Description - Grand Masonic Lodge of Kansas

Path Leading to 3° Master Mason
Petition accepted by Lodge
Meet with Investigating Committee
Unanimous Vote of the Lodge
Entered Apprentice Degree
Entered Apprentice First Lecture
Entered Apprentice Second Lecture
Entered Apprentice Third Lecture
Coach Assigned
EA Proficiency Exemplified
Fellow Craft Degree
Fellow Craft First Lecture
Coach Assigned
FC Proficiency Exemplified
Master Mason Degree – Work Part 1
Master Mason Degree – Work Part 2
Master Mason First Lecture
Master Mason Second Lecture
Master Mason Third Lecture
Sign Lodge By-Laws/Constitution*
Coach Assigned
MM Proficiency Exemplified
Dues Card presented
Bible presented (optional)
Prepare for Visit and Learn Test Oath
Visit another lodge and self-prove
These are the steps you can expect on your journey
to receive light in Masonry. Your lodge has the
obligation to ensure you receive everything on this
list. Insist on it. (*Not all lodges require signature.)
Path Leading to Worshipful Master
Installed as Junior Steward
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Special Committee Member
Installed as Senior Steward
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Special Committee Chairman
Serve as EA Coach
Installed as Junior Deacon
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Standing Committee Member
Earn “B” Proficiency Card
Serve as FC Coach
Installed as Senior Deacon
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Standing Committee Chairman
JOURNEY CARD (continued)
Path Leading to Worshipful Master
Installed as Senior Warden
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Standing Committee
WM for Fellow Craft Degree
Develop comprehensive annual plan
Line up officers for follow-on year
Develop budget for follow-on year
Coordinate a GM/DDGM Official Visit
Read GL By-Laws and Constitution
Grand Lodge Annual Communication
Installed as Worshipful Master
Notice that the journey ends at your installation as
Worshipful Master. To be effective and satisfied in
the East, you should fulfill these manageable and
necessary steps before you get there.
Earn “A” Proficiency Card
Serve as MM Coach
Installed as Junior Warden
Attend District School of Instruction
Serve as Standing Committee Chairman
Member of Finance Committee
Attend Wardens School
WM for Entered Apprentice Degree
Read lodge by-laws and constitution
Develop 4-year Lodge Strategic Plan
Grand Lodge Annual Communication
[This card was provided by Rick Reichert
as one possible way to communicate
assimilation, progression and succession
of newer Masons into your lodge.
Modify to suit your lodge.
This is meant to print as a tri-fold. It is
laid out in three columns on two sides
of the page. Replace the items on the
reverse side (below) with information
about your lodge.]
Inside Flap
Back Cover
Front Flap
Possible entries:
 Standing Committees
 Special Committees
 Committee descriptions
 Strategic Plan goals
Possible entries:
 Lodge philanthropies
 Lodge long-term vision
 Description of commitment to new
 Local Living Past Masters
 Local M and U Card holders
Possible entries:
 Your Lodge Logo
 Lodge Address
 Lodge Phone
 Lodge Email
 Lodge Web Address
 Social Media links
 Meeting Days and Times
 Lodge Mission
 Lodge Vision
[As a courtesy for using this card, please
send a copy of your lodge’s product via
email to Rick Reichert, Grand Senior
Warden 2011-2012. Thanks.]