Orator Analysis: Audience Reaction & Effective Speech

Watching the Orator At Work TRANSLATION
Nunc surgit magnus ōrātor, causam dictūrus: omnis locus
Now rises the great orator, about to plead his case; every place
in subsellīs occupātur; plēnum est tribūnal; iūdicēs omnia
on the bench(es) is occupied; the tribunal is full; the judges signal for
illīus verba audīre cupientēs silentium significant. Oculī
silence, wishing to hear all of that man’s words. The eyes of everyone
omnium ad illum vertuntur. Tum multae admīrātiōnēs,
are turned towards him. Then, there are many expressions of
multae laudēs. Ōrātor animōs audientium tangit. Ubi cupit
(there are) many applauses. The orator touches the hearts of the
listeners. When he desires
eōs metū aut misericordiā movērī, metū aut misericordiā
these (men) to be moved by fear or pity, (having been) overwhelmed by
fear or pity
oppressī terrentur aut flent.
they are frightened or (they) weep.
Dē ōrātore, etiam sī tū nōn adsidēns et attentē audiēns,
You will be able to make a judgment about an orator, even if you are not
sed unō apsectū et praeteriēns eum aspēxeris, saepe
sitting nearby and listening attentively but with one glance, (while)
passing by,
iūdicāre poteris. Vidēbis iūdicem ōscitantem, loquentem
you (will have) caught sight of him. You will see the judge yawning,
cum alterō, nōn numquam etiam errantem, mittentem ad
speaking with another (judge), sometimes even wandering (off),
checking the
Watching the Orator At Work TRANSLATION
hōrās, verba ab ōrātōre dicta neglegentem. Haec causa
time, ignoring the words (having been) spoken by the orator. This case
caret vērō ōrātore, quī potest animōs iūdicum movēre
lacks a true orator, who is able to move the minds of the judges with his
ōrātiōne. Sī autem ērēctōs iūdicēs vīderis, quī dē rē docērī
speech. If, however, you (will have) see(n) the judges sitting up straight,
vidēbuntur aut suspēnsī tenēbuntur, ut cantū aliquō avēs,
who (will) seem to be informed/taught or (to be) held in suspense,
as/like birds (are held in suspense) by some song,
cognōscēs signa verī ōrātōris et labōrem ōrātōrium bene
you will recognize the signs of a true orator accomplishing/bearing the
of an orator well.
- adapted from Brutus 200, 290