An Internship Report Dedicated To My Parents 1 An Internship Report PREFACE It is the requirement of the MBA course Al-Khair University, Multan that all students of MBA have to spent two months in any organization to get practical exposure and to get familiarized with the ways to live in the organizational environment which is dramatically different from the educational environment. That two months period called “Internship Period “, if spent properly and sincerely, enables the students to be more confident, more knowledgeable, more responsible and, above all, more committed to its work in the practical field. I have also been assigned to do internship of six weeks period in MCB Jhang City Branch. It has enabled me to understand the practical scenario and sharpen our decision making power and utilizing the resources in an effective manner, so that our resources generate maximum profit. In preparing this report, I have put all of my best efforts and tried my level best to give maximum knowledge. Despite of my all the coherent efforts, I do believe that there will always be a room for improvement in the efforts of learner like me. Farhan Raza 2 An Internship Report Table of Contents DESCRIPTION PAGE # Executive Summary 05 History of MCB 08 Head Office 13 Circle office 14 Prominent Features of MCB 15 General Banking Department 20 Current section 28 Financial Products/Services 28 Remittance section 37 Cash section 41 Clearing sections 45 Credits department 47 Agricultural Credits 65 Commercial Advances` 51 Foreign Exchange Department 58 Foreign Currency Accounts 60 Prime currency scheme 62 Imports & Exports 65 3 An Internship Report Trade Terms 68 Letter of Credit 71 Duty Draw Backs 76 SWOT Analysis 79 Suggestions 83 4 An Internship Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The banking structure in Pakistan comprises of the following types, State Bank of Pakistan, Commercial Bank of Pakistan; Exchange Banks, Saving banks, Cooperative banks, Specialized credit institutions. The state bank of Pakistan is the Central bank of the country and was established on July 01, 1948. The network of bank branches now covers a very large segment of national economy. The State Bank of Pakistan issues the shares of these periodically. Bank employees and other common peoples can also purchase these shares and earn profit. In 1956, MCB transferred its Registered office to Karachi, where the Head Office is presently located. In April 1991, MCB became Pakistan’s first privatized bank. The corporate branch at Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi (SFK) branch is the corporate branch of MCB in Karachi. The bank is using SWIFT for transfer of information about imports and exports. MCB SFK branch has Currently Following three Departments General Banking Department, Advances Department & Foreign Exchange Department. To open an account the customer has to meet the general banking manager with an introducer. The procedure begins with the punching of account opening form to the customer file i.e. customer’s master file. Before closing any account, bank send letter to the account hold for informing him that his account is going to be closed. There is need an approval form higher authority to close any account. Current deposits are those which are payable to bank whenever demanded by the customer. Bank does not pay any profit on current deposits. The following are the financial products/services of MCB Malay Mail Scheme, 5 An Internship Report PLS Account, Saving 365 Account, Capital growth certificate scheme, Fund Management Scheme, Khushali Bachat Account, Term/ Fixed Deposits and others like night banking, credit cards, traveler cheques. In remittance department like any other bank MCB also have instruments for transferring of money, Telegraphic Transfer, Mail Transfer. In cash department both deposits and withdrawals go side by side. This department works under the accounts department and deals with cash deposits and payments. This department maintains the following sheets, books, and ledger of account cash received voucher sheet. Cash paid voucher sheet, Paying-in-slip, ChequeBook, Cash balance book. The clearing in Karachi at MCB or other banks is being done through NIFT (National Institute of Facilitation Technology). Bank provides this facility to the people who need advance money to meet their requirement. Party dealing with other banks financial condition of borrower business and as a first step credit proposal is being made. MCB provides advances, which are two types. Secured Advances, Unsecured Advances. MCB usually classified advances in to following types Agricultural Advances, Commercial Advances Industrial Advances. Commercial Advances are of following types Demand Finance, Cash Finance, Foreign bills purchased, Financ e against imported goods, Finance against foreign bills, Export Refinance Part I (Pre Shipment) & others. Banks Agriculture division deals with the agriculture advances. Bank provides the Agriculture Advances in order to enhance and support the agriculture sector of the country. Farm Credit & Non Farm Credit. 6 An Internship Report In foreign exchange, MCB is dealing Foreign Currency Accounts, Foreign Remittances, and Foreign Bills for Collection, Imports & Exports Foreign currency accounts & the foreign currency department deals with the following types of accounts, Dollar Khushali account, Current account, Saving bank account, Term deposit, Prime Currency Scheme. Foreign accounts are convertible on floating rate available to the bank. Letter Of Credit facility is being provided by MCB in foreign exchange. 7 An Internship Report HISTORY OF BANKING It has not so far been decided as to how the word ‘Bank’ originated. Some authors opine that this word is derived from the words ‘Bancus’ or Banque’ which mean a bench. Other authorities hold the opinion that the word ‘Bank’ is derived from the German word ‘Back’, which means ‘joint stock fund’. It is therefore, not possible to decide as to which of the opinion is correct, for no record is available to ascertain the validity of any of the opinions. Banking in fact is primitive as human society, for ever since man came to realize the importance of money as a medium of exchange, the necessity of a controlling or regulating agency or institution was naturally felt. Perhaps it were the Babylonians who developed banking system as early as 2000 BC. IT is evident that the temples of Babylon were used as ‘Banks’ because of the prevalent respect and confidence in the clergy. At the time of independence, there were 631 offices of scheduled banks in Pakistan, of which 487 were located in West Pakistan alone. As a new country without resources it was very difficult for Pakistan to run its own banking system immediately. Therefore, the expert committee recommended that the Reserve Bank of India should continue to function in Pakistan until 30th September 1948, so that problems of time and demand liability, coinage currencies, exchange etc. be settled between India and Pakistan. The nonMuslims started transferring their funds and accounts to India. By the end of June 1948 the number of officers of scheduled banks in Pakistan declined from 631 to 225. There were 19 foreign banks with the status of small branch offices that were engaged solely in export 8 An Internship Report of crop from Pakistan, while there were only two Pakistani institutions, Habib Bank of Pakistan and the Australian Bank. The customers of the bank are not satisfied with the uncertain condition of banking. Similarly the Reserve Bank of India was not in the favor of Govt. of Pakistan. The Govt. of Pakistan decided to establish a full-fledge central bank. Consequently the Governorgeneral of Pakistan Quaid-I-Azam inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan on July 1, 1948. Thus a landmark was made in the history of banking when the state bank of Pakistan assumed full control of banking and currency in Pakistan. The banking structure in Pakistan comprises of the following types. State Bank of Pakistan Commercial Bank of Pakistan Saving banks. Cooperative banks Specialized credit institutions. Commercial banks have been the most effective mobilizers of savings and have been providing short-term requirements of working capitals to trade, commerce and industry. Up to December 31, 1973, there were 14 Pakistan commercial banks that functioned all over the country and in some foreign countries through a network of branches. All these commercial banks were nationalized in January 1, 1974, and were recognized and merged into the following five banks: National Bank of Pakistan Muslim commercial bank limited Habib Bank Limited 9 An Internship Report United Bank Limited Allied Bank of Pakistan The state bank of Pakistan is the Central bank of the country and was established on July 1, 1948. The separation of East Pakistan and its repercussion in the form of economic depression has caused a lot of difficulties to the banking system in Pakistan. The network of bank branches now covers a very large segment of national economy. The numbers of branches have increased appreciably and there is now on branch of bank for every 3000 heads of population approximately. There is done reasonable growth in deposits from the establishment of Pakistan. Besides this growth, specialized credit and financial institutions have also developed over the years. The Government of Pakistan in the late 90’s introducing the need for the privatization of state owned banks and companies. The private sector has accepted the challenge and most of the banks are privatized today. The State Bank of Pakistan issues the shares of these periodically. Bank employees and other common peoples can also purchase these shares and earn profit. Throughout the period of banking history the banks have been expanding rapidly and achieved the desired goal of progress. 10 An Internship Report THE MUSLIM COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED History MCB was founded by ISFHANI and ADAMJEE families in Calcutta on July 9, 1947. MCB is not an overnight success story rather good track of services are responsible for the leaps and bounds progress. After the partition of the IndoPak Subcontinent, the bank moved to Dhaka from where it commenced business in August 1948. In 1956, the Bank transferred its Registered office to Karachi, where the Head Office is presently located. Thus, the bank inherits a 52-year legacy of trust in its customers and the citizens of Pakistan. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP The performance of MCB was badly affected by bureaucrat government. In January 1974, MCB was nationalized by Bhutto Government following the bank act 1974 subsequently in June 1974 Premier Bank Limited merged with MCB. PRIVATIZATION In the late 1990 after long period of time newly established Democratic Government of Pakistan have decided to sell nationalized assets of country for better utilization. In April 1991, MCB became Pakistan’s first privatized bank. The government of Pakistan transferred the management of the Bank to National Group, a group of leading industrialists of the country by selling 26% shares of the bank. In terms of agreement between the Government of Pakistan and the National Group, the group, making their holding 50% has purchased additional 24% 11 An Internship Report shares. Now, 25% is purchased by the Government, which shall be sold in the near future. NEW MILLENNIUM MCB besides being money financial organization have rendered invaluable services in the economics and social developments of our country. MCB today, represents a bank that has grown with time, experience and Pakistan. A major financial institution, in scope and size, it symbolizes a fully-grown tree. Evergreen, Strong, and firmly rooted. PHILOSOPHY MCB relies on strong, lasting relationship with its customers and on its reputation for stability and security for its continued process. Its philosophy has been to adopt steady course. It has pursued small, less risky loans to consumers and business, and shied away from risky loans. MCB extends its philosophy to its technology strategy but not perusing technology for technology's sake. However, MCB learns from the mistakes of others especially in "consumer banking". We let others get in first, take the hit, and find out the flows. Said MCB officials - and has installed efficient and effective system for processing and delivering information. The board of directors has the authority in guiding Bank affairs and in making general policies. Some directors are the personnel of the MCB Bank and others are successful businessperson and executives of other major organization. Nineteen members are included in board of directors. HEAD OFFICE AT GLANCE 12 An Internship Report I. I. Chudrigor Road of Karachi has same importance in Pakistan’s economy as of the Wall Street in world economy. The division working under MCB Head office are as follows: Administration Credit Management Investment Banking Human Resource Information Technology Corporate Planning & Budgeting Finance & Treasury International Division Inspection & Audit Law Division Marketing & Development Trustee Division Under the President An Executive Committee and a Credit Committee works. All the matter of the bank join to the board of director are presented to the executive committee which is responsible for daily operation of the bank .The request for credit exceeding the General Manager power is approved by the Credit Committee. Under the area Executive is the General Manager who is the in charge of the Circle Office. Under the General Manager is the Zonal Manager and then the Branch Manager. At present, there are 9 circles, 47 regions and 1400+ branches. Before privatization there were provincial chiefs for all the four provinces. But this management now has abolished the provincial officers and improved the efficiency of the bank. CIRCLE OFFICE 13 An Internship Report The working of circle office is to control and regulate the functions of branches which are under in its control. The functions of circle office is to mobilize the deposits and receive reports from branches. Circle office is like a mini head office. Agents and correspondents of MCB are in all commercial cities of the world. Circle office is divided in the following division: Credit Management Audit & Inspection Human Resource Marketing & Development Province Circles Region Branches Punjab 9 27 823 Sindh 5 12 278 Balochistan 1 2 35 NWFP & AJK 2 7 235 14 An Internship Report PROMINENT FEATURES SBP allowed exporters obtain foreign currency loans against firm contracts L/Cs and MCB made arrangements for clients to use the facility at EPZ branch, Karachi and off-Shore Banking Unit, Bahrain for the purpose. It also offered services to clients for procuring foreign currency loans from abroad. The other significant development is the launching of the MCB Imdad-eBahami Scheme for “Housing Improvement” in addition to commercial lending, MCB has accepted the responsibility to offer social lending. The scheme, launched with the co-operation of the Swiss institution aims at providing easy credit to low income group is Urban areas to improve their living condition. Other Prominent features are as follow: Committee Structure Organizational culture Customer Service Automation & Modernization International Appearance Employees Mgt Relation Human Resource COMMITTEE STRUCTURE MCB employs a very strong committee structure to oversee decision by decentralized operations. Officers are given strict limit to authority. Within prescribed limit, officers do indeed make their own decision- but according to guidelines, procedures, and rules. Decision outside of prescribed limits are taken to high-level committees. 15 An Internship Report ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Officers of the bank don't need to spend a lot of time into whether they should consider issues or ideas. They just know their certain parameters beyond which they won't go. The employees in the organization are well dressed, well communicated and well co-operative. Officers learn what these parameters are through their experience with various committees-through a process osmosis. In visiting and in participating on committees, individuals get to see what their cohorts are doing. Cross fertilization of ideas occurs and, often, morale is helped. Major corporate policy changes occur through a process of involvement by levels of management. CUSTOMER SERVICE Perhaps the most important yardstick for testing the success oriented organization is in the area of customer services and it is in this very sphere that MCB have made the leading strides. To eliminate delays in dealing with credit proposals, of which complaints were frequent is the past, an effective three lier system was introduced instead of six lier system. Under this new system adequate sanctioning powers were delegated to Branch, Regional and General Managers and also to the senior executives in charge of credit at the Head Office. Only proposals exceeding their powers are now considered in the credit/executive committee. As a part of the new system, the role of the Head office was redefined from supervisory to supporting only the inspection division at the Head Office now 16 An Internship Report has a supervising role for ensuring the implementation of the Bank’s Directives. The new policy and the restructuring of the system had a two fold positive outcome. Customer were provided improved services and needed facilities. The Bank’s executives and other staff come to possess a new sense of confidence and dignity in their jobs. Automation & Modernization The project of on line banking has been successfully introduced and provides customer with the facility to operate from any branch in the network, so for, more than 80 branches have been connected to the MCB Data Network between/among Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Multan and Islamabad. The bank has installed a number of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) to provide 24 hours cash facility to its customer. ATMs have been installed at 40 branches in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. The network have been expanded to Multan and Faisalabad since 1997. The ATM at Karachi airport has also started functioning and those at Lahore and Islamabad airport have been interlinked in 1997. Swift The bank has also started replacing conventional telex messaging system for fund transfer, L/C opening etc., by connecting on-line with the world wide interbank Financial Telecommunication Network (SWIFT). So for, MCB has 17 An Internship Report on line 20 branches in Karachi, Lahore, Faislabad, Gujranwala and Sialkot on SWIFT, to meet foreign correspondence requirement. Human Resource The bank has five special importance to the aspect of training and career planning of its staff members. Forwards this main objective, several training courses have been organized initiating a self development process, in order to accelerate organizational growth and to further improve the Bank’s level of expertise and efficiency. In 1998, a total of 576 courses were conducted which covered a wide variety of topics connected with banking and customer services. An aggregate numbers of 8,776 staff member participated. Additionally 245 officers and executive took part in training courses and seminars conducted by professional institution, such as institute of Bankers Management Association of Pakistan, Pakistan Institute of Management and Pakistan Banking Council. Eight executive also participated in courses conducted is foreign countries. The MCB executive development centre, set up in November, 1995 for used attention an the development and grooming of our executives. Eminent scholars and specialists were invited, during 1996, to apprise our executives of new concepts and techniques to keep abreast of the constant changes taking place locally and globally. A total of 54 seminars were held this year in which 518 executive participated. 18 An Internship Report International Appearance After the closing down of the London operations prior to privatization, MCB was left with no foreign branches and operations. In 1994 as planned the bank opened up its international operations by inaugurating its branches in Dakha and Colombo. More branches are operating in Pettah, Srilanka and Chittagang. Access to Middle East and Africa is in progress. Employees Management Relation The employee management relations remained cordial. Up-to-now more than 290 offspring of the employees are inducted in the bank as cashier and typists on merit basis. Extensive training PROGRAMME for the employees continued to supplement their capabilities. The management is indebted to the employees for sharing its vision and dream to make MCB the best Bank of the country, that is client driven, preferred by the customers and tested on the touch- stone of customer satisfaction. 