Shear Behavior and Strength of SRCS Beam-Column Joints Budi Suswanto1,* , Cheng-Cheng Chen2, Keng-Ta Lin3 Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, ITS Surabaya, Indonesia Former Ph.D. candidate, Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 2 Professor, Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan 3 Former Ph.D. candidate, Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan * Corresponding author: 1 Abstract Four large-scale beam-column subassemblies were fabricated and tested under cyclic loading to investigate the shear behavior of steel reinforced concrete column-steel beam (SRCS) beam-column joints. In the design of beam-column joints, there are two types of column sections; they are continuously built-in crossing and single H-sections; with adjacent flanges of column being connected by diaphragm plate in a joint at the level of the beam flanges. To facilitate the analysis of the shear behavior and strength of the beam column joints, these systems were designed in such a way that the joints are likely to fail first. Experimental and analytical studies have been carried out to estimate the structural performance of the designed joints and to predict shear strength of beam-column joints with two-side and single-side force inputs by using strength superposition method and modified softened strut-and-tie method. Experimental results from SRCS beam-column subassemblies showed that: (1) the strength superposition method and modified softened strut-and-tie method were able to estimate the SRCS beam–column joint shear strength with reasonable accuracy; (2) increased depth of sectional steel leads to a higher shear strength for the beam-column joint; (3) a combination of corner stirrups and shaped steel cross-sections was able to provide sufficient lateral support to longitudinal steel bars and adequate confinement to the concrete in the joint to replace the need for closed hoops; and (4) significant yielding and shear deformation are experienced by the web of steel sections and large web shear deformation is considered to be the main cause of fracture in beam flange-to-column flange welds. Keywords: steel reinforced concrete column-steel beam (SRCS), beam-column joints, shear behavior, strength superposition method, modified softened strut-and-tie method. 1. Introduction With the fast advances in construction technologies, the concrete-steel composite structural system produces a building with advantages which include both the stiffness of reinforced concrete and the strength of structural steel. An additional merit of the concrete-encased composite structural members is that the concrete also protects the steel section from fire damage and local buckling failure. In this research, steel reinforced concrete (SRC) column and structural steel beams were chosen to create a new type of beam-to-column connection. The steel beam was selected because of the convenience in construction. The reason for using the SRC column is to take advantage of its fire resistance, structural stiffness, and higher strength. In Taiwan, new buildings constructed with SRC structures have gradually increased since Ji-Ji earthquake in 1999. Statistics showed that the majority of the collapse buildings were constructed with reinforced concrete. Steel reinforced concrete column-steel beam (SRCS) structural members are composed of concrete, a cross-sectional steel shape, longitudinal steel bars, and transverse steel bars for column and structural steel for beam sections. The beam-column joints of SRCS moment resisting frames (MRFs) bear significant shearing forces when subjected to earthquake type loading. Thus, the shear design of beam-column joints is an important aspect in the seismic design of SRCS MRFs. Figure 1 Types of beam-column joints Beam Beam Beam Column Column Column Beam Beam (a) Interior joint (c) Exterior joint II (b) Exterior joint I Column Column Beam Beam (e) Corner joint II (d) Corner joint I Reinforced concrete (RC) beam-column joints are classified by ACI-ASCE 352 (1985) as interior joints, two types of exterior joints, and two types of corner joints as shown in Figure 1. The existing RC beam column-joint classification method is adopted for SRCS structures, because SRCS beamcolumn joints possess many similarities in behavior with RC joints. In this study, four large-scale SRCS beam-column subassemblies were fabricated and tested under cyclic loading conditions to investigate joint shear behavior. The applicability of the joint shear strength evaluation method with two-side and single-side force inputs to these joints was examined. Based on the test results and utilizing the concept of strength superposition and modified softened strut-and-tie method, a joint shear strength evaluation method was proposed and shown to estimate joint shear strength. 