BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY 1. Yıl Kodu Ders Adı AKTS D+U+L Z/S Dili Güz Dönemi Güz Dönemi Toplamı : 67,5 Bahar Dönemi 505302501 LABORATORY SAFETY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302502 Biostatistical Methods 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302503 Waste Management 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302504 FİZİKOKİMYASAL SÜREÇLER 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302505 POLITICS IN BIOSAFETY AND BIODIVERSITY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302506 BASIC BIOCHEMISTRY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302507 Biochemical reaction engineering 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302509 PLACE OF HISTOLOGY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302508 PLACE OF EMBRYOLOGY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302510 Bioengineering Technologies 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302511 Introduction to Bioengineering 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302512 BiorefineryTechnologies 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302513 BİYOSÜREÇ TEKNOLOJİLERİ ELEKTRON MİKROSKOPİ VE PREPERASYON 505302514 TEKNİKLERİ 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302515 Instrumental Analysis in Biotechnology 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302516 ADAPTATION AND TYPES OF CELL DEATH 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505302517 MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY NATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL BIOSAFETY REGULATIONS AND POLITICS OF 505312601 BIOTECHNOLOGY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505312602 ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL MICROORGANISMS AND SECONDER 505312603 METABOLITES 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505312604 ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505312605 RNA INTERFERENCE TECHNOLOGY 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 505312606 Proteomic and Bioinformatic 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe BASIC BIOTECHNOLOGY PROCESSES 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe PROTEIN BIOTECHNOLOGY ELECTRON MİCROSCOPY AND PREPARATİON TECHNİQUES 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe Animal Toxins and Venomic 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe Physicochemical Processes 7,5 3-0-0 S Türkçe Bahar Dönemi Toplamı : 67,5 YIL TOPLAMI : 67,5 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302503 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 1 Fall Waste Management COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7.5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( X.) LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and biosafety Social Science X ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity % 1 25 1 30 1 45 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED None General definitions of waste and waste management, physical, chemical, biological properties of solid, liquid and gas wastes and capturing and recycling of these wastes, evaluating the environmental impacts of wastes. The result of increasing population of the World and daily growing technologies, solid, liquid and gas wastes do occur. The aim of this course is to teach capturing, handling and recycling of these wastes. Understanding, the management of wastes which causes enviromental pollutions, the impacts of these wastes and , evaluating these impacts 1.To learn about water, air and soil pollution 2.To learn physical, chemical and biological cleaning technologies 3.Ability to work effectively in inner or multi-disciplinary teams 4.To learn how to analyse problems with modern experimental methods and new technologies 1. Karpuzcu M., (1996), Çevre Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü, Kubbealtı Yayınları, İstanbul, 1996 2. George T., Frank K., (2002), Handbook of Solid Waste Management, McGraw-Hill Handbooks, Quebecor/Martinsburg 1. Tchobanoglous G., Theisen H., Vigil, S.S., (1993),Integrated Solid Waste Management, Singapore, McGraw Hill 2. Mackenzie L D., Susan J M., (2004), Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, McGraw-Hill Computer and Data Show COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS General definitions of waste and waste management Sources of solid, liquid and gas wastes and varietiesi Physical, chemical and biological properties of solid wastes Handling, storing and recycling of solid wastes Physical, chemical and biological properties of liquid wastes Mid-Term Examination 1 Handling, storing and recycling of liquid wastes Physical, chemical and biological properties of gas wastes Handling, storing and recycling of gas wastes Handling, storing and recycling of hazardous wastes Mid-Term Examination 2 Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Presentation of homeworks Presentation of homeworks Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Sabiha KOCA Date: 27/11/2012 Signature(s): 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT SEMESTER Biotechnology and biosafety COURSE CODE 505101503 COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 2012/2013 fall / spring Biochemical reaction engineering COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7.5 TYPE COMPULSORY () ELECTIVE ( x) LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering x Biotechnology and Biosafety [if it containsconsiderabledesign, mark with () ] ( ) SocialScienc e ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity % 1 30 2 30 1 40 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES Introduction to fermentation technology, fermentation techniques and processes used in biotechnology, bioreactors, continuous production, sterilization, automatic control and Bioreactors, aerobic and anaerobic processes, BOD and COD, biomass production kinetics, substrate consumption, product formation, biological reactor design, control systems, product purification method, the advantages and economy of bioprocesses by other processes. Investigation the biological production processes, determine the characteristics of the process. 1. The ability to have knowledge about the biochemical reaction engineering and bioprocesses 2. To be informed about our problems and to identify enzymes and enzyme kinetics 3. fermenter design Processes and products used in the field of biotechnology and food to be informed about TEXTBOOK 1. Türker M., Biyoreaksiyon Mühendisliği, Su vakfı yayınları , 2005 2. Kargı F., Çevre Mühendisliğinde biyoprosesler, D.E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Basım Ünitesi,izmir,1995 3. Bailey J. E. And Ollis D. F. , Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals., McGraw-Hill, Edition, New York, 1986 4. Pekin B., Biyokimya Mühendisliği, Ege Üni. İzmir,1983 OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOPICS Introductiontofermentationtechnology, Fermentationtechniquesandprocessesused in biotechnology, Bioreactors, Continuousproduction, Sterilization Mid-Term Examination 1 AutomaticcontrolandBioreactors, Aerobicandanaerobicprocesses, Kinetics of biomassproduction, substrateconsumption, productformation, Biologicalreactordesign, controlsystems, Mid-Term Examination 2 Product purificationmethod, Advantagesoverotherprocessesandeconomy of bioprocesses Homeworkandpresentation Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Ability to obtain necessary knowledge deeply through scientific investigation, ability to evaluate, conclude and apply this knowledge in chemical engineering. Having comprehensive knowledge about up-to-date technologies and methods and their limitations in engineering. Ability to complete and apply the limited or insufficient data through scientific methods and ability to use together the knowledge of different disciplines. Awareness of new and improving applications in chemical engineering and the ability to learn and study on these applications. Ability to define and formulate the problems related to chemical engineering, ability to improve methods to solve these problems and ability to apply innovative methods for solutions. Ability to develop new and/or original ideas and methods, ability to design complex systems and processes and develop innovative/alternative solutions in the designs. Ability to design and apply the theoretical, experimental and modeling research activities and ability to discuss and solve the complex problems arisen in these processes. Ability to study effectively in teams for in-discipline and interdisciplinary activities, ability to lead these teams, ability to develop useful problem-solving approaches in complex situations, and ability to have responsibilities and to study independently and individually in all cases. Ability of written and oral communication using a foreign language sufficiently. Ability to present properly, clearly and systematically all processes and results of their studies oral or in written form in all kinds of national and international media. 3 2 1 x x x x x x To have the knowledge of social, environmental, health, safety and legal aspects in engineering applications and the knowledge of project management and engineering activities, and awareness of all of their limitations in engineering operations. Having the social, scientific and ethical responsibilities in all stages of collecting, 12 interpreting and presenting the related data and in all professional activities. