Cheshire South Methodist Circuit

Cheshire South Methodist Circuit
Circuit Meeting - Thursday September 17th 2015 at Wheelock Methodist Church
1. Opening devotions - led by Rev Rebecca Ingrouille
2. Welcome/greetings/correspondence
Rev Malcolm Lorimer welcomed members of the meeting - 48 people attended and 28 sent
Letters of greeting are to be sent to Edna Parry, Rev Doug and Mrs Pat Savill, Sheila Scragg,
Jim Walwyn, Ian White and Reg Shore
3. Membership - Sue Brownbill (Circuit Administrator) asked for members of the Meeting to update
her re any changes to the new Circuit Directory. She also drew members' attention to the
Charity Commission form issued at the Meeting and asked for it to be completed and handed
in at the end of the Meeting (ref Circuit Meeting minutes March 12th 2015, item 11c).
4. Minutes of the Circuit Meeting June 17th 2015 were agreed and signed as a true record.
5. Matters arising
Stationing - Rev Lorimer is stepping down as Superintendent Minister wef September 2016
(further information about this had been provided to all the Circuit churches on August
30th 2015). The Superintendency will be part of the stationing process for the Rope
Green Mission Area in this Connexional year (see paper 2, item 2).
Memorial to the 2015 Conference (ref March 12th 2015 Minutes, item 9) - response attached.
Small groups (ref June 16th 2015 Minutes, item 5) - in addition to the information provided on
paper 1 (issued with the agenda for September 17th), Alison Parker (now Ransome)
has provided a paper by Roger Walton ("Disciples together - the small group as a
vehicle for discipleship formation"), copies of which are available from the Circuit
Meeting Secretary.
6. Safeguarding - Martyn Ripley, District Safeguarding Officer
The following issues were highlighted:Past Cases Review had shown that Safeguarding issues have not always been dealt
with correctly.
Use the Safeguarding Officer and team. Inform them of any safeguarding concerns 24hour phone line 07910 283986.
Keep records for as long as the perpetrator and the victim are alive.
All of us have a part to play re safeguarding.
Attention needs to be given to policies, checks, safer recruiting guidelines and keyholder declaration - further information is available on the Methodist Church
DBS checks can now be done online and are needed if a person is supervising children
and/or vulnerable adults on a regular basis (but not if the person is involved only
occasionally and is supervised by a DBS holder).
"Churches are the easiest places for grooming to occur."
Training (updating and refreshing) is required every 5 years (training currently being
reviewed for new system wef 2017).
Rev Lorimer thanked Martyn and the team for their work and support.
7. Circuit Stewards - David Crompton
The members of the Meeting were invited to consider the role of stewardship, especially as the
current Circuit Stewards are not properly representative of the Circuit (in terms of the churches
they attend and the areas where they live); the Circuit Stewards are part of, yet distinct from,
the Circuit Leadership Team.
a) David Priaulx was appointed unanimously as the Finance Circuit Steward.
b) Mission Area Advocates (MAA) - the people listed on the Agenda were appointed
unanimously. Rev Lorimer urged those Mission Areas not currently not represented to
rectify this, within the next month. The Circuit Stewards will be meeting with MAAs to
discuss ways of working.
8. Reports
See Papers 3, 4, 5 and 6 issued with the agenda.
8a Staffing - the Crewe MA Team is now in place. Val Mayer reported that the Staffing Team
will be considering the situation at Elworth & Wheelock, Wrenbury MAand Brown Knowl
as well as Rope Green MA and Crewe MA.
8b Discipleship and Mission (Rev Charlotte Lorimer) - this is to become the "Discipleship and
Ministries group," which offers to work alongside church groups which are passionate
about sharing their faith. A focus for their work is Martyn Atkins' book - "Discipleship
and Methodism."
8c Finance - Proposal 1 was accepted unanimously - " The Circuit Meeting agrees that ‘North
Street Community Church Centre’ is allowed to hold funds in a separate bank account
with The Co-operative Bank and operate independently of any circuit signatories. The
signatories on the account are Rev Geoff Etherton, Ian White, and Rev Malcolm
Lorimer with authority being for any two to sign cheques or using the on-line banking
The report (paper 3) was unanimously accepted.
8d Property - the report (paper 4) was unanimously accepted.
