t
seen him for years.
Pauline: Well, he is coming over and there’s a girl with him too.
Oh, I expect that’s his wife. Yes, I seem to remember now, some
one told me he was married.
Peter: Hello, John. How are you?
John: Hello, Peter. I haven’t seen you for ages!
Peter: You haven’t met my wife, have you? Mary, this is my old
friend John Hicks.
Mary: How do you do, Mr. Hicks? Peter has often talked about you.
John: How do you do? Mrs. Harvey? Oh, Pauline, may I introduce
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey? Miss Martell.
VIII. Как эти диалоги звучат по-английски? Какие отношения
связывают собеседников?
1.- Добрый вечер, господин Брук!
- Добрый вечер, господин Файн!
- Как поживаете?
- Спасибо, хорошо. А вы как?
- Не жалуюсь. Спасибо. Я был во Франции.
- Деловая поездка?
- Да. Она была успешная.
- Рад это слышать.
2. - Привет, Генри!
- Привет, Стив! Давно мы с тобой не виделись. Где ты был все это
- Я был очень занят, переводил три очень длинные статьи.
- Передай привет Сьюзи и детям.
- С удовольствием. Привет Николь.
IX. Поговорим о Вас и о Вашей работе!
1. What are you?
2. What do you like in your job?
3. What do you like doing?
4. What do you dislike doing?
5. What are you fond of?
6. What do you adore?
7. What do you hate?
8. What do you prefer to do?
9. What are advantages of your job?
10.What are disadvantages of your profession?
Вы приехали на стажировку в Великобританию, и Вас просят
рассказать о себе.
I am Anton Klimov. I am a doctor. You asked me about my ordinary
working day, didn’t you? All right, let’s speak about it.
On weekdays I get up at seven o’clock. The alarm clock wakes me
up every morning. I cannot say that I like its ringing, since I am definitely
not an early riser. Then, though sleepy, I do my morning exercises and in a
few minutes I feel bright and cheerful.
After that I am ready for other activities: I take a cold shower, I wash
and dress, and prepare my breakfast. I have to do it myself because when I
get up my wife is not in: she has to take our children to the kindergarten. So
I have breakfast alone. My everyday breakfast is the same: some cabbage
salad, two soft-boiled eggs and a cup of strong coffee with cheese sandwiches. I don’t like coffee with milk, so I have it black. It takes me fifteen
minutes to have my breakfast.
At 7.45 I leave my home and go to the hospital. I get to the hospital
by bus, which is always overcrowded. It affects my spirits badly. When I
come to my hospital and see my colleagues, I feel happy.
All my days in the hospital do not vary greatly, so to have an idea of
my business life I’ll tell you about my yesterday’s working day.
As usual, it began at 9.00. o’clock with some formalities. As I am responsible for the routine work of the hospital I prepared and checked up the
papers for it. It took me about an hour. At ten o’clock I began my rounds
about the hospital with the aim to visit all the departments and to learn the
situation at each of them.
At one o’clock I had a break for lunch. It lasted forty-five minutes.
During the break I went downstairs to have lunch in the canteen. Then my
friends and I had a smoke, discussed yesterday’s news and after the break I
went on with my work.
At five o’clock I got in touch with some specialists by telephone and
informed them about our future plans.
At six p.m. my working day was over. On my way home I did shopping. As usual, we exchanged news with my wife and children, and then at
about eight o’clock we had supper together. After supper, though I don’t
like, I washed up. At nine, as always, I watched the TV news programme.
Then a feature film was on and my wife joined me. Besides, I answered
some telephone calls and rang somebody up myself. At half past eleven I
went to bed.
Does Anton like his job? Why do you think so?
Расспросите Антона о его вчерашнем рабочем дне.
Расскажите о вчерашнем рабочем дне Антона.
an alarm-clock
to wake up
to get up
to be an early riser
to do /make morning exercises
to feel bright and cheerful
to wash
to wash up
to dress
to have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper
to have a snack
to have a smoke
to leave home
to come back
to exchange news
to join somebody
to answer the telephone call
to ring up
to have a rest
to go to bed
to be responsible for
вставать (с постели)
рано вставать
делать утреннюю зарядку
чувствовать себя бодро
мыть посуду
завтракать, обедать, ужинать
уходить из дома
обмениваться новостями
присоединиться к кому-либо
разговаривать по телефону
(отвечать на звонок)
звонить (по телефону)
ложиться спать
отвечать за что-либо
1. The Past Indefinite Tense обозначает действия, совершившиеся или
совершавшиеся в прошлом и не связанные с настоящим.
Образование: O + ed / O2
Affirmative (+): I, you, he, she, it, we, they worked
Negative (-):I, you, he, she, it, we, they did not (didn’t) work.
Interrogative (?): Did I, you, he, she, it, we, they work?
Note 1.
Окончание -ed произносится по-разному:
после глухих
после звонких
согласных и гласных
Note 2.
У некоторых неправильных глаголов все 3 формы одинаковые (1 = 2 =
3), например: let = let =let, cost = cost = cost.
У одного глагола 1 = 2 (beat = beat - beaten).
У трёх глаголов 1 = 3 (come – came - come, become – became - become,
run – ran - run).
У многих глаголов 2 = 3 (have – had = had, get –got = got, feel – felt =
Многие глаголы имеют три разные формы (do – did - done, give – gave
- given, take – took- taken).
The Passive Past Indefinite
Образование: was, were + Oed / O3
Affirmative (+): I, he, she, it was married; you, we, they were married
Negative (-):I, he, she, it was not (wasn’t) married; you, we, they were
not (weren’t) married
Interrogative (?): Was I, he, she, it married? Were you, we, they married?
Маркеры the Past Indefinite Tense:
ago, last year (week, month), yesterday, the other day, in 1997, first, last
(time), etc.
1. Прочитайте диалог и расскажите, как проходит обычный день
Arnold Rivera, the TV news reporter, is interviewing Mrs. Cornelia
Vandergilt for the program “Real People”.
AR: Well, Mrs. Vandergilt, please tell our viewers about an ordinary day
in your life.
CV: Well. I wake up at eight o’clock.
AR: Really? Do you get up then?
CV: No, of course. I don’t get up at that time. I have breakfast in bed, and
I read the “New York Times”.
AR: What time do you get up?
CV: I get up at ten.
AR: What do you do then?
CV: I read my letters and dictate the answers to my secretary.
And then?
At eleven I take a walk with Jimmy.
Jimmy? Who’s Jimmy?
Jimmy’s my dog.
Oh, what time do you have lunch?
I have lunch at twelve-thirty. I eat alone.
Oh, I see. Well, what do you do after lunch?
Oh, I rest until six o’clock.
And at six? What do you do at six?
I get dressed for dinner. I have dinner at seven o’clock.
Yes, well, what do you do after dinner?
I read or watch TV. I take a bath at nine-thirty and I go to bed at ten.
Thank you, Mrs. Vandergilt. You certainly have a busy and interesting life.
CV: You’re welcome.