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3:Completelycontribution. x 11 Prepared by:Asistant Prof. Dr. MacidNurbaş Date: 19/11/2012 Signature(s): T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT COURSE CODE 505302506 COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory 1. SEMESTER BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) Practice Laboratory SPRING BASIC BIOCHEMISTRY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 3 7.5 TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) TURKISH COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quiz MID-TERM Quantity 1 1 % 20 20 Homework Project Report FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES Others (………) FINAL 1 60 NONE In this course basic nomenclature, structure and function of aminoacids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, coenzymes, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids will be covered. To gain information about the structure and function of the biomolecules as well as the chemical mechanism of basic process in the living organism At the end of this course students would gain knowledge about the structure and function of the biomolecules by gaining analytical thinking ability and they will gain new insight on the importance of biochemistry in biology. 1. Gaining molecular insight on chemical structure of the living 2. Gaining knowledge about importance water and minerals 3. Describing how structure of bio molecules and functional groups effect the physical features of the living being 4. Describing structure and function of the amino acids TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 5. Learning how amino acids effect the function of proteins 6. Linking protein structure to its function 7. Learning the kinetics of enzymatic reactions 8. Naming the structure and function of nucleic acids 9. Naming and charecterizing carbohydrates 10. Describing the chemical structure and function of lipids P.C.Champe, R.A.Harvey Ed. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: “Biochemistry”, Turkish Translation.: E.Ulukaya, Nobel Medical Book Store, (2007). 1. Keha E.E.,Kührevioğlu I., " Biochemistry", (2004). 2. Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (2004). Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. Chapter 1-13), Worth Publishers, Wisconsin, USA (in Turkish version: Palme yayıncılık: Ed. Kılıç N.). 3. Gözükara E., Biochemistry, Ankara (1990) Computer, projection device COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Biomolecules, chemical compounds, functional groups, configuration and confirmation), aquarious solutions Aminoacids in proteins O in amino acids and nonstandart amino acids not 3D structure of proteins Characterization of protein structure I. Midterm Exam / General features of enzymes and their nomenclature General features of enzymes and their nomenclature, enzymatic reactions, mechanism of catalysis Monosacharides, polysacharides Glycolipids, glycoproteins Covalent structure of nucleic acids II. Midterm Exam / Covalent structure of nucleic acids, sequance of the nucleic acids, chemical synthesis of oligonucleotids Characterizing lipids and their function Biomembranes, lipoproteins Classifying vitamins and analyzing their chemical structure and function FINAL EXAM PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Instructor(s): Asso Prof.Dr. Adnan AYHANCI Signature: Date: 2 X X X X X X X X X X X 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505312602 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES The scope of this course will be included the environmental biotechnology. The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of microorganisms of biodiversity and the ecosystem the by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of microorganisms in biotechnology and the flow of production processes. 1. Understanding the importance of environmental biotechnology 2. Sort of environmental biotechnologically relevant microorganisms 3. To understand the biotechnological treatment process 4. Examplify the treatment process of microorganisms 5. To explain the production of biotechnological treatment process on a commercial scale 6. Understanding the environmental biotechnologically importance of microorganisms. TEXTBOOK Atlas, R. M., Bartha, R. (1997) Microbial Ecology Fundamentals and Applications Wesley Longman Inc OTHER REFERENCES Madigan MT and Martinko JM. Brock Mikroorganizmaların Biyolojisi (2006) (Çeviri Edit: Çökmüş C) Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara. Prescott, L. M., Harley, J. P., Klein, D. A. (1996) Microbiology Wm. C. Brown Publishers England Biotechnology Procedures and Experiments Prescott, L. M., Harley, J. P., Klein, D. A. (1996) Microbiology Wm. C. Brown Publishers England TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOPICS Scope to environmental biotechnology Microbial evolutiın and interactions of microorganisms Adaptation of microorganisms in environment Adaptation of microorganisms in environment Microbial habitats Mid-Term Examination 1 Cycles of biogeochemistry Cycles of biogeochemistry The roles of microorganisms in waste treatment Microbial interactions with xenobiotics and inorganic pollutants Biotrasnformation, bioremediation Mid-Term Examination 2 Biotrasnformation, bioremediation Roles of microorganisms in recovery of metals, energetics and biomass production Microbial controls of toxic substant Toxicity Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, 3 2 X X X X X X X X 1 9 10 11 in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. X X X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Semra İLHAN Date: Signature(s): T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505312604 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG ADVANCED INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Engineering Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES The scope of this course will be included the phylogeny and diversity of Bacteria and its ındustrial application. The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of Domain Bacteria as part of biodiversity and the ecosystem the by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of microorganisms in biotechnology and the flow of production processes. 7. Understanding the importance of biotechnology 8. Sort of biotechnologically relevant microorganisms 9. To understand the biotechnological production process 10. To create the metabolites of microorganisms 11. To explain the production of biotechnological products on a commercial scale 12. Understanding the biotechnologically importance of microorganisms and its enzymes. TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Microbial Biotechnology; Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology. Glazer AN and Nikaido H. 2007. Cambridge University Press. Madigan MT and Martinko JM. Brock Mikroorganizmaların Biyolojisi (2006) (Çeviri Edit: Çökmüş C) Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara. Mikrobial Biotechnology; Fundamentals of Applied Microbiology. Glazer AN and Nikaido H. 2007. Cambridge University Press. Biotechnology Procedures and Experiments Handbook. Harisha S. 2007. Infinity Science Press LLC. Handbook of Fungal Biotechnology. Ed: Arora DK. 2004. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOPICS Microbial Biotechnology History of microbial biotechnology, the important microbial processes Microbial growth and substrates Fermentation Strain engineering; Mutation, Recombinant DNA technology, Genetic engineering Mid-Term Examination 1 Strain engineering; Mutation, Recombinant DNA technology, Genetic engineering Bacterial Metabolites and product improvement Fungal Metabolites and product improvement Fermentation models for primer and seconder metabolites Product chracterisation Mid-Term Examination 2 Product chracterisation Scale up: pilot scale Scale up: industrial scale Selected plant and specifications Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies 3 2 X X X X X X X 1 at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in 8 writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information 9 technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to 10 European Language Portfolio. 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Semra İLHAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÇABUK Signature(s): Date: X X X X T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302505 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG POLITICS IN BIOSAFETY AND BIODIVERSITY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) 50 FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES The scope of this course will be included biosafety and biodiversity of living things. The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of biosafety and biodiversity by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of biosafety and biodiversty. 13. Understanding the importance of biosafety 14. Understanding the importance of together with biosafety and biodiversity 15. To understand the biosafety process 16. Examplify the application of biosafety 17. To explain the interaction with biosafety and biodiversity Biyogüvenlik ve Biyoçeşitlilik Ders Notları, ESOGÜ Biyoloji Bölümü, ESKİŞEHİR Biosafety and bioethics, Joshi, R., 2006, Delhi. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Historical aspect of biosafety Economics of biodiversity Interactions of sustainable biodiversity and biosafety Interactions of sustainable biodiversity and biosafety Component of biosafety Mid-Term Examination 1 Component of biosafety Biosafety and transgenic plants Biosafety and transgenic animals Biosafety and transgenic microorgansims Biotechnological process and biosafety Mid-Term Examination 2 Biotechnological process and biosafety Future of biosafety New biotechnological products and biosfety New biotechnological products and biosfety Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. X X X X X X X X X X X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: öğretim elemanı talep edilecektir. Signature(s): 2 Date: 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT Biotechnology and Biosafety (MSc) COURSE CODE SEMESTER COURSE NAME 505302511 Introduction to Bioengineering WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Fall COURSE OF Theory Practice Laboratory Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE 3 0 0 3 7,5 COMPULSORY () ELECTIVE ( x ) Turkish 1 COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design mark with () ] X Social Science ( ) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type Quantity % 1st Mid-Term 1 30 2nd Mid-Term 1 30 1 40 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK Biomedical engineering, bioengineering and historical overview, anatomy and physiology, electrical signals in biological systems, biosensors, bioinstrumentation, principles of biosignal processing, biomechanics, fundamental biotechnology. The main aim of the course is to obtain introductory knowledge and explore fundamental fields of bioengineering, understand and investigate related concepts. Obtaining introductory knowledge on bioengineering fields of study and its interdisciplinary nature. 1. General knowledge on bioengineering related fields and concepts, 2. Ability to apply and associate interdisciplinary knowledge, 3. Ability to understand and solve natural sciences related problems, 4. Ability to work interdisciplinary, 5. Ability to analyze natural sciences related problems by using modern experimental setups and technology. Enderle J., Blanchard S., Bronzino J., (2005). Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. Academic Press. OTHER REFERENCES 1. Saterbak A., (2007). Bioengineering Fundamentals. Prentice Hall. 2. Webster J.G., (2009). Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design. Wiley. 3. Boal D. (2002). Mechanics of the Cell. New York: Cambridge Pres. 4. Fung Y.C., (1993). Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues. Springer. 5. Alberts B., (2002). Molecular Biology of the Cell. Garland Science. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED OURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOPICS Biomedical engineering, bioengineering and historical overview, Anatomy and Physiology; Cellular organization, tissues, major organ systems and homeostasis, Electrical signals in biological systems; Historical perspective, neurons, cell membrane and its modeling, biophysical approaches, Biosensors; biopotentials and their measurements, Biosensors; biopotentials and their measurements, Mid-Term Examination 1 Bioinstrumentation; Basic instrumentation systems and their principles, Bioinstrumentation; Basic instrumentation systems and their principles, Principles of biosignal processing, Biomechanics; Fundamental mechanical properties of biological systems, Mid-Term Examination 2 Fundamental biotechnology; basic techniques, medical applications, Fundamental biotechnology; medical applications, Fundamental biotechnology; interdisciplinary, Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of specialty. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information 3 2 1 X X X X X X X X X 10 technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 11 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Asst.Prof. Sertaç Eroğlu Date: 12.11.2012 Signature(s): X X T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT SEMESTER Biotechnology and Biosafety (MSc) COURSE CODE COURSE NAME 505302510 Bioengineering Technologies WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Spring COURSE OF Theory Practice Laboratory Credit ECTS TYPE LANGUAGE 3 0 0 3 7,5 COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) Turkish 2 COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design mark with () ] X Social Science ( ) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type Quantity % 1st Mid-Term 1 30 2nd Mid-Term 1 30 1 40 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTCOMES Biomaterials, tissue engineering, principles of genetic engineering, introduction to medical imaging, biomedical optics and lasers. The main aim of the course is to study introductory knowledge and explore fundamental bioengineering technologies, understand and investigate related concepts. Obtaining introductory knowledge on bioengineering fields of study and its interdisciplinary nature. 6. General knowledge on bioengineering related fields and technologies, 7. Ability to apply and associate interdisciplinary knowledge, 8. Ability to understand and solve natural sciences related problems, 9. Ability to work interdisciplinary, 10. Ability to analyze natural sciences related problems by using modern experimental setups and technology. Enderle J., Blanchard S., Bronzino J., (2005). Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. Academic Press. 6. Saterbak A., (2007). Bioengineering Fundamentals. Prentice Hall. 7. Boal D. (2002). Mechanics of the Cell. New York: Cambridge Pres. 8. Fung Y.C., (1993). Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues. Springer. 9. Cho Z.H., et al., (1993). Foundations of Medical Imaging. Wiley. TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Biomaterials; classification, biological effects and biocompatibility, Biomaterials; mechanical properties and testing, Tissue engineering; tissue dynamics, stem cell technology, tissue and environment interaction, Tissue engineering; tissue dynamics, stem cell technology, tissue and environment interaction, Principles of genetic engineering, Mid-Term Examination 1 Introduction to medical imaging; roentgen, computerized tomography, Introduction to medical imaging; computerized tomography, ultrasound, Introduction to medical imaging; magnetic resonance and nuclear imaging, Introduction to medical imaging; magnetic resonance and nuclear imaging, Mid-Term Examination 2 Biomedical optics and lasers; fundamentals of optics, interaction of light and matter, Biomedical optics and lasers; light propagation in tissues, photothermal effects of lasers, Biomedical optics and lasers; light propagation in tissues, photothermal effects of lasers, Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of specialty. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. X X X X X X X Date: 12.11.2012 Signature(s): 1 X 11 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Asst.Prof. Sertaç Eroğlu 2 X X X T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302512 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 2 Spring Biorefinery Technologies COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( X ) LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity 1 % 30 1 30 1 40 2nd Mid-Term Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES Principles and introduction, petrol refinery and its production, the lignocellulosic biorefinery, sugar based biorefinery, biological and thermochemical processes, green biorefineries, biomass, biomass conversion: processes and technologies, biobased products, biorefinery economy, political end environmental aspects of biorefineries. Examination of biological and chemical processes in order to obtain valueadded chemicals from biomass and wastes instead of oil as a fossil resource is the main goal of this course. Definiton of various raw materials biorefinery systems, Information about biorefinery products, Learn the biomass and conversion processes, Definition of economy, politics and environments impacts of biorefineries Learn the oil refinery and its product, Define the biorefinery resources, Learn the conversion processes, Evaluate the economical, political and environmental impacts of biorefinery Kamm, B., Gruber, P. R., Kamm M. (Editors), Biorefineries - Industrial Processes and Products: Status Quo and Future Directions, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2006 1. Demirbaş, A., Biorefineries for Biomass Upgrading Facilities, Springer, 2010. 2. Clark J., Deswarte F., (Editors), Introduction to Chemicals from Biomass, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2008 3. 2009 Pandey, A. (Editor), Handbook of Plant-Based Biofuels, CRC Press, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Principles and introduction, petrol refinery and its production, the lignocellulosic biorefinery, sugar based biorefinery, biological processes, thermochemical processes, Mid-Term Examination 1 green biorefineries, biomass, biomass conversion: processes and technologies, biobased products. biorefinery economy,. Mid-Term Examination 2 political end environmental aspects of biorefineries Student presentations Student presentations Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 3 2 X X X X X X X X X X X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Assist. Prof. Dr. H. Levent HOŞGÜN Signature(s): Date : 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302516 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Labratory 3 0 0 Spring SPRING ADAPTATION AND TYPES OF CELL DEATH COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE Turkish (x ) COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Profession [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity 1 % 30 1 30 1 40 2nd Mid-Term MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) Homework PREREQUIEITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES Plants as nutrients are consumed for their changes due to environmental conditions and the effects of these altered foods will be examined in the cells. We consume nutrients to the cells of the molecular-level learning will be affected. ADDITIVE OF COURSE TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES Air pollution and industrial solid, liquid and gas waste that occur in plants by examining the effects will be evaluated in terms of molecular biology. These effects may bring about changes in the cell and will be defined in terms of damage. In addition to these changes in cell adaptation responses will be evaluated. In addition to these changes, cell death mechanisms will be examined. These are; programmed cell death which is known apoptosis; Autophagy which is known cell death by using lysosomes and yhe last one is necrosis which is known physical and chemical changes affecting in environmental factors. Today, mechanisms of cell death are grouped under three main headings. In this course, the mechanisms of adaptation to other types of cell death mechanisms and the information will be given about the damage they create. TEXTBOOK 1. Alberts, B., Bray, J., D., Lewis, Raff, M., Roberts, K., Wartson, J., D. : Molecular Biology of The Cell, Third Edition, Gurland Puplishing, Inc. New York London 1994. 