Chapter 2 Review Questions

Chapter 2 Review Questions
► Intro to Anatomy and Physiology◄
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) Which medical term is misspelled?
A) medial
B) vertebral C) thoracic
D) proximal
2) The fundamental unit of all living things is:
A) cells
B) organs
C) systems
D) tissues
4) The gallbladder and majority of the liver are located in the ________ quadrant.
A) left lower
B) right upper C) left upper
D) right lower
6) The neck is the ________ region of the body.
8) Which directional term is interchangeable with inferior?
9) Which organ is found in the urinary system?
11) Which type of muscle tissue is found attached to bone?
12) The knee is ________ to the hip.
14) Which abbreviation stands for the arm?
A) pubic
B) cervical
C) cephalic D) dorsal
A) dorsal
B) caudal
C) cephalic D) posterior
A) kidneys
B) testes
C) stomach
D) brain
A) smooth
B) skeletal
C) cardiac
D) visceral
A) distal
B) superior C) proximal D) ventral
15) Which sectional view of the body is produced by a slice along the median plane?
A) cross
B) sagittal
C) transverse
D) longitudinal
17) Which system is responsible for regulating metabolic activities of the body?
A) reproductive
B) nervous
C) endocrine
D) urinary
18) Which branch of medicine treats conditions of the eye?
A) endocrinology B) ophthalmology
C) otorhinolaryngology
D) obstetrics
19) Which is NOT a function of epithelial tissue?
A) support body structures
B) protective barrier C) secrete substances
20) Which is not a function of the blood?
A) transports oxygen
B) protects against pathogens
21) Which cavity contains the heart?
D) absorb substances
C) absorbs nutrients
A) cranial
23) The arms are the ________ region of the body. A) trunk
D) controls bleeding
B) pelvic
C) pleural
D) pericardial
B) brachial
C) crural
D) pelvic
24) Which of the following is NOT one of the basic types of tissue found in the body?
A) histogenic B) epithelial
C) muscular
D) connective
26) The organs of which system are NOT found in the abdominopelvic cavity?
A) reproductive
B) excretory C) respiratory D) digestive
28) Which plane divides the body into left and right portions?
A) frontal
B) coronal
C) sagittal
D) transverse
31) The spleen and stomach are located in the ________ quadrant.
A) right lower
B) left lower
C) left upper
D) right upper
32) Which of the following is NOT a structure that is found in all cells?
A) cytoplasm
B) nucleus
C) cell membrane
D) epithelium
33) A gastroenterologist would treat diseases of which of the following organs?
A) stomach
B) tonsils
C) heart
D) brain
34) A person having repeated bladder infections would see a specialist in:
A) gastroenterology B) gynecology
C) otorhinolaryngology D) urology
37) Which medical term is misspelled?
A) proximal
B) viseral
C) cephalic
D) muscular
38) Which type of tissue is designed to conduct electrical impulses?
A) muscular
B) nervous
C) epithelial
D) connective
39) Which of the following cavities is NOT a ventral cavity?
A) abdominal
B) spinal
C) pelvic D) thoracic
40) The cranial cavity contains the:
A) stomach
44) The hematic system is commonly called:
A) blood
B) heart
B) immune
C) brain
C) urinary
D) spinal cord
D) cardiovascular
45) Which body system receives sensory information and coordinates the body’s response?
A) respiratory B) musculoskeletal
C) special senses
D) nervous
46) Which medical term is misspelled?
47) Organs come together to form ________.
A) bracheal
B) inferior
A) cells
B) whole body
C) gluteal
D) cranial
C) systems
D) tissue
49) Another name for the torso is the ________ region of the body.
A) trunk
B) dorsum
C) vertebral
D) crural
51) Which direction term means toward the surface of the body?
A) superior
B) distal
C) deep
D) superficial
52) Which type of tissue plays a role in absorbing nutrients?
A) epithelial
B) nervous
C) connective D) muscular
54) Which medical term is misspelled?
A) crainial
56) The thyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands are found in the:
A) nervous system
B) male reproductive system C) muscular system
57) Which is NOT an organ found in the digestive system?
B) caudal
C) organic
D) epithelial
D) endocrine system
A) spleen
B) liver
C) stomach
D) colon
62) Which term means pertaining to internal organs?
A) organic
B) caudal
C) systemic
D) visceral
64) Which direction term is the opposite of distal?
73) Which medical term is misspelled?
A) posterior
B) superior
C) somatik
74) Which term means pertaining to the skull?
A) cephalic
B) cervical
C) crural
A) proximal
B) dorsal
D) lateral
D) cranial
75) Which direction term means farther away from the point of attachment to the body?
A) superficial
B) supine C) distal
D) proximal
C) superficial D) apex
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
81) ____The term deep means farther away from the surface of the body.
82) ____The brain is found in the integumentary system.
83) ____The term prone means lying face downward.
101) ____The term thoracic means pertaining to the chest.
102) ____The pleural cavity contains the heart.
108) ____The left lower quadrant contains the appendix.
109) ____The respiratory system obtains oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body.
120) ____All cells have a cell membrane.
121) ____A longitudinal section of the body is produced by a lengthwise slice along the long axis of a structure.
122) ____Nervous tissue is designed to produce body movement.
MATCHING. Choose the item in column 2 that best matches each item in column 1.