Cornelia’s life is busy and interesting, isn’t it? Would you enjoy such a
life? Why?
Расспросите Корнелию об её обычном рабочем дне.
II. Как прошло вчерашнее утро в семействе Блэков?
The Blacks (live) in a big house not far from London. Mr. Black and
his sons Roger and David Black (work) in London. They (go) to London
every day from Monday to Friday.
Yesterday Mr. Black and his sons (get) up at 7 as usual. They (wash)
and (shave). David (have) a bath. They (go) back to the bedroom and
(dress). At half-past seven they (go) downstairs for breakfast.
At breakfast Roger and David (sit) opposite each other. Mrs. Black
(sit) opposite her husband. After breakfast Mr. Black (smoke) a cigarette
and (read) the newspaper. At twenty-five past eight Mr. Black and the boys
(leave) the house. Mrs. Black (go) to the gate and (say) good-bye to them.
They (walk) to the station. They (come) to the station a few minutes before
twenty to nine. Their train (get) to London at a quarter past nine.
III. Прочитайте и расскажите, что обычно делала по вечерам
Джанет Росс.
Arthur McNair works for a market research company in San Francisco. He’s asking people about their free time:
Excuse me, madam.
Janet Ross: Yes?
I’m from Market Research Company. May I ask you some
Uh, yes, all right.
Thank you. First, what time do you usually get home from
Um, I usually get home about six o’clock.
When do you usually have dinner?
I usually eat about seven o’clock, but I sometimes eat at eight
o’clock or nine o’clock. My husband works too!
What do you usually do after dinner?
Well, I sometimes go out, but I usually stay home and read,
watch TV.
How often do you go out?
Oh, not often … about once or twice a week.
Do you often see your friends?
Yes, I do. Quite often. I sometimes visit them, and they sometimes visit me.
Do you go to the movies?
Oh, yes.
How often?
Well, I occasionally see a movie. I like horror movies …
Frankenstein and Draculis.
What about the theatre? Do you ever go to the theatre?
Yes, I do, but not often. I rarely go to the theatre.
Do you ever go to the ballet?
No, never. I don’t like ballet.
Well, thank you Ms. Ross.
May I ask you a question?
What do you do in your spare time?
I ask questions, Ms. Ross. I don’t answer them.
Oh, I see.
IV. Скажите, как часто Вам приходится это делать. Что из этого
Вы делали вчера?
to make one’s bed
to do one’s flat
to cook dinner
to clean the floor
to wash dishes up
to do the washing
to look after the children
to repair = to fix a TV-set
(electric devices)
to water flowers
to iron
убирать постель
убирать квартиру
готовить обед
мыть пол
мыть посуду
присматривать за детьми
ремонтировать телевизор
поливать цветы
утюжить бельё
Есть ли в Вашей семье распределение домашних обязанностей?
Кто что обычно делает?
V. Расскажите, что вы обычно делаете во время обеденного
to go on with the work
to have a break for dinner at … o’clock
to last for an hour
to have a short rest
to go to the canteen
to go downstairs (upstairs)
to have a smoke
to exchange news
to look through newspapers
to call smb.
to go shopping
to be over
VI. Скажите, что вы обычно делаете (не делаете) по вечерам и
to go shopping after work
to dress the table for supper
to wash up after supper
to watch TV news programmes
to telephone = to call = to ring smb. up
to answer the telephone calls
to walk before going to bed
to visit smb.
VII. Расскажите по-английски о том, что Вы делали вчера.
Вчера я проснулся в 7 часов утра, умылся, позавтракал и поехал в
больницу. Как правило, я хожу в больницу пешком, так как живу
недалеко от работы, но вчера ехал на автобусе - вышел из дома поздно
и боялся опоздать. Я пришел в больницу без 10 восемь и работал до 3
часов. После работы у нас было собрание, где я выступил с докладом.
Вернулся я домой около шести, поужинал и пошел на прогулку. Перед
сном просмотрел газеты и послушал новости.
VIII. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
извиниться за опоздание;
пожаловаться на нехватку времени; усталость, загруженность на
сказать, что Вы очень заняты; довольны, счастливы;
сказать, что Вы готовы что-либо сделать;
объяснить, сколько времени Вам нужно, чтобы что-либо
объяснить, за что Вы отвечаете на работе;
задать вопрос о том, что происходило накануне.
IX. Поговорим о Вас и о Вашем рабочем дне!
1. How long does it take you to do your morning toilet?
2. Do you take a light or substantial breakfast?
3. How many meals a day do you have?
4. Do you always eat at home?
5. When did you go to a restaurant last time?
6. What do you usually do at work?
7. How much time a day do you spend with your children?
8. Do you like housework? What are your household duties?
X. Как Вы понимаете поговорки:
1. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
2. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is!
3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
4. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
1. Прочитайте и переведите стихотворение:
I overslept and missed my train
Slipped on the sidewalk in the pouring rain,
Sprained my ankle and skinned my knees,
Broke my glasses, lost my keys,
Got stuck in the elevator, it didn’t go,
Kicked it twice and stubbed my toe,
Bought a pen that didn’t write,
Took it back and had a fight,
Went home angry, locked the door,
Crawled into bed – couldn’t take any more.
2. Расскажите о своём обычном рабочем дне (“My Working Day ”).
Most people in our country work five days a week. They have two
days off. They are Saturday and Sunday. I like these days very much. You
needn’t hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your
week’s work. By the way, I did not introduce myself. I am Nikita Gorin, 24
years old. So, on these days I wake up later than usual. But sometimes I
don’t get up till nine or ten o’clock. I read morning newspapers or listen to
music. As soon as I get up I air the room, do my morning exercises. Then I
have breakfast, clear away the dishes and wash up.
Two more hours for getting ready with my housework and I am free.
I meet my friends and we discuss our plans together. We can go to the cinema or theatre, to museum and parks. Last Sunday we went to the Botanical Gardens. It was very pleasant to spend time there.
If next Sunday the weather is fine, we shall be out of town. We shall
find a nice place somewhere in the forest or on the bank of the river. We
shall lie in the sun, play different games and swim.
In winter my friends and I often go to the skating-rink: skating is my
favourite sport, but I like to ski too.
This evening all the members of our family will get together. Some
friends are going to visit us. I shall buy beer; we shall have our supper. We
are going to watch TV or listen to music. I enjoy a friendly chat very much.
Why does Nikita like his days off?
What does Nikita like doing when the weather is fine?
What will Nikita and his friends do tonight?
Расскажите, как обычно отдыхают Никита и его друзья.
to spend time
to have a good time =
to enjoy oneself
to enjoy doing smth
to have fun
to plan free time
to relax
to rest (to have a rest)
to go for a picnic
to go for a walk
to go skiing (skating, swimming)
to go to some places (somewhere)
to go to…
sports hall
fitness center
to go to the country (out of town)
to meet smb.
to visit smb., smth
to be fond of smth
to care for smth
to be interested in smth
to idle
to be going to
to avoid
to forget
to try
проводить время
хорошо проводить время
получать удовольствие от чего-л.
