
Behavioral Biology of Women
Midterm Review
Reproductive success
Sexual dimorphism
Concealed ovulation
Mullerian duct
Wolffian duct
Trivers’ hypothesis
Fluctuating asymmetry
Handicap hypothesis
Sperm competition
Sexy son hypothesis
Graafian follicle
Follicular phase
Luteal phase
HPO axis
HPT axis
LH surge
Granulosa cell
Theca cell
Negative feedback
Corpus luteum
Proliferative phase
Secretory phase
Energy balance
Energy flux
Leydig cells
Sertoli cells
Seminiferous tubules
Polygyny threshold
What to Expect:
Your exam will have 3 parts: terms, short answers, and essays. You have a choice for all
three sections, so pay attention to the instructions. Manage your time!
(a) Terms: define a specific word, like those above (we can use others!) and explain
its significance – why did we make you learn this word? You might have learned
it in more than one lecture- be sure to include its significance in all contexts.
(b) Short answers: typically can be answered in about 4 sentences or so, such as
various hypotheses or contrasting similar concepts. However, we may have you
draw diagrams in the short answer section too.
(c) Essay: integrating concepts. We will try to be specific about what we want, but
you should give as much detail as you can and always use examples, if relevant.
Since the essay will likely be worth a lot of points, you may want to start with
Example topics to review:
1. What are the costs and benefits of sexual reproduction? How did sex evolve?
2. How do humans and apes compare with regard to reproduction? Think both
about mating systems and other aspects of reproduction (interbirth interval, etc.)?
3. What are the three components of sexual selection? What are some theories of
how intersexual choices are made?
4. Define the four “levels of explanation” for traits.
5. Name some key human features which theories of human evolution try to explain.
6. Describe the menstrual cycle, including the hormonal cycle, ovarian cycle, and
endometrial cycle.
7. What are the 4 theories discussed to explain menstruation, which are adaptive and
which are non-adaptive? Think about the pros and cons of each theory.
8. What are the 2 theories advanced to explain the timing of menarche? What
evidence is there for or against each theory?
9. Describe the process of sexual differentiation in males and females. How does
the process of puberty differ in men and women?
10. How does energetic stress influence ovarian function? Think of specific
examples of studies to back this up. Is this dysfunctional?
11. How does energetic stress influence testicular function? Ovarian function?
12. Types of menstrual taboos/rituals and potential explanations for these (adaptive
and cultural.
13. What are the major roles of Estrogen? Progesterone? Testosterone?
14. How are male and female reproduction analogous (esp. gamete production)?
What are major differences?
15. What factors influence marriage systems cross-culturally?
16. What do we mean by “life history”? How are human life histories different from
those of other animals? What considerations are important in determining
reproductive decisions cross-culturally?
ALL PAPERS ARE FAIR GAME!! Good guideline: if the paper is designed to present a
single study, then be able to describe it and its significance (i.e., what principle does it
demonstrate). If the paper is a review that cites many, many examples then the specific
examples are not as important as the theory or hypotheses being presented.