2. Basaran A.: Tıbbi Biyoloji Ders Kitabı., Güneş&Nobel Kitabevleri, Genişletilmiş 7. Baskı, 2005. 3. Bray, A., Raff L., Watson, R.: Molecular Biyology of the Cell., Newyork, London, 2002. 4. Cooper, G.M.: The Cell, Dara-Farber Cancer Instıtute School. North America, 1997. 5. Güneş H.V.: Moleküler Hücre Biyolojisi, Güneş Kitabevi, Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, 2007. 6. Pollard, T.D., Earnshaw, W.C.: Cell Biology, London, NewYork, St-Louis, Sydney,Toronto, 2002. OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Computer, Projector COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS What are natural plant nutrients? Types of Cell Death Mechanisms Effect of domestic and industrial waste water on morphological deformations in plants. Effects of air pollution and industrial pollution types like solid, liquid and gas on plants Effects of accumulation heavy metal on changes in ruderal and culture plants. Mid-Term Examination 1 Consequential damages resulting when cell death have seen Cell damage caused and mechanisms. Tissue damage caused and mechanisms. Chemical damage, kinds of chemical damage. Mid-Term Examination 2 Reversible damage. Cellular adaptation for damage Heterophagy. Autophagy. Natural plant nutrients and autophagy. Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Instructor(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem TURGUT COŞAN Signature: Date: 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT SEMESTER BIOTECHNOLOGY AND AND BIOSAFETY (PhD) COURSE CODE BASIC BIOTECHNOLOGY PROCESSES COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER COURSE OF Theory Practice Labratory Credit ECTS TYPE 2 0 0 2 7,5 COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) Spring Spring LANGUAGE Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Profession [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) Homework Quantity 1 % 30 1 30 1 40 1 PREREQUIEITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES For the researchers working on various biological systems, a full knowledge of molecular biology techniques and applications is a must for the accomplishment of observations at the molecular level. This theoretical course includes concept of The History, Description, Purpose and Usage of Biotechnology, Biotechnologic Products, Procedures, Basic Biotechnology and Biomolecule Design, Biotechnology and Biomarkers, Biotechnological Transformation and Transfection, Clinic Approaches and Ethic Principles of Medical Biotechnology, Basic Biotechnology Laboratories and Safety and Status of Medical Biology in Turkey. To transpose what is need to know about medical biotechnology, which shows a wide spread from industry to medicine and has an importance of growing day by day and to have knowledge about this actual subject. ADDITIVE OF COURSE TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES We aim to give information about Medical Biotechnology which is the most popular subject in our present day. Biotechnologic procedures which is used various study of biology will help us treating various diseases in future and there are too many studies. Knowledge about the usage and function of medical biotechnology, many researches continues in this area, is important for medicine. TEXTBOOK Understanding Biotechnology by A. Borém, F.R. Santos, D. E. Bowen (2003) Synthetic Polymers for Biotechnology and Medicine by R. Freitag (2002) 2. Bionanotechnology: Lessons from Nature by D. S. Goodsell (2004) 3. Cell and Tissue Culture: Laboratory Procedures by A. Doyle, J. B. Griffiths, A. Griffiths, J.B. Doyle, D.G. Newell (1998) 1. OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Computer, Projector COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOPICS The History and Description of Biotechnology The Purpose, Compherension and Usage of Biotechnology Biotechnological Products and Procedures Basic Biotechnology, Biyomarkers and Biyomolecules Biopolymeric Materials in Biotechnology and their Transfection Mid-Term Examination 1 Cell and Tissue Engineering in Biotechnology Biotechnological In vitro and In vivo Gene Transfer Treatment with Inhibition of Biotechnology and Gene Expression Priciples of Treatment with non-coding RNA Technology and its Application Mid-Term Examination 2 Regenerative Treatment for Stem Cell Usage with Biotechnology The Medical Importance of In Vivo Screening System in Biotechnology Necessary Equipments for Basic Biotechnology Laboratory and Laboratory Spesifity Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Gains skill to analyze problems that require expertise in the field of Biotechnology and Biosafety using scientific research methods. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. As individuals with capacity of researcher, producers and entrepreneurs, gains skills of using high-level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, initiative and decision-making. Gains skill of making leadership by taking responsibility for working with interdisciplinary teams and solving problems. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information 3 2 1 x x x x x x x x x 10 11 technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning x x 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Instructor(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem TURGUT COŞAN Signature: Date: T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Labratory 2 2 0 Autumn AUTUMN PROTEIN BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x Turkish Credit ECTS 3 7,5 ) COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Profession [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity 1 % 30 1 30 1 40 2nd Mid-Term MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) Homework PREREQUIEITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES Basically overview of the course is the discussion of the structure and function of protein, the basic methods of purity of different classes of proteins, the proteins isolated by physical and chemical analysis methods and significance of characterization of proteins. Although protein biotechnology fields of study, proteins are used for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment are described in detail. Medical aspects of the proteins are discussed. Description and history of proteom, identification of protein and peptides, protein databases, methods used in the identification of proteomes To give basic and current informations related with protein and proteomics which are thought to be an important guiding in the investigation of new methods of diagnosis and treatment ADDITIVE OF COURSE TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK To give information about description of proteom, which resarch areas it is used in and about the methods used in the identification of proteom. 1. Brown T.A.: Essential Molecular Biology Volume I A Practical Approach. IRL Press, Oxford University Press,Oxford, New York, Tokyo, 1990. 2. M. Schena, (Editor) DNA Microarray. Publisher: Scion Publishing Ltd. Publication date: October 2007 3. Richard J. Simpson Basic Methods in Protein Purification and analysis: A Laboratory Manual Joint ProteomicS Laboratory (JPSL) of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia; Peter D. Adams, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia; Erica A. Golemis, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia 2009 4. Richard Simpson: Proteomics: A Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Course Manual Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne 2009. 5. Sambrook J, Fritsch E.F., Maniatis, T.: Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989. OTHER REFERENCES Computer, Projector TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Description of proteom the history General strategy used in proteom analysis Protein and/or peptides definition (Identification) Three-dimensional structure and Protein Databases Gel electrophoresis, polyacrilamide gel and Gel stain techniques Mid-Term Examination 1 Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis ELISA Elektrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA) Mass Spectrometer Mid-Term Examination 2 Kinds of chromatography column chromatography Protein microarray Immunoassay, Bioinformatic Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Instructor(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem TURGUT COŞAN Signature: Date: 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT COURSE CODE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (PhD) 505312605 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Labratory 3 0 0 Autumn AUTUMN RNA INTERFERENCE TECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( Turkish x) COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Profession [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity 1 % 30 1 30 1 40 2nd Mid-Term MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) Homework 1 PREREQUIEITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES To provide basic information about gene silencing, RNA interference and non-coding RNAs. To flash on the world of non-coding RNA which has got an important role in gene silencing that is an important area of research in the development of new treatment methods. ADDITIVE OF COURSE TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES With emerging technologies in molecular biology in the field of development and many new ones are added to our knowledge. RNA that is not code issue is one of the issues going on in the last period. Up to date, we have also known that there are 34 different RNA mechanisms, there are 340 of RNA known. Recently, RNAi has been discovered, and then we know interferens miRNA forms of RNA, siRNA, and dsRNA were added as concepts. Continuing research on this subject and information is increasing every day. Therefore, this matter is very contemporary, the course will be the subject matter is broad. Another issue arising with the discovery of RNA interferensin in the treatment of the disease can be targeted based on gene silent about the so-called upgrading. This revolutionary innovation in science subjects for the examination will be enlightening. TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Understanding Biotechnology by A. Borém, F.R. Santos, D. E. Bowen (2003) 1. Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet October 2006. 2. Krishnarao Appasani RNA Interference Technology - From Basic Science to Drug Development Edited by, Andrew Fire, Marshall Nirenberg CUP GeneExpression Systems, Inc., Massachusetts March 2005. Computer, Projector COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TOPICS Discovery of RNA interferense Interferens RNA (RNAi). Non coding small RNAs MicroRNA siRNA Mid-Term Examination 1 Transkripsiyonal genes Transposon and Transgenes Post-transcriptional gene silent dsRNA, Dicer Mid-Term Examination 2 RNAi-like mechanisms. RNAi treatment and in the future. Non coding RNAs in molecular biology and medicine in the place. Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Gains skill to analyze problems that require expertise in the field of Biotechnology and Biosafety using scientific research methods. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. As individuals with capacity of researcher, producers and entrepreneurs, gains skills of using high-level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, initiative and decision-making. Gains skill of making leadership by taking responsibility for working with interdisciplinary teams and solving problems. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. 3 2 1 x x x x x x x 8 9 10 Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning 11 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Instructor(s): Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem TURGUT COŞAN Signature: Date: x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (YL) COURSE CODE SEMESTER Electron Microscopy and Preparation Techniques COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTE R Theory Practice 2 1 2012-2013 Spring COURSE OF Laboratory Credit ECTS 3 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x ) 7,5 LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Social Science Biotechnology and Biosecurity Department x ( ) ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type Quantity % 1st Mid-Term 1 30 2nd Mid-Term 1 30 1 40 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) The description of electron microscope, operating principles, types, techniques used in the ultrastructure studies, sample protocols, using chemicals and techniques developed in recent years. In addition, equipment of electron microscope laboratory, laboratory safety COURSE DESCRIPTION procedures and rules, sample preparation techniques for transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscope, the difficulties that occur during sample preparation, observation and evaluation of samples in TEM and SEM. Electron microscopes are very powerful tools for visualising different samples such as cells, microorganisms, biopsy sample, metals, crystals COURSE OBJECTIVES and large molecules. This course is intended to train students in the understanding and application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscope in the different science areas. The students are trained in methods of sample preparation, the principles and operation of the electron microscopes and latest developments in this area. In addition, students will acquire the skills to analyse and present data, and be aware of the role, importance and relevance of electron microscope in scientific researchs. Sufficient knowledge of science and engineering subjects; an ability to use and apply theoretical and practical knowledge on this areas. COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION Ability to work effectively in inner or multi-disciplinary teams; proficiency of interdependence Use of theoretical and practical knowledge within the electron COURSE OUTCOMES microscopy at a proficiency level. Kuo J. (2007) Electron Microscopy: Methods and protocols (Methods TEXTBOOK in Molecular Biology) Humana Pres, USA. John J. Bozzola,Lonnie Dee Russell. Electron microscopy: principles OTHER REFERENCES and techniques for biologists 1992 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS The history and description of the electron microscope, types and application areas Basic properties and operating principles of scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopes Electron microscope laboratories: preparation and laboratory safety procedures Sample preparation for scanning electron microscope (SEM) Sample drying techniques, mounting samples to stub, coating process and observation Mid-Term Examination 1 Sample preparation for transmission electron microscope (TEM), tissue process Ultramicrotomes, study principles, glass knife makimg and using techniques Preparation of blocks for semihtin sections, sectioning, staining and investigation Ultrathin sections, common problems associated with ultrathin sectioning Mid-Term Examination 2 Staining of ultrahtin sections, staining techniques Drying of grids and observation in TEM The evaluation of electron microscopic images for research and diagnosis, Final exam Cryo electron microscopy, Final Exam NO 1 PROGRAM OUTCOMES Sufficient knowledge of science and engineering subjects; an ability to use and apply 3 x theoretical and practical knowledge on this areas. 2 Ability to solve of problem and apply on the subjects in related area 3 To gain ability on research and learn scientific method x 4 Ability to apply the content of this course on current subject x x Ability to work effectively in inner or multi-disciplinary teams; proficiency of 5 foreign language. Awareness of life-long learning; ability to reach information; follow developments in 7 x interdependence. Ability to communicate in written and oral forms in Turkish; proficiency at least one 6 science and technology and continuous self-improvement. 2 x x 8 Understanding of professional and ethical issues and taking responsibility x 9 Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data x 10 Usage of modern technique and devices required for related applications x 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Yrd. Doç. Dr. ilknur Dağ Date: 19.12.2012 Signature(s): 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 1 1 Animal Toxins and Venomic COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x) LANGUAG E Turrkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Basic Engineering x Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity % 1 1 30 1 60 2nd Mid-Term Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project 30 Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES Study strategies and biothecnological benefit of venom producing animals (scorpions, snakes, spiders, bees, ants, conus, sea anemones). The purpose of this course; venom studies which is a new area of toxicology to facilitate the flow of information to the students, give to information about using of venoms in biotechnological research. Moreover, to gain knowledge on using of bioinformatics based on “natural library” which is generated by animal venom proteome (venomic). Animal toxins (zootoxin) are bioactive components of complex mixtures. In this context, students will gain ability to use of venom for development of new pharmacological molecule due to their high selectivity of the target in biotechnological research. 1. To gain an overview of venom producing animals and their secretions 2. To know purpose and benefits of the use of venom and apply in industrial environments 3. To gain ability of apply and assciate interdisciplinary of information obtained from the results of biochemical and molecular experiments of venom studies 4. To gain a new perspective on their professional activities using the sources of the natural wealth of our country, 5. To use the sources of the current experimental methods and bioinformatics capability for developing of biotechnological innovations TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Harve Rochat and Marie-France Martin-Eauclaire (eds)(2000). Animal Toxins: Facts and Protocols. Birkhauser Verlag AG, P. O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland. 384pp. Andrea Giuliani and Andrea C.Rinaldi (2010). Antimicrobial Peptides: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology), Humana Press. 