19 An Internship Report General Banking Department 20 An Internship Report GENERAL BANKING It is backbone of banking It is one of the major department of MCB. It consist of following departments: Accounts Department Current Department Remittance Department Clearing Department Cash Department ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT Every transaction which takes place recorded in the computer so all transactions in different departments are forwarded to account department. Since all vouchers from different departments are forwarded to current department so this department tallies all such transactions with current department after maintaining the ledger of each department. Following are different functions performed by this department: Preparation of Financial Statements for different time span Maintain all accounts of different departments Calculation of profit on different schemes Calculation of markup on different advances Preparation Different types of reports for State Bank Daily position of cash & every accounts Matching daily summaries of all departments with ledger 21 An Internship Report CURRENT DEPARTMENT This department maintains all formalities of the accounts and account holders like it account name, account holder’s name, code number and full address. Different cheques debit and credit voucher come form different departments like Token, Clearing, Remittances, Cash, Foreign Exchange, Advances and posted against different accounts. A working Journal called Manual is prepared daily which shown the balance accounts of all parties. Mark-up and profit are calculated daily. That would be debited at credited from or to account holder’s account after specific period of time. Markup is debit from the account after every three month profit is credited to accounts after every six month. New accounts are also opened in this department. The fund deposited in the MCB bank can be classified under the main heads: CURRENT ACCOUNT SAVING ACCOUNT TERM /CALL DEPOSITS ACCOUNT OPENING To open an account the customer have to meet the general banking manager with an introducer (the person who is going go introduce that person in the bank) and get an application form used for account opening. Different colorcoded application forms are available for each type of account. Along with the form a card for specimen signature is also supplied to customer. Manager has 22 An Internship Report every right not to accept this contract if he is not satisfied by the details provided by the customer. In case the contract is acceptable to both, now it is ready to open the account formally. Procedure The procedure begins with the punching of account opening form to the customer file i.e. customer’s master file. The manager records the necessary details into this register and allots an a/c number from this a/c opening register. This register is maintained for each type of account and the a/c no’s are allotted serially. After opening a saving and current account every applicant’s data is entered into the computer to maintain a safe record and application form is properly filled so that it can be available when necessary. Checking officer is responsible to Tele the manual application form with the computerized a/c opening file. For fixed deposit only that application form is needed which is prepared manually, because most of the procedure of fixed deposit is done manually. The signature specimen card contains three signatures of an applicant, applicant a/c no, a/c type, branch code, title of a/c, it will be attached with an application form. Banker uses this card at the time when he receives the cherub; he compares customer’s signature with the signature on the cherub for avoiding fraud. ACCOUNTS TYPES Though in theory there many types of accounts but commonly account operators can be classified in one of the following categories, each have different documentation requirements: 23 An Internship Report Single Joint Partnership Private Limited Public Limited SINGLE Only one person can operate this a/c. An individual who can fulfill the requirement of bank can open this a/c. We can call it a personnel or individual a/c. The requirements for this type are National Identity Card Photocopy, Minimum Deposited Balance, Account Opening Form, Letter of Kinship etc. JOINT In case of joint a/c applicant mentions that how much person will operate the a/c. Instruction are given for joint a/c such that the account shall be operated by anyone or more. The requirements for this type are National Identity Card Photocopy, Minimum Deposited Balance, Account Opening Form, Letter Kinship, Additional Signature Form (For Joint Account), Declaration regarding the operator of account. PARTNERSHIP For partnership a/c, along with the application form other requirements needs satisfied. The requirements for this type are National Identity Card Photocopy, Minimum Deposited Balance, Account Opening Form, Registration certificate, agreement among partners and Commencement of business and 24 private registration, An Internship Report resolution of board of directors, commencement of business, memorandum and articles of association and balance sheet etc. PRIVATE LIMITED Such type of account is opened in the name of the businesses having private limited concern and mostly medium business enterprises open such kind of accounts. All the board of directors have to submit the declaration regarding the account operator on the company pad and with the rubber stamp with the signature of the all the members of the board of directors. In case of any change in directors bank must be informed regarding that. In case funds are borrowed by the company all the directors approval is necessary rather not only the authorized partner who can be the operator of the account. PUBLIC LIMITED Public Limited A/C type of account is opened in the name of the businesses having Public limited concern and mostly medium business enterprises open such kind of accounts. All the board of directors have to submit the declaration regarding the account operator on the company pad and with the rubber stamp with the signature of the all the members of the board of directors. In case of any change in directors bank must be informed regarding that. In case funds are borrowed by the company all the directors approval is necessary rather not only the authorized partner who can be the operator of the account. 25 An Internship Report ACCOUNT CLOSING There are no. of reasons of closing an account can be one of the following if customer desire to close his account, in case of death of one account holder, bankruptcy of the account holder and If an account contain nil balance or not up to the requirement of rules. Before closing any account, bank send letter to the account hold for informing him that his account is going to be closed. There is need an approval form higher authority to close any account. CURRENT ACCOUNTS Current deposits are those which are payable to bank whenever demanded by the customer. Bank does not pay any profit on current deposits. There are of different scheme of saving deposits, which are classified under different duration purpose and rate of interest. Fixed deposits are those deposits which are by the bank under the conditions that they will not be payable on demand but will be payable under fixed or determinable future time date. FEATURES A sum of Rs. 500/= in cash as initial deposit is required for opening a current account and the same may be maintained as minimum average running credit balance. No profit will be paid on credit balances held in current accounts. The bank reserves the right to allow opening of current a/c at its description. All deposits and withdrawal from a current a/c will take place only at the branch where the account is being maintained. Current a/c cannot be overdrawn, except by prior agreed agreements with the bank. The correspondence relating to current A/Cs should be addressed to manager of the branch where the account is being maintained. A distinctive number will be allotted to each 26 An Internship Report current account and shall be quoted on all correspondence relating to the respective account and at the time of making deposits and withdraws. The account holder can draw sums from his account by means of cheque supplied to him by the bank for that particular account. Account holder should take well care of the chequebooks issued to them. The account holder will pay excise duty of Rs.4 per leaf to the government. PAY–IN SLIP This slip is used for depositing the additional amount. The bank will accept the Pakistanis notes. All cheques and other instruments should be crossed before they are deposited for credit into the account. There shall be no restriction on number of withdrawals in current account. The account holder is expected to maintain a minimum running credit balance of Rs.500/. An account holder wishing to close his account must surrender the unused cheques to the bank. The current account is computerized, thus it generate the statement of account for all account holders periodically. Incidental charges are beard by the account holder if its credit balance is less than Rs.500/. Service charges of RS. 20/= will be taken by the bank, if an account is closed within 6 months from the date of its opening. 27 An Internship Report Financial Products 28 An Internship Report SAVING ACCOUNT Saving accounts are opened on proper introduction with sums of credit balance within certain limit for individual (single, joint) institutions, companies, educational institutions etc. MCB has introduced various schemes under saving a/c are following: Mala Maal Scheme PLS Account Saving 365 Account Capital growth certificate scheme Fund Management Scheme Khanm Bachat Scheme Khushali Bachat Account Term/ Fixed Deposits MAAL-A-MAAL SCHEME This scheme is recently launched by the MCB after severe financial crisis of year 1998 created as result of atomic bomb explosion, to mobilize the deposits. It is the most profitable scheme of the bank and MCB has got Rs. 20 billion deposits through this scheme and the certificate is for Rs. 25000/- Procedure The procedure of Maal-a-Maal certificate is very simple. The applicant has to fill the slip of certificate where he have to write Branch code, Applicant’s name, ID Card Number, Address, Phone #, Date and tenure etc. For different tenure different profit percentages are declared as show below: 29 An Internship Report Tenure (Months) Rate of Return (%) Two 06 Four 07 Eight 08 Twelve 10 These certificates are automatically renewable after maturity. Copy of ID card is attached with certificate. Profit is calculated at the time of drawing. At register, the officer writes reference or serial #, name of applicant, certificate #, date of issue and date of maturity. At Maal-a-Maal certificate, the officer write date of issue, maturity date, reference #, and name of the applicant. PROFIT & LOSS SHARING (PLS) ACCOUNT This account was started in 1980s after the issuing of banking ordinance in 1980 by Zia Government to develop Islamic banking in Pakistan. In this case customer would be responsible for bearing profit as well as loss. The bank would be within its rights to make investment of credit balances in the PLS saving accounts in any manner at its sole discretion and to make use of the fund to the best of its judgment in the banking business under the PLS system. For withdrawal of larger amount, 7 days notice in writing is required to be given: Minimum balance is Rs.500/= Below minimum balance charges will be debited Not more than eight withdrawals in a year allowed More than Rs.15000/= are not allowed to draw Seven day notice is required for withdrawal Profit calculated on monthly basis Profit paid on annually basis 30 An Internship Report Profit paid on lowest balance at the end 10% Withholding Tax on minimum balance Zakat deducted on @ 2.5% SAVING 365 ACCOUNTS This account is newly developed of MCB and it provides flexibility of saving account to business people. Profit on deposits will be payable on daily product basis on balance of RS. 500,000/- and above. However, if balance in the account falls below RS. 500,000/- on any day, the product will be ignored. There will be no restriction on withdrawal from the account. Zakat and withholding Tax is also applicable on the account opened under this scheme. Minimum balance is Rs.500,000/= Below minimum balance, profit calculation ignored Profit calculated on daily basis Profit paid on annually basis 10% Withholding Tax on minimum balance Zakat deducted on @ 2.5% CAPITAL GROWTH CERTIFICATE SCHEME Long term deposit Profit rate as that of PLS Saving Account Minimum amount of deposit is Rs. 10,000/= Amount deposited double in of 5 years No