планировать свободное время
ездить на пикник
ходить на прогулку
кататься на лыжах (коньках,
ходить (ездить) куда-либо
ходить в…
спортивный зал
оздоровительный центр
ездить за город
встречаться с кем-либо
навещать, посещать
любить что-л.
интересоваться чем-л.
интересоваться чем-л.
собираться что-либо делать
пытаться, стараться
1. The Future Indefinite Tense обозначает действие или ряд действий,
относящихся к будущему.
Образование: shall/will + O
Affirmative (+): I, we shall work; you, he, she, it, they will work
Negative (-):I, we shall not (shan’t) work; you, he, she, it, we, they will
not (won’t) work.
Interrogative (?): Shall I, we work? Will you, he, she, it, they work?
Note 1.
При помощи слова shall в современном английском языке обычно
формулируют вопрос – предложение:
Shall I help you ?
Вам помочь?
Shall we go to the cinema?
Пойдём в кино?
The Passive Future Indefinite
Образование: shall/will + be + Oed / O3
Affirmative (+): I, we shall be married; you, he, she, it, they will be married.
Negative (-):I, we shall not (shan’t) be married; you, he, she, it, they will
not (won’t) be married.
Interrogative (?): Shall I, we be married? Will you, he, she, it, they be
Маркеры the Future Indefinite:
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week (month, year, Sunday), in 3
days, soon, etc
2. Намерение сделать что-либо в ближайшем будущем можно
выразить при помощи конструкции to be going to do smth.
I’ m going to visit my friends tonight.
1. Прочитайте текст.
Don’t worry! Take it easy! Cheer up!
We say all these things to balance our emotions. But it is not so easy
as it seems. So, what’s the answer?
There are lots of things we can do, of course. We can take more exercise. We can eat less, smoke less, we can have a well-organized rest. But
perhaps the most important thing we can do is to learn to relax. Stress
grows slowly. It’s made up of all the little things that make us tense, day
after day, year after year. Every time we relax, every time we have a cup of
tea and a chat with an old friend we take away some of the tension that
causes stress.
Americans worry about relaxing. They take classes to learn how to
relax. They read books that tell them how “to take it easy.” Relaxing is a
multi-dollar industry in the USA. So, why not to master this skill?
What are the ways to prevent tiredness? Give some friendly advice
(Avoid…; Forget…; Learn…; Try… ).
II. Прочитайте и расскажите о том, как отдыхают англичане.
In the United Kingdom people like to relax at weekends. You can relax in different ways. Some people like to stay at home with their families,
and others like to go out and enjoy themselves. Young people enjoy going
to the pubs, to the cinema or to nightclubs. Many young people also like to
play different kinds of sport. Tennis is very popular in Britain in summer
when you can play outdoors. Other popular sports are badminton, football,
basketball and cricket. Cricket is a very traditional British game. It is
played a lot at schools and in villages in summer.
If you have children, you can go to the seaside on day-trips or take
your children to parks or perhaps to the zoo. In summer many parents like
to take their children on picnics in the country, especially if they live in a
big city. It is nice to get away from the noise and the traffic at weekends
and relax in the country.
If you have a house in the country, you can probably spend a lot of
time in the garden. Gardening is another very traditional British way of
spending free time. People are very proud of their gardens and spend much
time trying to grow beautiful flowers and rare bushes.
How do people relax at weekends in Britain? What sports are popular
in Britain? What is another traditional way of spending free time in
III. Прочитайте диалог. Расскажите, как проведут выходной день
Питер и его друзья.
The Day Off
It is Saturday evening. Nick is at home. He is reading a book. The telephone is ringing.
Nick: Hello! Who is speaking? Oh, that’s you, Peter! How nice of you to
ring me up! How are you going to spend this Sunday?
Peter: I have some plans.
Nick: What will you do in the morning?
Peter: I’ll get up at nine, have breakfast and go to the country.
Nick: With whom will you go?
Peter: With some of my friends. You know them – Ann and Paul.
Nick: Will you go far from the city?
Peter: No, we won’t. It’s thirty minutes by bus.
Nick: What are you going to do in the country?
Peter: We’ll find a nice place in the forest. We’ll lie in the sun, sing songs,
dance, and play various games.
Nick: How much time will you spend in the forest?
Peter: It depends. 5 or 6 hours, I don’t know… And what will you do,
Nick: In the morning I’ll do my flat and in the afternoon I’ll go to the
Peter: You may join us, if you want…
Nick: With pleasure! Shall I take my guitar?
Peter: Nice idea! We’ll meet you at the bus station at 11 o’clock. And don’t
forget your guitar! See you tomorrow.
Nick: So long!
IV. Прочитайте диалоги. Пригласите приятеля на чашку кофе, в
кино, в театр, на выставку, на пикник, к себе на дачу.
A: I’m going for a walk on Sunday. Would you like to join me?
B: Oh, dear! I’m afraid I’m busy on Sunday.
A: Perhaps some other time then?
B: Sure. We’ll discuss it later.
A: Could you come to my place tonight for a sherry party?
B: What time?
A: About 6 p.m., I think.
B: That’s fine. I’ll come by all means. Thanks for invitation.
I’m going out to the
theatre with some
friends. Would you like
to join us?
Are you busy tonight?
Could we go to a birthday party together?
What are your plans for
this evening? Would
you like to go to the
concert with me?
What about going to a
cinema together?
Yes, that would be
I’d love too!
How nice of you.
Thank you very much.
A good idea!
What a nice idea!
With pleasure.
I can’t, I’m afraid.
I’m busy tonight.
I’m sorry, I’ll have
some visitors this
That’s very kind, but…
This evening is a bit of
a problem. What
about tomorrow?
Not today, I’m afraid.
V. Вы обсуждаете ближайшую вечеринку. Кто за что будет
to buy some food and drinks
to make sandwiches
to make salads, cocktails
to dress the table
to serve guests
to type, to send invitations
to buy flowers and to put them into water
to decorate the hall
to take care of music
to choose some CDs
VI. Переведите и воспроизведите диалоги:
1. –У Вас есть хобби?
- I am fond of playing tennis.
- А Вы научите меня играть в теннис?
- I can try. But I must tell you that it is not very easy.
- Я об этом знаю. Когда начнем?
- Я Вам позвоню, и мы договоримся.
2. – Вы увлекаетесь плаванием?
- Yes, very. Swimming is very popular in this country.
- Какие еще виды спорта популярны в Беларуси?
- Football, ice hockey and tennis are very popular.
- Вы занимаетесь футболом?
- No, I don’t. I go in for swimming and tennis.
- Я тоже занимаюсь теннисом!
- Tennis is very popular all over the world.
- Совершенно верно!
VII. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
рассказать о Ваших планах на будущее;
расспросить кого-либо о его планах на будущее;
рассказать о Ваших увлечениях, хобби;
расспросить кого-либо о его увлечениях, хобби;
пригласить кого-либо куда-либо;
ответить на приглашение согласием или отказом;
успокоить, подбодрить кого-либо;
дать совет кому-либо по поводу отдыха.
