1. The rocks in the Llano Uplift of central Texas were primarily a result of the ? Orogeny. A.Grenville
B.Antler C.Alleghenian D.Taconic E.Acadian
2. The Sonoma Orogeny began during the A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian
3. ? probably represent "escaped" nucleic acids that must return to their host cells to reproduce.
A.viruses B.archaebacteria C.eubacteria D.all of these probably represent "escaped" nucleic acids
that must return to their host cells to reproduce
4. ? are low-grade metamorphic rocks that consist of chlorite, epidote and green amphibole.
A.greenstones B.tubidites C.banded iron formations D.granulites E.zeolites
5. Planetesimals were important in A.early stages of plate tectonics B.formation of the Universe
C.creation of early life forms D.formation of the Solar System E.extinction events in the Paleozoic
6. ? are "monerans". A.viruses B.prokaryotes C.eukaryotes D.all of these are "monerans"
7. The Vendobionta pertain to the A.Ediacara Fauna B.Tommotian Fauna C.both of these belong to the
8. ? transform light or chemical fuel into energy within organisms. A.proteins B.nucleic acids
C.organic phosphorous compounds
9. "Modern" seawater salinity probably developed on the Earth during the A.Hadean B.Proterozoic
C.Archean D.Phanerozoic
10. The Asteroid Belt is between A.Mercury and Venus B.Venus and Earth C.Earth and Mars D.Mars
and Jupiter E.Jupiter and Saturn
11. The Hercynian/Variscan and Alleghenian Orogenies are of ? age. A.Silurian B.Mississippian
C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Pennsylvanian
12. The area inhabited by stromatolites greatly increased about 2.2 billion years ago, probably because
A.oxygen increased B.nitrogen increased C.carbon dioxide increased D.shelf area increased
E.subduction decreased
13. The Capitan Reef System is of ? age. A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian
14. Organic Carbon-13 values dating about 3 billion years ago ? similar to those of modern
cyanobacteria. A.are B.are not
15. During early Earth history, heat flow was ? than now. A.lower B.higher
16. The Pan-African Orogeny of Late Proterozoic age was a period of plate A.suturing B.obduction
C.subduction D.rifting
17. Most of the bituminous coal deposits in North America are of ? age. A.Silurian B.Mississippian
C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Pennsylvanian
18. ? have a membrane-bound nucleus. A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya E.all of
these have membrane-bound nuclei
19. Pangaea was nearly completely formed during the A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian
D.Cambrian E.Permian
20. ? were probably formed by metamorphism of volcanic belts along the margins of small continents
and ocean basins. A.greenstones B.tubidites C.banded iron formations D.granulites E.zeolites
21. The Belt Supergroup of the northern United States was created during a period of plate A.suturing
B.obduction C.subduction D.rifting
22. The earliest evidence of continental rifting was during the A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean
23. The Antler Orogeny occurred in ? North America. A.western B.eastern C.the Antler Orogeny
occurred in both eastern and western North America
24. The Burgess Shale is of ? age. A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Permian
25. The oceans may have been created by A.degassing the Earth's interior B.comet impacts C.both of
these factors may have led to formation of the Earth's oceans
26. The Ediacara Fauna was of ? age. A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean D.Silurian E.Cambrian
27. Cyclothems were especially numerous during the A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian
D.Cambrian E.Pennsylvanian
28. Meiosis is important for the creation of A.mitochondria B.organelles C.sex cells D.invagination
29. During the Ordovician, Gondwana was situated A.at the Equator B.over the South Pole
30. ? are made of amino acids. A.proteins B.nucleic acids C.organic phosphorous compounds
31. The evaporites of the Delaware Basin were created during the A.Silurian B.Mississippian
C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Permian
32. The supercontinent of Rodinia was created during the A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean
D.Ordovician E.Silurian
