2015/2016 Online Instructional Materials Correlation Introduction to Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation 8258 - 18 weeks ___________________________________ Provider ___________________________________ Last Updated ___________________________________ Course Title ___________________________________ Course Syllabus URL Content must address both the task/competency and the curriculum framework. Enter the exact part of the online syllabus that addresses the task/competency. 8258 18 weeks Introduction to Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation TASKS/COMPETENCIES Correlation Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Personal Qualities and People Skills Required 1 Demonstrate positive work ethic. Required 2 Demonstrate integrity. Required 3 Demonstrate teamwork skills. Required 4 Demonstrate self-representation skills. Required 5 Demonstrate diversity awareness. Required 6 Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills. Required 7 Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness. Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills Required 8 Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills. Required 9 Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills. Required 10 Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Required 11 Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills. Demonstrate an understanding of Required 12 workplace organizations, systems, and climates. Required 13 Demonstrate lifelong-learning skills. Required 14 Demonstrate job-acquisition and advancement skills. Required 15 Demonstrate time-, task-, and resource-management skills. Required 16 Demonstrate job-specific mathematics skills. Required 17 Demonstrate customer-service skills. Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills Demonstrate proficiency with Required 18 technologies common to a specific occupation. Required 19 Demonstrate information technology skills. Required 20 Demonstrate an understanding of Internet use and security issues. Required 21 Demonstrate telecommunications skills. Examining All Aspects of an Industry Required 22 Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization. Required 23 Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization. Examine aspects of financial Required 24 responsibility within an industry/organization. Examine technical and production Required 25 skills required of workers within an industry/organization. Examine principles of technology Required 26 that underlie an industry/organization. Required 27 Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization. Examine community issues Required 28 related to an industry/organization. Examine health, safety, and Required 29 environmental issues related to an industry/organization. Addressing Elements of Student Life Identify the purposes and goals of Required 30 the student organization. Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in Required 31 the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult. Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student Required 32 organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects. Identify Internet safety issues and Required 33 procedures for complying with acceptable use standards. Balancing Work and Family Required 34 Analyze the meaning of work and the meaning of family. Compare how families affect Required 35 work life and how work life affects families. Identify management strategies Required 36 for balancing work and family roles. Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industries Cite historical events in the Optional 37 development of the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Research the leaders and innovators who shaped the Optional 38 modern hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Analyze the definition and Required 39 product of the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Required 40 Identify safety, security, and environmental awareness issues. Research energy efficiency, Optional 41 conservation, sustainability, and green technologies issues. Identify global and local economic issues and trends that Required 42 affect the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Analyze the impact of technological advancements on Required 43 the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Predict future outcomes based on Optional 44 current trends in the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Exploring Recreation, Leisure, and Themed Services Industries Identify recreation, leisure, and themed services programs and Required 45 events in the hospitality, tourism, and recreation industries. Required 46 Research recreation, leisure, and themed services opportunities. Exploring the Travel and Tourism Industry Required 47 Define the travel and tourism industry. Describe the relationship of Required 48 hospitality to the travel and tourism industry. Required 49 Plan a trip from the planner and from the provider side. Required 50 Compare modes of transportation. Required 51 Plan the itinerary for a trip involving commercial air travel. Exploring Lodging Occupations (Rooms, Front Office, and Housekeeping Divisions) Required 52 Compare classifications of lodging properties. Plan the consumer experience Required 53 within the stages of a guest cycle of service at a lodging property. Exploring the Food and Beverage Industry Identify examples of commercial Required 54 and noncommercial segments of food service industry. Exploring Career Skills for the Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Industries Identify the importance of Required 55 professional communication skills to the hospitality industry. Optional 56 Write a personal career plan. Optional 57 Prepare a résumé and job application. Identify the importance of professionalism, professional Required 58 appearance, and hygiene practices in the industry. Optional 59 Participate in a mock job interview.