VIII. Поговорим о Вас и о Вашем досуге!
1. Do you regularly watch TV? What programs do you like?
2. Do you read books? What books do you prefer?
3. Do you often listen to the music? What music do you admire?
4. Do you enjoy doing sports?
5. Do you like parties?
6. Do you love inviting friends to eat at home?
7. Do you like staying at home at weekends?
8. What do you think is the best way of spending a weekend? Why?
9. What’s your hobby?
10. Do you prefer active or passive rest? Why?
IX. Согласны ли Вы:
1. I think watching TV is a pleasant pastime. Are you of the same opinion?
2. TV is the best sedative. It bores me to death! Agreed?
3. Every man must have a hobby. Do you agree with this?
4. It is more pleasant to spend weekends at the country. Is it really so?
5. There is no use making plans for anything. You never know what may
happen tomorrow. Is it true?
6. I hate parties. It’s a useless pastime, isn’t it?
7. Idling is the best pastime! What’s your opinion?
Собственное мнение можно высказать так:
in my opinion…
to my mind…
from my point of view…
frankly speaking…
to tell the truth…
X. Как Вы понимаете поговорки:
1. He who knows how to work knows how to rest.
2. Every man has his/her hobby.
Расскажите о том, как Вы обычно проводите свободное время (“My
Day Off”).
Marriage is a thing, which only a rare person in his or her life avoids.
Millions of others get married because of the fun of family life. And it is
fun, if one takes it with a sense of humour.
There’s a lot of fun in falling in love with someone. All the relatives
(parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, brothers and sisters, cousins,
aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, stepmothers and stepfathers and all
in-laws) have the fun of criticizing your choice and giving advice.
What fun is to get all those things named with the word “wedding” –
dress, rings, cars, flowers, cakes, etc.! It’s great fun to pay for them.
It’s fun for a bride and a groom to escape from guests and to go on a
honeymoon trip. It’s fun to return back home with an idea that the person
you are married to is different from the one you knew.
There is no better fun for a husband than taking his wife to a maternity home alone and bringing her back with the twins or triplets. And this is
where the greatest fun starts: washing the newborn’s nappies and passing
away sleepless nights, earning money to keep the family, taking children to
kindergarten and later to school.
What fun is to discuss with your old friends the problem of the “generation gap”! And when at last you and your grey-haired spouse feel absolutely happy in the family life, the climax of your fun comes! One of your
dearest offsprings brings a long-legged blonde to your house and says that
he wants to marry. And you think: “Why do people ever get married?”
Why do people get married from your point of view?
What relatives do the people get by birth and by marriage?
влюбиться в кого-л.
любить, обожать кого-либо
уважать кого-либо
находить поддержку и понимание
жениться на ком-либо (выходить
замуж за кого-либо)
жениться / выходить замуж
брак, замужество, женитьба
развестись с кем-либо
состоять из
to fall in love with smb
to admire
to respect smb.
to find support and understanding
to marry smb.
to get married
to divorce smb.
to consist of
близкие родственники
дальние родственники
потомок, отпрыск
проблема поколений
откровенный, искренний
зарабатывать деньги
содержать семью
вести домашнее хозяйство
делить, разделять домашние
делать карьеру
relatives = relations
close relatives
remote relatives
generation gap
to earn money
to keep the family
to keep the house
to share household duties
to make a career
The Present Continuous Tense обозначает
а) длительное действие, совершающееся в момент речи или в
настоящий период времени:
What are they doing? They are watching TV.
в) постоянный процесс, обычно с наречиями always, constantly, ever:
The earth is always moving.
c) будущее действие с глаголами движения to come, to go, to leave, to
start, to arrive:
They are leaving in a few days.
Образование: am, is, are + Oing
Affirmative (+):I am working; he, she, it is working; you, we, they are
Negative (-):I am not working; he, she, it is not working; you, we, they
are not working;
Interrogative (?): Am I working? Is he, she, it working? Are you, we, they
The Passive Present Continuous Tense
Образование: am, is, are + being + O3
Affirmative (+): I am being invited; he, she, it is being invited; you, we,
they are being invited;
Negative (-): I am not being invited; he, she, it is not being invited; you,
we, they are not being invited;
Interrogative (?): Am I being invited? Is he, she, it being invited? Are
you, we, they being invited?
The Past Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения
длительного действия, происходившего в определенный момент или в
определенный период времени в прошлом:
I was reading the book when the telephone rang.
He was reading a book from 5 to 7 o’clock yesterday.
Образование: was, were + Oing
Affirmative (+): I, he, she, it was working; you, we, they were working;
Negative (-): I, he, she, it was not working; you, we, they were not working;
Interrogative (?): Was I, he, she, it working? Were you, we, they working?
The Passive Past Continuous Tense
Образование: was, were + being + O3
Affirmative (+): I, he, she, it was being invited; you, we, they were being
Negative (-): I, he, she, it was not being invited; you, we, they were not
being invited;
Interrogative (?): Was I, he, she, it being invited? Were you, we, they being invited?
1. Прочитайте рассказ о семье Ивана. Что Вы узнали о его отце и
матери? Можно ли считать эту семью идеальной? Почему?
In a friendly family people are gentle, respectful and loving. They
always share joys and sorrows as well as household duties.
My family consists of my father, my mother and me, Ivan, their son.
So I am the only child in the family and I don’t very much mind it.
I think I’d better start with my dad. His name is Ivan Petrovich. He is
tall with dark hair and brown eyes and is of a strong built. When he was
young he was enrolled as a member of the all-Belarusian basketball team.
But at that time he wanted to make a good career so he gave up sports. At
present he is a director of a large plant.
My mother’s name is Larisa Ivanovna. She is an economist by education. She is very interested in her work. Mum’s life is not easy, of course,
because she has to keep the house in addition to her work. My mother is a
quiet and charming person.
I have many remote relations: two grandmothers, aunts, uncles and
cousins. All of them live in Belarus and we get together from time to time,
mainly on our birthdays or other holidays.
I enjoy the honest and open relationship in my family. There is no
“fathers-and-sons” problem in our family, though we often argue and disagree on certain problems.
II. Прочитайте об американской свадебной церемонии.
Расскажите о свадьбе от имени жениха, невесты и гостя. Чем
отличается американская свадьба от белорусской?
This is a traditional church wedding. The bride and groom are leaving the church. She’s wearing a long white gown and carrying a bunch of
flowers. The groom is wearing a tuxedo and a red carnation. He’s holding
her hand. Their friends and relatives are throwing rice. The bride and
groom are both smiling because they’re very happy.
In a few minutes they’re going to drive to a hotel for the reception.
They’re going to have cocktails and dinner. Then they’re going to drink
champagne, and the bride and the groom are going to cut the cake. Some
people are going to make speeches. Then everyone is going to dance.