maximum limit of Deposits 10% Withholding Tax on minimum balance Zakat deducted on @ 2.5% 31 An Internship Report FUND MANAGEMENT SCHEME Rate of return upto 15% per annum Offered to corporate and business community Development of secondary market for Government Securities 10% Withholding Tax on minimum balance No maximum limit of deposits Zakat deducted on @ 2.5% KHUSHALI BACHAT ACCOUNT Saving type account Rate of return is 8% per annum Profit calculated on daily basis Profit paid on half yearly basis Utility bills can be debited through this a/c No charges will be debited for utility payments KHANUM BACHAT SCHEME Designed to support small savings of people Depositing money for 10 years No return until 10 year Payments are made on monthly basis No limit for monthly payments After 10 year return will be on fixed rates TERM DEPOSITS Term deposits are fixation of certain amount of money for a specific span of time. These can be of majorly two types i.e. short term notice deposits and long term notice deposits. Different rates are charged for different period of times 32 An Internship Report like as shown by following table. If presented before maturity then previous period rate would be charged. Duration 01 month Rate Of Interest 08.1% 02 month 10.1% 03 month 11.0% 06 month 11.5% 01 year 12.5% 02 year 13.3% 03 year 14.5% 05 year 16.4% The instrument term deposit is like a slip containing issuing bank name, a/c # to operate on computer, deal #, customer name, reference #, date of issue, amount, rate maturity date etc. 33 An Internship Report CALL DEPOSITS These call deposits are presented in the bidding process as guarantee or security from the bank that this much money is deposited in the bank. These are made in the favor the party offering contract or any other person. The bank offer no interest rate on it because these can be called at any time. For encashment the applicant must have to cancelled the call deposit instrument from its beneficiary. For collection the beneficiary usually send the authority letter for paying in the shape of Demand Draft or pay order. The call deposit instrument containing the information regarding applicant and beneficiary name, joint name a/c opened, signature cards for encashment, reference #, amount, date of issue, authorized signature etc. OTHER PRODUCT / SERVICES The privatization process for the expansion and diversification of economic activities in the country also demanded the introduction of new banking products. MCB took initiative in this direction and for the first time MCB devised and marketed new products and services with brand names to enter the varying requirements of its d iverse customers. MCB currently have following products or services in banking sector that are making it more prominent in the banking sector: Night Banking Fax Utility Consultancy Services Traveler Cheques Self Supporting Scheme Utility Bills Collection Credit Cards 34 An Internship Report ATM CONSULTANCY SERVICES In the process of privatization of public sector units, prospective buyers need professional assistance and MCB, with its expertise offers to their specialized service for valuation of the market value of the industr ial unit, preparing bid documents and arranging finance for the purchase of the unit. SELF SUPPORTING SCHEME Loan for poor/needy people No mark-up charged Maximum amount of Rs. 25,000/= Minimum amount of loan Rs. 5,000/= FAX utility Pioneer to introduced Fax for customer service. Facilitates speedy transfer of funds. Within an hour any where in Pakistan. Charges are debited to Customer account. NIGHT BANKING SERVICES To facilitate business community Only in commercial trades centers premises Clients can make deposits upto 8:00 pm Date moved to next for all such transaction 35 An Internship Report UTILITY BILLS COLLECTION Utility bill collection for maximum customers Objective is to create interaction with customers Currently 1050 branches are performing this job MCB RUPEE TRAVELERS CHEQUE Can be a safest way to carry cash Cheque is accepted at trade centers & branches No need to be a/c holder for traveler cheques Cheque is signed once when issued. Upon delivering second signed are made In case of theft no fair to encash But informing bank is necessary if thefted ATM (Automated Teller Machine) Minimum balance of Rs. 500/= No charges are debited per transaction Only two hundred per annum debited 36 An Internship Report REMITTANCES The need of remittance is commonly felt in commercial life particularly and in every day life general. A major function of any banking system is the transfer of funds from one client or one place to another. By providing this service to the customer the bank earns a lot of income in the form of service charges. This department deals with local currency remittance i.e. remittance from one city to another without actually carrying the currency. MCB uses following instrument for transferring of money: Demand Drafts (DD) Pay Order (PO) Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Mail Transfer (MT) Demand Drafts (DD ) DD is a written order given by the branch of the bank on behalf of the customer to other branch of the same bank to pay the certain amount to the customer. DD are issued for the particular place other than place of issuance. A drafts is a Cheque drawn by a bank on its own branch or any other branch of another bank at a different place requesting it to pay on demand a specified amount of money which is already received to the person named on it. DD is of following two types: 37 An Internship Report DD payable DD Paid Suspense a/c In the first type as advice reaches for payment the immediately pay to the customer while in later as DD presented by the customer, it is paid and the suspense account is debited. Documentation A printed application form is provided for filling in completely and signing by the applicant. After depositing an amount of draft and commission of the bank, duly completed and signed by two authorized officers, then it is handed over the applicant and credit order is dispatched to drawee branch. Following are the pre-requisites for the processing of DD: Bank Serial No No. of DD Central No Test Key Rs.60 Postage charges 0.02% With holding tax Pay Order For this kind of remittance the payer must have the account in the issuing bank. Pay order are more liquid as compared to cheques because cheques may be dishonored while PO can’t be. It is written order issued by the bank drawn and payable on itself. It is used for local transfer of money from one person to 38 An Internship Report another person. It is also used by the public for depositing money with Government or Semi Government department. DOCUMENTATION The party who requires a pay order will get a printed application from the bank. He will fill it and deposits the amount and commission. The bank charges are same as on demand draft. Bank Serial No. No. of PO Central No. 0.02% With holding tax TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER (TT) In this case the authority is given from one bank to other on the behalf of the customer through telecommunication to debit their inter office account through them and credit their parties account mentioned in TT. It is an inter bank transaction. Telegraphic transfer is an instant transfer of funds. Through this method applicant can transfer money from one place to another place. There are two types of TT, Both types of TT are maintained in separate registers, test is applied by the manager of every amount of TT. Incoming TT Outgoing TT 39 An Internship Report Applicant has to fill a form along with depositing amount to be transferred and bank commission. MCB charges the commission at the same rate as in the case of demand drafts. Documentation Issuing Branch Name & Code Beneficiary Branch Name & Code No. of TT 60 Rs Postage and 140 Rs for Fax Amount in words & Figure 0.02% With holding tax Test key Mail Transfer (MT) As the name shows, it is transfer of money in the shape of document through mail. Procedure is like TT. The transfer of funds from one place to another by mail is called Mail Transfer (MT). The MT can be foreign or domestic. The applicant who is desiring to remit the funds by way of Mail Transfer can either deposit cash or ask the bank to debit his/her account with the cost of MT including the bank charges. These all measures are for safe transfer of funds. Documentation Issuing Branch Name & Code Beneficiary Branch Name & Code Number of MT Amount in words & Figure 0.02% With holding tax 40 An Internship Report Test key CASH DEPARTMENT In cash department both deposits and withdrawals go side by side. This department works under the accounts department and deals with cash deposits and payments. This department maintains the following sheets, books, ledger of account: Cash received voucher sheet. Cash paid voucher sheet. Paying-in-slip Cheque Book Cash balance book Cash department is performing its job completely through computers. The following staff members are performing their duties with patience and hard work. Only two peoples are working in cash department named Mr. Ashraf OG-II and Mr. Arshad OG-III with one computer with them. Cash Paid Sheet The only instrument that can be used to withdraw an amount from an account is the Cheque book. No payments are made by another instrument. Cheques can be of two types, they may be presented at the counter and encashed and the others are clearing or transfer cheques. Cashier manually inspect the Cheque for following: Signature & date Cross cutting 41 An Internship Report Drawee’s a/c title Amounts in words & figures Two signatures at the back The cheques should not be stated as post dated. If in the Cheque there may discrepancy regarding any of the aspects described above the cheque is returned to the customer for rectification. On other hand if the cheque is valid in all respects, the cashier enters the necessary inputs in the computer and post the entry so that account balance is updated. When cashier posts these entries, computer automatically display the balance before posting the transaction amount, balance after posting. The cashier easily and quickly see whether the amount being withdrawn so exceed the balance or within the balance. If the amount does exceed the balance then it is upon the discretion of the manager to allow an overdraft and not depending upon the customer’s reputation. If he does not allow an over draft, the procedure is repeated again as described for the mismatch of the signature Cheque is return. The detail of notes (currency) is written on the back side of the Cheque. The cashier at the same time maintain the “Cash Voucher Received Record Sheet”. Then once again inspect the signature of the customer cancellation mark of checking officer and stamp of “POSTED” is placed on cheque before hand over the cash to customer. Cash Received 42 An Internship Report For depositing the cash into customer’s accounts, there is need to fill in the paying-in-slip giving the related details of the transaction. This paying-in-slip contains the date, a/c/no, a/c title, particulars, amount being deposited and details of the cash. There are two portion of the paying-in-slip. The depositor signs the one part of the