Literacy Narrative Prewriting

 Get
your journal out (the one I told you to
pick up last class) so I can check it.
 Get
out a separate sheet of paper and
label it Literacy Narrative Prewriting.
List the titles of any songs/nursery
rhymes you remember from your youth.
List the titles of any storybooks that your
parents read to you or that you used in
learning to read.
List any struggles that you had while
learning to read or write.
List any triumphs that you had while
learning to read or write.
Some examples: Experiences with AR
books in elementary school;
Experiences with writing papers in
Middle/High School; Experiences with
writing/reading being used as
punishment; Experiences with
school/church plays; etc.
Go through your list and underline/highlight the
most significant events (the events you can write
the most about). Find at least five.
On the back (or another sheet of paper), write
those individual events, skipping several spaces
between each.
For each event, list as many details and specifics
as you can for that event.
If you want, you can set this up as a word web.
 Make
sure your name is on your
prewriting sheet.
 Turn
it in before you leave.