YEAR 7 Spanish Scheme of Work Useful information Year 7 will spend the first term building up a good understanding of phonics, practising key skills such as dictionary, reading and listening skills. They will also spend the first term building up their conversational skills, expressing and justifying their opinion and asking questions. Throughout the year, all opportunities to expose students to the culture within the Spanish-speaking world should be taken. They will loosely follow Mira 1 throughout the year but some units have been modified to allow access to higher levels. Students will have the opportunity to attain level 4 by Christmas and level 5 by the end of the year, although we would anticipate these would be the most able. The scheme of work contains suggested learning activities which are pre-made. Teachers are free to teach in the combination they see most appropriate for their classes as long as the objectives are met. The overview suggests the approximate amount of time to spend on each sub-topic. Resources can be found in staff share ---- Modern foreign languages --- Spanish – Key Stage 3 – year 7 and then the relevant folder. All topic areas will have power points to introduce the new vocabulary. These can be found in the shared area and will not be listed on the SoW. Where listening exercises are mentioned, there may also be a supporting power point or worksheet in share. All students will receive an exercise book. This should either be left blank or covered with appropriate paper. Any students who graffiti on their exercise books should be asked to cover it. Students will be given a tick sheet. Whenever they speak in TL, they will award themselves a tick and 10 ticks will lead to a credit. It is the student’s responsibility to tell their teacher when they have 10 ticks. When students have achieved 60 ticks, they will be sent a postcard. Students will also be given a vocabulary support sheet to stick in their books. The front of their exercise books should be kept neat and contain written tasks and vocabulary. The back of their book can be used for less formal tasks in lessons. All work should have an underlined date and title. Homework should be clearly labelled as such. All students should be encouraged to refer to the vocabulary in their books or use a dictionary before asking the teacher for help with vocabulary. All worksheet should be stuck in if they provide new vocabulary or show the student’s work. Re-enforcement tasks do not need sticking in. Please get students in to good habits of regularly sticking in work. The year will consist of 3 “international dimension” weeks of study, where all students in Key Stage 3 will learn about other cultures. The countries studied will be rotated on a 3 year programme in order to avoid repetition. KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages. 1.1 Linguistic competence 1.2 knowledge about language 1.3 Creativity 1.4 Intercultural understanding 2.1 Developing languagelearning strategies 2.2 Developing language skills a. Developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts. b. Applying linguistic knowledge and skills to understand and communicate effectively. a. Understanding how a language works and how to manipulate it. b. Recognising that languages differ but may share common grammatical, syntactical or lexical features. a. Using familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts. b. Using imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings. a. Appreciating the richness and diversity of other cultures. b. Recognising that there are different ways of seeing the world and developing an international outlook. Pupils should be able to: a. identify patterns in the target language. b. develop techniques for memorising words, phrases and spellings. c. use their knowledge of English or another language when learning the target language. d. use previous knowledge, context and other clues to work out the meaning of what they hear and read. e. use reference materials such as dictionaries appropriately and effectively. Pupils should be able to: a. listen to gist or detail. b. skim and scan written texts for the main points of details. c. respond appropriately to spoken and written language. d. use correct pronunciation and intonation. e. ask and answer questions. f. initiate and sustain conversations. g. write clearly and coherently, including an appropriate level of detail. h. redraft their writing to improve accuracy and quality. i. reuse language that they have heard or read in their own speaking and writing. j. adapt language they already know in new contexts for different purposes. k. deal with unfamiliar language, unexpected responses and unpredictable situations. 