412 pp. Steven Foster, Roger Caras, (1998) Ed. By Roger Tory Peterson. Peterson Field Guide to Venomous Animals & Poisonous Plants, Houghton-mifflin Actual publications and review articles from international journals Computer,projector and internet access COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Introduction to venom producing animals (scorpions, snakes, spiders, bees, ants, conus, sea anemones), collecting strategy from nature and housing in laboratory Source of venom peptides, purification, characterzation by biochemical and molecular methods Venoms and its enzymatic activities (lipolytic, proteolytic (caseinolytic, gelatinolytic), phospholipases and fibrinolytic Arthropoda venoms and its anti-tumoral activities Venoms and its antimicrobial effects Mid-Term Examination 1 Examinaion of current international manuscripts related venom studies from databases Venoms and their uses as pesticide Anti-malarial and multiple sclerosis properties of venoms Scorpion toxins and acting on ion channels (Sodium and potassium) Scorpion toxins and acting on ion channels (cloride and calcium) Mid-Term Examination 2 Examinaion of current international manuscripts related venom studies from databases Immunological properties of venom toxins Venom peptidlerin aminoasit ve nükleotid dizilerinin ApE programı uygulamaları ve Biyoinformatik veri tabanlarında dizi karşılaştırma ve benzerlik analizi; Application of plazmid editor program (ApE) and BLAST with venomic sequences (protein and DNA) Application of MEGA5 software and building phylogenetic tree with venom peptides Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Dr.Figen CALISKAN Date:20.11.2012 Signature(s): 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302515 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 1 2 Instrumental Analysis in Biotechnology COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x) COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Basic Engineering x Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity % 1 25 1 1 25 2nd Mid-Term Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES 50 This course is includes using devices in biotechnology laboratories and current applications of the instrumental analysis, methods and principles. The aim of the course is to provide students with information about the basic techniques which is used in biotechnology laboratories, furthermore learn analytical separation techniques required for biotechnological studies and provide the ability for evaluating the outcomes of planning, operation At the end of this course, students will learn concepts of current analytical and instrumental techniques, steps of isolation and characterization of biological materials from the sources. In addition, they will learn according to the sample choose of bio-analytical methods which are uses of determine of the amount of component, gain skills to solve encountered problems using of the principles of the analytical chemistry. 1.To gain knowledge of the basic concepts of modern analytical and instrumental techniques in the field of biothecnology TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 2. Learning strategy and the stages of purification and characterization of instrumentel analysis 3. To gain selection skills of bio-analytical chemistry methods for determination of sample component 4. To learn the basic principles and mechanisms of instrumental techniques 5. To learn application areas of instrumental techniques on industrial Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, " Principles of instrumental analysis", Philadelphia : Saunders College Pub., 2007. ISBN 0-03-002078-6. 1. Keith Wilson and John Walker, " Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology", Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-521-53581-6. 2.Edmond de Hoffmann, Vincent Stroobant, " Mass spectrometry : principles and applications", Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, 2007. ISBN 978-0-470-03310-4. Computer and projector COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Basic equipments of biotechnology laboratories; utilities of instrumental techniques in clinical and industrial areas Chemical preparations before analysis (buffers,reactives,spesific dyes for identification) and preparation of the strategic plan of analysis standardization, instrument calibration, validation methods and applications of the ISO 17025 standard on Biotechnology laboratories, Mass Spectrometry Principles and its biotechnological applications Optical spectroscopy and analysis methods of biomaterials Mid-Term Examination 1 Surface analysis methods Chromatographic techniques in biotechnology: principles, clinical & industrial examples Chromatographic techniques in biotechnology: principles, clinical & industrial examples Electrophoretic techniques, principles and applications on biotechnology Electrophysiological techniques, principles and applications on biotechnology Mid-Term Examination 2 Biyoteknoloji laboratuarları güncel kombine teknikler Micro-array analysis of; proteins N-terminal and C-terminal sequencing, cDNA preparation and Gene Sequencing Immunological identification techniques Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Dr.Figen Caliskan Date:20.11.2012 Signature(s): 2 1 x x x x x x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (PhD) COURSE CODE 505312606 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 1 1 Proteomic and Bioinformatic COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7.5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x) LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering x Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term Quantity % Project 1 25 Report Others (Seminar presentation) 1 25 1 50 2nd Mid-Term Quiz MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Homework PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK The content of this course includes how to obtain proteomic information by classical instrumental analysis and development of this information by the means of information technologies. To gain finding proteomic data from bioinformatic databases, using the knowledge, analyzing and storing, the sequence comparison and alignment, using similarity searching applications. For development and automation of biotechnology and information technology they will learn advantage of proteomics and bioinformatics resources 1.Ability to achieving proteomic knowledge 2. To understand the working methods of protein in biotechnology 3.Scanning of bioinformatic databases 4.To understand organization of databases and in proteomic studies finding and using different datas 5. Using computer and information technologies for effective utilization of genomic and proteomic data 6. Prepare a strategic plan for protein studies 7. Using proteomic and bioinformatics information for built phylogenetic relationships. N. Gautham, "Bioinformatics", Oxford University, Alpha Science 2006. ISBN 1-8426-5300-8 OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 3. Ignacimuthu, S. "Basic bioinformatics", Harrow : Alpha Science Int., 2005. ISBN 1-8426-5231-1 4. Jean-Michel Claverie, Cedric Notredame "Bioinformatics for dummies"2nd Ed. Wiley Publishing,Inc., 2007. ISBN 978-0470-08985-9. 5. D.Voet, G.Voet, "Biochemistry" 3rd Ed. Wiley Int. Ed., (Chapter 7-4.) 2004. ISBN 0-471-19350-X. 6. S.Hubbart, A. Jones“Proteom Bioinformatics” Humana press, 2010.ISBN 978-1-60761-443-2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 11. 12.Actual publications and review articles from international journals Computer,projector and internet access COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Proteomics: Introduction, sample taking,preparation,and problems 2D Gel Electrophoresis Mass Spectroscopy of Peptides and Proteins, finger print analysis Protein chips Microsequencing and purification strategy Mid-Term Examination 1 How and where is to find biological data? Introduction to proteome bioinformatics Bioinformatic tools and its uses Use of proteomic databases; PDB, UniProtKB, PIR, PRF, Use of Nucleotide sequence databases; GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ ve EBI. Mid-Term Examination 2 application and uses of databases Sequence scanning and analysis Similarity comparison Determination of the phylogenetic proximity Final Exam NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Gains skill to analyze problems that require expertise in the field of Biotechnology and Biosafety using scientific research methods. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. As individuals with capacity of researcher, producers and entrepreneurs, gains skills of using high-level mental processes such as creative and critical thinking, initiative and decision-making. Gains skill of making leadership by taking responsibility for working with interdisciplinary teams and solving problems. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. x x x x x x x x x x Prepared by: Dr.Figen CALISKAN Date: Signature(s): 1 x 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. 20.11.2012 2 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505312603 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG INDUSTRIAL MICROORGANISMS AND SECONDER METABOLITES COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES The scope of this course will be included the seconder metabolites and its ındustrial application. The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of seconder metabolites by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of microorganisms in biotechnology and the flow of production processes. 18. Understanding the importance of seconder metabolites 19. Sort of seconder metabolites 20. To understand the microbiological production process 21. To create the metabolites of microorganisms 22. To explain the production of seconder metabolites on a commercial scale TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Biotechnology Procedures and Experiments Handbook. Harisha S. 2007. Infinity Science Press LLC. Madigan MT and Martinko JM. Brock Mikroorganizmaların Biyolojisi (2006) (Çeviri Edit: Çökmüş C) Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara. Handbook of Fungal Biotechnology. Ed: Arora DK. 2004. