REPORT TO DATE OF MEETING SCRUTINY COMMITTEE CABINET 23 JUNE 2009 15 JULY 2009 REPORT TEMPLATE REVISED JULY 2004 SUBJECT PORTFOLIO AUTHOR PROCUREMENT POLICY AND STRATEGY LEADER JANET M HINDS ITEM SUMMARY AND LINK TO CORPORATE PRIORITIES This report provides performance monitoring information (Appendix 1) against the priorities and targets contained within the existing Procurement Strategy, which was approved at Cabinet in July 2008, prior to the commencement of the new Finance and Assurance Shared Services Partnership with Chorley Borough Council. In order to take maximum advantage of the efficiencies and best practice that the new shared procurement service would bring progress on achieving some of the targets contained within the existing Strategy were delayed until the new service was implemented. Moving forward under the new Shared Services arrangement, this report also presents a new draft Joint South Ribble / Chorley Council Procurement Strategy (Appendix 2) based on the priorities contained within the current South Ribble Strategy and a new Draft Sustainable Procurement policy (Appendix 3). The draft Sustainable Procurement policy is based on the North West Improvement and Efficiency Partnership template policy and is already in place at Chorley Council. This report has particular links to the following corporate priorities: Efficient, effective and exceptional council. Strong South Ribble in the heart of a prosperous Central Lancashire Clean, Green and Safe. RECOMMENDATIONS That:1. members consider the Performance Monitoring report and make appropriate comments; . 2. the Scrutiny Committee considers the attached draft Joint Procurement Strategy and draft Sustainable Procurement Policy and makes appropriate comments; 3. Cabinet agrees the draft Joint Procurement Strategy and a draft Sustainable Procurement Policy, in the light of Scrutiny’s comments; 4. the Corporate Director (Policy and Neighbourhoods) be authorised to finalise the Joint Procurement Strategy and Sustainable Procurement Policy, in consultation with the Leader, and in conjunction with Chorley BC. 1 DETAILS AND REASONING Attached for members’ consideration at Appendix 1 is a Performance Monitoring report on the existing Procurement Strategy. The monitoring report sets out performance against the 2008/2011 Procurement Strategy approved at Cabinet in July 2008, prior to the commencement of the new Financial and Assurance Shared Services Partnership with Chorley Borough Council. The new Shared Services Partnership commenced 1st January 2009 and includes a new joint procurement service. It should be noted that some of the e-procurement targets contained within the Strategy were dependant on the acquisition of a new financial system. This will not now be implemented until 2010 and this has been noted accordingly in the monitoring report. It was recognised early on in the life of the strategy that a number of the priorities and key actions contained within it are shared with Chorley Council. A decision was therefore taken to delay the delivery of some items until the launch of the new Shared Service in order to take advantage of the knowledge, experience and best practice this will bring, together with the added efficiency of joint working and joint delivery. This has proven to be a successful approach with significant progress made within the first five months of the joint procurement service. This includes spend analysis, benchmarking and market research, leading to the introduction of a number of frameworks and collaborative procurement arrangements in the initial months of the shared services arrangement, providing the following procurement savings for this Council: Product/ Service Stationery Copier paper, recycled Copier paper, recycled Primary on line Legal Reference Material Anti virus software licensing Chrystal Consulting Service Cash in Transit Application of Herbicide Description of Action Existing supplier retained but moved to Merseyside Framework rates Existing supplier retained but moved to Merseyside Framework rates Credit note negotiated for previous payments SRBC moved from hard copy to on-line service and new CBC/SRBC joint agreement negotiated with the provider New collaborative arrangement negotiated through the Lancashire Procurement Hub bringing all participating authorities contract periods in line to 28.2.12 expiry Negotiated reduction in cost from £1000 to £500 p.a. for 3 yr contract term Retained existing supplier but moved to Burnley Framework achieving 41% reduction in cost with effect from 1.7.09 Collaborative procurement exercise with Chorley for 2 applications in 09/10 Total Saving £4290 p.a. £650 p.a. £300 – one off £8315 p.a. £6270 over balance of agreement £500 p.a. £2290 p.a. £2,200 £24,815 Additionally new guidance documentation has been introduced around integrating equality into the procurement process which was very positively received by the IDeA assessment team in the recent level 3 equality assessment. A new, simple and easy to follow “Pocket Guide to Procurement” has also been introduced which shows the procurement process in flowcharts and prompts the procuring officer to consider key issues. Additionally, training and skills analysis has also been arranged for early July covering the key procurement considerations and Standing Order requirements. As both Councils have similar procurement challenges, priorities and aspirations, and in the spirit of the shared services partnership, it is considered appropriate that the Council now considers a 2 new Joint Procurement Strategy which incorporates all of the values and priorities contained within the current Strategy. A draft Joint Procurement Strategy has therefore been prepared and is submitted at Appendix 2 for members’ consideration. One of the Council’s key priorities is to ensure procurement that is inclusive, sustainable and socially responsible. To cement commitment to sustainable procurement it is recommended that the Council approve and adopt the NWIEP (North West Improvement and Efficiency Partnership) Standard Sustainable Procurement Policy, which has already been adopted and is in place at Chorley and some other North West Councils. This policy is attached at Appendix 3 for members’ comments. Adoption of a sustainable procurement policy is an element of the Flexible Framework for Sustainable Procurement published by the Sustainable Procurement Task Force in their 2006 National Action Plan report “Procuring the Future”. As the new draft Strategy is also being considered by Chorley BC, it is proposed that the Corporate Director (Policy and Neighbourhoods), in consultation with the Leader, be authorised to finalise the draft Joint Procurement Strategy and Sustainable Procurement Policy. WIDER IMPLICATIONS In the preparation of this report, consideration has been given to the impact of its proposals in all the areas shown below. The table shows the implications in respect of each of these. FINANCIAL An annual saving for this Council of approximately £25k has already been found since the introduction of the Shared Service Partnership with Chorley Borough Council. Officers are confident that the annual saving target in this year’s budget of £50k can be achieved. LEGAL None arising directly from this report. RISK The risk in not considering a joint Procurement Strategy is the misalignment of priorities and targets and therefore efficiencies from joint working between Chorley and South Ribble Councils under the new shared procurement service. The risk in not adopting a sustainable procurement policy is failure to clarify, demonstrate and promote the Council’s high level commitment to sustainable procurement principles and meet the targets contained within the Flexible Framework for Sustainable Procurement OTHER (see below) The draft strategy addresses all relevant issues from the list below. Asset Management Corporate Plans and Policies Freedom of Information Act 2000 Staffing Fair Access Implementing Electronic Government Crime and Disorder Act 1998 – Section 17 Health and Safety Sustainability Data Protection Human Rights Act 1998 Training and Development BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS 2008-2011 Procurement Strategy Flexible framework contained within the Sustainable Procurement task Force Report “Procuring the Future” 3