3 Range and content The study of languages should include: a. the spoken and written forms of the target language. b. the interrelationship between sounds and writing in the target language. c. the grammar of the target language and how to apply it. d. a range of vocabulary and structures. e. learning about different countries and cultures. f. comparing pupils’ own experiences and perspectives with those of people in countries and communities where the target language is spoken. 4 Curriculum opportunities The curriculum should provide opportunities for pupils to: a. hear, speak, read and write in the target language regularly and frequently within the classroom and beyond. b. communicate in the target language individually, in pairs, in groups and with speakers of the target language, including native speakers where possible, for a variety of purposes. c. use an increasing range of more complex language. d. make links with English at word, sentence and text level. e. use a range of resources, including ICT, for accessing and communicating information in the target language. f. f. listen to, read or view a range of materials, including authentic materials in the target language, both to support learning and for personal interest and enjoyment. g. use the target language in connection with topics and issues that are engaging and may be related to other areas of the curriculum. KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Autumn 1 Introduction Mira 1 page 6 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to introduce themselves in simple Spanish and greet others To be able to ask where someone lives and say where they live ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo... ¡Hola! Buenos días/ Buenas tardes/ Buenas noches ¿Qué tal? Bien/ Regular/ fatal/ Fenomenal ¿Cómo estás? ¿Y tú? ¡Adiós! ¡Hasta luego! ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en .. Pronunciation rules Starters/plenaries Find the coin – class game PPT Fastest finger first Tasks/work sheets Song – Mira 1 pg 7 Whole class - detective game: Split the class in to boys against girls. Send one player from each team outside. Whilst they are out the room, assign one girl to be Dora (or some other Spanish name) and one boy to be Diego. The two players come in and ask students on their team “Cómo te llamas?” as quickly as they can. First to find Dora or Diego wins. All other students must answer with a full sentence “Me llamo plus their real name” Role play – use mood cards to add interest for spectators Level Extension NC 1-2 Workbook A, p2 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 114, exs 1 and 4 Workbook B, p2 2.1 a 2.1b 2.1d 2.2a 2.2d 3a 3b 3e Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons MYLO greetings 5 Autumn 1 the importance of MFL OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To discuss the importance of learning a foreign language and to consider how it may be beneficial for the future Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Look at use of foreign words in the English language Class discussion - why should we learn a foreign language Produce a display piece to show the benefits of learning a foreign language in the modern world. Level Extension NC Number of lessons Suggested homework SMSC 1 The international world Autumn 1 Phonics and classroom talk OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To develop an understanding of the rules of Spanish pronunciation To be able to follow routine classroom instructions To be able to form key classroom questions Starters/plenaries Syllable bingo Level Suggested homework tasks Extension 1.2a 2.1a 2.1c 3a 3b 4a NC KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Asking questions Pronunciation rules Tasks/work sheets Tongue twisters Regions in Spain – pronunciation practice Role play Simple classroom talk – tool kit phrases Number of lessons Suggested homework SMSC 3 Autumn 1 Dictionary skills and cognates OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE COGNATES GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to use a bilingual dictionary confidently To understand that nouns in Spanish have a gender and to use a dictionary to help identify this To understand the use of cognates in order to help decipher meaning Enero febrero marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre Use of capital letters Gender of nouns The definite article Cognates Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Reading passage – animal cognates Es possible/horrible Cognates – building words 200 + words – ción ending rule Level Extension NC Number of lessons 1-3 2 Suggested homework SMSC 1.2 b 2.1 a 2.1c 2.1e 3b 3c 4d Autumn 1 key infinitives + me gusta OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to talk freely about their likes and dislikes using gustar To be able to use porque and some simple adjectives to justify their opinion ¿Te gusta ….? Me gusta .. no me gusta … bailar cantar leer ver nadar estudiar jugar comer beber vivir porque interesante divertido aburrido gracioso escuchar Me gusta No me gusta + infinitives Justification Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets pesimista / optimista Key infinitive – create an action to remember each Level Extension NC Number of lessons 2-4 3 Suggested homework SMSC 1.1b 1.3a 1.3b 2.1 e 2.2 a 2.2 d 2.2e 2.2k 4b 4f Autumn 1 en mi mochila Mira 1 page 12-13 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to say what items they have for school To be able to ask someone else if they have an item To be able to say what they need To be able to ask if someone needs something ¿Tienes …? ¿Necesitas…? ero Tengo … necesito un cuaderno un diccionario un libro un monedero un lápiz un estuche un móvil un sacapuntas una goma una regla una agenda una mochila una calculadora sí no y (no) tengo (no) necesitio The indefinite article Dictionary skills Extending sentences Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Anagrams – items in bag 007 Reading match up Beat the clock Snakes and ladders Level 1-3 KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Number of lessons 2 Suggested homework tasks Extension Workbook A, p. 5 Workbook B, p. 5 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 115, ex. 2 2.1c 2.1d 2.2a 2.2j 3c 4b NC Suggested homework SMSC Autumn 1 numbers, age and birthday Mira 1 page 8-10 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to count 1-100 in Spanish To be able to ask someone their age To be able to say how old they are To be able to speculate how old they think someone else is To be able to say when their birthday is 1-100 ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo … años creo que … en mi opinión Tiene … ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es … Tener 1st 2nd and 3rd person Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Beat the clock – team game La pregunta del día - ¿Cuántos años tiene? Age battleships – pair work Age listening ex. Pg 8 mira 1 Age Dominoes – group task Level Extension NC Numeracy 1-4 Workbook A, p. 3/4 Workbook B, p. 3/4 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 114, ex. 2 2.1c 2.2d 2.2f 3b Numbers and simple arithmetic 4b Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons MYLO age and birthday 3 Autumn 1 favourites OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS ¿Cuál es tu … favorito/a? Mi color favorito es mi número favorito mi grupo favorito mi animal favorito mi comida favorita mi película favorita es mi libro favorito es .. Gender of nouns Word order Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Worksheet – complete favourites La pregunta del día - ¿Te gusta Ice age? Level Extension NC Number of lessons 2- 4 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 115, exs 1 and 3 1.3 b 2.1 a 2.1 b 2.2 f 2.2 j 4a 4d KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Suggested homework SMSC 1 Autumn 2 ¿Qué hiciste? OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To be able to give a little detail about what they did on a certain day ¿Qué hiciste el sábado / el domingo / ayer? Comí … Bebí .. Leí.. Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC GRAMMAR/SKILLS vi … visité .. mandé mensajes The preterite – common 1st person Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 2-5 1 Suggested homework SMSC 1.3b 2.1b 2.1 e 2.2 b 2.2 c 2.2 d 3a 3d 4a 4b Autumn 2 - fue ... OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to express their opinion about something in the past To justify their opinion using common adjectives ¿Cómo fue? Fue … aburrido interesante divertido horrible delicioso justification Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 2-5 1.3b 2.1b 2.1 e 2.2 b 2.2 c 2.2 d 3a 3d 4a 4b 1 Suggested homework SMSC Autumn 2 - ¿Qué esudias? Mira 1 page 24 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To recognise the most common school subjects To be able to say what they like to study To be able to say what their favourite subject is (no) estudio … dibujo español inglés francés teatro historia música tecnología geografía educación física religión ciencias matemáticas ¿Cuál es tu asignatura favorita? Mi asignatura favorita es –ar verbs 1st/2nd/3rd persons (using estudiar) Using los to say 'every' (every Thursday, etc.) Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Lights out Morpions True or false Survey – favourite subject Beat the teacher Pairs – school subjects Treasure hunt Level Extension NC Numeracy Number of lessons 2-4 Workbook A, p. 12 Pupil’s Book p. 116, exs 1 and 2 Workbook B, p. 12 2.1d 2.2e 3b 3c 4b 4d 4f Percentages KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Suggested homework SMSC 2 Autumn 2 - me gusta el español Mira 1 page 30 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To be able to express their opinion about their school subjects To be able to justify their opinion about different subjects ¿Te gusta …. ? ¿Te gustan…? Me gusta(n) aburrido importante interesante fácil difícil útil porque son Me gusta el inglés porque es muy importante. Me gusta el español porque la profesora es divertida Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Bingo Battleships Worksheets – likes and dislikes Level Extension NC GRAMMAR/SKILLS es Me gusta(n) Justification Adjectival agreement Number of lessons 4 Workbook A, p. 15 Workbook B, p. 15 Pupil’s Book p. 117, ex. 2 2.1e 3c 4f 1 Suggested homework SMSC Autumn 2 - los profesores Mira 1 page 29 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To be able to describe their teachers’ personalities To be able to say whether they enjoy a subject or not depending on the teacher El profesor la profesora de .. es severo/a aburrido/a divertido/a simpático/a antipático/a muy me gusta español porque el profesor es … Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets La pregunta del día - ¿Te gusta el ingles? Task magic – adjectives Listening song – gap fill Level Extension NC GRAMMAR/SKILLS 3-4 Workbook A, p. 14 Workbook B, p. 14 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 117, ex. 3 2.2d 2.2h 3b 3c 3d 4b Suggested homework SMSC un poco bastante The definite article Adjectival agreement Qualifiers Justification Number of lessons Learn presentation 2 Autumn 2 - ¿Qué comes? Mira 1 page 32 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS to be able to say what they eat at break to be able to say what they drink at break Como …. Bebo … un bocadillo un plátano una hamburguesa una pizza una manzana unas patatas fritas agua mineral un zumo de naranja una limonda una Coca-Cola -er verbs present tense Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Buckaroo Hay un error Anagrams Vocabulary intro – flashcards Task magic - match up Food and drink snakes Gem hunt Design a menu Level Extension NC Number of lessons 3 Workbook A, p. 16 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 116, ex. 3 Workbook B, p. 16 2.1b 2.1d KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 2.1e 2.2h 3b 3c 4e Suggested homework SMSC 1 Spring 1 - ¿tienes hermanos? Mira 1 page 42 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to ask someone what siblings they have To be able to say whether they have any siblings To be able to talk about their siblings in simple terms ¿Tienes hermanos? Sí, tengo … una hermana/dos hermanas un hermano/tres hermanos No tengo ermanos/hermanas. Soy hijo único/hija única. ¿Cómo se llama(n) … ? Mi hermano/a se llama … Mis hermanos/as se llaman … ¿Cuántos años tiene …? Tiene … tener (1st, 2nd, 3rd persons singular) negative forms: no + tener possessive adjectives: mi(s), tu(s), su(s) Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Survey Whole class battleships True or false Level Extension NC numeracy Number of lessons 2-3 Workbook A, p. 22 Workbook B, p. 22 2.1c 2.1d 2.2e 2.2h 2.2j 3c 4b 2 Suggested homework SMSC Percentages Spring 1 - en mi familia Mira 1 page 44 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS to recognise a variety of family members to be able to say who their family consists of En mi familia hay x personas. mi madre/padre mi abuelo/abuela mi tío/tía mi primo/prima Mi madre se llama … Tiene años. Extended speech Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Trapdoor family Word snake Design a family tree Telepathy Human bingo Survey – details about family Snakes and ladders ¿Quién es …? Thinking skills Level