Tonight the bride’s parents are going to say: “We are not losing a
daughter. We’re getting a son.”
to wear
разбрасывать рис
to throw rice
to lose
III. Отреагируйте на новости.
1. Peter married Helen Brown for money!
2. The Smiths have a triplet!
3. Linda and Alex divorced!
4. Andy fell in love with Mary!
5. Ann and Paul fixed the day of the wedding!
6. Their honeymoon trip is a wedding present from the parents!
7. Alex took his wife to a maternity home!
8. James Brown (96) and Liz Astrid (89) got married!
That’s strange!
Wow! What a surprise!
Do you really think so?
Is it true?
You are joking!
Are you sure?
What a wonderful
At last!
It’s great!
It’s impossible!
It’s awful!
Never expected!
It couldn’t be worse!
It’s crazy!
Stupid thing!
How foolish!
IV. Ваш 18-летний сын Майк решил жениться. Обсудите
ситуацию на «семейном совете».
Aunt Ella:
Micky, older brother:
Claudia, his wife:
Thomas, younger brother:
Ann, Thomas‘ girl friend:
You are a student! Who will keep you and
your wife-to-be?
She is not pregnant, is she?
Does she have a big family?
Can she cook well?
One student more in the family…
Is she beautiful?
Is she a home-lover?
Is she sporty?
You are crazy!
V. Как Вы думаете, чем закончилось письмо Майка другу?
Hi, Mark!
Sorry I could not write earlier. Had too many problems. All is OK at the
University, but my parents are against my marriage to Liz. They say we are
too young. Yesterday the situation got clearer…
VI. Согласны ли Вы:
1. Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense
of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. Is
it true?
2. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children, they
treat their children with respect. Agreed?
3. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy, if you get a bad one, you’ll
become a philosopher. What is your opinion?
4. An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband. Is it correct?
5. Modern women understand everything except their husbands, don’t
6. The best wife is the housewife. Do you agree?
VII. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
- узнать о семье друга / подруги;
- поинтересоваться, живы ли и как себя чувствуют родители друга /
- уточнить, есть ли дети у коллеги, и какого они возраста;
- поинтересоваться, много ли времени он/она проводит с семьёй;
- узнать профессию жены / мужа коллеги;
- одобрить свадебное платье подруги, отношения в семье друга,
пoследние события в семье друга / подруги;
- похвалить сына за удачный выбор невесты, за хорошее воспитание
- поздравить с рождением ребёнка, с днём рождения, свадьбой.
VIII. Поговорим о Вас и Вашей семье!
1. How old are you?
2. Are your parents alive?
3. Do you live with them?
4. Are you married?
5. When did you get married?
6. Do you have a big family?
7. Does your wife/husband work?
8. How many children do you have?
9. Describe your children, please.
10. Do you have an ideal family? Why?
IX. Сравните обычное действие и действие, которое происходит
I often (to listen) to the classic music, but now I (to listen) to jazz.
He usually (to smoke) his old pipe, but at present he (to smoke) a cigarette.
As a rule they (to play) golf, but this morning they (to play) tennis.
You never (to eat) meat, but…
She seldom (to do) morning exercises, but…
Every day we (to have) dinner at a canteen, but…
She usually (to wear) mini, but…
He never (to cook) himself, but…
X. Как Вы понимаете поговорки:
1. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.
2. Little children, little sorrow, big children, big sorrow.
3. Men make houses, women make homes.
4. A good husband makes a good wife.
Расскажите о своей семье.
HOWARD HUGHES 1905 – 1976
December 24, 1905 Howard Hughes was born in Houston.
He started school.
His father died. He left school. He inherited $ 750000.
He became director of his father’s oil-drilling company.
He married Ella Rice.
He went to Hollywood.
He produced his first film. He divorced Ella Rice.
He directed the film “Angels”.
He worked as an airline pilot. (He changed his name.)
He built a plane. He broke the world air-speed record.
President Roosevelt gave him a special aviation
He flew around the world in 91 hours (a new world
He designed and manufactured war planes.
He discovered Jane Russell. He directed “The Outlaw”. She became a famous cinema star.
He started TWA (Trans World Airlines). He crashed a
new war plane. He nearly died. In the hospital, he designed a new bed.
He bought RKO Pictures – a Hollywood film studio.
He sold RKO.
He sold TWA for $ 546 000 000. He married actress
Jean Peters.
He retired from public life.
He went to Las Vegas. He bought a lot of casinos,
nightclubs, and hotels. (He didn’t smoke, drink.)
He divorced Jean Peters.
He gave $ 100 000 to President Nixon for the presidential campaign.
April 5, 1976
Howard Hughes died in Acapulco.
He left $ 2 000 000 000.
What happened in 1924? How did it change Howard’s life?
How many times was he married? Did he take part in the war?
Расскажите о жизни Ховарда Хьюза.
родиться в семье (врачей,
в возрасте …
пойти в школу
учиться в (школе, лицее,
окончить школу
служить в армии
выбирать профессию
поступить в университет
окончить университет (колледж)
to be born
to be born into the family of (doctors, workers)
at the age of …
to go to school (start school)
to study at (school, a lyceum, gymnasium)
to finish school
to serve in the Army
to choose a profession
to enter a university (college)
to graduate (from) a university
(a college)
to become
to make a career
to live in a town (village, city)
to move to
to be fond of smth.
to be interested in smth.
to be keen on smth.
to do sports
to play football (chess)
to play the piano (the guitar,
the violin)
to speak foreign languages
to dream of smth.
становиться кем-либо
делать карьеру
жить в городе (деревне)
переезжать в
любить что-либо
интересоваться чем-либо
увлекаться чем-либо
заниматься спортом
играть в футбол
играть на пианино (гитаре,
говорить на иностранных языках
мечтать о чем-либо
I. Прочитайте и проанализируйте CURRICULUM VITAE (СV).
1. Личные данные
Personal information
Date of birth: 7th of June 1963
Place of birth: Minsk, Belarus
Nationality: Republic of Belarus
№ of dependents: 1 son
Marital status: single/ unmarried
(married, divorced, widow/ widower)
Sex: male/ female
phone: +375 (код Беларуси) 17
(код Минска) 222 17 49
2. и 3. Образование и обучение
Education & Training
April 2001 – May 2001
Advanced Medical Training in Cardiology, Belarusian Medical Academy of
Post Graduate Education, Department of
Cardiology (Minsk, Belarus)
Certificate: Doctor – Cardiologist
April 1998
Computer training course (Microsoft Authorized Training Centre, Moscow, Russia)
September 1990 – June 1992 Clinical Residency, Belarusian State Institute for Advanced Medical Training, Department of Cardiology (Minsk, Belarus)
Certificate: Doctor-Cardiologist
August 1986 – July 1987
Internship in Therapy, Dobrush District
Hospital (Dobrush, Belarus)
Certificate: Doctor-Therapeutist
September 1980 – June 1986 Minsk State Medical Institute (Minsk,
Higher education diploma: Medical Doctor (with Honours)
4. Опыт работы
July 1992 to present
City Hospital № 10, Department of Cardiology (Minsk, Belarus)
Head of the Cardiology Department
Management of cardiological patients.
