APPLICATION FORM Recognition as a Queensland Government Self-Assessed Quality Assured Supplier - AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 This application is for suppliers to the Queensland Government who wish to gain recognition of their quality management system based on self-assessment. A Self-Assessed quality management system is defined as a fully implemented quality management system of all applicable elements of a quality management system standard and verified by the supplier as conforming to all requirements. Your application will be reviewed by Queensland Government Chief Procurement Office (QGCPO). If successful, your organisation will be listed in the Queensland Government Register of Quality Assured Suppliers and issued with a Letter of Recognition - Self Assessed Quality Assured Supplier. PART 1: SUPPLIER QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DETAILS COMPANY/BUSINESS NAME: TRADING NAME: ACN/ABN : BUSINESS ADDRESS: (List all offices to be included in this application) P/CODE: POSTAL ADDRESS: P/CODE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: WEBSITE: PHONE NO: FAX NO: CONTACT OFFICER: (Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc.) POSITION: (Please Print) AUTHORISED: DATE : (Signature) Does your quality management system address the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008? YES NO (Tick relevant box as applicable) How long has your quality management system been in operation? What is the size of the organisation (i.e. number of staff/employees)? State the scope of services and/or products provided by your organisation. QGCPO use only Privacy Statement The Principal is collecting Personal Information on this form from the applicant for the purpose of responding to your request for Quality Management System audit. This Personal Information may be disclosed on the Queensland Government Register of Quality Assured Suppliers which is publicly available at: Aside from the Queensland Government Register of Quality Assured Suppliers, your personal information will not be disclosed to any other third parties without your consent unless authorised or required by law. Issue Date: 18/02/2010 SA Application Form NOT / APPROVED / / Assessor Signature Page 1 of 2 PART 2: SELF ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS Please tick () the relevant box below 1. This organisation has a documented and maintained quality management system consisting of a quality manual which includes or makes reference to quality systems procedures. Do not send a copy. 2. This organisation has a documented Quality Policy statement in accordance with Element 5.3 (Quality Policy) of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008. Please enclose a copy. 3. 1. YES NO Date/Issue/Revision of current quality manual __________________ YES NO **Is a copy enclosed as requested? YES NO This organisation has completed planned internal audits in accordance with Element 8.2.2 (Internal Audit) of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 to ensure compliance with the selected Australian Standard and operating procedures. Please enclose copies of internal audit records for the last 12 months, viz: **Are copies enclosed as requested? (a) evidence of audit planning (e.g. schedule of audit) (b) audit checklist or similar document (c) audit report or summary of audit result (d) non-conformance records* raised as a result of the internal audit process YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO * Please note that the copies of the non-conformance records required are for the non-conformances found during the actual internal audit process and not those found during the normal course of the work. 4. This organisation has conducted a Management Review in accordance with Element 5.6 of AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2008 to ensure the continuing suitability and effectiveness in satisfying the requirements of the Standard and our quality policy and objectives. Please enclose a copy of your most recent (in the last 12 months) Management Review minutes and/or records. NO **Is a copy enclosed as requested? YES NO Before submitting this application, please ensure that all details are completed. **Please note that any box above that is ticked “No” may result in the application being delayed or rejected. I declare that the information provided on this form, and its enclosures comply with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008, are true and correct and acknowledge that any of the information may be subject to a review by the Queensland Government. AUTHORISED: DATE: (Senior Management Signature) If you have any questions regarding the Queensland Government QA Policy requirements, please call the QA Hotline on 1800 628 901. Please return this application form with the requested enclosures to: QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICE Level 15, Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 GPO Box 123, Brisbane Qld 4001 Tel: 07 3235 4333 Fax: 07 3224 7921 QGCPO Use Only: All sections of this form are verified as complete and application is accepted for Self Assessed Registration. IDENTIFICATION CODE: RECORDED: DATE: (Signature) Issue Date: 18/02/2010 SA Application Form Page 2 of 2