21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Fashion Merchandising Human Services Applied Design Title: Fashion Merchandising (0961) Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.1 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.1.1 Career Paths Within Textile Apparel And Design Industries Students will analyze career paths within textile apparel and design industries. How do I prepare for a career? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: explain the roles and functions of Research careers in the fashion industry and individuals engaged in textiles and apparel summarize the roles and functions. careers. analyze opportunities for employment and Complete online and paper applications. Explore careers in design using the Occupational Outlook entrepreneurial endeavors. Handbook; take aptitude/interest surveys. Hold mock interviews and critique students’ performance; conduct a career fair with students participating in interviews with local industry. Participate in FCCLA competitive events. summarize education and training Have students research postsecondary training and requirements and opportunities for career careers. Summarize findings. paths in textile and apparel services. analyze the effects of textiles and apparel Examine items of clothing for country of origin and occupations on local, state, national and plot the countries on a world map. Contact a local global economies. company which exports and invite speaker to speak with class. Discuss the impact of NAFTA on economies. create an employment portfolio for use with Complete an application; write a cover letter, applying for internships, work-based resume, follow-up letter, and a letter of resignation l; learning opportunities and employment in provide documentation of design projects, work textiles, fashion and apparel. experience and community service. This should be kept as an electronic portfolio. HS.O.ADFM.1.2 HS.O.ADFM.1.3 HS.O.ADFM.1.4 HS.O.ADFM.1.5 1 HS.O.ADFM.1.6 Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.2 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.2.1 HS.O.ADFM.2.2 HS.O.ADFM.2.3 analyze the role of professional Examine the various organizations in the fashion organizations in textiles, fashion and Industry. Discuss: “What benefit and value does the apparel industries. organization provide its members?” Fiber, Textile Products and Materials Students will evaluate fiber and textile products and materials. How do I choose the right fibers and textiles for my design? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: apply appropriate terminology for Discuss basic terminology that applies to textile identifying, comparing and analyzing the fibers. Gather samples of various textile fibers and most common generic textile fibers. fabrics. Test for colorfastness, shrinkage, strength, etc. evaluate performance characteristics of textile fiber and fabrics. http://library.thinkquest.org/C004179/textiles.html summarize textile legislation, standards Examine items of clothing for country of origin and and labeling in the global economy. plot the countries on a world map. Contact a local company which exports and invite speaker to speak with class. Research import and export of goods; research the impact of low wages /lower environmental and consumer laws in some countries and discuss the impact on USA economy and the country of origin’s economy. Discuss the merits and detractors of these situations. HS.O.ADFM.2.4 analyze effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use and maintenance of products. HS.O.ADFM.2.5 apply appropriate procedures for care of textile products. Explore the International Monetary Fund to see the impact of money on the global economy: http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/center/students/tra de/index.htm Based on the sample testing in HS.O.ADFM.2.1, determine what textiles are appropriate for specific garments. Provide examples of pairings and have students analyze durability and appropriateness (i.e, children’s wear, a man’s suit). Utilize a stain guide to remove stains. Discuss proper care for specific products. 2 Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.3 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.3.1 Skills in Fashion, Apparel and Textile Design Students will demonstrate skills in fashion, apparel and textile design. How do I create my design? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: explain the ways in which fiber, fabric, Utilize the lesson plan at Cooper Hewitt National texture, pattern and finish can affect visual Design Museum- Smithsonian titled “Saris, Kimonos, appearance. Togas & Smocks: Exploring Clothing Across Cultures” http://www.educatorresourcecenter.org/view_lesson. aspx?lesson_plan_id=187 Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a copy of the handout entitled "Clothes: What Do They Mean?" Ask the students to brainstorm answers to the questions on the handout. When the class is finished, encourage each group to share its thoughts with the entire class. HS.O.ADFM.3.2 HS.O.ADFM.3.3 HS.O.ADFM.3.4 HS.O.ADFM.3.5 apply basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects. utilize elements and principles of design in designing, constructing, altering and redesign textile, apparel