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOPICS Specific function of seconder metabolites Function of seconder metabolites Bioactive seconder metabolites Bioactive seconder metabolites Diversity of biyosynthetics Mid-Term Examination 1 Diversity of biyosynthetics Bacterial seconder metabolites and product improvement Fungal seconder metabolites and product improvement Production strategies of seconder metabolites Production strategies of seconder metabolites Mid-Term Examination 2 Production strategies of seconder metabolites Characterisation of seconder metabolites How many microbial metabolites may be discovered in the future? Selected plant and specifications Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. 3 2 X X X X X X X X X X 1 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Semra İLHAN Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÇABUK Date: Signature(s): T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302501 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 2 0 0 Fall LABORATORY SAFETY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 2 7,5 TYPE LANGUAG E COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE (x ) Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] 2( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA MID-TERM FINAL EXAM Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) Quantity % 1 40 1 30 1 30 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK The importance of laboratory safety; general rules in the lab, risk factors in the lab; safety work with chemical substances; the disposal of waste chemicals; laboratory accidents and precautions; first aid, occupational diseases; the personal safety and hygiene in the laboratory; fire safety; biosafety in the laboratory; laboratory biosafety levels; legal regulations in the country. To teach basic principles of work safely in the laboratory, providing knowledge to students about risks and dangers in the lab, safety working rules, personal protective equipment etc. Students learn chemical, physical and biological risks in the lab environment, learn how to take precautions against those risks, work safely in the lab. 1. Obtain basic information about lab safety. 2. Recognize the risks that may occur in the lab. 3. Explain the importance of safety in the lab. 4. Gain knowledge about waste disposal. 5. Explain the importance of biosafety in the lab. OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED 1. Yeni Mevzuat Işığında İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Temel Bilgileri, RİSK MED Akademi Yayınları, 2012/1. 2. Dizdar E.N., (2008). İş Güvenliği, Murathan Yayınevi. 3. Merck Laboratuvar El Kitabı, 2007. 4. Laboratory biosafety manual, Third Edition, World Health Organization, Geneva, 1994. Computer and projector. COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS The importance of lab safety, the definition of occupational health and safety, general rules in the laboratory, rules that must be followed in the use of laboratory instruments/equipment The lab of risk factors; physical, chemical and biological risks Safe operation of chemical substances; chemical material safety data sheet (MSDS), chemical material safety information card, label hazard symbols The safe storage of chemicals; general rules of the hazardous substances deposition; waste disposal. Laboratory accidents and measures, first aid measures Mid-Term Examination 1 Occupational diseases Personal hygiene and safety in the laboratory; personal protective equipment Fire safety; fire extinguishers, fire extinguisher types, proper use of fire extinguisher Laboratory safety measures; ventilation, gas and fire detectors, eyes shower, emergency shower etc. Mid-Term Examination 2 Biosafety in the laboratory; risk groups, risks and safety of microorganisms. Laboratory biosafety levels, disinfection, sterilization, contaminations , biological waste management Lab safety and biosafety-related institutions, legal regulations in our country Final Exam NO PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at 1 related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and 2 environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of 3 research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. 4 Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. 5 Has the professional and social ethics. 6 Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using 7 scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in 8 writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information 9 technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to 10 European Language Portfolio. 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Belgin Karabacakoğlu Date: 21.11.2012 Signature(s): 3 2 1 x x x x x x T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505312601 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG NATIONAL-INTERNATIONAL BIOSAFETY REGULATIONS AND POLITICS OF BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES The scope of this course will be included biosafety and regulatıons. The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of biosafety regulatıons by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of biosafety and biodiversty. 23. Understanding the importance of biosafety 24. Understanding the importance of laws and regulatıons of biosafety 25. To understand the biosafety process 26. Examplify the laws and regulations of biosafety 27. To comparison of the national and international laws of biosafety Biyogüvenlik ve Biyoçeşitlilik Ders Notları, ESOGÜ Biyoloji Bölümü, ESKİŞEHİR Biosafety and bioethics, Joshi, R., 2006, Delhi. Biyoteknoloji; Uluslar arası eğilimler ve görüşler. Bull. A. Geoffrey. H. B. (1987). İstanbul. İstanbul Üniversitesi. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Importance of laws and biosafety Biodiversity convention nd biosafty protocol Internatıonal regulations Turkey become party to an agreement in international conventions and protocols Turkey become party to an agreement in international conventions and protocols Mid-Term Examination 1 Turkey become party to an agreement in international conventions and protocols Historical aspects of local regulations and development stage of biosafety in Turkey Law regulations in Turkey. Local regulations and laws in Turkey Local regulations and laws in Turkey Mid-Term Examination 2 Local regulations and laws in Turkey Future of biosafety laws New biotechnological products and biosfety, law regulations New biotechnological products and biosfety, law regulations Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 3 2 X X X X X X X X X X X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: öğretim elemanı talep edilecektir. Signature(s): Date: 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302508 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 2 0 0 AUTUMN AUTUMN PLACE OF EMBRYOLOGY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TURKISH COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 1 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED CONTRIBUTION OF EMBRYOOLOGY IN THE BIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD PRESENTATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF EMBRYOLOGY IN THE BIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD KNOWING BASIC EVENTS AND MECHANISMS OF HUMAN EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT LEARNING BASIC EVENTS AND MECHANISMS OF HUMAN EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT EMBRİYOLOJİ VE DOĞUM DEFEKTLERİNİN TEMELLERİBEFORE WE ARE BORN 7. BASKI, ÇEVİRİ EDİTÖRÜ SEVDA MÜFTÜOĞLU, GÜNEŞ TIP KİTABEVLERİ, ANKARA, 2009. İNSANIN ÜREMESİ VE GELİŞMESİ, MERAL TEKELİOĞLU, ANKARA, 1995. COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Introduce to human embryology Development of male germ cells Development of female germ cells Fertilization and the factors influencing fertilization Development of zygote, blastula, morula and blastocyst Mid-Term Examination 1 Implantation Development of bilaminar and trilaminar embryonic discs Basic events and mechanisms of embryology Formation mechanisms of congenital defects Mid-Term Examination 2 Embryonic stem cells Contributions of embryology to assisted reproductive technology therapies Future of embryology Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: PROF. DR. VAROL ŞAHİNTÜRK Signature(s): Date: 28.11.2012 2 X X X X X X X X X X X 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 2 Spring Physicochemical Processes COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7.5 TYPE Compulsory ( ) Elective ( X) LANGUAG E Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering Biotechnology and Biosafety Social Science X ASSESSMENT CRITERIA MID-TERM Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED Quantity % 1 25 1 30 1 45 None General definitions of physicochemical processes, the aim of particle size enlargment and methods, solid-liquid seperation methods, general principles of froth floatation and methods, adsorbtion ve ion exchange processes To teach cleaning of fine wastes by physicochemical processes, such as coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, floatation and industrial applications of these processes. Understanding applications of physicochemical processes to fine wastes 1. To learn general knowledge about fine wastes 2. To learn physicochemical processes which are applying to fine wastes 3. Ability to work effectively in inner or multi-disciplinary teams 4. To learn how to analyse problems with modern experimental methods and new technologies Wills B. A., Mineral Processing Technology, 6th Edition, 1997, Camborne School of Mines, Cornwall, England Somasundaran P., Fine Particles Processing, 1980, Las Vegas Computer and Data Show COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 TOPICS Properties of minerals and ores General definitions of physicochemical processes Particle size englargement methods Coagulation, flocculation and agglomeration processes Industrial applications of particle size englargement Mid-Term Examination 1 Dewatering methods Sedimentation, thickeners Filtration Froth floatation Mid-Term Examination 2 Adsorption and ion exchange Presentation of homeworks Presentation of homeworks Final Exam NO PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related 1 disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and 2 environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of 3 research. 