Administrative duties performance, consultations.
City Hospital № 3, Department of Cardiology (Minsk, Belarus)
Doctor – Cardiologist
Management of cardiological patients
5. Профессиональные
умения и навыки
Professional skills
I undertake the responsibility of the daily
work schedule of the In-patient Cardiology Department. I am experienced in the
following diagnostic methods: ECG,
Stress Test, phonocardiography, angiography … I perform all procedures for
evaluation and management of cardiological patients: … I master the technique of
the following major and minor procedures:
…I work as a Consultant Cardiologist
(partial employment) at the City polyclinic
№ 33 in Minsk. Since September 2002 I
am involved in undergraduate clinical
teaching (Belarusian State Medical University)
Good typing skills; MS Word for Windows, Word Perfect, E-mail. Internet user.
Good level of spoken and written English.
Driving License.
July 1987-September 1990
6. Прочие умения и
Additional skills
7. Рекомендации:
are available upon request.
II. Проанализируйте структуру CURRICULUM VITAE:
1. Personal information (name, date of birth, place of birth, nationality,
marital status, number of dependents, sex, home address)
2. Education & Training (high school, specialized training, qualification)
3. Experience / Employment (position, responsibilities)
4. Professional skills
5. Additional skills (computer literacy, languages, social/ cultural interests ,
sporting, countries visited, driving license).
6. References
III. Как обычно звучат вопросы, ответы на которые приводятся в
IV. Поговорим о Вас:
1. Where are you from?
2. Where and when were you born?
3. When and where did you finish school?
4. When did you graduate from the University (Institute)?
5. Where did you work after graduation?
6. Where do you work now?
7. What are your occupational duties?
8. Do you speak any foreign languages?
9. Are you married?
10. Do you have a big family?
11.What are your additional skills?
V. Вы устраиваетесь на новое место работы. Что Вы расскажете о
VI. Вы руководитель компании, которой нужен переводчик.
Проведите собеседование с кандидатами на вакантную должность.
где они изучали иностранный язык,
есть ли у них опыт работы,
почему они желают работать у Вас,
каково их семейное положение и т.д.
Дайте вежливый отказ кандидатам, которые Вас не устраивают.
Обнадёжьте тех, у кого есть шанс быть принятыми.
Sorry, we don’t employ people older
I’m so sorry; we don’t need any new
Unfortunately, we have no vacancies
at present.
Pity, your application arrived too
late. The deadline for application
was …
Your English is not fluent enough…
Thank you, we are ready to consider
your application.
Will you contact me in 3-4 days,
Call me please next week.
Everything is OK with your papers.
You have to wait until we discuss all
the applicants.
Thank you for applying to us. We’ll
inform you about the results.
VII. Вы – главный врач больницы. На работу пришли
устраиваться два специалиста – опытный врач предпенсионного
возраста и молодой специалист с «красным» дипломом.
Побеседуйте с кандидатами. Кого Вы предпочтёте и почему?
VIII. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
- спросить фамилию, имя, дату/место рождения, национальность,
домашний адрес, номер телефона, профессию собеседника;
- узнать возраст собеседника;
- поинтересоваться семейным положением;
- уточнить количество детей;
- узнать где и когда он родился;
- узнать где и когда он учился;
- уточнить где, когда и кем он работал;
- поинтересоваться, кто он по профессии;
- спросить, что входит в его профессиональные обязанности;
- спросить, владеет ли он иностранными языками, какими.
Вы пришли устраиваться на новое место работы. Что Вы расскажете о
себе? Подготовьте своё CV.
It’s difficult to imagine modern life without travelling as the technological progress of the previous century has allowed people to cover long
distances in no time.
People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and
the ruins of ancient towns, to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change
of scene. It is always interesting to discover new things and other ways of
life, to meet different people, to taste different food, to examine various architectural styles, to visit museums and picture galleries. Travelling is a key
to understanding other cultures, a wonderful opportunity to learn more
about the world we live in.
Nowadays people can travel in different ways. They can enjoy the
comfort and speed of superb airliners as well as the conveniences of modern comfortable trains and coaches or the luxury of a sea voyage. People
choose this or that way of travelling according to their likes and financial
Of course, travelling by air is most convenient as in a short time you
reach the place of your destination well rested and well fed. Naturally it is
the most expensive method of travelling too. Travelling by train is slower
than by plane, but it has its advantages as well. Many people are sure that
with a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. Most trains
have very comfortable seats as well as sleeping carriages and dining cars,
which make even the longest journey enjoyable. Sea voyages these days
have become popular again mainly as pleasure trips.
Many people prefer travelling by car. There are several reasons for it.
First of all you don’t need to reserve your tickets. Then you can go as fast
as you wish, stop whenever you choose and stay at any place you choose as
long as you like. And, of course, you see much more of the countryside
than you do travelling by plane or even by train.
поездка (на значительное
морское путешествие
заказывать билет
билетная касса
отправляться из (откуда-то)
to book = to reserve a ticket in advance
to depart from some place
делать пересадку
прибывать (куда-то)
садиться в (поезд, автобус)
выходить из (поезда, автобуса)
опоздать на поезд (автобус,
вокзал (железнодорожный,
путешествовать автобусом
(поездом, пароходом, самолетом,
на машине)
отправляться в путешествие
путешествовать пешком
приземляться (садиться)
останавливаться в гостинице
регистрироваться / освободить
назвать по буквам
одно/двухместный номер
бланк регистрации
платить наличными / по
кредитной карточке
иметься в наличии
to change trains
to arrive in (at)
to get on (the train, bus)
to get off (the train, bus)
to miss the train (bus, plane)
railway (bus) station
to travel by coach (train, sea, plane
/air, car)
to go on a tour
to go hiking
to see off
to take off
to land
to stay at the hotel
to check in / out
to spell
single / double room
the registration card
to pay cash / by credit card
to be available
The Present Perfect Tense выражает действие, закончившееся к
моменту речи и связанное с ним своим результатом.
Образование: have, has + O3
Affirmative (+): I, you, we, they have worked; he, she, it has worked
Negative (-): I, you , we, they have not (haven’t) worked; he , she, it has
not (hasn’t) worked
Interrogative (?): Have I, you, we, they worked? Has he, she, it worked?
Note 1.
Может обозначать действие, которое началось в прошлом и
продолжается в настоящем:
I have known him since my childhood. Я знаю его с детства.
I have worked with him for 10 years. Я работаю с ним уже 10 лет.
The Passive Present Perfect
Образование: have, has + been+ O3
Affirmative (+): I, you, we, they have been invited; he, she, it has been
Negative (-): I, you, we, they have not (haven’t) been invited; he , she, it
has not (hasn’t) been invited
Interrogative (?): Have I, you, we, they been invited? Has he, she, it been
Маркеры Perfect Tense
just, already, not yet, ever, never, recently, lately, etc
1. Прочитайте диалог и разыграйте его по ролям:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Hello, Mom? Is that you?