and fashion products. demonstrate design concepts with fabric or technology/computer, using draping and/or flat pattern making technique. generate design that takes into consideration ecological, environmental, Have students explore different cultural expressions of identity through clothing. Research clothing from varied cultures. Divide the class into small groups and tell the students to use the websites provided to complete their assignment. Resource Materials available on site. Have students brainstorm the criteria for construction or redesign of a fashion product. Develop a rubric and have students discuss the rubric. Discuss the color, design and construction of the product. Have each student design and construct their project. Plan and organize a fashion show or display the products. Find a minimum of ten examples of each of the three design categories to construct your graphic 3 sociological, psychological, technical and economic trends and issues. HS.O.ADFM.3.6 apply elements and principles of design to assist consumers and businesses in making decisions. HS.O.ADFM.3.7 demonstrate ability to use technology for fashion, apparel and textile design. Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.4 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.4.1 HS.O.ADFM.4.2 organizer. Represent your choices on a graphic organizer in the space below. You may use the back of this document, as well. Five examples should be from your everyday observations, and five examples should be from the People’s Design Award Web site (www.peoplesdesignaward.org). Resource materials available. Have students brainstorm an exhaustive list of potential clients and their needs and wants. Categorize according to age, gender, culture, physical limitations, income, preferences in design. Put the tags in to the appropriate basket. Have students select a tag from each basket. They will design a room based on the selections. After the design is complete, have them present the design and justify their choices. Design a business card using the principles of color and design. Produce the cards. Have students utilize software in the development of a design product. Present the completed design and the completed product. Production, Redesign, or Repair Fashion, Apparel and Textile Products Students will demonstrate skills needed to produce, redesign, or repair fashion, apparel and textile products. How do I produce a high quality product? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: demonstrate professional skills in using a Identify and practice basic construction techniques variety of equipment, tools and supplies for which may include basting, clean finish, clipping, fashion, apparel and textile construction, edge stitching, facing, fold line, grading/layering, alteration, repair and redesign. grain line (lengthwise, crosswise, bias), interfacing, notches, one-way directional patterns/prints, reinforce stitching, seam allowance, seam finishes, selvage, stay stitching, stitching line, stitch in the ditch, top stitching. explain production processes for creating Have students explore the various processes in 4 fibers, yarn, woven and knit fabrics and non-woven textile products. HS.O.ADFM.4.3 HS.O.ADFM.4.4 HS.O.ADFM.4.5 Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.5 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.5.1 use appropriate industry products and materials for cleaning, pressing and finishing textile, apparel and fashion products. examine current technology and trends that facilitate design and production of textile, apparel and fashion products. demonstrate basic skills for producing, redesigning and altering textile products and apparel. developing fabric. Utilize the lesson plan on weaving found at UEN FACS Resources at http://www.uen.org/Lessonplan/preview.cgi?LPid=12 359 Have student select a weave (plain, satin, or twill) and produce a sample of the weave. Options include producing a felt or a knitted sample. For felting instructions, see http://www.michaels.com/art/online/displayArticle?art icleNum=ae0390 Identify and practice using a variety of appropriate products, equipment and tools for detail finish of design products. Research and summarize new technologies and trends in design and production. Have students reflect on the history of garment and fashion. Design and produce a garment or product using basic skills. This may be a redesign of an existing garment. For a free, downloadable program, go to http://www.wildginger.com/products/wildthings.htm use to print patterns for making hats, wraps, slippers, bags, purses, and other accessories. Adjustable measurements and add various styles of pockets. Elements of Textile, Apparel and Fashion Merchandising Students will evaluate elements of textile, apparel and fashion merchandising. How do marketing principles impact fashion design? