MDSolids Beam Analysis Tutorial

Brief Tutorial on MDSolids for Beam Analysis
1. Open MDSolids. Note Help tab on left and Modules tab on right of window.
2. Define the cross-section:
a) Click on "Section Properties" icon.
b) From the menu bar, choose the type of cross-section you want (e.g., flanged).
c) Enter the dimension data (be sure to choose your units on this screen).
d) Enter the modulus (you can choose from the drop box if you want).
e) Click "compute" and another window shows you various section geometrical properties. In
this window, click either "y axis properties" or "z axis properties." Click "print" to print
various information about the cross-section.
f) If needed to find properties with respect to another axis, then enter the rotation angle and
click "rotate" and then click "compute."
3. Define the beam length, BC, loads; and determine V&M deagrams plus deflection: Click "back"
on the Section Properties Module window and then click "Determinate Beams" icon.
a) Choose the icon for the type of beam you want (e.g., simply supported).
b) Input length and location of supports (note units!).
c) Click "enter"
d) Click on the icon for the type of load you want.
e) Enter the location and magnitude for the load (note units!). Click "enter."
f) Repeat for as many loads as you want.
g) When you are done with loads, click "Options" on the Beam Diagram Module window.
Choose "shear/moment diagrams", "rotation/deflection diagrams", etc. To get the sign
convention for shear that you want, click the +V box on the shear diagram to change
direction of positive shear on right face. Again note units! To print either set of diagrams,
press "options" and then "print."
h) Note value of shear force and bending moment that might be interest (and their locations).
4. To determine the shear stress and axial stress:
a) Click "back" on the Determinate Beam Module window.
b) Click the Flexure Module icon.
c) On the analysis tab, input the axial force, shear force and bending moment that occurs at the
cross-section (located at x) where you want to determine shear and bending stress.
d) Click the "Normal Stress" button and you will see a picture of the normal stress  xx
distribution. You can use the slider bar on the left of the stress diagram to vary the position
(y) at which the shear stress is calculated. When you move the slider bar (to change y
location), you have to click the stress button so the stress is recomputed at that location.
e) Click the "Shear Stress" button and you will see a picture of the shear stress  xy
distribution. Use the slider bar to determine shear stress at different y location from top to
bottom of cross-section.
5. On almost any window, you can print your results by pressing the print button at the top of the
module window. On the Beam Diagrams Module window, click "Options" first, and then print.