The Scientist Yearbook Project - Due 12/7

The Scientist Yearbook
Due: ________________
During the early 1900s, scientists became increasingly interested in exploring how atoms
work. Many brilliant minds worked tirelessly to experiment and prove their hypotheses.
Some of these scientists were criticized and ousted by the science community because
their work was, at times, extremely controversial and inexplicable. However, through
their hard work and dedication, these scientists have discovered monumental theories
and outstanding mechanics about how atoms work.
The Task
You will be assigned one of the scientists listed to research and create a summary of their
life, major discoveries, and contributions to Chemistry. As a class, we will create a
"scientist yearbook," or timeline, displaying all of the projects and learning about the
individuals who have made Chemistry what it is today. If you have a chemist that you
are interested in researching who isn't on the list provided, just ask and I can approve
them. Every student in the class will research a different scientist and should sign up
ASAP. The sign up sheet is located on the chalkboard.
The Project - 40 points
Your are to include 2 pages with your project:
Page one - picture of the scientist with the birth and death years. This SHOULD be a
drawing! (I know some people have NO artistic ability, but that is what
makes this project creative!!!) The picture should appropriately fit the
page. No stick figures!!!
- 10 points
Page two - paragraph of the scientist's life. You should include, but are not limited to:
 Background/Nationality
 Where they worked and who they worked with
 Their major contribution/theory/law/principle to Chemistry, including
any equations they discovered (i.e. - Einstein's E = mc2)
 The experiment they conducted, if any (i.e. - Rutherford's Gold Foil
 SMALL pictures or diagrams of the experiment they conducted (i.e. Milikan's Oil Drop Experiment)
 Any information that pertains to their discoveries
- No more than 12-point fonts and 1 inch margins.
- Should also cite your resources used to research your scientist. List any
websites, books, reference materials used, etc.
- 20 points
Presentation - each person will present his or her research to the class. A quick
summary of the scientist they researched and their major contribution
to Chemistry. Use an index card to write notes to guide you through
your presentation. The index card will not be turned in. (You are
presenting to the class, not reading to the class. I expect good eye
contact, etc. You are not allowed to read your report to the class!)
- 10 points
***The projects will be on display so everyone in my classes can see them.
***Although information may be obtained using the Internet, any project that has
information that is COPIED from the Internet will result in a score of ZERO and
The Scientists
John Dalton
JJ Thomson
Robert Millikan
Ernest Rutherford
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Max Planck
Louis de Broglie
Werner Heisenberg
Erwin Schrodinger
Wolfgang Pauli
Friedrich Hund
Max Born
Paul Dirac
Robert Boyle
William Crooks
Marie Curie
Eugene Goldstein
Johann Kjelahl
Gabriel Farenheight
Isaac Newton
Joseph Louis Proust
William Thomson
Hans Geiger
James Chadwick
Dmitri Mendeleev
Amadea Avogadro
Sir Francis Bacon
Joseph Priestly
Jacques Charles
Antoine Lavoisier
Alessandro Volta
Joseph Lois Gay-Lussac
Germain Hess
Louis Pasteur
August Beer
Johann Josef Loschmidt
Henry Louis Le Chatelier
Henry Moseley
Gilbert N. Lewis
Linus Pauling
Gregor Mendel
Anders Celsius