Study Closeout Guideline for Investigator-Initiated Studies

1.0 Purpose of the Study Closeout Guideline
The purposes of this document are to:
describe an orderly approach to the separation of sites and participants from an
investigator initiated clinical study and
outline the administrative procedures associated with study completion.
Study closeout activities are performed to confirm that the site investigator’s study
obligations have been met and post study obligations are understood. Closeout
activities verify that study procedures have been completed, data collected, and if
relevant, study intervention is returned to the responsible party or prepared for
destruction. Please note the procedures and guidelines listed below serve as a guide
for the PPRU; other agencies may have additional requirements.
2.0 Close-Out Plan
A study close-out plan should be formulated by the investigators during the study start
up phase. If the study is a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, the plan should
include plans to unblind/unmask and debrief site staff and subjects upon trial
completion. The study close-out plan should be reviewed and approved by the safety
monitoring group (Data and Safety Monitoring Board [DSMB], or Safety Monitoring
Committee [SMC]) for the trial
Closeout may be:
Routine - in preparation for the completion of a trial,
Unscheduled - as a result of failure to obtain continuation funding, negative or
positive findings, findings in other studies that impact on the clinical trial, or other
unforeseen events (e.g. safety concerns, etc.) Unscheduled close-out processes
will follow the same steps listed below, although the timeframe for completion of
these activities may be abbreviated.
3.0 Closeout Implementation
A closeout visit should ensure the following:
Study Forms
All outstanding Case Report Forms (CRFs) have been corrected, collected,
organized, and filed as required.
All data queries are corrected and resolved
Study Closeout Guideline- 6/10/2008
All serious adverse events (SAEs) have been reported to the DSMB (or Safety
Monitor), sponsor, Institutional Review Board (IRB), and other organizations, as
specified in the protocol.
All adverse events and serious adverse events (SAEs) are recorded and
followed up to resolution in accordance with procedure detailed in the protocol.
Study Files
The investigator’s study files are complete and up-to-date with originals of the
following maintained in the Study Binder, as relevant:
Investigators’ Curriculum Vitae(s) (CVs), Investigator’s Brochure(s)
IRB approval letters for the protocol, all amendments, Informed Consents,
annual reviews and advertisements (including updated approvals)
IRB membership list
All IRB correspondence
All Coordinating Center and Institute correspondence
Site signature log
Drug accountability records documenting the investigational product received,
dispensed and returned or destroyed
Copy of randomization code for randomization, if applicable
All informed consents are signed and on file.
Record retention procedures are in place and conform to protocol and/or
institutional requirements, whichever is longer (type and length of retention,
consequences of improper record retention.
Indication of any study materials which will be shredded.
Individual to contact for study files.
Clinical Supplies
Clinical supplies, including any treatment intervention materials, have been
shipped or disposed of according to protocol directions.
As relevant, drug accountability records (shipping, receipt, dispensing, return or
destruction) are up to date.
Laboratory Records and Specimen Retention
Laboratory records are complete and up to date (reference ranges, laboratory
certifications, specimen tracking records, specimen storage records).
Study Closeout Guideline- 6/10/2008
A plan for storage/retention of samples and maintenance of patient
confidentiality is in place.
Study specimens have been shipped to the analysis center.
Notifications and Equipment Removal
A final report has been prepared (or will be prepared) for the Institutional Review Board
(IRB) and in conformance with institutional reporting requirements. The report is likely to
include, but is not limited to, study conduct and outcome, pertinent safety and efficacy
observations, complete disclosure of any SAEs experienced during the course of the
study, and the study close-out date.
An announcement on the study outcomes for submission to the NICHD,
including a report on study progress has been prepared by Investigator.
Arrangements for the removal and shipment of any study specific equipment
received by the site (e.g., computers, diagnostic equipment, and participant
monitoring devices) have been made.
Participant Rights and Notifications
A letter to thank each study participant has been prepared that includes the following
information, as relevant:
Study findings
Treatment assignment
Explanation of reason for close-out
Treatment options: whether continued treatment with the assigned medication is
indicated, and how and where treatment may be obtained
Transfer of care responsibilities
Rights to confidentiality, privacy, and to no further contact from study staff, it that
is participant’s preference
Subsequent updates or recalls if new and important information emerges
following separation
As relevant and depending on publication status, a copy of the first study article,
or a copy of the letter should be included in the participant’s file.
Study Closeout Guideline- 6/10/2008