Oh, Elmer, yes. How are you? Where are you from?
I’m fine. I’ve just arrived in Prague, Mom.
You haven’t sent us any postcards yet.
Yes, I have. I’ve sent one from every city.
Have you been to Paris yet, Elmer?
Yes, I have.
Have you been to Vienna yet?
No, I haven’t. We’re going to Vienna tomorrow.
Elmer! Are you still there?
Yes, Mom.
How many countries have you seen now?
Well, this is the eighth day, so I’ve already seen eight
Mrs. Colt: Have you spent much money?
Well, uh, yes, Mom. I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs, and I want
to buy some more. Can you wire me a thousand dollars?
Mrs. Colt: All right, Elmer.
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Mrs. Colt:
Elmer, are you listening to me?
Sure, Mom.
Have you taken many pictures, Elmer?
Yes, I’ve taken a lot. I’ve used three rolls of film.
Have you met any nice girls yet?
Oh, yes, Mom. There’s a girl from Texas on the tour. We’ve
done everything together.
Mrs. Colt: Elmer! Elmer! Are you still there?
Перескажите диалог от имени Элмера и его матери.
II. Спросите коллегу:
if he/she has ever been to London (Paris, abroad)
when he/she was there
if he/she has ever eaten exotic fruits
when he/she ate them
if he/she has ever lost the key to the hotel room
when he/she lost it
if he/she has ever bathed in the Black Sea
when he/she bathed last time
if he/she has ever seen big mountains
when he/she saw it
if he/she has met any interesting people
when he/she met them
III. Уточните информацию:
T.: They’ve given their friend a nice souvenir from Paris. (What souvenir?)
St.: What souvenir have they given?
T.: Oh, French perfume.
1. My friend has visited many Russian towns. (What towns? When? Why?)
2. I’ve spent a large sum of money. (How much? When? Where?)
3. I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs. (What souvenirs? Where?)
4. He has sent her a lot of post cards. (Why? From where?)
5. I’ve tasted all national dishes. (Where? What dishes?)
6. My friend has taken lots of pictures. (What pictures? Where?)
7. I’ve won at the casino! (How much? When? Where?)
8. My friend has lost at the casino! (How much? When? Where?)
IV. Прочитайте и воспроизведите диалог:
1. - Excuse me, where is the ticket office?
- Round the corner.
- Thank you. I want a round trip ticket to Boston.
- What class?
- First.
- Here it is.
2. - Porter, will you see to my luggage, please?
- Where for, Sir?
- I am going to Boston by 10 o’clock train. First class. I’d like a corner
seat, in a nonsmoker.
- OK. Here we are.
3. - What time do we get to Boston?
-The train is due to arrive in Boston at 12.30.
-Thank you for the information.
- Have a comfortable journey.
V. Переведите реплики на английский язык:
- Где находится билетная касса?
- It’s over there.
- Спасибо. Мне нужен билет до Глазго.
- A round trip ticket?
- Да. Первого класса.
- Here it is. The train starts at 8 p.m.
- Спасибо. Мне хотелось бы место у окна, в вагоне для некурящих.
- Hurry up, please.
- В котором часу поезд прибывает в Глазго?
- The train is due to arrive in Glasgow at 4.30 p.m.
- Спасибо за информацию!
- Don’t mention it. Have a comfortable journey!
- Спасибо.
VI. Вы собираетесь ехать в город Н. Узнайте:
должны ли Вы делать пересадку;
есть ли в наличии билеты;
сколько стоят билеты;
когда отправляется поезд;
с какой платформы отправляется поезд;
когда поезд прибывает в город Н.
VII. Вы летите в город М. Поинтересуйтесь:
по каким дням есть рейсы в город М.;
в какое время вылетает самолёт из аэропорта;
можно ли заказать билет на необходимый Вам рейс;
можете ли Вы приобрести обратный билет;
какова стоимость билета;
сколько длится полёт;
когда начинается регистрация на рейс.
VIII. Прочитайте диалог. Разыграйте его.
At a hotel
Mr. Borisov:
Reception Clerk:
Mr. Borisov:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
R. C.:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
R. C.:
R. C.:
Mr. B.:
Good afternoon. I’d like to check in.
Do you have a reservation?
Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last night.
Your name, please?
Gregory Borisov from San Francisco.
Would you like to spell your last name?
“B” as in Bill, “O” as in Oscar, “R” as in Robert, “I” as
in Irene, “S” as in Sam, “O” as in Oscar, “V” as in Victor.
Okay. Let me see. You have a reservation for a single
room. Is that correct?
Perfectly correct.
Have you already decided how many nights to stay?
At least until Wednesday. But I may stay longer than
that. When should I inform you about it?
Let us know about your decision Tuesday night. You
can give us a ring until 11 P.M.
All right. What’s the price of the room?
75 dollars per night. Please fill out the registration card.
Print your name and home address. Put your signature
right here. Okay. Will you pay cash or by credit card?
Cash. By the way, what about room service?
Room service is available from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Thank you for the information.
You are welcome. Your room is № 1215. Enjoy your
IX. Узнайте у портье, можно ли заказать:
a room with a private bath;
a double room overlooking the sea;
a single room with air conditioning;
a twin-bedded room with a shower;
two double rooms not on the top floor;
a double room with air conditioning and a TV set;
a suite.
X. Пожалуйтесь на проблему в гостинице:
the air conditioner / the radio set / the fridge / the telephone is out of
no hot water / no cold water / electricity / light in the room;
lost key / purse / bag / business papers.
XI. Вы решили остановиться в гостинице. Что Вы скажете, если
Вам нужно:
спросить, есть ли свободные номера;
указать, какой номер Вам нужен;
узнать, сколько стоит номер в сутки;
спросить, где расположен Ваш номер;
попросить разбудить Вас;
пожаловаться на отсутствие горячей/холодной воды, света;
попросить заказать такси;
попросить подготовить счёт.
XII. Согласны ли Вы:
1. Travelling is the name of a modern disease, isn’t it?
2. The best part of travelling is planning the trip. Do you agree?
3. People always want to use the fastest way of travelling, don't they?
4. Future belongs to the air transport. Is it true?
5. I adore railway stations! A big railway station is a very interesting place,
isn’t it?
6. I hate railway stations! They are always dirty and overcrowded. What’s
your opinion?
XIII. Как Вы понимаете поговорки:
1. So many countries, so many customs.
2. East or West, home is best.
Расскажите о Вашей последней/ем поездке /путешествии (“My Last
The summer was very hot. It was very stuffy in town and Stephan
Blake decided to go to the seashore for his summer holidays. He booked a
railway ticket, packed his things and was about to start for the station when
he remembered that he had to ask the housekeeper to post him letters he
would receive. She promised to do that.
Stephan Blake rested very well. The weather was fine. The sea was
calm. He spent much time on the seashore, got sunburnt and felt fine. The
only thing that worried him was the fact that he had not received any letters. He thought it strange and phoned his housekeeper to find out why she
hadn’t posted him his letters. The housekeeper answered that she had no
key to his letterbox.