paying-in-slip one is retained by the bank to show an acceptance of the entries made in the slip. The different colored paying-in-slip are used for all the types of deposits. Only the slips related to a particular type of a/c is acceptable by the bank. For example current paying-in-slip for current a/c and saving paying-in-slips for saving a/c etc. The paying-in-slip serves as a voucher to update to computerized transaction ledger. The transaction ledger is only updated by paying-in-slip and Cheque. The cashier responsible to receive both the paying-in-slip and cash from the depositor. The cashier check the necessary details provided I the paying-in-slip and accounts the cash and tallies with the amount declared in the slip. If the amount does not tally with the cash given, the deposit is not entertained until the customer remove the discrepancy. On the other hand if the two amounts tally, the cashier fills in the “Cash voucher received Record Sheet” and assigns a voucher no. to both the transaction being made in the sheet and the slip. This voucher no. starts with one and continue by serial increments of one for each day till the closing of the sheet, the cashier fills the voucher no, an account, cash day till the closing of the sheet. The cashier fills in the voucher no, an account of, cash entry in the related type of a/c and he post his initials on both part of the voucher. Then the cashier send both to the accountant who verifies all the entries in the two documents, if the entries in the two documents, if the entries in the two documents tally with one another, the accountant authenticates the two by singing on the two documents and posting stamps on the slip. One part of the slip is then returned to the customer and other is given to the computer 43 An Internship Report operator. A very important check is that the dates mentioned into the two documents must be the same. The 2nd cashier posts the transaction entries in computer ledger. This ledger contains the a/c no, a/c title, voucher no, voucher date, transaction code, transaction amount. After posting these entries, computer display before posting balance and after posting. On every transaction computer generates an output of transaction ledger. He assigns the stamp “POSTED” on the voucher to show voucher transaction entries are posted. Checking officer receive this voucher and the compute output transaction ledge, he manually inspects the entries of ledger and voucher. If both are tallied, he then signs the ledger and put a mark of cancellation on the voucher. After the verifications from the checking officer, cashier receives the voucher. CASH BOOK BALANCE At the end of the working day cashier is responsible to maintain the cash balance book. The cash book contain the date, opening balance, detail of cash payment and received in figures, closing balance, denomination of government notes (Currency). It s checked by manager. The consolidated figure of receipt and payment of cash is entered in the cash book and the closing balance of cash is drawn from that i.e. Opening Balance Of Cash + Receipts - Payments = Balance The closing balance of today will be the opening balance of tomorrow. This department is one of the most important department of the bank. All the books maintained in this department are checked by officer. 44 An Internship Report CLEARING DEPARTMENT All the external functions of clearing are carried by NIFT (National Institute of Facilitation Technology) while the internal operations are performed by clearing department which would be discuss later. NIFT is providing tremendous facilitation having error rate of 0.3%. It is just like any courier service which takes the cheques of other banks and delivers the cheques of that branch to it. Clearing is a system by which banks exchange cheques and other negotiable instruments drawn on each other within a specified area and thereby securing the payment for its clients through the clearing house. A clearing house is a general organization of the banks at a given place, Its main purpose is offsetting the cross obligation in the form of cheques. When there are many banks in the country each will receive a number of cheques drawn on other banks, deposited within for collection. A clearing house is an organization where these cheques are brought and the mutual claims of each bank on the other are offset and a settlement is made by the payment of differences. The representatives off all the banks in Pakistan attend office of the bank which is performing these duties of clearing house, on each business day at a fixed time. They deliver cheques that their bank may have negotiated and receive in exchange cheques drawn on their bank negotiated by other bank. The responsibility of smooth cooperation of the clearing function lies with the State Bank of Pakistan. The operation of clearing refers to the collection of cheques drawn on other banks. These cheques may be drawn on UBL, HBL, NBP, or any other bank of Pakistan. The respective clerk collects all cheques and enter them in clearing 45 An Internship Report Register. Then he affix a stamps on these cheques and sorts out cheques of different banks and prepares. schedule for them. These cheques are sent to clearing house. State Bank of Pakistan has extended the service of Clearing House. MCB will receive all the cheques drawn by other banks. Finally they exchange their cheques mutuality. MCB representative will give cheques of UBL, HBL, ABL, NBP, and SBP to their representatives, and get the cheques drawn on MCB from these representative. Further they settle their account. State Bank of Pakistan representative will work out the balances and will settle their account from their balances with State Bank of Pakistan. The amount of the cheques are credited in the account of depositor on the 2nd or 3rd day. If the cheques are not returned it is under stood that all the cheques are honored. 46 An Internship Report Credit Department 47 An Internship Report ADVANCES DEPARTMENT It is another major department of the branch. Bank provides this facility to the people who need advance money to meet their requirements. For getting the advances, the first step is the preparation of credit proposal. Some principles of lending are considered whenever financing being is made. These principles are: Character Capacity Collateral Capital Condition REQUIRED INFORMATION An assessment of his business abilities Accurate & up-to-date financial statements Market reports about the borrower Party dealing with other banks Nature and structure of borrower business Names of proprietors, partners or Directors Detail of companies associated with borrower business Financial condition of borrower business 48 An Internship Report PREPARATION OF CREDIT PROPOSAL At first, a formal application for credit approval is obtained from the party along with complete group position. The parties credibility report is also obtained from the banks from which the party has been doing the business. The party creditability report is also taken from the head office of Trade information Division. For obtaining credit, party has to submit the last two years Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement duly attested but authorized auditors. If the party also involve in export or import business then the bank also consider the data of three years about imports and exports. The Current and Debt equity ratio is also calculated by the bank. Then recommendations are made the type of data required to prepare the credit proposal is to be gathered from different departments. Some data is obtained from the foreign exchange department. Some data is obtained from current account department and some data is available in Advance Department. The purpose for which the financing is required should be explained very clearly. The securities offered by the party to the bank is also evaluated. In case of pledging of the property in shape of land or building the complete evaluation of the property should also be attached. After all the requirements and necessary documents for applying for advances is fulfilled by the party then, the case is sent to the Chief Manager for approval. If the manager find any discrepancies, he may write on these documents. If the credit limit is in his range, he may approve the party for credit. If the amount is exceeding the Chief Manager send the case is forward to the Circle Office for approval and here the same procedure is repeated and if the credit amount is in the range of GM, he can approve and if the credit amount is very large from Circle Office, the case is then sent to Head Office and if it is a real big then is 49 An Internship Report to be decided by Board of Director. MCB provides advances which are two types. These are two types of advances: Secured Advances Unsecured Advances In secured advances, the bank takes any security against the loans while in case of unsecured advance no security is taken by the bank. ADVANCES TYPES MCB usually classified advances in to following types: Agricultural Advances Commercial Advances Industrial Advances 50 An Internship Report COMMERCIAL ADVANCES MCB divided the advances in to two major types: Fund Based Non Fund Based In the fond base advances, the funds of MCB is involved and in Non Fund based only guarantee is given by the bank. Fund Base Advance MCB have following Fund base facilities of advance in its corporate branches. The details of these types would be later. These are as follows: Demand Finance (DF) Cash Finance (CF) Running Finance (RF) Foreign bills purchased (FBP) Local Manufacturing Machinery (LMM) Payment against document (PAD) Finance against imported goods (FIM) Finance against purchase collection (FACP) Finance against foreign bills (FAFB) Export Refinance Part I (Pre Shipment) Export Refinance Part I (Post Shipment) Export Refinance Part II 51 An Internship Report DEMAND FINANCE This is a type of secured loan and demand loan never allowed without security. It is a type of long term financing. MCB also gives loan under the head of demand finance to individuals, industrial units commercial business etc. CASH FINANCE In this, the borrower gives a specific reason for the need of cash. MCB gives the facility of cash credit to business. The amount is passed through voucher and credit to the party account. Normally 0.60 paisa per thousand is charged on daily basis to customer. RUNNING FINANCE These finances as evident by the name are given to the business to meet their daily needs. The mark up is charged on daily balances. This type of advances are given to trade, commerce and manufacturing for general purpose. Normally 0.60 paisa per thousand is charged is charged on daily basis. It is drawn through Cheque. FINANCE AGAINST IMPORTED MERCHANDISE This type of advances are granted against the pledge of imported merchandise. The goods imported are pledged by bank. Bank pays all the charges to exporter and customs and keeps the goods in its control. On payment from the client to bank, the bank releases these goods. EXPORT REFINANCE PART-I PRE-SHIPMENT This type of loan is provided by the bank to the customer at the rate of 12% for the period of 150 days. The bank provides this type of advance facility