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: apply marketing strategies for textile, Develop a Venn diagram to illustrate the 4Ps of apparel and fashion products. marketing. In small groups, have students to develop a new fashion line applying the 4Ps of marketing to launch a successful product. Classify decisions made when applying the 4Ps of marketing on a word wall. 5 HS.O.ADFM.5.2 HS.O.ADFM.5.3 analyze the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile, apparel and fashion products. Gather garments and other fashion products that have been manufactured, recycled (vintage), redesigned, and constructed. Determine cost and compare. analyze ethical considerations for Examine current news articles that report on merchandising apparel and textile products. economic impact of unethical action. Discuss impact on society and individuals. Have students examine the Employee Free Choice Act, a major change in labor law that is now being considered by Congress. An in depth lesson is found at: http://www.tolerance.org/teach/activities/activity.jsp? ar=1055 http://www.capitalnews9.com/content/headlines/?ArI D=112873& HS.O.ADFM.5.4 HS.O.ADFM.5.5 Investigate external factors that influence merchandising. examine varied methods for promoting apparel and textile products. Have students research and summarize findings on child labor and women’s economic development. http://www.aflcio.org/corporatewatch/stop/ http://www.coopamerica.org/programs/sweatshops/ http://www.icrw.org/html/projects/projects_poverty.ht m Have the students find examples of advertisements from at least 5 forms of advertising media. Conduct a scavenger hunt to find different types of advertisements tailored to specific target markets. Have the students examine the site: Small Business Website at http://www.gaebler.com/Small-BusinessMarketing.htm and research costs of various methods of advertising. Have the students complete a chart showing the different costs of each type of advertising, and decide which method of advertising is most effective for a variety of target markets. 6 Discuss why the different methods of advertising are more effective for specific target markets. http://www.thebudgetfashionista.com/ Examine marketing terminology including: the 4 P’s of marketing (product, place, price, promotion), consumer motivations (rational, emotional, and patronage motives), advertising media (magazines, newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, internet, and billboards). Have the students brainstorm a list of every form of advertising they can think of. Make sure all of the advertising media is on the list. Have student select a “representative” of a demographic. Have students bring in examples of ads students brought in discussing a target market, have the students decide how the ads relate to the 4 P’s of marketing HS.O.ADFM.5.6 apply research methods, including forecasting techniques, for marketing apparel and textile products. Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.6 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.6.1 Components of Customer Service Students will evaluate the components of customer service. How do I keep and get customers? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: analyze factors that contribute to quality Use role-plays; view videos; play games; participate customer relations. fashion shows; use appropriate telephone protocol. analyze the influences of cultural diversity Explore the appropriate etiquette in role plays as a factor in customer relations. depicting various cultures. demonstrate the skills necessary for quality Role play customer service experiences, both customer service. positive and negative. create solutions to address customer Play a game of Charades to reflect common concerns. customer concerns. Business Profitability and Career Success Students will demonstrate general operational procedures required for business profitability and career success. HS.O.ADFM.6.2 HS.O.ADFM.6.3 HS.O.ADFM.6.4 Standard Number: HS.S.ADFM.7 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.ADFM.7.1 Students will analyze legislation. Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: Develop a chart on legislation related to business. Consider the impact the legislation has on production and market. 7 HS.O.ADFM.7.2 analyze personal and employer responsibilities and liabilities regarding industry-related safety. HS.O.ADFM.7.3 analyze the effects of security and inventory control strategies. HS.O.ADFM.7.4 analyze operational costs such as mark ups. HS.O.ADFM.7.5 Standard Number: HS.S.PSF.8 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.PSF.8.1 demonstrate knowledge of the arts. Participating in the Student Organization Students will participate in a student organization. How can leadership skills strengthen an individual? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: identify the purposes and goals of the Complete the “Be a Part of It” webquest found at student/professional organization. http://www.fcclainc.org/assets/files/pdf/membership/2 008SteponeActivity.pdf explain the benefits and responsibilities of Discuss the value of the leadership and personal participation in student/professional/civic development activities of FCCLA. organization. demonstrate leadership skills through Complete a FCCLA project that addresses several participation in student/professional/civic standards in the course. organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects. Leadership, Citizenship and Teamwork Skills Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship and teamwork skills required for success in the family, workplace and global community. What do 21st Century skills mean in the context of work? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: assess factors involved in successful Determine what skills and traits are essential in a leadership skills, citizenship traits and design career. teamwork traits. apply leadership, citizenship and teamwork Develop a design related project that utilizes the HS.O.PSF.8.2 HS.O.PSF.8.3 Standard Number: HS.S.PSF.9 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.PSF.9.1 HS.O.PSF.9.2 Review the role of workplace safety, take a quiz and have students examine the tutorial on safety in the workplace at http://www.nonprofitrisk.org/tools/workplacesafety/nonprofit/wsp.htm Discuss the problems of security and inventory control. Invite a guest speaker. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inventory_control Research the information on principles of accounting at this comprehensive site: http://www.principlesofaccounting.com/chapters.htm Addressed in the execution of designed projects. 8 Standard Number: HS.S.PSF.S.10 Essential Questions: Objectives: HS.O.PSF.10.1 HS.O.PSF.10.2 HS.O.PSF.10.3 HS.O.PSF.10.4 HS.O.PSF.10.5 21st Century Skills Information and Communication Skills: skills as an integral part of classroom abilities and skills of all class members. activities. Reasoning for Action The student will apply reasoning processes, individually and collaboratively, to take responsible action in families, workplaces and communities. How can I take responsible actions in my life? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: contrast consequences of adequate and Examine the consequences of good and poor inadequate reasoning for self, others, reasoning on the family. culture/society and global environment. analyze recurring and evolving family, Determine what community concerns continue to workplace and community concerns. Be impacting family life. analyze practical reasoning components. Determine the components that are related to that concern. implement practical reasoning for Plan a strategy that addresses a need of families in responsible action in families, workplaces, your community. and communities. Recommended Supplemental Resource: The Kid's Guide to Social Action: How to Solve the Social Problems You Choose--And Turn Creative Thinking into Positive Action by Barbara A. Lewis, Pamela Espeland, and Caryn Pernu ISBN 1575420384 demonstrate inquiry and reasoning to gain Gather information that directs planning for action. factual knowledge and test theories on which to base judgments for action. Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Evidence of Culminating Activity Success 21C.O.9Student recognizes information Have students produce a Review the 12.1.LS1 needed for problem solving, brochure: brochures according can efficiently browse, search From ReadThinkWrite, to the assessment and navigate online to access use the lesson plan: criteria included in relevant information, evaluates “Brochure: Writing for the Assignment information based on credibility, Audience and Purpose “ Brochure. Students social, economic, political Author Deborah Dean can assess their and/or ethical issues, and Provo, Utah own work using the presents findings clearly and Complete instruction and Reflection 9 persuasively using a range of technology tools and media. Thinking and Reasoning Skills: Personal, and Workplace, Skills: 21C.O.912.2.LS3 Student engages in a problem solving process by formulating questions and applying complex strategies in order to independently solve problems. 21C.O.912.3.LS3 Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning. Learning Skills & Technology Tools A.01 Entrepreneurship Skills: activities plan is found at http://www.readwritethink. org/lessons/lesson_view.a sp?id=1002. Students will engage in critical thinking as they analyze and evaluate information. Questions. Students will maintain a focus on the larger goal with the planning of appropriate steps, as they prepare their final product. Creating a final project by working as a group to organize, finalize and present product. Students will incorporate various elements of technology into focusing on long range goals while working effectively as a group. Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Develop a product that would enhance family life. Students will use proper technology to find information. Student’s final product will show how the students applied technology tools for information analysis and content learning. Evidence of Success Complete the project. 