2. Experimental Program 2.1 Test Specimens The systems detailed in Table 1 consisted of four SRCS beam-column subassemblies which included three Type II corner joints and one Type II exterior joint. Table 1 Test specimen matrix Column Specimen Beam Joint type Member Steel Member Steel type shape type shape SRCS-XH1 SRC XH1 Steel H5 Corner II SRCS-H2 SRC H2 Steel H6 Corner II SRCS-H3 SRC H3 Steel H7 Corner II SRCS-H4 SRC H4 Steel H8 Exterior II The subassemblies, along with boundary and loading conditions, are designed to simulate part of a frame subjected to an earthquake-induced moment. In this research, it will be contrary with actual design in the field. In order to facilitate the analysis of the behavior and shear strength of the beamcolumn joints, these systems were designed in such a way that the joints are likely to fail first. There are two kinds of column sections. For Type II corner joints (SRCS-XH1, SRCS-H2, and SRCS-H3), the dimensions of the SRC column sections were 500 mm 500 mm and for Type II exterior joints (SRCS-H4), the dimensions of the SRC column sections was 480 mm 480 mm. H1, H2, H3, and H4 were ASTM A36 hot rolled shapes. H5, H6, H7, and H8 were ASTM A572 Grade 50 built-up shapes. 2 (a) SRC-XH1 (b) SRC-XH1-TB #10 Position A1 #4 @ 120 #10 #4 @ 120 Position A2 #10 longitudinal steel bars and #4 transverse hoops were used for all SRC columns. The steel bars Corner stirrup Corner stirrup used were rated ASTM SD420, D32 with a nominal yield stress of 412 MPa. The joint area specimen details are indicated in Figure 2. For the SRC column, corner stirrups were used in the joint rather than the Corner closedstirrup hoops to provide both lateral #10 support toCorner the longitudinal steel bars and confinement of the stirrup #10 concrete. Ld = 280 Ld = 450 2 Detail of specimens in the joint area (d) SRC-XH2-A2 400 400 (c) SRC-XH2 Figure #10 #10 H300x120x19x32 H500x160x19x32 Corner stirrup Corner stirrup XH390x180x6x20 XH390x180x6x20 480 (b) SRC-XH-TB (a) SRC-XH Corner stirrup SRCS-XH1 (a) (e) SRCS-XH1 Position A1 (f) SRCS-H2 (b) SRCS-H2 Corner stirrup #10 #10 XH396x199x7x11 H500x120x19x32 400 180 H300x160x19x32 Corner stirrup H390x180x6x20 H390x180x6x20 480 480 Continuity plate t = 32 (d) SRC-H-SB (d) (e)SRCS-H4 S-XH2 SRCS-H3 (c)(g) SRCS-H3 (c) SRC-H 2.2 Test Setup and Procedure The test setup for Type II corner joints is delineated in Figure 3. The column of the specimen was clamped to a floor beam that was tied down to a strong floor. The top end of the specimen beam was connected to a servo-controlled actuator with a capacity of 1000 kN. Figure 3 Test setup for Type II corner joints Strong wall Actuator Connector P, LVDT + Beam Clamp Clamp Horizontal Support Lb Specimen Load cell hc Jack Column Floor beam Lc Strong floor 3. Test Results and Analysis 3.1 Test Results The test results of all specimens are listed in Table 2 and the concrete crack patterns that evolved in all specimens during testing are shown in Figure 4. 3 Table 2 Test results for all specimens P Specimen + + peak peak P - - peak peak Pt Sudden (kN) (%) (kN) (%) (kN) load drop SRCS-XH1 +214.0 +2.57 -173.8 -1.91 214.0 1st +4% SRCS-H2 +383.8 +2.00 -345.0 -1.98 383.8 1st +4% SRCS-H3 +292.9 +3.22 -280.4 -3.84 292.9 2nd +4% SRCS-H4 +243.0 +2.96 -242.0 -2.00 243.0 - Figure 4 Crack patterns of specimens at peak load (a) SRCS-XH1 (b) SRCS-H2 (c) SRCS-H3 (d) SRCS-H4 The bending moment of the beam at the column face, Mbeam, is defined by M beam Pt Lb …………………………………… (1) The column shear force, Vcol, can be obtained using Eq. (2): Vcol h Pt Lb c 2 Lc ……………………………………. (2) The joint shear strength, Vt, is defined by Vt Vb Vcol ……………………………………. 4 (3) Table 3 Joint shear strength of the specimens fc' Pt M beam V col Vb Vt (MPa) (kN) (kN m) (kN) (kN) (kN) SRCS-XH1 28.0 214.0 511.5 214.0 2353 2139 SRCS-H2 27.2 383.8 917.2 383.8 2264 1917 SRCS-H3 25.3 292.9 700.0 292.9 1727 1462 SRCS-H4 33.8 243.0 313.0 243.0 1198 2179 Specimen 3.2 Shear Strength Evaluation Method 3.2.1 Strength Superposition Method 1) Shear Strength Contributed by Structural Steel Shapes According to AISC-LRFD (2005) specifications, the shear strength provided by the web is given as Vsw 0.6 Fyw d c t w ………………………………… … (4) where Fyw is the yield stress of the column web, dc is column depth, and tw is column web thickness. From test results result, it was revealed that shearing forces applied to longitudinal flanges in the joint during load testing may reach the yield stress; therefore Eq. (5) was proposed to evaluate the shear strength provided by the two parallel longitudinal flanges. 