126) crural region
A) organ in the digestive system
127) superficial
B) divides body into left and right portions
128) cell membrane
C) outermost boundary of a cell
129) thoracic cavity
D) contains heart and lungs
130) lateral
E) tissue that conducts electrical impulses
131) gluteal region
F) tissue that produces movement
132) coronal plane
G) contains digestive organs
133) muscular
H) more toward the surface of the body
134) stomach
I) interchangeable with ventral
135) sagittal plane
J) study of the eye
136) anterior
K) organ in the male reproductive system
137) nervous
L) pertaining to the side
138) ophthalmology
M) the buttocks
139) prostate gland
N) divides body into front and back portions
140) abdominal cavity
O) lower extremity
141) cardiovascular system
142) apex
143) lungs
144) dorsum
145) histology
146) superior
147) supine
148) brachial region
149) dermatology
150) integumentary system
A) upper extremity
B) lying face up
C) the back region
D) tip or summit of an organ
E) pumps blood throughout the body
F) aids in temperature regulation
G) organ in the respiratory system
H) study of the skin
I) study of tissue
J) interchangeable with cephalic
151) The combining form that means system is ____________
153) The combining form that means skull is _____________
154) A medical term that means pertaining to muscles is________________.
155) The combining form that means arm is ______________
156) A medical term that means pertaining to the pelvis is_______________.
157) A combining form that means chest is _______________
158) The combining form that means muscle is ____________________.
159) The combining form that means abdomen is __________
160) A medical term that means pertaining to nerves is_________________.
161) The combining form that means tail is ____________
163) A medical term that means pertaining to the leg is _____
164) The combining form that means side is ____________________.
165) A combining form that means tissue is ______________
166) A medical term that means pertaining to the vertebrae is____________.
167) A medical term that means pertaining to the peritoneum is ____________________.
168) The combining form that means body is _____________
169) A medical term that means pertaining to the front is________________.
170) A medical term that means pertaining to the chest is ____
171) The combining form that means middle is ____________________.
172) A medical term that means pertaining to the buttocks is ____________________.
173) A medical term that means pertaining to the abdomen is ____________________.
174) A medical term that means pertaining to the middle is ____________________.
175) The combining form that means leg is _______________
176) The combining form that means pelvis is ____________________.
177) A medical term that means pertaining to the pleura is ____________________.
178) A medical term that means pertaining to internal organs is ____________________.
179) A medical term that means pertaining to the skull is ____________________.
1) C
9) A
17) C
25) A
33) A
41) C
49) A
57) A
65) B
73) C
2) A
10) D
18) B
26) C
34) D
42) A
50) C
58) A
66) A
74) D
81) TRUE
86) TRUE
91) TRUE
96) TRUE
101) TRUE
106) FALSE
111) TRUE
116) FALSE
121) TRUE
126) Y
134) C
142) F
150) M
3) C
11) B
19) A
27) D
35) D
43) B
51) D
59) D
67) A
75) C
87) TRUE
97) TRUE
102) FALSE
107) TRUE
112) TRUE
117) TRUE
122) FALSE
127) N
135) E
143) P
151) system/o
156) pelvic
161) caud/o
128) G
136) O
144) D
152) brachial
157) thorac/o
4) B
12) A
20) C
28) C
36) C
44) A
52) A
60) B
68) B
78) TRUE
83) TRUE
88) TRUE
103) FALSE
108) FALSE
113) FALSE
118) FALSE
123) TRUE
129) H
137) I
145) U
153) crani/o
158) muscul/o
5) A
13) B
21) D
29) A
37) B
45) D
53) D
61) D
69) A
6) B
14) D
22) B
30) B
38) B
46) A
54) A
62) D
70) B
79) TRUE
89) TRUE
94) TRUE
104) FALSE
109) TRUE
114) FALSE
119) FALSE
124) TRUE
130) S
138) Q
146) W
131) V
139) R
147) B
154) muscular
159) abdomin/o
7) B
15) B
23) B
31) C
39) B
47) C
55) A
63) D
71) D
8) B
16) A
24) A
32) D
40) C
48) D
56) D
64) A
72) A
80) TRUE
85) TRUE
100) FALSE
105) TRUE
110) FALSE
115) FALSE
120) TRUE
125) TRUE
132) X
140) K
148) A
133) J
141) L
149) T
155) brachi/o
160) neural
162) Suggested answer:
standing erect, arms at the side, palms of hands facing forward, eyes looking straight ahead, legs parallel with
the feet, toes pointing forward
standard position for describing positions and relationships of a structure in the human body
163) crural
168) somat/o
173) abdominal
178) visceral
183) cephal/o
188) systemic
193) organic
164) later/o
169) anterior
174) medial
179) cranial
184) vertebr/o
189) chondr/o
165) hist/o
170) thoracic
175) crur/o
180) epithelial
185) viscer/o
190) somatic
194) Suggested answer:
muscle tissue
formed from muscle fibers
produces movement in the body
skeletal muscle is attached to bones
cardiac muscle is in the heart
smooth muscle is found in internal organs
epithelial tissue
166) vertebral
171) medi/o
176) pelv/o
181) adip/o
186) spinal
191) glute/o
167) peritoneal
172) gluteal
177) pleural
182) cervical
187) oste/o
192) pleur/o
close-packed cells form covering for and lining of body structures
protective barrier
absorbs substances
secretes substances
excretes wastes
connective tissue
supports and protects body structures
many different forms to perform different tasks
nervous tissue
composed of neurons
conducts electrical impulses
brain, spinal cord, and nerves
195) peritone/o
200) cephalic
196) pubic
201) lateral
197) pub/o
202) cervic/o
198) spin/o
199) ventral