10 Culminating Assessment: Culminating Assessment: Build Assessments anchored in authentic task by using GRASPS: G What is the Goal in the scenario? R What is the Role? A Who is the Audience? S What is your Situation (context)? P What is the Performance challenge? S By what Standards will work be judged in the scenario? As a high school student, you plan to continue your education and enter a profession related to fashion merchandising. You will research a selected career, utilizing a variety of resources and methods such as web searches, interviewing local professionals, etc. From your research, you will develop a display to enter in the FCCLA competitive event. You will be judged by the event rubric in the FCCLA Handbook. Links and Other Resources Links and Other Resources FCCLA INTEGRATION WITH WV FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES COURSES West Virginia FACS Courses FCCLA INTEGRATION (STAR and National Programs) Required Course Offerings 0901 Life Connections Dynamic Leadership, Families First, Power of 0902 Parenting & Child Development One: A Better You, Financial Fitness, 0903 Parenting & Strong Families Community Service STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Chapter Service Project, Interpersonal Communications, Applied Technology Electives Consumer & Family Resources 0911 Personal Resource Management Dynamic Leadership, Power of One: A Better You, Take the Lead, Student Body, Financial Fitness, National Programs in Action, Job Interview STAR Events: Entrepreneurship, Illustrated Talk, Chapter Service Project, Interpersonal 11 Family & Human Development 0921 Adolescent Parent 0922 Life Basics 0928 HSDR (Human Services, Development, & Relationships) 0929 LIFE (Learning for Independence, Family & Employment) Applied Design: House Interior & Furnishings 0941 Housing & Interior Design Textiles & Apparel 0961 Applied Design Nutrition & Food Science 0950 Food & Nutrition I 0951 Food Preparation 0952 Nutrition & Food Science 0953 Food & Nutrition II FCCLA Integration Appropriate for All FACS Courses Communications, National Programs in Action, Hospitality, Applied Technology Dynamic Leadership, Families First, Power of One: Family Ties FACTS, Stop the Violence, Skills for Life, Community Service, Student Body STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Chapter Service Project, Focus on Children, Interpersonal Communications, Applied Technology Financial Fitness, Power of One STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication, Entrepreneurship, Applied Technology, Job Interview, Chapter Showcase Student Body, Power of One STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication, Entrepreneurship, Applied Technology, Job Interview, Chapter Showcase Dynamic Leadership, Career Connections, Power of One, Working on Working STAR Events: Illustrated Talk, Career Investigation, Interpersonal Communication Applied Design Fashion Merchandising Textiles and Fiber /Fabric Care http://www.ntgi.net/ICCF&D/textile.htm textile dictionary http://www.fabriclink.com/ http://www.textilefabric.com/site/main/index.php http://www.ifi.org/ 12 http://www.fibersource.com/ http://www.cotton.org/ http://www.woolmark.com/ http://www.textileaffairs.com/ Marketplace http://www.fashiondex.com/ http://members.tripod.com/~kburge/HomeEc/apparel.html http://www.narms.com/ National Association of Retail Marketing Careers and Education http://www.fashion-careers.com/ http://www.bls.gov/search/ooh.htm Career Outlook http://www.fitnyc.edu/html/dynamic.html http://www.parsons.edu/index.html http://www.infomat.com/whoswho/ designers Legislation http://www.cotton.org/ Social Responsibility http://www.patagonia.com http://www.globalstewards.org/clothing.htm Construction http://www.fabric.com/ http://vikinghusqvarna.freshlinks.net/vikinghusqvarna/index.htm http://janome.com/index.cfm Adaptive Clothing http://easyaccessclothing.com/ http://www.adaptive-apparel.com/ http://www.clothingsolutions.com/ http://www.accessiblethreads.com/ Fashion History and Culture http://smithsonianeducation.org/educators/lesson_plans/playing_historical_detective/index.html http://www.educatorresourcecenter.org/view_lesson.aspx?lesson_plan_id=187 Fashion http://www.fashion-icon.com/ http://www.fashion.net/ http://www.fashioncenter.com http://www.fashionclick.com/ 13 http://www.style.com/vogue/ http://www.apparel.net/ http--www.mamkschools.org-mhs-class-home_and_career-nelson-fashion_questJune2.htm Selecting fibers for astronauts clothing WEBQUEST Fashion Accessory Mission http--www.angelfire.com-stars3-education-familyandconsumer.html Textile Fabric Consultants, Inc. FabricLink The Educational Resource for Fabrics, Apparel, Home Furnishings and Care FASHION DESIGN AND MERCHANDISING Fashion Quest http--www.mamkschools.org-mhs-class-home_and_career-nelsonfashion_questJune2.htm Smithsonian Education - IdeaLabs Textiles of the Southwest Smithsonian Education - Spinning Yarns, Telling Tales about Textiles Smithsonian Education - Clothing and Social Change in America http://its.leesummit.k12.mo.us/facs.htm#Clothing_and_Textiles Business Profitability http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/center/students/trade/index.htm Trading Around the World interactive FCCLA “Be Part of It” webquest: http://www.fcclainc.org/assets/files/pdf/membership/2008SteponeActivity.pdf www.fcclainc.org www.wvfccla.googlepages.com Related Websites: Pathways to Success http://careertech.k12.wv.us/pathwaystosuccess/ U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/ Advanced Distributed Learning 14 www.adlnet.org America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org America's Job Bank www.ajb.org America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/ West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm Contacts: West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ Contacts: CTE Teachers: See CTE Directory Human Services Cluster Coordinator: Donna Wilkes dwilkes@access.k12.wv.us OCTI Assistant Executive Director: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson 15