to those 52 An Internship Report exporters who have not enough money to make shipment. To promote the export, the government pursue the Banks to provides loans to the exporters. EXPORT REFINANCE PART-I POST SHIPMENT This type of facility is provided to the customers who have enough amount of money to make first shipment but not more. So the bank issues a loan to the exporter, this financing is for period of 150 days. Finance is provided by the SBP to exporters for the purchase of raw material and for its processing packing and shipment. The mark up rate currently set by the SBP is 12%. In case, if the party is unable to make the shipment within 150 days of financing. The party has to pay certain amount of finance as asked by the SBP and after 150 days the markup rate also charges up @ 60 paisa per thousand per day. So usually exporters tries to make the shipment within the fixed period set by the SBP which is usually 150 days. EXPORT REFINANCE PART-II In this case the bank after receiving the performance of years in export business of the party the limit is set for a period of one year. Here the limit cannot be set by the terms pledged of the permission of the bank. FINANCE AGAINST PURCHASE OF COLLECTION DOCUMENT The bank provides this type of advance facility to those exporters who have not enough money to make shipment. A bill(Cheque, draft, etc.) may be purchased by the bank. Bank pays the amount to the client after deducting its commission. FINANCE AGAINST FOREIGN BILLS This facility is given to the exporter, If he needs an urgent money. Bank also provides finance against the foreign bills. He gives bills of exchange to the 53 An Internship Report bank as a security and bank send these bills for collection and bank gives money to he exporter. FOREIGN BILL PURCHASE The exporter which are under L/C are also provided with the facility of loan. Amount is given to the exporter after the approval of L/C by the issuing bank. LOCAL MANUFACTURING MACHINERY The bank provides this facility to the business man who wants to buy the local manufactured machinery. LMM funds are provided by the SBP. Rate of markup for this type of loan facility is 12% on this type of loan. PAYMENT AGAINST DOCUMENT Bank make the payment to party against document and upon expire date. Bank receives back money with mark up in this type of lending. Upon receipt of the documents negotiated by the sellers bank. The opening bank makes sure that documents are according to terms and conditions of the credit. Agriculture Credit Banks Agriculture division deals with the agriculture advances. Bank provides the Agriculture Advances in order to enhance and support the agriculture sector of the country. Agriculture advances are of the two types. The types are as follows: 54 An Internship Report Farm Credit Non Farm Credit FARM CREDIT These are the credits provided by the MCB for the purchases of inputs for development of agriculture sector. Following are two main sub classes of Farm Credit. Production Finance Development Finance PRODUCTION FINANCE These are short term loans. These loans are provided to farmers for purchases of different type of input, for example, Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides. These loans are provided against personal guarantees or mortgage of land as a security. Rate of profit for these loans is 10%. DEVELOPMENT FINANCE These are medium or long term loans. These loans are provided for the development of agriculture sector. Main purpose of these loans are to purchase instrument: Tractors Implements(Trolley, Thresher etc.) Installation of tube-well Planting of garden 55 An Internship Report The loans are disbursed against security of land (mortgage) or any other security acceptable to bank. The rate of profit for these loans is 11% to 17%. NON FARM CREDIT Second major form of agriculture advance is Non-Farm Credit. These loans are provided against mortgage of land as a security or pledge of equipment as a Collateral security. These are medium or long term investment depending up the project. These loans are provided to boost up agriculture sector to provide the sources of earning of foreign exchange as well as to provide employment to people. Following are the different types of small industries for which loans are provided to improve the economy of the country: Fish Farm Cattle Farm Poultry Farm Dairy Farm Securities Bankers lend money in the form clean advances against promissory note as well as secured advances against tangible and marketable. These reports are only valid MCB normally allow the advances to the customers against the following types of securities: Bankers Lien Mortgage Pledges Hypothecation 56 An Internship Report Bankers Lien This type of security is accepted in case of advances against share, life policies, bonds, ornaments and fixed deposits etc. It is type of most liquid security. Mortgages There are two types of Mortgage. These are following: Legal Mortgage Equitable Mortgage Legal mortgage and equitable mortgage are accepted in case of immovable properties like land, building and machinery etc. Pledge This type of security is accepted in case of stocks or raw materials. In a pledge, the borrower has not right to sell the stocks with the permission of bank. 57 An Internship Report Foreign Exchange Department 58 An Internship Report FOREIGN EXCHANGE H. E. Evit states that “the means and methods by which right to wealth express in terms of currency of one country are converted into rights to wealth in term of the currency of another country are known as foreign exchange”. Encyclopedia Britannic defines Foreign Exchange as “a system by which commercial nations discharges their debts to each other”. WHY? Nature has granted its wealth unevenly Need of Imports & Exports Because no international Money unit exists IN MCB This department works like general banking department with the difference that it deals in foreign currencies like US ($) and Pound Sterling, Dutch Mark (DM), Euro and Japanese Yen (Y). This department deals with the following products/services: Foreign Currency Accounts Foreign Remittances Foreign Bills for Collection Selling of Government Certificates Imports & Exports 59 An Internship Report Foreign Currency Accounts These accounts can be operated foreign national and Pakistani National. The foreign currency department deals with the following types of accounts: Dollar Khushali account Current account Saving bank account Term deposit Prime Currency Scheme Foreign accounts are convertible on floating rate available to the bank. The account holder is free to operate the account. To the extent of available balance, for remittance any where in the world in the world and for whatever purpose. Remittances in any convertible foreign currency can be accepted, these remittances will however be converted into US $, pound sterling, DM and Japanese Yen at the ruling rate before crediting to these foreign currency accounts. Travelers cheques, drafts, telegraphic transfers and pay orders are accepted for deposit. The interest earned on these deposits (saving accounts and term deposits) is credited in foreign currency and is also remittal freely. The interest earning is exempted from income tax and no Zakat deductions are made from the account. The balances in these accounts are freely transferable anywhere. No permission for the remittances from State Bank of Pakistan is required. Traveler cheques can be issued to the extent of deposit in the account. 60 An Internship Report Term Deposit Accounts Issued in US $ and sterling Duration of 3 months Interest in paid at maturity Dollar Khushali Account This scheme is introduced by MCB is 1994. It is service oriented scheme is US dollar Currency. This account can be opened by all Pakistani and Foreign national residing in Pakistan or abroad. Features Profit is paid on daily basis. Conversion in Rs. From dollar through FEBC. No restriction on number of withdraw No Deduction of Zakat & Income tax Minimum balance to open US $ 100. 61 An Internship Report Prime Currency Scheme Prime Currency Scheme is a saving account of MCB which can be opened for four types of currencies these are US ($), UK (t), Japanese Yen (Y), Douche Mark (DM). Remittances from abroad traveler Cheque, foreign currency notes and foreign exchange generated by encashing FEBC may be deposited in these accounts. Features Can be opened under single/joint names Six months profits are paid Facility of FREX notes and travelers Cheque Foreigner and Foreign companies can open it Profits is given in foreign currency No restriction by SBP to open it No implementation of income tax No Wealth tax and Zakat deduction. A/c have the facility to take loan in Pak rupees FOREIGN REMITTANCES Remittances to abroad through telegraphic transfer is remitted to the person to whom it is payable. Bank charges Rs.50/- as its commission. Funds can be transferee abroad either by drafts and telegraphic transfer in US dollar and pound Sterling. For transferring money, Client must give specific reason for sending money abroad. Without any specific reason and proper identification of person who is remitting amount, bank avoids to transfer money. Similarly Money gram is used for inward remittances: 62 An Internship Report Foreign Bills for collection Government Bills for collection Foreign Bill For Collection Cheques and drafts in any other foreign currency deposited by account holders are sent for collection. If the cheques are drawn within the country i.e. Issuing Bank is in Pakistan then they are sent to respective branches. If these cheques are drawn on other countries then these are sent to respective countries. MCB credits the accounts of account holder when these bills are realized. Banks credit his account with the same rate of that day on which the Cheque was deposited with the bank. Bank charges Rs.100/- as its commission and plus telephone/fax charges if any. GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATE Foreign exchange department also deal with different certificates which are issued by SBP, GOVT. of Pakistan. These are as follows: Dollar Bearer Certificate (DBC) Foreign Currency Bearer Certificate (FCBC) Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificate (FEBC) The can be bought by Pakistan and Foreigners without any limit on their purchases. Payment must be in convertible foreign currencies. These certificates are issued at par for a period of three years in denominations of Rs.500,Rs.1000, Rs.10,000. The FEBC are enchashable at any time. Upon enchasement after one year , the holder of Rs.1000/- certificate get a return of Rs.14.5 . After two Rs.310. 63 An Internship Report These certificates can be purchased by making payment through foreign currency accounts held in MCB Ltd. The FEBC can be purchased abroad by paying in any convertible foreign currency. The profit earned on these certificate, Zakat will be deducted. A after selling these certificates amount is transferred to STATE BANK of Pakistan .Bank not utilized the funds which is received from customer upon conversion of D BC, FCBC and FEBC. Bank charges Rs.50 upto Rs.10000 of value and 0.01% over Rs.10000 or equivalent. 