33. During early Earth history, the continents were created A.by crystallization of the original "magma
ocean" B.by partial melting and recrystallization of the "primitive" crust
34. Members of the Ediacara Fauna ? a mouth and digestive system. A.had B.did not have
35. A "False Vacuum" has been proposed for creation of the A.atmosphere B.solar system C.earliest
life D.Big Bang E.plate tectonics
36. The Catskill Clastic Wedge and Old Red Sandstone are primarily of ? age. A.Silurian
B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Permian
37. During the ? Orogeny, Laurentia collided with Baltica and Avalonia; the Carolina Terrane was
formed at this time. A.Grenville B.Antler C.Alleghenian D.Taconic E.Acadian
38. During the late portion of the Cambrian, there were major marine A.regressions B.transgressions
39. The Appalachian, Ouachita and Wichita Mountains were created during the A.Silurian
B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Pennsylvanian
40. Many of the ? are thermophilic organisms. A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
41. During the Ordovician ? Orogeny, Laurentia sutured to several large islands. A.Grenville B.Antler
C.Alleghenian D.Taconic E.Acadian
42. The oldest eukaryotes are of ? age. A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean D.Silurian E.Cambrian
43. Which of the following rock types would be least abundant in a PreCambrian Shield? A.igneous
B.metamorphic C.sedimentary
44. Jovian Planets are ? than Terrestrial Planets. A.smaller B.larger
45. ? are the "building materials" of life. A.proteins B.nucleic acids C.organic phosphorous
46. The Earth's early "primitive" crust was of ? composition. A.felsic B.mafic
47. The presence of cyanobacteria in early Earth History best explains the production of ? in the Earth's
atmosphere. A.hydrogen B.nitrogen C.carbon dioxide D.carbon monoxide E.oxygen
48. Grypania and "acritarchs" probably represent early members of the A.viruses B.Archaebacteria
C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
49. ? provide information for the structure of the organism and the means to pass on this information in
reproduction. A.proteins B.nucleic acids C.organic phosphorous compounds
50. The first large craton on Earth, represented by the Witwatersrand strata of southern Africa, is of ?
age. A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean D.Phanerozoic
51. The Mississippian was primarily a period of marine A.regression B.transgression
52. The ? consist of "pancake animals". A.Ediacara Fauna B.Tommotian Fauna C.both of these are
"pancake animals"
53. In prokaryotes meiosis is A.absent B.present
54. ? consisted primarily of North America. A.Baltica B.Gondwana C.Avalonia D.Laurentia
55. More remote galaxies have ? speeds of recession. A.slower B.faster C.galaxies always have the
same speed of recession
56. The igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Llano Uplift are ? age. A.Hadean B.Proterozoic
C.Archean D.Silurian E.Cambrian
57. ? was probably the nucleic acid present within the earliest life forms. A.DNA B.RNA C.both DNA
and RNA were present within the earliest life forms
58. ? has a highly elliptical orbit; it is composed of rock mixed with ices. A.Jupiter B.Saturn C.Uranus
D.Neptune E.Pluto
59. The Gowganda Formation of Southern Canada yields evidence of A.early life forms B.continental
rifting C.plate suturing D.bolide impacts E.glaciation
60. The first extensive paleosols and red beds are of ? age. A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean
D.Silurian E.Cambrian
61. ? consist of a molecule of RNA or DNA covered by a protein case. A.viruses B.archaebacteria
C.eubacteria D.all of these consist of a molecule of RNA or DNA covered by a protein case
62. ? includes the methanogens, sulfur-metabolizing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria. A.viruses
B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
63. The asteroid impact theory has been proposed for the major extinction event at the end of the
A.Cambrian B.Silurian C.Devonian D.Permian E.Cretaceous
64. Bolide impacts may have A.cratered the Moon and Mercury B.caused extinctions C.tilted the axes
of planets D.created the Earth's Moon E.all of these may have been the results of bolide impacts
65. Large continents ? present in early Earth history. A.were B.were not
