Civics and Economics Course Expectations Mr. Ryszkiewicz South Granville High School ITL Room 21 Course Description: Welcome to Civics and Economics! In this course, we will examine the basic tenets of American Democracy, the functions of the American government, and the basics of American politics. Additionally we will explore concepts in microeconomics, macroeconomics, and personal finance. The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to become effective citizens in an increasingly interdependent world. Good luck! Students are expected to: 1. Complete homework assignments before class. Turn in homework on time. 2. Bring charged laptop, textbook, notebooks, and notes to class every day, no exceptions. 3. Complete all work in blue or black ink, or pencil ONLY. 4. Participate in all class discussions, activities, simulations, and complete all Projects. 5. ASK FOR HELP!! I have no idea that you need help unless YOU take the initiative and tell me. I will be available before and after school most days for any student that needs help with an assignment or has a question. DO NOT WAIT to ask a question about an assignment the day the assignment is due. Computers: Computers are a tool. They are not taking the place of direct instruction. Computers will be used for some projects, document readings, class forums, research, testing, and turning work in. Computers are not to be used for reasons unrelated to class activities. This includes, but is not limited to, listening to music, watching videos, playing video games, and using social media. Cell Phones: Per Granville County Schools Policy…cell phones are not permitted to be used during class. Please place them in your backpacks or purses. DO NOT use them in class. Teachers have been instructed to confiscate cell phones if it is discovered that a student is using one in class. Headphones: Headphones are not permitted. Please put them in your backpacks or purses. DO NOT use them during class. Teacher Policies: 1. Students will follow instructions printed and verbal. 2. Students will be respectful of all people and property in the classroom. 3. Students will sharpen pencils BEFORE the tardy bell. 4. Students will not consume food or drinks in the classroom. Candy is considered food. Chewing gum will be allowed, IF students chew the gum without making noise, blowing bubbles, and with their mouths shut. If gum is discovered on the floor, or any other inappropriate area, students will lose the PRIVILIGE of chewing gum in the classroom. Students must throw gum wrappers and gum in the trashcan, NOT on the FLOOR. 5. Students are expected to bring all required materials to class each day. See the teacher for emergency needs. 6. Students are expected to raise their hands and be recognized during class discussions or when they have a question. 7. Students must follow the South Granville classroom tardy policy. See Student Handbook. 8. ALL talking should cease when an announcement is made. 9. Students will enter and exit the room in a quiet, safe, and orderly way. 10. The TEACHER, not the bell, dismisses the class. All students should remain seated until the TEACHER has dismissed the class. 11. Students may not leave the classroom for any reason except in the case of a true emergency. Students are expected to use the restroom, go to their lockers, and attend to any other personal needs between class changes, NOT DURING THE INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS PERIOD. Teachers have been instructed by the principal to strictly enforce this rule. 12. For course credit, absences may not exceed eight. You are considered absent if you are not present for 47 minutes of the class. You cannot receive credit for the course if you have more then eight absences, excused or unexcused. For more information, refer to the student handbook. 13. NO OTHER teacher may give you permission to miss any part of my class. If you are not in class before the door closes, you are tardy. Consequences: Students should always conduct themselves in a manner befitting young adults. Anything explicitly stated in the above teacher policies, the South Granville High School Code of Conduct, or in Granville County Schools policies that is deemed inappropriate by the teacher is subject to the disciplinary actions outlined below. 1. Verbal warning 2. Parent/guardian contact 3. Detention with parent/guardian contact 4. Referral to the appropriate administrator. Academic Integrity: It is the responsibility of each student to uphold the highest degree of integrity on all of his or her work (read: don’t cheat). Do not talk during a test/quiz/exam, do not look on someone else’s work during a test/quiz/exam, do not use notes on a closed note assignment or test/quiz/exam, do not try to pass off someone’s work as your own on any assignment, and do not aide someone else in dishonesty, for you too will suffer the same punishment. Finally, do not plagiarize. When you research you must cite your sources correctly. Make sure you give credit where credit is due. When you plagiarize you are passing someone else’s work in as your own. That is the same thing as stealing. Don’t do it! Take the time to do your own work. If you need help all you have to do is ASK. The discipline for cheating (and plagiarism) is quite severe: a zero on the assignment or test/quiz/exam/paper (for all parties if there is more than one person involved) no matter the point value, a 1 hour detention, parent notification, and a discipline referral to the appropriate administrator. If you are in one of the Honor societies at SGHS then the sponsor will also be notified of your infraction. Please keep this in mind as you work through this course, if you receive zero points on a one hundred point test, there will be no way to make up the difference. Homework: 1. Homework is expected to be turned in on time. Homework is due when you walk into the classroom. There will be a designated place for you to put your homework. Once the teacher has collected the homework out of the box anything placed in the box is considered late. 2. LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED but be advised that for each day you are late, I will start grading at the next letter grade. If you turn in homework one day late I will start subtracting points at 90, two days 80… 3. Homework may not be worked on in class unless the teacher gives permission. 4. If you know that you will be absent on the day that homework or any other assignment is due YOU must speak with the teacher BEFORE that day so that an alternative day may be worked out. Unexpected events happen…see the teacher. Outside Reading: In addition to reading the assigned chapters in their primary textbooks, students will be expected to complete supplemental readings, which provide additional depth to a particular topic. These supplemental readings may be documents found using internet sources or books from the school and/or public library. Evaluation and Grading: 1. The Granville County Schools grading scale will be followed. 2. Students may be evaluated on the basis of announced and/or unannounced quizzes, unit tests, notebooks, class and homework assignments, projects, class preparedness, class participation, teacher observation, and the final exam. 3. If a student is absent, they have 5 days to make up their missed assignments. However, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for missed assignments. This does not apply to assignments missed due to school-sponsored activities. If a student is to miss a class due to a school sponsored event, they must speak with the teacher BEFORE the date of the activity. This allows the student to turn their work in upon his/her return to class so that they do not fall behind. 4. Grading Policy: TESTS Test Corrections: Students may do test corrections on the multiple-choice part of any test. Students will have a specific procedure, the teacher will explain, in order to get credit. Students will receive half of what the question was worth. Example: if the multiple-choice question was worth two points, the student would receive one point back if they followed the teacher’s directions. Test corrections must be done in the classroom before or after school on designated days, or after completing all required classwork. All tests will be kept on file in the classroom. 5. Grades will be calculated each grading period with Major Assignments equaling 60% of the grade and Minor Assignments will count 40%. Projects are counted as Major Assignments. The final grade for the course will be calculated as follows: First Grading Period = 37.5% Second Grading Period = 37.5% Final Exam = 25% ** Please sign and have your parent or guardian sign the Parent/Student Contract. Place this paper in you binder and return the Signature Sheet to me. This will count as your first homework assignment grade. **