4 Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. 5 Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. 6 Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using 7 scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, 8 visually to field and outside field groups. 9 Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to 10 European Language Portfolio. 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. 3 x x x x x x x x x x Date: Signature(s): 1 x Prepared by: Yrd.Doç.Dr. Derya ÖZ AKSOY 27/11/2012 2 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302509 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 2 0 0 SUMMER SUMMER PLACE OF HISTOLOGY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TURKISH COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Biotechnology and Biosafety Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 1 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED CONTRIBUTION OF HISTOLOGY IN THE BIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD PRESENTATION OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF HISTOLGY IN THE BIOTECHNOLOGY FIELD KNOWING THE CELLS AND TISSUES OF HUMAN BODY LEARNING THE CELLS AND TISSUES OF HUMAN BODY HISTOLOGY, Mıchael Ross and Wojciech Pawlina, Sixth edition 2011, Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA. Histoloji ve Hücre Biyolojisi, Çeviri editörü: Ramazan Demir, Palme Yayıncılık, Ankara 2006. COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOPICS Basic cytology Cells of human body Introduce to histology Cover epithelium Secretion and glands Mid-Term Examination 1 Connective tissue Blood and bone marrow Cartilage and bone Muscular and nervous tissues Mid-Term Examination 2 Cell cultures In vitro tissue production Selected actual literatures Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES 3 Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 2 X X X X X X X X X X X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: PROF. DR. VAROL ŞAHİNTÜRK Signature(s): Date: 28.11.2012 1 T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOSAFETY (MSc) COURSE CODE 505302517 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory Practice Laboratory 3 0 0 FALL/SPRİNG MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE COMPULSORY ( ) ELECTIVE ( x ) LANGUAG E TÜRKÇE COURSE CATAGORY Basic Science Basic Engineering X Engineering Subjects [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term 2nd Mid-Term Quantity 1 1 % 25 25 Quiz MID-TERM Homework Project Report Others (………) FINAL EXAM 50 PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES The scope of this course will be included the phylogeny and diversity of Bacteria The aim of this course is to provide understanding of the importance of Domain Bacteria as part of biodiversity and the ecosystem the by the students. This course will contribute to prepare for professional life by providing knowledge on the importance of microorganisms in biotechnology and the flow of production processes. 28. Understanding the importance of biotechnology 29. Sort of biotechnologically relevant microorganisms 30. To understand the biotechnological production process 31. Examplify the metabolites of microorganisms 32. To explain the production of biotechnological products on a commercial scale 33. Understanding the biotechnologically importance of microorganisms. TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED İLHAN S (2012) Mikrobiyal Biyoteknoloji Ders Notları, ESOGÜ Biyoloji Bölümü, ESKİŞEHİR Madigan MT, Martinko JM, Parker J, and Clark DP, (2009). Brock Biology of Microorganisms. Pearson Prentice Hall. Willey M, Sherwood LM., Woolverton CJ, (2007). Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s microbiology. 1088 p. McGraw- Hill College. Computer and projection COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOPICS Scope to Microbial Biotechnology History of microbial biotechnology, the important microbial groups and processes Growth substrates Fermentation equipment Strain improvement; Mutation, Recombinant DNA technology, Genetic engineering Mid-Term Examination 1 Primery Metabolites Secondery Metabolites Lactic acid fermentations Fungal products Mid-Term Examination 2 Microbial Polysaccharides and Polyesters Other Biotechnological Products Immobilize Enzyms and Cells Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to European Language Portfolio. 3 2 X X X X X X X X X X 1 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. X 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Semra İLHAN Date: Signature(s): T.R. ESKISEHIR OSMANGAZI UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES COURSE INFORMATION FORM DEPARTMENT Biotechnology and Biosafety COURSE CODE 505302502 SEMESTER COURSE NAME WEEKLY COURSE PERIOD SEMESTER Theory FALL Practice Laboratory 3 Fall / Spring Biostatistical Methods COURSE OF Credit ECTS 3 7,5 TYPE LANGUAGE COMPULSORY () ELECTIVE ( X ) Turkish COURSE CATAGORY Biotechnology and Biosafety Basic Science Basic Engineering X [if it contains considerable design, mark with () ] ( ) Social Science ASSESSMENT CRITERIA MID-TERM FINAL EXAM PREREQUISITE(S) COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE OBJECTIVES COURSE ADDITION TO APPLY PROFESSIONAL EDUATION COURSE OUTCOMES Evaluation Type 1st Mid-Term (Written) 2nd Mid-Term (Written) Quiz Homework Project Report Others (………) (Written) Quantity % 1 20 1 30 1 15 1 35 None Definition of probability and basic terms, Random variables and probability functions, some discrete and continuous distributions, definitions of statistics and basic terms, descriptive statistics, data analysis,sampling and sampling distributions, confidence intervals, tests of hypotheses, one way analysis of variance,linear regression and correlation analysis. The basic aim of the course is to introduce the basics of probability and statistics, probability distributions, statistical methods and their applications, especially in biology, chemistry and medicine. The student will be able to use probability and statistical knowledge and methods in the professional studies. In this context, the student will ; 1. Learn the basics of probability, 2. Learn and be able to apply some important discrete and continuous probability distributions 3. Learn basics of statistics, 4. Be able to gather data and analyze them, 5. Infer about the population from where the data were gathered, 6. Learn and apply the testing of hypotheses procedure, 7. Learn Analysis of Variance and multiple comparisons, 8. Learn and apply Linear Regression and Correlation Analysis Knowledge related to the basics of probablity and statistics, able to apply important probability distributions and statistical methods. TEXTBOOK OTHER REFERENCES TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED ÖZDAMAR, K. (2011) : PASW ile Biyoistatistik; Kaan Kitabevi, Eskişehir. DEVORE, J. L. (2004): Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Thomson; BELLE, Gerald van [et al.] (2004): Biostatistics : a methodology for the health sciences; / 2.Basım, J. Wiley, NJ ER, F., PEKER, K. Ö., (H. Sönmez, ed.) (2009) Biyoistatistik / , Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 1932, Eskşişehir VITTINGHOFF, E. [et al.] (2005) :.Regression methods in biostatistics : linear, logistic, survival and repeated measures models , Springer, NY HERITIER, S. [et. al] (2009) : Robust Methods in Biostatistics; J. Wiley, Chichester, UK Standard Normal, F, Binomial probability tables; MS Office programs COURSE SYLLABUS WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,16 NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOPICS Basics of probability Random variables, probability and probability density functions and Distribution functions Some important discrete distributions Some important continuous distributions Basics of statistisc Mid-Term Examination 1 Descriptive statistics Sampling Distributions and Confidence intervals Basics of tests of hypothesis Single sample hypothesis tests Mid-Term Examination 2 Double sample hypothesis tests Linear Regresion and Correlation Anaylsis of Variance Final Exam PROGRAM OUTCOMES Based on qualifications of Bachelor's Degree, improves knowledge of one at related disciplines at the level of speciality. Gains the ability of produce alternative solutions within sustainable processes and environmental consciousness to problems on health, environment, food, agriculture, industry, etc. sectors. Produces alternative solutions to problems related to the field using the methods of research. Gains ability to work in interdisciplinary teams. Gains consciousness of topics of work safety and quality management. Has the professional and social ethics. Gains the skills of monitoring, reading, understanding and making comments using scientific developments related to his/her discipline and information technologies at the level of advanced. Gains skill of transfer his/her knowledge and experience in the field orally, in writing, 3 2 X X 1 visually to field and outside field groups. Gains skill of examining of the information obtained using information technologies. Able to communicate verbally and in writing using a foreign language belonging to 10 European Language Portfolio. 11 Displays a positive attitude to lifelong learning. 1:None. 2:Partially contribution. 3: Completely contribution. 9 Prepared by: Prof. Dr. Nimetullah BURNAK Signature(s): X Date: 28.11.2012