66. ? have vacuoles and mitochondria; many of these have chloroplasts. A.viruses B.Archaebacteria
C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
67. The Earth's Mantle is composed of A.iron and nickel B.silicates C.the Earth's Mantle is composed
of both iron and nickel and silicates
68. The "Endosymbiotic Theory" explains the formation of A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria
D.Eucarya E.the "Endosymbiotic Theory" explains the formation of all of these
69. Orogenic stabilization was important in formation of A.the Universe B.the Solar System C.life
forms D.continents E.plate tectonic rifting
70. The Cyanobacteria pertain to the A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
71. The "Metazoa" belong to the A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
72. Stromatolites are produced by A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
73. The most important element in the formation of cellular structure is probably A.oxygen B.sulfur
C.carbon D.nitrogen E.hydrogen
74. ? are made of alternating layers of chert and magnetite/hematite. A.granulites B.greenstones
C.eclogites D.turbidites E.banded iron formations
75. Dry conditions, with the formation of huge dune deposits and red beds, were dominant during the
A.Silurian B.Mississippian C.Devonian D.Cambrian E.Permian
76. The Ediacara Fauna represent ? creatures. A.soft-bodied B.the first shelled C.the Ediacara Fauna
represent both soft-bodied and hard-shelled creatures
77. Atmospheric oxygen increased to about 3% of total gaseous composition at about ? years ago. A.4
billion B.3 billion C.2 billion D.1 billion E.550 million
78. The "Metazoa" is defined by the presence of A.organelles B.mitochondria C.chloroplasts D.tissues
79. Comets are made primarily of A.ice B.rocks C.comets are made of both ice and rocks
80. At the beginning of the Vendian Period, World climate was much A.hotter B.colder
81. Jovian Planets have ? moons than Terrestrial Planets. A.fewer B.more
82. Which of the following is most important in decreasing the size of continents? A.subduction
B.erosion C.obduction D.suturing E.rifting
83. The oldest stromatolites and microfossils are about ? billion years old. A.1 B.1.5 C.2.7 D.3.5
84. The Wopway System of Canada, which represents the first "mountain system", developed during the
A.Hadean B.Proterozoic C.Archean D.Phanerozoic
85. Vendian trace fossils represent ? burrowers. A.shallow B.deep C.Vendian trace fossils represent
both shallow and deep burrowers
86. During the Archean, nonmarine and continental shelf facies are A.rare B.common
87. Degassing of the Earth's interior may explain the formation of all of the following gases in the
Earth's interior except A.hydrogen B.nitrogen C.carbon dioxide D.carbon monoxide E.oxygen
88. During the Proterozoic, the climate appears to have changed A.abruptly B.gradually
89. Uraninite deposits are most common in the A.Late Proterozoic B.Early Proterozoic and Archean
90. ? are single-celled organisms with their DNA loosely organized within the cell; they are not bounded
by a membrane into a nucleus and they lack chromosomes. A.viruses B.prokaryotes C.eukaryotes
91. Following continental accretion, the area of shallow marine sedimentation A.decreased B.increased
92. When life originated on Earth, ocean temperatures A.had probably greatly decreased to below the
boiling point of water B.may have been near the boiling point of water
93. Dark Energy may be causing the ? of the Universe. A.collapse B.expansion
94. With a dramatic increase in oxygen levels, banded iron formations A.appeared B.disappeared
95. Based on the latest Hubble Data, it is believed that the universe is about ? years old. A.4.6 million
B.4.6 billion C.13.7 million D.13.7 billion E.19.2 billion
96. The earliest life forms probably pertained to A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
97. The rocks of the Keweenawan Supergroup, within the Great Lakes region, represent a period of plate
A.suturing B.rifting C.subduction D.obduction
98. The most extensive glaciation in Earth history occurred during the A.Hadean B.Proterozoic
C.Archean D.Silurian E.Cambrian
99. The production of nitrates in the World's oceans was probably most important for the evolution of
the A.viruses B.Archaebacteria C.Eubacteria D.Eucarya
100. Ozone is a form of A.nitrogen B.carbon dioxide C.oxygen D.carbon monoxide E.argon