Fibers - Home Economics Careers and Technology (HECT)

Standards-Based Lesson Plan
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Home Economics Careers and Technology Subject Matter: __Textiles___________________
Lesson Title and Duration
Fibers – persuasive/opinion paragraph – 2
class periods
Learner Outcomes /
In this lesson students will use knowledge
Objectives (Write on the board so students and of fiber characteristics, and awareness of
visitors are aware of student learning outcome)
their own values, to analyze fiber
characteristics and then choose between
wool or acrylic for a sweater, silk or
polyester for a blouse.
They will then write an appropriate opinion
paragraph explaining their choice, utilizing
facts to support their decision.
Prior knowledge: Students have read
Chapter 8 on Textile Fibers in Fashion
textbook and/or watched video “Clothing
Fibers” (Learning Seed) and taken notes.
Standards (the California State Standards
addressed in this lesson)
California State Standards for Career Technical Education
FID A 10.8
FID 18.2 Examine the chemical and
physical properties of fibers and fabrics.
FID 18.4 Describe the influence of fabric
care on textile selection.
Fashion textbook, articles on wool, acrylic
(if desired), fiber fact chart (if desired)
Samples of textiles made from wool, acrylic
(if desired) to look at/feel
Pro-con T chart
Paragraph frame
Learning Needs
Anticipatory Set – activities that help focus
students on the lesson of the day (the “hook”)
Quick write: What’s your favorite fiber?
Why? Looks? Comfort? Durability? Ease in
When faced with a choice of fiber in a
textile/completed garment, we have
important issues & values to weigh before
making a decision. Today’s activity will
help you to apply what you’ve learned
about textile characteristics to what you
already know about your values to make an
appropriate selection.
Teaching the Lesson
1. Model process with silk/nylon stockings
(or other combination of your choice),
the skill or competency?
pulling out facts from text/chart/ articles and
placing them in appropriate portions of the
 Instructional Strategies – how will you T-chart.
deliver the lesson?
2. Model choosing most relevant facts
related to a choice for stockings (or other
 Check for Understanding – how will
garment). Have students choose the 3
you ensure the skill or competency is
most important.
understood by the students?
3. Model filling out the paragraph frame,
with appropriate statements.
 Modeling – how will you demonstrate
Learning Needs
Guided Practice /
Monitoring – an activity directly supervised by
the instructor that allows students to demonstrate
grasp of new learning. Instructor moves around
the room determining the level of mastery and
providing individual remediation as needed.
Closure – Statements or actions made by the
instructor that help students make sense out of
what has just been taught, to help form a coherent
picture, to eliminate confusion and frustration, and
to reinforce major points to be learned.
Students will individually choose fiber
pair/garment to use for activity, and then fill
out T-charts and paragraph frame.
Learning Needs
(Allow other fibers/garments
if students/you desire.)
Fiber choice is important in affecting
satisfaction of consumer regarding garment
use/performance. Knowledge of fibers and
needs related to types of garments is
For homework: Edit paragraph frame for
Practice – a question or problem for students to spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
ponder on their own or in small groups or pairs.
grammar, proper use of transitions, and
The aim is to reinforce and extend the learning
general flow of ideas. Write out the
beyond the lesson and ideally into real world
information from the paragraph frame as an
settings. This may be a homework assignment.
appropriate paragraph. Paragraphs will be
turned in with T-charts and paragraph
(May want to collect the T-charts and
frames, read/give feedback and return to
student before writing final paragraph.)
Learning Needs
Evaluate & Reflect – after teaching the
lesson, ask students to reflect on their learning.
Instructors can also reflect on the lesson, its
success, and how it can be improved.
Paragraph may be handwritten or done on computer.
Round robin: Go around class and have
students tell which fiber they chose and 1
word to tell why. Give opportunity to rewrite paragraph, if desired/needed.
STEP 1. Review the characteristics of the fiber __________________________________.
Write down pros & cons in the corresponding boxes.
STEP 2. Review the characteristics of the fiber _________________________________. Write
down pros & cons in the corresponding boxes.
STEP 3: Consider your values and the particular demands/needs/issues related to the type of
garment that you are considering buying/constructing from it. Choose 1 of the 2 fibers.
Garment type
Fiber choice
STEP 4: In the pro/con boxes above, mark with a + the characteristics that would best support
your choice (from pros of your fiber of choice, and cons of the fiber not chosen)---try for 3-4.
Be prepared to compare/contrast the characteristics of the two fibers.
STEP 5: Using the paragraph template, organize your ideas and write a convincing statement
regarding your choice. You will also need to present an opposing viewpoint and then refute it.
Use appropriate transition/linking words, examples, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, etc.
STEP 6: Using a different color pen, proofread your work.
STEP 7: Give your paragraph an appropriate title and then rewrite on binder paper.
Craft an Opinion Paragraph: Paragraph Frame
HOOK: Question or
statement that responds to
the prompt and clearly
asserts your position.
Supporting Claim/Reason #1
Transition (circle):
One reason
In the first place,
Example/Evidence #1
Transition (circle):
For example,
According to,
In particular,
Supporting Claim/Reason #2
Transition (circle):
In addition,
Example/Evidence #2
Transition (circle):
For instance
According to
In fact,
Supporting Claim #3
Transition (circle):
Above all,
Example/Evidence #3
Transition (circle):
For example
According to,
In particular,
Opposing Viewpoint/
Transition (circle):
Some may believe,
On the other hand,
Restate or summarize your
Transition (circle):
Even so,
CONCLUSION: Give a strong,
valuable reason for readers
to agree with your opinion.
Who or what would benefit
from agreeing with you?