Short Case

Layout of Delhaize de Leeuw supermarket in Ouderghem,
1. What is the basic layout type used in this supermarket?
Predominantly the layout is a process layout in so much as all similar goods
are grouped together. So, for example, all frozen food is stored using its
specialist technology (freezers), canned food is stored using its specialist
technology (shelves), etc. Customers with different needs will move along
different paths through the supermarket ‘assembling themselves’ to whatever
goods they wish to purchase.
2. Are the objectives in designing a supermarket layout broadly similar
to the objectives in designing a high-variety manufacturing
operation? If not, what is the difference?
In some ways the objectives are similar. Planning for the movement of
materials in a high variety manufacturing operation, one would be concerned
with ensuring that the quality of products was not affected in any way through
damage, etc. Similarly, in the supermarket one is concerned that customers
do not damage themselves by having to reach too high or stoop too low etc.
However, the main objective of a supermarket layout is very different to that of
a manufacturing operation. In fact it is the opposite. Whereas in a
manufacturing operation one is usually trying to minimise the distanced
travelled (to make the process more efficient), in a supermarket one is often
trying to deliberately get the customer to walk past certain areas (in order to
encourage them to buy certain products).