Andrew Townsend (Broomhill and Sound) informed the meeting of the forthcoming
Harvest & Flower Festival (2-4 October) celebrating the opening of the extension
to the building and asked for prayers for guidance regarding what God wants
them to do with the building.
Discussions are taking place regarding whether Woore might become part of the
Market Drayton Circuit.
The planning process for Bulkeley (Grade 2 listed) is making slow progress.
8e Circuit Leadership Team - The Meeting unanimously approved the membership of the
Circuit Leadership Team for the year up to 31st August 2016 as follows:Revs Malcolm Lorimer (chair), Bill Anderson (deputy Superintendent),
Charlotte Lorimer, Steve Ingrouille and Rob Weir; David Crompton, Janet Griffith,
Margaret Keeling, Roger Poole, (Property Steward), David Priaulx, Ian Skaife
(Finance Steward) (Circuit Stewards); Val Mayer (chair of the Staffing Team);
Geoff Dickinson (Secretary designate of the LP meeting) and Ian White
(Secretary of CLT).
8f Local Preachers (Geoff Dickinson) - Thanks were expressed to Ian White for the work he
has undertaken as Local Preachers' Secretary.
Gifty Asomoah and Fiona Weir have been given a note to preach and will begin the new
Local Preachers course wef January 2016 (the first part of which will be shared with
Worship Leaders).
Members are encouraged to see 'Local Arrangements' as an opportunity to explore
different forms of worship, including Testimony services (assisting people to share their
story to help others to come to faith).
Members are also asked to review, in consultation with their local communities, the days
and times of their services.
There will be a Local Preachers' Continuing Development session on 7th November
(looking at the Old Testament) - others may attend.
Worship Leaders are invited to the Local Preachers' meeting at Audlem on December 2nd
9. Charity Commission and Trustees (Sue Brownbill) - see item 3 above
10. Report from the District Autumn Synod (Norma Stolworthy)
The Synod focussed on "What are the key features for growth in Methodism?" - including
spiritual renewal, mission and evangelism, church planting, small groups, organisation,
Wesleyan theology, discerning what can be done.
Workshops explored enabling growth.
11. Report from the 2015 Conference (Deborah Darnes)
Issues considered included:3Generate;
Connexionalism (commended for study and report back by September 2016);
authorisation of an order of service for reaffirmation of baptismal vows;
maternity leave regulations;
replacing of responsible bodies;
releasing money for God's mission;
training for reconciliation groups;
guidance for Local Arrangements services;
accessibility of the Conference;
migrating people and sanctuary(see AOB);
ethical investment;
fossil fuels;
Methodist Liaison Office in Jerusalem.
12. Creating opportunity for evangelism (Rev Malcolm Lorimer) - social action and church growth
Members are encouraged to begin to put these issues 'at the top of the agenda' and to
consider offering a membership class in every Mission Area in 2015-2016 (without
necessarily identifying people to participate). Rev Lorimer also recommended the
publication "Hidden treasure in Cheshire East - Faith Action Audit" (copies are available
from the Circuit Administrator).
13. AOB - Rev Steve Ingrouille spoke to the Meeting about the current refugee crisis in Europe,
contrasting the positive response of the UK to Belgian refugees in World War 1 and to the
Vietnamese Boat people, with the response now. There is a need for a long-term sustainable
solution to the current situation but action is also needed now - it is estimated that there are
4 million refugees fleeing Syria.
He urged members of the meeting to:(i) put pressure on the UK Government to change its thinking to an open-arms approach - via
writing to MPs and offering accommodation;
(ii) offer financial support to churches in mainland Europe - a fund is now open to receive
donations to support Methodist Churches that work with refugees in Macedonia, Serbia,
Germany and Italy. (Please make cheques payable to 'The Methodist Church World
Mission Fund' and clearly mark with 'Methodist Refugee Support' on the back. Send
cheques to 'Mission and Advocacy, Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road,
London, NW1 5JR'. Please include your name and contact details.)
(iii) keep the situation in our prayers and thoughts.
14. Dates of next Circuit Meetings
Thursday March 10th 2016 at 7pm - Malpas Methodist Church
Wednesday June 15th 2016 - Broomhall and Sound
Wednesday Sept 14th 2016 - TBC.
The meeting closed with prayer and the Grace.
Circuit Meeting representatives are encouraged to give a report to their churches regarding
the business of the Circuit Meeting.