Menstrual Cycle & Anatomy: 9th Grade Health Lesson Plan

Menstrual cycle, anatomy
and function.
Achievement Objective(s)
AO. 5.A1: Describe physical, social, emotional, and intellectual processes of growth and relate these features of
adolescent development and effective self management strategies.
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
Assessment and/or Success Criteria
What should the students learn?
How do we know what we have learnt?
Describe the physical, social, spiritual and mental and
Students will be able to list the changes which occur during
emotional changes which occur during puberty.
puberty in relation to the four aspects of hauora (Taha
Describe the menstrual cycle.
tinana (physical), taha wairua (spiritual), taha whanau
Name the anatomy associated with the male and female
(social), taha hinengaro (mental and emotional)).
reproduction systems and what the functions are.
Students will be able to explain the menstrual cycle and
name the parts of both female and male reproduction
systems and their function.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Thinking: Students will be able to think critically and reflect on what they know and have experienced so far in relation
to puberty and sexuality.
Language, Text and Symbols: Students will explore puberty language in relation to anatomy of the reproduction system
of female and males and functions of these structures.
Student Learning Activities
Teacher Activities
Engaging students’ interest
Finding out existing knowledge and skills
Making it relevant
10 mins
10 mins
Question Box questions
How big is a sperm?
Sperm are microscopic and cannot be seen by the naked
What does a condom look like?
Show a packet and condom to class. Explain about expiry
date – do not use if expired as if may not protect you from
pregnancy. Do not expose condoms to heat as they will
lose their effectiveness for protection.
Is it true for a girl to get her period when another woman
living with them is having her period?
Students to discuss their responses to the hauora
table from the video in the previous lesson
ER: Physical: breasts develop, pubic hair,
increase height/weight, penis/vagina,
Mental & emotional: mood changes, personal
identity may change, attracted to opposite sex or
Early human groups had several women to a few men.
This meant there were many women to get pregnant,
but not many men to impregnate them. Nature's
answer to this problem was simple: Women would
produce hormones during their fertile period that
could jumpstart other women's bodies into being
fertile as well.
Women get their periods together as a biological
response to hormones and the human instinct to
How late is it to get your period?
Everyone is different, and there is no set time to get
your first period. It may be as late as 16. The average
age is around 12-13 years old.
Will the pubic hair ever stop growing? Never stops
growing, falls out after 6 months growth but continues
to grow for life.
same sex, wet dreams, stress
Social: friendships may change, relationships
may develop, become more independent from
family, interested in others in a sexual way,
pressure from media/other friends.
Spiritual: beliefs/values change, may relate
better to a different culture/religion- change
beliefs for support, coping, trust issues,
Anatomy and function of reproduction in males
and females worksheet.
Students will fill out the male and female
reproductive system with correct labelling of
structures. Students will also place the correct
term next to the function.
10 mins
Menstrual cycle taskStudents will order terms in the correct order of
the 28 day menstrual cycle.
Advantages/disadvantages of tampons/pads next
lesson if students run out of time completing
Conclusion (wrap up)
Question Box- students to fill in any questions
they have and pop into the confidential question
box to be answered in class next lesson.
T to go over answers of anatomy terms and functions.
T to discuss order of menstrual cycle with students
Tampons: Advantages: can swim, shower, and bathe with
a tampon in place and they are discreet, internal, more
convenient for sport, feel cleaner as the tampon is worn
inside the body.
Disadvantages: at risk for TSS (Toxic shock syndrome) to
prevent this remember to change tampon’s every 4hrs and
never leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours. There is a
higher risk for TSS with higher absorbency tampons
Pads: Advantages: easy to use for first time, comfortable
Disadvantages: Cannot wear them while swimming,
external. Menstrual odour (when menstrual blood comes in
contact with the air)
Question box
Anatomy and function of reproduction in males and females worksheet.
Menstrual cycle worksheet
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?