Extension NC 2-3 Workbook A, p. 23 Pupil’s Book p.118, ex. 2 Workbook B, p. 23 Pupil’s Book, p. 119, ex. 1 2.1b 2.1d 2.1e 2.2a 2.2g 4e Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons MYLO family 2 Spring 1 - appearance – hair and eyes Mira 1 page 50 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To add more detail to descriptions of people by describing hair and eye colour ¿De qué color son tus ojos? Tengo los ojos …. Verdes marrones azules grises ¿Cómo es tu pelo? Tengo el pelo … rizado negro rubio castaño pelirrojo liso corto blanco ondulado. Tengo barba. Tengo bigote. Tengo gafas. Word order Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets True or false Task magic Partner noughts and crosses Level 2-3 KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Number of lessons 2 Extension NC Workbook A, p. 26 Pupil’s Book p.118 Workbook B, p. 26 2.2d 2.2j 3c 4c Suggested homework SMSC 4f Spring 1 - appearance – ¿cómo eres? Mira 1 page 48 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To be able to describe themselves To be able to describe someone else Soy / es alto/a bajo/a Delgado/a gordo/a guapo/a feo/a gracioso/a etc ¿Eres grande? ¿Es bonita? Starters/plenaries Score swap Reading passage 2-4 Workbook A, p. 25 Workbook B, p. 25 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 119, ex. 2 2.1c Dictionary skills Adjectival agreement Questions without interrogatives Tasks/work sheets Family crossword True or false Level Extension NC GRAMMAR/SKILLS muy bastante un poco pero me gusta … porque es … 2.2b 2.2c 2.2d 2.2e 3c 3d Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons Describe a celebrity 1 Spring 1 - ASSESSMENT: mi monstruo Spring 2 - ¿Qué hiciste? OBJECTIVES Starters/plenaries KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS Tasks/work sheets Level Extension NC Number of lessons 1 Suggested homework SMSC Spring 2 - ¿Qué hora es? Mira 1 page 80 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To understand what time it is To be able to tell the time Es la una. Son las …. y cinco y diez y cuarto y veinte y veinticinco y media menos veinticinco meno veinte menos cuarto menos diez menos cinco Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Numbers – darts game Buckaroo Connect 4 Pairs Worksheet What time is it Mr Wolf ? Level Extension NC Numeracy GRAMMAR/SKILLS Number of lessons Suggested homework SMSC 12 hour clock / mental arithmetic KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 MYLO time 1 Spring 2 - ¿Tienes animales? Mira 1 page 46 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To recognise a variety of animals To be able to say what pets they have To be able to describe their pet (colours and size) pequeño/a bonito/a feo/a grande un gato un pájaro un perro una cobaya un caballo un conejo un pez un ráton un hámster una tortuga una serpiente no tengo animales se llama Plurals Word order: adjectives Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets La pregunta del día - ¿Cuál es tu animal favorito? Bells game True or false Adjectives worksheet Task magic ¿Qué hay en la caja? Level Extension NC 2-3 Workbook A, p. 24 Pupil’s Book p118, exs 1 and 3 Workbook B, p. 24 2.1a 2.2a 3b 3c Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons Missing pet poster 1 Spring 2 - unas palabras importantes OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Diamond 9 – me gustaría… ¿Qué falta? Pairs Level Extension NC Number of lessons 3 Suggested homework SMSC Spring 2 - las formas OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To recognise a selection of common shapes To be able to describe a piece of work in detail using shapes and adjectives Colours Adjectival agreement Plurals Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Colours Telepathy Which colour? Colours brain teaser Poisoned apple – Print out the coloured apples and split class in to two teams. Send one player from each team outside. Wirth the class, choose one coloured apple to be ‘poisoned’. Players then take it in turns to choose different coloured apples until one chooses the poisoned one and loses that round. Colours dominoes – group task Connect 4 – whole class game Level Extension NC KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons Colours code cracker 3 Summer 1 - los paises Mira 1 page 60 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS to be able to understand some common countries to be able to say what country they live in Vivo en … Irlanda Alemania Italia Grecia España Portugal Escocia Gales