
Dear Article Editor (rephrase article) Applicant.
Here are a few guidelines with sample article Titles which are very important to this job scope.
Job Description:
1. You are expected to write articles in your own words. The real expectation is for you to find
articles related to the topic at hand, and basically rephrase them in your own words, own
structure so that it passes the duplicate content filters. As long as you DO NOT follow the exact
structure of the sentence to more than 3 words in a row, then its ok. DO NOT copy sentences
whole from online sources coz all these would be flagged as duplicate content and will be
rejected by the software. Its actually easier than it seems.
Example of writing original articles as below:
Original sentence from article directory: Everyone at least know how to answer surveys for
money, but only a handful of them actually know how to get to the high paying ones.
Rephrased sentence by you: As we all know, anyone who knows how to use a computer will
know how to answer simple survey questions for some money. However, only a select few who
are actually savvy enough to find the high paying survey jobs.
 As you can see, the rephrased sentence is pretty much the same as the original in idea,
just said differently. Also notice that the rephrased sentence DOES use some words from
the original sentence, BUT never more than 4 words in a row (‘answer surveys for
money) – I rephrased that to “answer simple survey questions for some money” Note
how the idea is exactly the same, just said in a different way. That’s what I mean by
‘100% rephrased’
2. It is very advantageous if you can type quickly, that way you can easily knock out 1
article every 10-15 mins like my seasoned writers. What they normally do is to open up
TWO word documents side by side on their com. On the left would be the original article,
on the right, an empty document where they would type away as they rephrased from the
copy on the left.
3. Rephrased article must not be shorter than the original. It is easy to do since when you
spontaneously type out your thoughts, the sentences would normally be longer. Articles
are expected to be at least 500 words or more.
4. There is no need for MORE ideas added, but if you are willing to add in new ideas, go
right ahead, just make sure the sentence structure is not copied from online sources.
5. You CAN refer to online sources for more ideas if you want to, but make sure you
rephrase those ideas too and NOT copy the sentence structure as it is.
6. All the articles MUST NOT sound like advertisement. It must not sound like you are
promoting and pushing a certain product. Your article must hold neutral tones, like an
informative article, a review on a product. Please see article at ezinearticles.com to
understand the style of writing.
7. Never have domain links in your articles.
8. Take a look at the guidelines: http://ezinearticles.com/editorial-guidelines.html (its
common sense anyway , but just take a look and make sure you keep to those
9. Article Titles – To be rephrased as well. Keep titles interesting, not mundane, statement
like. Create titles with questions (starting with What, Why, When, How, etc), Title with
Numbers (Top 5 Methods…, 2 Critical Factors… etc), Create Shock (Death to…) Keep
to the theme (if the article is about Satellite Tv, try to make sure the word ‘satellite tv’ is
in the title, if the article is about surveys, make sure the word ‘survey’ is in the title.
10. Article structure- you can change the article structure any way you like. Eg. Have more
or less paragraphs than the original, adding of ideas, adding your personal comments, etc.
Just treat the original article like a guide to what you would write.
1. You are responsible for submitting 10 articles a day (24 hour period) to an article
directory of my choice. This directory will automatically test for duplicate content. Only
articles which pass the duplicate content filters are considered as a successful article. Of
course you can create more than 10 articles/day but you are expected to control the
submission process to 10/day.
2. Once you are hired for a batch of work (300 articles/month), you are expected to
complete them in a timely manner and always keep me updated on your work. I expect to
get a reply within 24 hours of sending you an email.
1. I’m a good paymaster and I have never dragged or defaulted in payment, as long as you
fulfill your end of the work (writing articles and getting them accepted into the directory).
So far, NONE of my writers (part time/full time) have had any problems with me
2. Since the job is for 300 articles/month, I will make payment on a ongoing basis.
Meaning, I’ll make partial payment after every 100 articles completed.
Creating Good Titles
Eg bad title: Make More Money Online With Less Work – this is statement type
You can try to make it more interesting by following the below 3 rules of title creation
So for that title above, you can change it to something like – Make $200/day Online: How Do You Create
Wealth Working 2 Hours/Day?
Eg bad title: Use What You Know and Make Money Online – another statement type of title..
New – Make Money Online: $300/day Even For Complete Beginners!
Identifying the Keywords That Bring in the Money – another statement, and the title is ambiguous, when
people see it , the have no idea what keywords you’re talking about. You have to state that its to deal
with Online marketing, keywords Online. Else, it can mean anything!
New: How To Identify Keywords That Brings In The Money Online!
Eg bad title: 5 Requirements to Making Money Online – another statement (statements are sentences in
its passive form and too general)
New: Top 5 Requirements Of Making Money Online You Must Know! – See, although I insist on
remaining it as a statement, but I use the (!) to make it more interesting, and throw in the curiosity
factor (You Must Know) to make the title more enticing
Please spend time and effort creating good interesting titles, coz if the title is boring, it’s a waste to the
article. The article body itself does not need to be fantastic, as long as its rephrased in a manner that
passes the duplicate content filters, that all is great.