Stephan Blake apologized and promised to send her the key. On the
same day he put the key into an envelope, wrote down his address on it and
posted the letter.
Another month was passing. Stephan Blake had a nice time on the
seashore. He swam in the sea, went boating and fishing, but didn’t receive
any letters.
When his summer holidays were over he returned home. The housekeeper met him warmly, but Stephan was very angry with her. She could
not understand why he was so angry. Stephan Blake asked why she had not
sent him his letters.
The poor woman explained to him that she could not get the key as it
was in the locked letterbox together with the letters.
How did Stephan spend his holidays? What worried him at rest? Why
was Stephan angry with his housekeeper?
Расскажите, как отдыхал Стефан, и что его тревожило.
Каким мог быть диалог между Стефаном и его экономкой?
взять отпуск
быть в отпуске
заказать билет
паковать вещи
ехать на море, в горы, в
to have (to take) vacation
to be on vacation
to book a ticket
to pack things
to go to the seashore / seaside, to the mountains, to the
покупать сувениры
проводить много времени
лежать на солнце
кататься на лодке
ловить рыбу
собирать грибы
хорошо проводить время
хорошо себя чувствовать
получать удовольствие
возвращаться домой
to go sightseeing = to do
to buy souvenirs
to spend much time
to lie in the sun
to get sunburnt – to sunbathe
to bathe
to swim
to go boating
to go fishing
to gather mushrooms
to have a nice time
to feel fine
to enjoy
to return home
1. The Past Perfect Tense употребляется для выражения действия,
предшествующего другому действию в прошлом.
He had lived in Kiev before he moved to Minsk.
Образование: had + O3
Affirmative (+): I, he, she, it, you, we, they had worked.
Negative (-): I, he, she, it, you , we, they had not (hadn’t) worked.
Interrogative (?): Had I, he, she, it, you, we, they worked?
The Passive Past Perfect
Образование: had + been+ O3
Affirmative (+): I, he, she, it, you, we, they had been invited.
Negative (-): I, he, she, it, you , we, they had not (hadn’t) been invited.
Interrogative (?): Had I, he, she, it, you, we, they been invited?
I. Прочитайте диалог и расскажите, как провёл отпуск Питер.
Peter: It’s nice to see you, Helen. How are you?
Helen: Good morning, Peter. Haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you
been all this time?
Peter: I’ve just arrived from Brighton. I spent my holidays at the seaside.
Have you ever been there?
Helen: Yes, I was there last year. It’s a nice place, isn’t it? I hope you enjoyed yourself.
Peter: Oh, yes. I had a very nice time. The weather was fine. I swam
much, lay in the sun and made a lot of friends.
Helen: Did you go to Brighton alone?
Peter: No, together with my cousin Dick. You remember him, don’t you?
Helen: Sure. Has he finished school yet?
Peter: Yes, he is a student at Oxford University. And how are you getting on? I haven’t heard from you lately.
Helen: I’m all right, thank you. Come and see me some day, will you?
Peter: I’d love to. My best regards to Dick. Good-bye.
Helen: Bye.
II. Прочитайте и воспроизведите диалоги:
A: We haven’t seen you for ages. Have you been ill?
B: No, I’ve been up north for a month.
A: Where exactly?
B: Glasgow. I got back the day before yesterday.
A: How nice to see you again. Where have you been? Home?
B: No, I’ve been at my relations’.
A: Where about?
B: I went to Newcastle to see an uncle of mine.
A: Come in and sit down. We haven’t seen much of you lately.
B: No, I’ve been away on holiday.
A: Where exactly?
B: Edinburgh. I’ve got a cousin there.
III. Первая рабочая неделя после летнего отпуска. Обеденный
перерыв. Вы обмениваетесь с коллегами впечатлениями о
проведённом отпуске.
Геннадий Марченко, зав. отделением: отдыхал с женой на Канарских
Нина, секретарша: была с подругой в Германии;
Андрей Степанович, хирург: отдыхал на озёрах;
Галина и Татьяна, медсёстры: ездили в Крым;
Михаил, молодой врач: был в турпоходе в горах;
Борис Иванович, анестезиолог: провёл отпуск в деревне;
Александр, молодой врач: оставался в городе.
IV. Поговорим о Ваших поездках и каникулах.
1. What interesting places have you travelled to?
2. Have you ever been abroad?
3. How many times have you been abroad?
4. What interesting people have you met when travelling?
5. What special souvenirs have you bought abroad?
7. Have you ever swum in the ocean?
8. Have you ever flown in a plane?
9. List all the places you've been to recently, all activities you've done
V. Расскажите, где Вы предпочитаете отдыхать: на море, в
деревне, в горах, в городе. Приведите все аргументы за
предпочитаемый Вами вид отдыха.
VI. Согласны ли Вы:
1. I don’t sunbathe, because it’s very bad for my skin. Is it right?
2. I hate hotels. You never feel independent there. What’s your opinion?
3. Too much relaxation is bad too. Do you agree with me?
4. There is no place more delightful than home. Do you think so too?
5. On the seashore I feel mentally and physically relaxed. What about you?
6. I enjoy every minute of my vacation. And you?
VII. Что Вы скажете, если хотите:
- выразить радость от встречи;
- сказать, что не видели кого-либо целую вечность;
- спросить, где отдыхал Ваш собеседник;
- спросить, как отдохнул Ваш собеседник;
- рассказать о погоде;
- рассказать о том, что Вы видели во время поездки;
- рассказать о преимуществах поездки на самолёте, поезде, автобусе,
- посоветовать собеседнику отправиться на отдых туда, где отдыхали
VIII. Прочитайте текст. Вы узнали все формы глаголов?
Seeing Off
One evening three men arrived to the station and asked the porter:
“What time is the next train to Liverpool?” The porter said: “You have just
missed one. But they go every hour. The next one is at 10 o’clock.” “That’s
all right,” they said, “we’ll go and have a drink.”
They went to the refreshment room. A minute or two after 10
o’clock they came running and said to the porter: “Has the train gone?”
“Yes,” he said, “it went at 10 o’clock as I told you. The next is at eleven
o’clock.” “That’s all right,” they said, “we’ll go and have another drink.”
So they went to the refreshment room.
They missed the eleven o’clock train too, and the porter said: ”Now
the next train is the last one; if you miss that, you won’t get to Liverpool
Twelve o’clock came, and the last train was just starting out when
the three men came out of the refreshment room running as fast as they
could. Two of them got into a carriage just as the train was leaving. But
the third man did not run fast enough and was left on the platform. He
stood there looking at the train and laughing. The porter went up to him
and said: “I told you that this was the last train. Why didn’t you come earlier?”
The man couldn’t answer because he was laughing. Then he said to
the porter: “Did you see those two men who had got into the train and had
left me here?” “Yes, I saw them.” “Well, I was the one who was going to
Liverpool. They only were here to see me off.”