Inglaterra –ir verbs (full paradigm with vivir) Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Telepathy Bond game Worksheet – draw the flags Level Extension NC Number of lessons 1-3 Workbook A, p. 32 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 120, ex. 1 Workbook B, p. 32 2.1c 2.1d 2.2e 3c Suggested homework SMSC Summer 1 - ¿Cómo es tu casa? 1 Cultural awareness Mira 1 page 62 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to say what sort of housing they live in To be able to describe their home ¿Vives en … ? Vivo en … una casa un piso ¿Dónde está? Está … en el campo en la montaña en la costa en una ciudad en un pueblo ¿Cómo es tu piso/casa? antiguo/a moderno/a bonito/a nuevo/a feo/a cómodo/a pequeño/a viejo/a grande Agreement of adjectives estar (full paradigm) Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Match up task- whole class Pairs adjectives ¿Dónde está e zorro? Level Extension NC 1-4 Workbook A, p. 33 Pupil’s Book p120, ex. 2 Workbook B, p. 33 Pupil’s Book p121, ex. 1 2.1e 2.2a 2.1c 2.1d Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons MYLO home 1 Summer 1 - las habitaciones Mira 1 page 64 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To describe their house in more detail To understand what rooms are in other houses ¿Qué hay abajo/arriba/fuera? Hay …. un salón un jardín un dormitorio una cocina un comedor un cuarto de baño Una terraza un garaje un pasillo un aseo ¿Qué hay en tu casa/piso … ? Plurals Word order Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Vocab intro – trading vocab Where’s Wally? Role play Cluedo Worksheet – rooms Order the items Level Extension NC 1-4 Suggested homework SMSC Workbook A, p. 34 Workbook B, p. 34 2.1b 3c 4e Number of lessons 2 Reading worksheet house and home Summer 1 - en mi dormitorio Mira 1 page 66 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to describe their bedroom To be able to say where things are positioned in their room un armario un equipo de música un ordenador una mesa una silla una televisión pósters una estantería una ventana una puerta una alfombra una lámpara una cama en las paredes encima de a la derecha de al lado detrás entre debajo delante a la izquierda estar prepositions + del/de la KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets No clues word search Where’s Wally/ Battleships Pairs furniture Task magic Level Extension NC 1-3 Workbook A, p. 35 Pupil’s Book p. 120, ex. 3 Workbook B, p. 35 2.1b 2.2a 2.2g 3c 4b 4c Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons Revision for assessment 1 Summer 1 – mi tiempo libre Mira 1 page 78 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to talk about their hobbies To be able to say how often they carry out different pastimes ¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre? Voy al cine. Voy a la piscina. Voy de compras. Salgo con mis amigos. Hago mis deberes. Monto en bicicleta. Escucho música. Veo la televisión. Navego por Internet. Juego con mi ordenador. No hago mis deberes. todos los días los fines de semana los lunes una vez por semana dos veces a la semana Expressions of frequency a + definite article (al/a la) Irregular verbs salir and hacer Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 1-4 Workbook A, p. 42 Pupil’s Book p. 122, ex. 1 Workbook B, p. 42 2.1d 2.2k 3f 4b 4f 4g Suggested homework SMSC 2 Cultural comparisons Summer 1 – ¿Qué deportes haces? Mira 1 page 82 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE To talk about what sports they play ¿Qué deportes haces? Hago … atletismo ciclismo equitación esquí natación patinaje fútbol al tenis al voleibol al hockey Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC GRAMMAR/SKILLS Juego … al baloncesto al Pronunciation hacer Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 1-4 Workbook A, p. 44 Workbook B, p. 44 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 123, exs 1–2 2.1c 2.1d 2.2d 3b 4e 4f 1 Suggested homework SMSC Summer 1 – me gusta ir al cine Mira 1 page 84 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to talk in greater detail about their hobbies and express their opinion readily To be able to question the choices of others ¿Qué (no) te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? Me gusta (mucho) … Me encanta … No me gusta … No me gusta nada. Prefiero… jugar al fútbol hacer atletismo navegar por Internet ir al cine salir con mis amigos ver la televisión hacer mis deberes escuchar música ir de compras hacer natación ¿Por qué? Porque es