64 An Internship Report IMPORTS & EXPORTS To enter into an import or export enterprise an individual must follow the following steps, later I will discuss these in detail: Registration at Corporate Law Authority Membership with of Chamber of Commerce/association NIT # must be obtained from Income Tax Authorities Affidavit of not a government servant/ not been black listed Submit a photo copy of NID along with the documents Company must have a foreign currency account in any bank The individual/company must have registered at EPB The exporter/importer should have some party in contact CLA Registration There are three types of business, namely, Proprietorship, Partnership or firm, and Corporations. The firms are registered at the office of Registrar of Firms, where as the companies are registered at the office of CLA. Depending upon the ownership and capital structure the companies can be classified as private limited or public limited. Before a company gets into the business of import or export it must be registered at CLA. For this purpose an application along with all necessary documents is submitted to CLA. The necessary data must include: The company’s name Initial board of directors Number of shares 65 An Internship Report Address of company’s office The capital structure Number of directors The CLA will process the application and after approval it will issue a Certificate of Incorporation, under section 32 of Companies Ordinance 1984 (XL VII of 1984). Firms registered at Registrar Office are issued form ‘C’ on their registration. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE It is essential for an importer/exporter to be member of some recognized chamber or association. Normally the importer or exporter is member of Chamber of Commerce, however, membership of other chambers or associations like APTMA, APBUMA, etc. is also acceptable. The importer/exporter applies for membership along with admission fee of Rs.100 and annual subscription. After the serenity the chamber or association issues a membership certificate. The following information is required to be given along with application. Name of individual or firm & Address Name of directors or partners Particulars of business Import or export registration number National Tax Number Bank certificate (photo copy) National Identity Card copy Photo copy of form C from registrar 66 An Internship Report Income Tax Office. According to the rules the importer/exporter has to pay various taxes in the national exchequer, like income tax, corporate tax, with holding tax, sales tax, super tax, etc. For this purpose he must possess a national tax number (NTN). If the individual/company is already paying income tax then the NTN would have already been allotted. However, a new exporter/importer individual or company would require fresh NTN. Income tax return for registered firms. Income tax return for companies. Documents required for obtaining NTN are: Copy of National Identity Card List of existing bank accounts Copy of certificate of registration Copy of partnership deed Copy of certificate of incorporation NTN (for verification only) EXPORT PROMOTION BUREAU The most important part of the process of import/export is registration with EPB. Before registration of EPB, all the above mentioned steps must be completed. Furthermore, a foreign currency account must be opened at some bank, dealing in foreign currency. An affidavit must also be provided by the exporter/importer that he/she is not: Government Servant Black Listed 67 An Internship Report The application to EPB is processed by the bank on behalf of exporter/importer. The application form to be filled in by the importer/exporter. A fee of Rs.1500 for export and Rs.1530 for import registration must also accompany, which must be paid through pay order. After registration at EPB the importer/exporter is permitted to start with his/her business of export or import. TRADE TERMS There are many different methods in vogue for the transfer of title of shipment in the import/export business. These methods are internationally recognized terminology’s and describe the responsibility of bearing cost and risk involved during transportation. These terms are briefly described below: Ex-Works It means that the seller’s only responsibility is to make goods available at his premises/factory. He is not responsible for loading the goods in a vehicle provided by the buyer, unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears full cost and risk involved in bringing the goods from there to the desired destination. This term represents minimum obligation for the seller. Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) It signifies maximum obligation for the seller. When followed by words naming buyer’s premises, it denotes that seller has to bear all costs and risks till the goods are made available at buyer’s premises. If some costs are to be excluded these must be clearly mentioned e.g. “exclusive of value added tax”. 68 An Internship Report Delivered at Frontier The seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods have arrived at the frontier but before customers border. Primarily used with rail or road transport, this term may be used regardless of planned means of transport. (In practice it is seldom used when goods travel by air or by sea). Free on Board (FOB) The goods are placed on board a ship at the seller’s cost. The risk of loss and damage is transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail. Cost and Freight (C&F) The seller must pay the cost and freight to bring the goods to named destination, but the risk of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer when goods pass the ship’s rails. Cost, Insurance & Freight The seller must pay the cost, insurance and freight to bring the goods to named destination. The seller has to procure the insurance against the risk of loss or damage. Freight Carriage Paid The seller pays the freight for the carriage of goods to the named destination. However the risk of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer when good have been delivered into the custody of the first carrier. Freight Carriage & Insurance 69 An Internship Report In addition to cost and freight the seller must pay for the insurance to bring the goods to the named destination. The seller has to procure insurance against the risk of loss and damage. Free Alongside Ship The seller’s obligations are fulfilled when the goods are placed alongside the ship on the quay. The buyer has to bear the cost and risks form that moment including clearing the goods for export. Ex-Ship The seller has to make the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the destination, bearing full cost and risk of bringing there. Ex-Quay The seller makes the goods available to the buyer on the quay (wharf) at the destination, bearing full cost and risk of bringing the goods there. FOB Airport The seller fulfills his obligation by delivering the goods to the air carrier at the airport. The risk of loss and damage is then transferred to the buyer. FREE ON RAIL/TRUCK/CARRIER These terms have similar implications as FOB, except that these are used with rail or truck. The term has been designed to meet the requirements of modern day transport as container carried by trailer or ferries. The seller fulfills his obligations when he delivers the goods into the custody of the carrier at the named point. At that time the risk of loss and damage is transferred to the buyer. 70 An Internship Report LETTER OF CREDIT The marketing of merchandise in foreign involves a long period of time, the seller or exporter may be unable to carry the burden of financing, such a lengthy transactions for he may not wish to tie up his capital for such a long period. It is the assurance of the bank that the payment would be made on completion of transactions in terms of L/C. The terms of credit could be documents against payments (DP) or documents against acceptance (DA). TYPES OF L/C There are several methods for making payment of an import or export transaction. These are listed below: Irrecoverable Letter Of Credit The issuing bank (importer’s bank) gives a lasting undertaking to accept and pay bills drawn upon it, to the exporter, upon fulfilling the terms and conditions stipulated in the Letter of Credit (LC). It gives complete protection to the exporter. Recoverable Letter of Credit The issuing bank (importer’s bank) can modify the LC without any obligation on its part. These are usually not accepted by the exporters. 71 An Internship Report Confirmed Letter of Credit This kind of LC has the protection of the credit standing of the importer’s as well exporter’s banks. The exporter’s bank which confirms this LC, takes full responsibility of making payment if the importer’s bank fails to do so. Unconfirmed Letter of Credit Though the issuing bank gives a commitment to honor the drafts, however, it does not give any guarantee. From the exporter’s point of view confirmed irrecoverable LC is the best form of receiving payment. Modes of Payment There are four modes payments which are as follows: Deferred Credit Sight Credit Acceptance Credit Negotiation Credit Deferred Credit The draft is issued by the importer and presented to the bank by the exporter along with documents (bill of loading, invoice, and insurance). The payment is made by the bank on maturity of draft. 72 An Internship Report Sight Credit The draft is issued by the importer and presented to the bank by the exporter along with documents (bill of loading, invoice, and insurance). The payment is made by the bank if it finds the documents correct. Acceptance Credit Bank confirmed that document have been received and payment would be made within certain time period. Negotiation Credit The issued L/C can discounted at any bank and got the amount money that he required against the L/C issued by the bank. SHIPPING CLEARANCE Import or export license is no more required for clearance at customs. Only requirement is to have registration EPB as importer or exporter. The imported or exported goods must confirm to the trade policy. The goods have been categorized as: Negative List Goods not permitted to be exported or imported e.g. old machinery, old tires, export of antiques, obscene and sectarian literature, etc. Prohibited/ Restricted Goods These items can be imported or exported but subject to certain conditions e.g. boilers, medicines, animals, seeds, arms and ammunition of certain bores. 73 An Internship Report Procedures The import and export business is not also a profitable business but also, it helps in improving country’s economic condition. To improve our country’s balance of payments we must concentrate upon increasing exports. Though the specific procedures might differ from product to product, the major steps follow the same line. The knowledge of such like process would be useful for an MCB in the practical field. IMPORTS When the goods arrive at port or dry port, the importer will file the Bill of Entry giving the detail of imports, Value of imports, Rate of duty &Tariff. Customs appraisal officer will carry out an assessment of goods according to the rules/tariff manual. Depending upon the assessment following taxes will be remitted by the importer: Custom duty based upon ad valorem, specific rate or both. Sales tax - 15% of ad valorem + custom duty. With-holding tax 4% of ad valorem + custom duty + sales tax. Regulatory duty as imposed by the government from time to time under the power of customs act. EXPORTS To dispatch the shipment, the exporter will submit shipping bill. The customs appraisal officer will examine the goods for correctness of declared description, value, and claimed duty drawback. Thereafter the goods will be allowed for shipping. 