Multimedia-Question Bank-2013

Chapter – 1
Q1. List the multi media devices and used for video conferencing and explain any 4 ?
Q2. Why traditional input devices are not suitable for multimedia system ?
Q3. State the use of digitizer in multimedia system?
Q4. List and state functions of 4 input and ouput devices for multimedia system ?
Q5. State the use of electronic pen in multimedia system ?
Q6. Draw and explain block diagram of electronic pen ?
Q7. List types of scanner?Describe flat band scanner ?
Q8. State use of scanner in multimedia system ?
Q9. State the use of Digital camera in multimedia system ?
Q10. Draw block diagram of component of digital camera ?
Q11. List and state function of 4 output devices for multimedia system ?
Q12. Define and list display terminology ?
Q13. Define trad,pixel,video bandwidth ,barrel distortion,pixel,roping etc ?
Q14. Explain laser printing technology with block diagram ?
Q15. Describe with block diagram of dye sublimation printer ?
Q16. Describe holographic image and it use ?
Q17. Describe voice commands and voice synthesis ?
Q18. Write short note on HDTV/UDTV ?
Q19. List and describe different optical media technology ?
Q20. Explain mini disk technology ? Give meaning of
Q21. Describe the operation of LCD ?
Q22. Differentiate between printing technology ?
Q23. List different video display technology ?
Q24. What is hypermedia documents ?
Q25. List and describe multimedia element ?
Q26. List and describe object of multimedia system ?
Q27. Explain multimedia system architecture ?
Q28. Describe the RAD technology with it selection criteria ?
Q29. State use of following details in multimedia system :
a. Digital Camera
b. Scanner c. Electronic Pen d. Digitizer ?
Q30. Define optical media ? List different technologies used in optical storage media ?
Expalin mini disk technology ?
Q31. Draw and describe block diagram and components of digital camera ?
Q32. Write short note on Digital signal processing ?
Q33. List and describe evolving technology of multimedia system ?
(HINT : Hypermedia document,Hyper speechHDTV/UDTV,3d technology &
Holography,Fuzzy logic)
Q34. Describe DSP architecture and application ?
Q35. List and describe application of multimedia ?
Chapter – 2
Q1. Explain multimedia system architecture with its block diagram ?
Q2. Describe need of synchronization ?
Q3. What is need of synchronization in multimedia application ?
Q4. Describe synchronization related to multimedia system ?
Q5. Explain concept of orchestration ?
Q6. Describe QOS architecture and describe 4 approach used in high speed network to
gaurantee QOS architecture ?
Q7. Explain frame of DMS with diagram ?
Q8. Describe MIS,MCS, related to DMS ?
Q9. Describe following modes in detail :
a. multimedia information model
b. multimedia distributed processing model
c. multimedia conferencing model
d. multimedia network model
Q10. Describe briefly scripting language and conference service of multimedia ?
Q11. Explain multimedia system architecture ?
Q1.What benefits are achieved by using compression in multimedia system ?
Q2. Describe lossless compression with one real life example ?
Q3. List and describe different types of compression technique ?
Q4. Justify necessity of compression ?
Q5. Write short note on color,gray scale, and still compression ?
Q6. List and describe different color model detail ?
Q7. Draw block diagram of video compression technique ?
Q8. Explain transform coding video compression technique ?
Q9. Compare simple and predictive compression technique on the basis of
implementation issues,speed of compression and decompression ,performance
name atleast one method of each ?
Q10. Explain any two simple compression technique ?
Q11. Describe simple video compression technique ?
Q12. Write jpeg and its requirement ?
Q13. Describe jpeg standard ?
Q14. Describe over view of jpeg component ?
Q15. Describe jpeg methodology ?
Q16. Describe quantization related to jpeg ?
Q17. Describe with figure zigzag sequencing ?
Q18. Describe entropy related to jpeg ?
Q19. Write full form of RTF,TIFF,RIFF ?
Q20. Describe the structure of the TIFF file format ?
Q21. Describe TIFF architecture with diagram ?
Q22. List and describe TIFF tags ?
Q23. Explain RIFF file format ?
Q24. List and describe different chunts with diagram ?
Q25. Describe organization of RIFF chunts ?
Q26. Compare RIFF and all file format ?
Q27. Draw and explain sequential encoding jpeg image compression technique ?
Q28. List any four objective of jpeg ?
Q29. Explain DCT encoding,quantization,zigzag sequencing ?
Q30. Discuss MPEG file format ?
Q31. Describe I,B,P and D picture related to mpeg encoding ?
Q32. Explain mpeg architecture and different kind of picture used with neat sketch ?
Q33. Describe Bit stream format of mpeg ?
Q34. State the goals of jpeg ?
Q35. What benefit are achieved by using compression in multimedia system ?
Chapter -4
Q1. Describe multimedia authority system ? List different types of multimedia user
compare them ?
Q2. Describe dedicated multimedia authority system ?
Q3. Describe display resolution and file format and data compression issuses related to
multimedia authority ?
Q4. Discuss service deradation policies related to multimedia authoring system ?
Q5. Describe time line based authoring with neat block diagram ?
Q6. Which factor to be considered while designning interactive user interface ?
Q7. Which steps are crucial for designing a hyper media system ?
Q8. Explain navigation methhod for information access ?
Q9. How to design an interactive yser inteface ?
Q10.Explain the use of metaphor for operations ?
Q11. How does the telephone metaphor differ from VCR metaphor for voice capture ?
Q12. What a role a computer can play in telephone authoring system ?
Q13. Discuss the object display issues ?
Q14. Describe zooming an scalling related to object display and play back issues in
multimedia authoring an user interface ?
Q15. State image display issues in multimedia authoring system ?
Q16. Describe in brief video frame intrleaving ?
Q17. Explain models of a timeline based multimedia authoring system ?
Q1. List components of distributed multimedia system ?
Q2. Describe component of distributed multimedia system?
Q3. Explain server and client in distributed client server operations with diagram and also
list its advantages ?
Q4. Explain distributed client server operation with its block diagram ?
Q5. Describe distributed client operation in distributed work group computing ?
Q6. Describe distributed sever operation in distributed work group computing ?
Q7. Describe search browse retreve update function in distributed client server operation?
Q8. State role of middleware in distributed multimedia operation ?
Q9. Define middleware and listy its four functions relate to distributed computing ?
Q10. Describe the role of data processing server and full motion video server ?
Q11. Describe role of data processing sever , imaging and still video server ?
Q12. Discuss RAD technology for mass storage for multimedia server ?
Q13. Write a short note on multi user toplogies ?
Q14. State and explain two topologies used for multimedia n/w ?
Q15. State 4 topologies used for multi server n/w ?
Q16. Describe what is object linking and embedding ? state difference between them ?
Q17. Discuss RAID technology for mass storage for multimedia server ?
Q18. Discuss component of DMS ?
Q19. Explain different multi server n/w topoogies ?
Q20. Discuss different issues related to data base organization for multimedia system ?
Chapter – 6