2 …………………………… (5) Vslf 2 0.6 Fyf b f t f 3 where Fyf is the yield stress of the column flange, bf is width of column flange, and tf is column flange thickness. 2) Shear Strength Contributed by Reinforced Concrete The shear strength contribution of reinforced concrete is calculated pursuant to ACI-318-05 (2005) stipulations. The following expressions can be used to calculate the joint shear strength: (6) Vrc f c ' A j .................................................................... where = 1.67 for joints confined on all four faces, = 1.25 for joints confined on three faces or on two opposite faces, = 1.00 for all other types of joints, f c ' is the specified compressive strength of the concrete (MPa) and Aj is effective area of the joint (mm2). 3.2.2 Modified Softened Strut-and-Tie Method A softened strut-and-tie (SST) method, satisfying equilibrium, compatibility, and constitutive laws of cracked reinforced concrete, has been proposed for determining the shear strengths of beamcolumn joints by Hwang and Lee (1999). For SRCS beam-column joints, softened strut-and-tie method was modified to consider the presence of longitudinal web of steel shape at joint. The total effective area of the diagonal strut can be calculated as summation of contribution of reinforced concrete and longitudinal web. Furthermore, the contribution of longitudinal flanges to the shear strength (Vslf) can be obtained using Eq.(5). The procedure to calculate shear strength predictions using modified softened strut-and-tie method was cited in author’s dissertation report (Chen & Budi, 2009). 3.2.3 Collated Shear Strength Predictions of Beam-Column Joints The evaluation methods to predict shear strength of SRCS beam-column joints can be explained as follows: 1. Strength superposition method (ACI + AISC + Vslf) RC component is calculated from ACI code. The shear strength for SRCS beam-column joints is calculated as the sum: Vsrc Vrc Vsw Vslf …………………………………… (7) 2. Partial composite method (SST(concrete and longitudinal web) + Vslf) 5 RC and longitudinal web components are calculated from SST method. Vsrc Vrc sw( SST ) Vslf ………………………….. (8) Table 4 Collated shear strength predictions using strength superposition method Reinforced concrete portion Specimen Joint type Steel portion fc' bi bo V rc V sw V slf V src Vt (MPa) (mm) (mm) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) V t /V src SRCS-XH1 Corner II 1.00 28.0 120 297 631 414 358 1403 2139 1.52 SRCS-H2 Corner II 1.00 27.2 160 260 688 617 0 1305 1917 1.47 SRCS-H3 Corner II 1.00 25.3 120 300 604 340 0 944 1462 1.55 SRCS-H4 Exterior II 1.00 33.8 180 220 748 695 0 1443 2179 1.51 Average = 1.51 COV = 0.02 Table 5 Collated shear strength predictions using partial composite method Specimen Joint type A str mm 2 C d,n V slf V src Vt kN (kN) kN (kN) K V t /V src SRCS-XH1 Corner II 1.00 109883 1.21 1929 358 1909 2139 1.12 SRCS-H2 Corner II 1.00 119354 1.21 2039 0 1336 1917 1.43 SRCS-H3 Corner II 1.00 103955 1.23 1680 0 1046 1462 1.40 SRC-H-SB Exterior II 1.00 103000 1.25 2265 0 1816 2179 1.20 Average = 1.29 COV = 0.12 4. Conclusions Based on the experimental and analytical results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) the strength superposition method and modified softened strut-and-tie method were able to estimate the SRCS beam–column joint shear strength with reasonable accuracy; (2) increased depth of sectional steel leads to a higher shear strength for the beam-column joint; (3) a combination of corner stirrups and shaped steel cross-sections was able to provide sufficient lateral support to longitudinal steel bars and adequate confinement to the concrete in the joint to replace the need for closed hoops; and (4) significant yielding and shear deformation are experienced by the web of steel sections and large web shear deformation is considered to be the main cause of fracture in beam flange-to-column flange welds. 5. References ACI-ASCE committee 352 (1985). Recommendations for design of beam-column joints in monolithic reinforced concrete structures, ACI Journal, Proceedings, 82 (3), 266-83. ACI Committee 318 (2005). Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-05) and commentary (ACI 318R-05), Farmington Hills (MI): American Concrete Institute. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) (2005). Specification for structural steel buildings, Chicago (IL): AISC Inc. Chen, C. C., and Suswanto, B. (2009). “Shear behavior and strength of SRC beam-column joints with single-side force inputs,” Dissertation report, Department of Construction Engineering, NTUST, Taiwan, 11-18. Hwang, S. J., and Lee, H. J. (1999). “Analytical model for predicting shear strengths of exterior reinforced concrete beam-column joints for seismic resistance,” ACI Structural Journal, vol. 6(5), 846–857. 6