74 An Internship Report Pre-Shipment Inspection When a bank confirms letter of credit it only guarantees that the payment will be made after shipment. In other words it assures shipment but relies on exporter to ship the goods described in the document. To prevent losses due to substandard shipment, the importers, nowadays, rely upon pre-shipment inspection agencies for inspection and appraisal of goods. One example of such company is COTECHNA. These companies help the importer in establishing correct value of goods prior to shipment. REBATES, CONCESSIONS & DUTY DRAWBACK The government gives incentives to the importers and exporters in the shape of concessions and rebates/ duty drawback. For example concessions have been given to the importers of: 10% duty without sales tax in Textile Machinery Duty exempted up to 300MW Power Plants Leather Machinery & other Export oriented Goods Some concessions are provided on freight as recently it has been provided to the textile sector @ 25% on the export of non quota woolen and silk products from export development fund. Duty Drawback When some raw materials are imported from abroad, the taxes are paid upon them as part of import policy. If this raw material is consumed in 75 An Internship Report manufacturing of exports, the government compensates the exporter by refunding the taxes (previously collected), in the shape of duty drawback. The rates of duty drawbacks are announced by the government from time to time. For example recently duty drawback rates have been announced for textile industry. Procedure After the export remittances have been released by the bank, the exporter will send application to the rebate section of the custom department. After carrying out assessment, the Cheque is issued by the treasury department of customs. Now the government has announced t allow the commercial banks to process the duty drawback claims and make payments within the laid down parameters. The steps involved in any international trade transaction are enumerated here. The Pakistan Importer places an order with the 4.5 exporter and asked the American if he would be willing to ship under L/C. The US exporter agrees to ship under a L/C and specifies relevant information such as prices and delivery terms. Power Plants The Pak. Importer applies to MCB for a L/C to be issued in favor of the US exporter for the merchandise the importer wishes to buy. MCB issues a L/C in the Pak. Importer’s favor and sends it to the US exporter’s bank, the Bank of New York. The bank of New York advises the US exporter of the opening of a L/C in his favor. 76 An Internship Report The US exporter ships the goods to the Pak. Importers on a common carrier. An official of the carrier gives the exporter a bill of lading. The US exporter presents a 90-days (suppox) draft drawn on MCB in accordance with its L/C and the bill of lading to the bank of New York. The US exporter endorses bill of lading so title to the goods is transferred to the Bank of New York. The Bank of New York sent the draft and bill of lading to MCB . MCB accept the draft taking possession of the documents and promising to pay the now accepted draft in 90-days. MCB returns the accepted draft to the Bank of New York. The Bank of New York tells the US exporter that it has received the accepted bank draft, which is payable in 90 days. The exporter sells the draft to the Bank of New York at a discount from its face value and receives the discounted cash value of the draft in return. MCB notifies the Pak. Importer of the arrival of the documents. He/She agrees to pay MCB in 90 days. MCB releases the documents so the importer can take possession of the shipment. In 90 days MCB receives the importer’s payment, so it has funds to pay the maturing draft. In 90 days the holder of the matured acceptance (In this case, the Bank of New York) presents it to the MCB for payment. MCB pays. 77 An Internship Report 78 An Internship Report Swot Analysis 79 An Internship Report SWOT STRENGTH MCB is the first Pakistani privatized bank and because of its quality management, marketing, innovation in products and services. Owing to all such factors they have established a good reputation in the banking market. The name of MCB makes you recall the highly cooperative and professional individuals ready to serve you with maximum zeal and zest. MCB have faster banking services that are making it more prominent in the banking industry especially in operations and Foreign exchange. The customer prefers this bank not only because of its faster speedy service rather due to reasonable service charges. MCB in Pakistan is the also in the list of highly automated banks like Emirates because of its modern style of banking through fully computerized control and twenty four hour banking. The joining of experienced people, advanced management, advance setup and facilities gave MCB an edge over its competitors. WEAKNESSES The majority of people are not well aware about the products of MCB. Therefore it should advertise extensively especially RTC and Master Cards. A behavior has been noted that bank tries to feel at ease with good looking, rich and educated people and the poor looking customers feel some bit strange in the environment of the bank. The bank employees should try to accommodate behaviorally all type of customers. 80 An Internship Report In MCB there is lack of specialized skill because of job rotation policy of human resource department. The bank should concentrate upon increasing its abilities on individual service basis. Mismanagement of time is another big mistake in MCB branches, the bank official time of closing is 5:30pm but due mismanagent of time allocation and work the staff is normally on their seats till 7:00 or 8:00 clock. OPPORTUNITIES As on December 31, 1998, sixty-eight scheduled banks with 9,106 branches are operating in Pakistan. As on this date, total population of Pakistan is 140.03 million. Total number of personal accounts with all scheduled banks as on December 31,1997, are 28.98 million. If we consider the population statistics of working age group as on December 31,1997, it stands to the figure of 96.64 million. Thus we can say those 28% of working age people of Pakistan are having accounts with banks while 72% are unbanked. The need of privatization has made people to switch to banks to satisfy their needs of lending and borrowing. This not only increases the deposits but also the credit business. THREATS 81 An Internship Report Change in government policies have affected the banking business. Still banks have to wait to get permission of state bank. The freezing of foreign currency accounts is a vital example of letting people not to trust on banks. The Competition has become severe by the entrants of so many banks, So to exist one will have to prove himself in its services through excellent management and will have to satisfy its shareholders. Otherwise he will be out the market. The decrease purchasing power of consumer in the current economic situation of the country affecting the business activity speed too much and the result is the low investment from the investors in new projects can create problem for the bank because it is working a lot in trade. 82 An Internship Report Suggestions 83 An Internship Report SUGGESTIONS Bank must let potential customers know that all attractions for banking exist. This is done by advertising on television and obtaining press coverage, in conjunction with direct mail, window displays, leaflet in branches and in appropriate other locations (such as hotels, shops, etc.) and including leaflets in statement of accounts sent to existing customers in the hope that they will tell potential customers about the services provided by our bank. Financially unsophisticated people might feel bank accounts, cheque books, credit cards, etc. are difficult to understand and to keep control thereof. Some personal sector customers prefer not to come to branch. They increasingly want to deal with the bank in other ways, such as home banking or use of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), which need to be at the branch or some important shopping plazas. It is widely known that there is a substantial Black Economy in Pakistan, Where people earn income that is undisclosed to the revenues authorities. Payments for goods and services in the black economy are necessarily in cash, because transactions by cheques are more likely to be exposed to the revenue authorities. Some people will therefore avoid bank accounts to preserve secrecy of earnings. One way to retain the personal sector customers is to offer a wide range of services such as tax advice, free life insurance equivalent to amount deposited, shares portfolio management, fund management facility, etc., complimentary to the core services. Banks must have a slightly different mix of services. Banks must have a slightly different mix of services and mean of providing these such that customers can choose the mix that suits them best. 84 An Internship Report Arguably, there has been a little encouragement from banks to persuade people to open a bank account. Opening hours are restricted, and there is a commonly held belief that banks operate for their convenience and not for the convenience of the customers. A logic leads to promotional campaign through employers who are customers of the banks and their employees are paid in cash. Such business accounts should be encouraged to open the accounts of their employees with the banks. It might be worth offering free banking for a specific period to new accounts or simply publicizing the services available by means of posters at the employer’s premises. It might be possible to attract another type of personal customers through business accounts, namely directors and denier employees, etc. Again an incentive package could be put together. The banks may choose to make its existing products distinctive or to introduce new products. It is often easier to benefit from adverse changes made by other banks than to attract customers by innovations. A short term promotional technique is to offer price incentives, for example, low interest rates on advances or limited issue high profit bearing term deposits. Longer term, a Loss Leader may be offered. For example, profit bearing current accounts are not very lucrative but any bank can not afford not to offer these. The reduced profits can be augmented by profits made on other products. It is also possible to attract/retain personal customers by investment in new technology like ATMs and Telephone Banking facilities, which made the services quicker, easier, cheaper and more flexible. 85 An Internship Report 86 An Internship Report 87 An Internship Report 88 An Internship Report 89