divertido/sano/barato/interesante/fácil/aburrido/caro/bueno … me gusta/me encanta + infinitive prefiero + infinitive double negative Starters/plenaries KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Tasks/work sheets Level Extension NC Number of lessons 3-4 Workbook A, p. 45 Pupil’s Book p 122, exs 2–3 Workbook B, p. 45 2.2a 2.2e 2.2f 3c 1 Suggested homework SMSC Summer 1 – ¿Qué vas a hacer? Mira 1 page 86 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to describe how they intend to spend the following day / week ahead Voy a … jugar al fútbol jugar al tenis hacer esquí hacer natación hacer patinaje hacer ciclismo ir al cine ir de compras mañana la semana proxima The near future tense (ir a + infinitive) Time expressions indicating the future Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 4-5 Workbook A, p. 46 Workbook B, p. 46 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 123, ex. 3 2.2j 3c 4d 1 Suggested homework SMSC Summer 2 - ¿Cómo es tu ciudad? Mira 1 page 96 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to talk in simple terms about their local area To be able to express their opinion and say what they prefer Vivo en una ciudad/un pueblo. Es …. Importante bonito tranquilo pequeño histórico moderno grande feo túristico industrial Me gusta … porque … pero prefiero …. porque Adjectival endings Qualifiers: un poco, bastante, muy Connectives: porque, pero Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets Categories Anagrams rub off Listening ex. Human bingo Task magic Running dictation Role play Richard’s game Writing a description of their town/village Level Extension NC Number of lessons 3-4 Workbook A, p. 52 Workbook B, p. 52 2.2a 2.2d 2.2j 3b 3e 4c 4e 1 Suggested homework SMSC Summer 2 - ¿Qué hay? Mira 1 page 98 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to say what there is in a Spanish city ¿Qué hay? una plaza de torros una tienda un cine un parque un mercado un polideportivo un museo un castillo una plaza un hospital una estación de trenes una estación de autobuses una plaza un centro comercial una playa una piscina un estadio Hay unos/unas muchos/muchas negation – no hay Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets La pregunta del día -¿Qué país es mejor ..? Bingo Without vowels Mind map Listening ex. Blockbusters Task magic KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Survey Trading vocab Level Extension NC 2-4 Workbook A, p. 53 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 124, ex. 1 Workbook B, p. 53 2.2h 2.2k 4b 3f 4f Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons Code breaker Cultural awareness 2 Summer 2 - poesia OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to read poetry To write a piece of simple poetry Starters/plenaries Level Extension NC Reading for gist Dictionary skilsl Tasks/work sheets Number of lessons 3-5 Suggested homework SMSC 2 Cultural awareness Summer 2 - ¿Qué tiempo hace? Mira 1 page 102 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to ask what the weather is like To be able to describe the weather in different seasons To create longer sequences using cuando ¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace buen tiempo hace mal tiempo hace calor hace sol hace viento hace frío llueve nieva hay tormenta hay niebla en primavera/invierno/verano/otoño cuando Using cuando to join information Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets La pregunta del día - ¿Cuál mes prefieres? Snap weather items Weather worksheet Level Extension NC 2-4 Workbook A, p. 55 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 124, ex. 2 Workbook B, p. 55 2.2a 2.2i 3a 3d 4f Suggested homework SMSC Number of lessons 2 Write and record a weather report Summer 2 - Este fin de semana Mira 1 page 104 OBJECTIVES KEY LANGUAGE GRAMMAR/SKILLS To be able to link two sentences together To describe their plans for the weekend Normalmente ahora voy al centro comercial juego al fútbol hago ciclismo voy al cine hago mis deberes Mañana este fin de semana los fines de semana en las vacaciones voy a ir de compras voy a jugar con mi ordenador voy a hacer natación voy a ir al estadio voy a hacer equitación Present tense + near future Starters/plenaries Tasks/work sheets La pregunta del día - ¿Cuál mes prefieres? Level Extension NC Number of lessons 3-5 Workbook A, p. 56 Workbook B, p. 56 Pupil’s Book, Te toca a ti, p. 125, ex. 1 2.1d 2.1e 2.2b 2.2d 2.2h 4e KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012 Suggested homework SMSC 2 KWh Swanwick Hall School 2012