Life on Grorr is frequently deadly. Nearly every living organism is toxic, the atmosphere can be breathed only for a few seconds without a filter, and the jungles are filled with vast numbers of dangerous predators. Nevertheless, the Yorr carved out a colony on Grorr, and are well on their way to bringing about the extinction of several of the major High Military Attache Urgo predatory species. It is little conquests like this that affirm in your heart the values of "When I look into your eyes, I see the Yorr civilization. suffering of a million horribly tormented prisoners. The scent of blood and the stench You remember the example of Emperor Azgar of death cling to you like a robe." the Genocidal. The Yorr homeworld once - popular Yorr love ballad had an insect very much like the cockroach of Earth. The Emperor hated this insect, and As chief advisor to the Baron of Ghast, it is vowed to destroy it. To do so, he used your duty to construct a situation which is as horrible toxic chemicals that slew a quarter of favorable as possible to the Interests of the the population, and caused nine out of ten Baron. This sometimes goes against your newborns to be deformed. In order to basic instinct to bloodily slay every living thing preserve racial purity he had the deformed in your path. newborns burned. During his reign there was such massive resistance that two rebellions But that's not the point. broke out that nearly destroyed his empire. Finally, he used a series of orbiting satellites You were born on the planet Grorr, a deadly which bombarded the planet with lethal and terrible planet. Grorr is one of the radiation, and the insects, as well as about newest worlds under the iron dominion of the eighty percent of the Yorr, and most other Baron of Ghast, which was settled as a remaining lifeforms, were destroyed. In the challenge after the Vergosi proclaimed that no famine that followed the disruption of the race could possibly settle there. That Space Game ecosystem, millions more perished. 1 Character Sheet But what makes Azgar such a great Emperor of being slain in battle, along with himself and was not his defeat of a mere insect. It was his entire family. But the Imperial Council his demonstration of the absolute power of mandates that the Emperor think of more than the Yorr over their environment. He rendered his own happiness. Duty forbids the emperor the surface of the homeworld nearly lifeless, to abuse the power by starting an devoid of vegetation or animal life. A Godlike unnecessary war just to ensure that he will act. And in doing so he created an absolute die violently. However, the prospect of necessity for new food sources, which led to spending the rest of their lives locked into an the slave engineering camps and the "learn incredibly destructive war was too much for physics or be eaten" program which produced the Council to resist, and they approved the the first Yorr starship. In destroying his Emperor's plan. homeworld, Azgar opened up the entire galaxy for ultimate destruction by the Yorr The Emperor then sent envoys to the Baron race. of Ghast, Gadarr, your master and the Emperor's most hated enemy. It was But the challenges of environment, or of generally agreed within the Empire that the fighting alien menaces like the Retull simply Barony of Ghast was not only most likely to cannot compare with the struggle of Yorr succeed in a civil war, but would be the most against Yorr. Sadly, there has been no great bloodthirsty and enjoyable opponent. You Civil War in nearly two centuries. Even your were honored. own world has grown fat and content. The predators, the bloodslicked horrors of Over the next few months, Imperial Yorr strike secondary school, and the terrible gore- ships conducted a set of limited raids on drenched thrills of dating are not enough for a Ghast, mostly along the UPC border. By young man to feel truly satisfied. You "coincidence" two human freighters were became a full warrior just a few weeks after "accidentally" caught in the crossfire. The the last actions against the pernicious Retull. Imperium issued its usual aggressively frosty apologies. Ghast on the other hand Now a new Emperor has risen, one who may expressed outrage, and offered compensation be a great Yorr emperor. It is no little to the UPC. It was not easy to do this, but decision for him to make. If there is a civil for the plan to succeed it is important to war, the Emperor will probably have the glory befriend the humans. Ghast could never That Space Game 2 Character Sheet succeed against the Empire alone, and while on the industrial world of Gohorr, and murder it would be fun to die gloriously by trying, the every living person on the planet. war would be short. With the UPC and Ghast fighting the Empire, the war could drag It will be a glorious war. All you have to do on for generations. Imagine entire is keep your temper until the UPC makes an generations never knowing the horrors of absolute statement of support for your side. peace. There is one problem of course. Your Baron Now the difficult diplomatic phase begins. has forbidden you to die until the negotiations You must push the UPC ambassador into are complete. This places you under terrible making an irrevocable statement of support constraints, and is a source of constant for Ghast. The UPC ambassador here has anxiety that makes you irritable. plenipotentiary powers, and if he makes a treaty with you, then the war can begin at The negotiations are supposed to be once. completed on Tau Ceti Prime, but you want to pressure the Terrans, and your opposite You have been instructed that a good number in the Imperium, to complete the strategy with UPC ambassadors is to refer to negotiations now! the Yorr as "our peaceloving race" as often as possible. Summary If everything were perfect, the Alsarii would $ also get involved. Preferably on the other You want the UPC to support you in a war with the Imperium. So does side. You hate Alsarii, and would love to see the Imperium their entire race reduced to a thin layer of rapidly cooling crustal material. You tell them $ this at every opportunity. You are barely able to control your natural urge to eviscerate your opposite number. Of course it will be hard to avoid mentioning the little surprise the Baron has cooked up for $ the Empire. Two hundred Alpha-Class You want the negotiations finished! NOW! fighters prepared to land a marine battalion That Space Game 3 Character Sheet