But for the title, you MUST be creative and spend more time creating good titles!
How to Create Titles (Which is the MOST important part):
KEY concepts when creating Titles:
1. Create QUESTIONS (How Anyone Can Make Money Online, What You Never Knew
About… How My Niece Made Enough Money Online For Her first car…, Why…)
2. Create Titles with NUMBERS (Top 5 Methods… Top 2 Tips, Best 16 Money Making… ,
Money Online 2009…
3. Combination (Make Money Online For Students: How My 21 Year Old Niece…, Profit
Lance: How Anyone Can Profit Online!, Make $2000/Day Online: Now You Can Renovate
Your House!
4. SHOCKING: Titles which shock such as (Why Other Internet Marketers Want You To
Fail!) or (Online Income: Why Online Marketers Are Trying To Sabotage You!)
5. Specific Topics: Create topics which are specific to something, and not general,
statement type sentences
Example of titles to be created for the health, detox niche:
Detoxification Diets - How Effective Are They?
Chiropractor Detoxification - Your Body's Friendly Neighborhood
Detoxification Diets - How to Get Started Properly Even If You’re 20 Pounds Overweight!
Body Detoxification and Stress - Will They Get Along Together?
Herbal Detoxification - Cleanse Your Body the Natural Way and Lose 20 Pounds!
Master Cleanse Detox Diet: How Anyone Can Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Weeks!
 See how as much info is managed to be packed into each title. Try to make each title as
informative as possible
 One of the key points is making titles which are specific. Do NOT make ‘general’ type of titles.
Always put in specific words which is related to the article. If you’re talking about LCD TVs, try to
work in brand names and model numbers into the title. If you’re talking about weight loss, try to
make the title specific to the article: Eg, losing weight via exercise, or via detox, or via aerobics,
or swimming, walking, soup diet, etc. Do not just make titles like: How to Lose Weight. This is
way too general and does not fully show the scope of the article.
Your Test Assignement:
1. Create a new gmail account and proceed to http://ezinearticles.com/ and sign
up for an account. Make sure you put in a US/UK address while signing up.
2. Write 3 articles on the topic ‘paid surveys’ Eg. The niche is about answering
surveys for cash, vouchers, etc. Top keywords are: paid surveys, highest paid
surveys. Work at this angle. Prepare this article, and you will insert it into
the account above and you’ll know if you’ve done it correctly.
3. I will check on the account and if everything is satisfactory, I will select the
most suitable candidate to work on the article writing.
4. Once you have inserted the 3 articles, email me this file, together with the
ezine login details
 Below are some guidelines on the submission process
Select A Category:Subcategory: Just pick a suitable one that relates to your article
Article Title: This is where you put your article title
Keywords: Paid surveys, free survey list, survey, surveys, get paid survey,
top paying survey, money survey,
Abstract/Article Summary/Teaser Copy: Usually the first few sentences of
your article
Article Body: Just copy paste your article here. No need to switch on
Author SIG - Resource Box
<p>Here is a free Top 7 List of <a
href="http://www.paidsurveyonline.biz">Paid Survey Sites</a> to Answer
Surveys, paying $5-$275 for each survey taken. <br>
Hannah is an expert on Paid Surveys and author of this article and runs the
resource site <a href="http://www.paidsurveyonline.biz">Highest Paying
Surveys</a>, which features a top 7 list of the 100% free paid survey sites she
has made the most amount of money on, along with a review of each.
Spell Check On Preview: Very important to check the formatting and
spelling errors
Click to submit. If all is ok, it will go into Pending. Once you have all 3 in
pending, do email me
 Where to get articles: You may go to isnare.com and ezinearticles.com. Search out
for the relevant articles and basically rephrase them.
Personal Details (pls send this back to me for record retention)
1. I will need some of your personal details. Please fill in below and send back to me:
Odesk Name (username)
Writing Experience
Part Time/ Full Time Odesk
Ability To Meet Datelines
(10 articles/day)
Bid for 60 Articles ($)
Your Email (Primary Email)
Short summary of yourself
Yahoo Messenger ID
Skype ID (need for communication)
Since we’re on the example of the Highest Paid Survey niche, here are examples of good
titles by my other writers:
#1 Most Common Error When Searching For an Online Paid Survey Site!
Avoid Low Paying Survey Sites Through Forums
Earn Money From High Paying Survey Sites - How to Do It?
Are Online Survey Scams Avoidable?
Cold Cash From Paid Surveys - How to Get the High Ones?
Top 3 Most Popular Survey Sites
How Can Teens Earn Cold Cash by Doing Paid Surveys?
What Can We Get With Doing Paid Surveys?
Paid Surveys - Earn More and Skip Scams!
Make Fast Cash With Surveys - How to Do it the Easy Way?
Good Luck!
Do try to complete them over the weekend and I will check on your account on Sunday or
Email me: hazel.leong@altera-technologies.com AND hazel@snowcomet.com