budget builder instructions

Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Table of Contents
Levels of Authorization
III. How to Access The Budget Builder System
IV. Budget Builder Main Menu
Budget Builder Record Selection Form
VI. How to Enter Your Budget Data
VII. How To Add New Customers / Products
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
I. Overview
The Budget Builder program is located on the AS400 and provides live BPCS and budget /
forecast data to all users. The purpose of the system is to facilitate the budget and forecasting
processes that help management and the sales force to monitor their progress against their
goals and to help identify and solve business problems before they arise. This document will
assume for the sake of simplicity that the user is going through the yearly budgeting process,
but all instructions apply equally to the forecast module.
New products and new customers not currently in the BPCS/AS400 environment will need to
be entered into BPCS before they can be added to your budget. We will endeavor to add
customers as requested but it is important to note that credit approval must still be obtained
but is not required for the budget process. Budget Builder provides sales data at the SKU level,
by customer and by Regional Manager. Actual historical sales data is provided by period for
the three fiscal years prior to the current year and YTD through February of the current year.
The data for the balance of the current year (the March-June periods) is the output of the last
forecast. Please note that sales pounds / kilograms and sales dollars / euro are displayed in
thousands to one decimal place and selling price two decimal places.
II. Levels Of Authorization
There are four levels of authorization:
Level One – review all sales budgets, cannot make any changes at this level.
Level Two – Regional Manager level, access to develop and review your sales
budget only.
Level Three – Regional Manager with direct reports, access to develop and review
your own sales budget and review direct reports.
Level Four – The Business Unit level allows the user to change data for all records
tied to that business unit. Business Unit managers who also have regional manager
responsibility will of course be able to make changes to their own accounts as well
whether they are tied to their business unit or not.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
III. How To Access The Budget Builder System
Budget Builder is accessible from anywhere in the world through the internet. Type the
address http://www.troycorp.com/BudgetBuilder/ into your Microsoft Internet Explorer to
access the Budget Builder Web Page. Bookmark it for future use. The web page will look like
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Select External (if you are not inside the office or logged into the VPN) or Internal (if you are in
the office or are logged into the VPN) to access the Budget Builder program. Also, choose
“Large Screen” or “Small Screen” based on your desktop setup. “Large Screen” is the
preferred setting and will allow you to view the entire Budget Builder screen on your monitor. If
you choose the “Small Screen” setting you may have to scroll up and down and left and right to
see the entire Budget Builder screen.
Once you choose your access link, you will need to go through a double login process in order to
enter your data and run reports. The double logon is necessary to protect sensitive company
The first login that appears is your regular network login:
Login # 1: Sign in using your normal Troy network user ID and password
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Enter your regular user ID and password and click enter. This will take you to login #2, the
Budget Builder login. The second login screen will look like this:
Login # 2: Sign in using your normal Troy network user ID and the password “troycorp”
For this login you will need to use your regular user ID just as you did in the first login, but here
you use the password “troycorp”.
After entering your user ID and the password “troycorp”, mouse click OK button and the
system will take you to the main menu which is called “Budget Builder - Processing Options”.
NB: The system will only allow two password errors! If you put in the wrong password three
times in a row the system will disable your BPCS account and you will have to contact Gregg
Savoy to get it reactivated!!
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
IV. Budget Builder Main Menu
Three buttons appear on the main menu (also called the “Processing Options” Menu). The
rest of this document will assume that the user has selected the “Budget” Button, but the user
will find the exact same screens and use the same instructions for the Forecast area of the
1) Budget - This button provides access to the Budget Input area of the system. This
button only works during the budget cycle (March – May of each year, roughly). The
rest of the year this button is grayed out and is unavailable.
2) Forecast – This button provides access to the Forecast Input area of the system. This
button is grayed out and unavailable during the budget cycle, but is active during
forecast events.
3) Reporting – This button provides access to the Reporting area of the system and takes
the user to the report selector interface. For a detailed explanation of the reporting
system, please see the “Budget Builder Reporting System Instructions” available from
the online help menu.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Mouse click on the “Budget” button to access the Record Selection Form where you will select
which records you want to review and edit.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
V. Budget Builder Record Selection Form
Clicking on the “Budget” button on the Main menu will take you to Budget Builder Record
Selection Form shown below.
As you can see in the screen shot above, users can now maximize the screen.
The fields shown in the Record Selection Form above are defined as follows:
Company – This is a drop down box where you must select the Troy Company where you
have records that you want to review. Many sales managers will only have records in one
Troy Company, but several have customers in multiple legal entities.
Radio Button – The three “buttons” (Regional Manager, Customer Business Unit and Product
Business Unit) are called “radio buttons”. One of these must be selected before you can click
the “Find Records” button and start your input. If you are a regional manager, click on the
button next to “Regional Manager”. If you are a Business Unit Manager and you wish to
review to the input of the sales force for your products or customers, then click the appropriate
radio button.
Regional Manager/Customer BU/Product BU – Make your selection from the drop down menu.
The choices you will see in this drop down menu will depend on your radio button selection.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Select Customer – Select Customer by highlighting the “All” option or individual customer by
name and number. Customers are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll to your selection.
Select Product SKU - Select Product SKU by mouse click on All or individual product. Scroll to
your selection.
Review Status – Select the Review Status item that you want to view. Your choices are All, Not
Reviewed, Accept, Accept/Changed and Accept/Return.
Statistics Overview Box – Provides statistics for, Total Number of Product SKUs, Number of
Product SKUs to Review, Number of Product to SKUs Accept/Return, Number of Product
SKUs Accepted and Number of Product SKUs Accepted/Changed. This status box will
constantly change as you go through the budgeting process.
Find Records Button – This button will take you to the Budget Builder Maintenance screen and
will show the records you selected. The Budget Builder Maintenance screen is where you will
enter your budget data.
Add Records Button – This button will take you to the Budget Builder Add New Record screen.
Reset Selection Button – This button as indicated will reset all selections to blank.
Complete Button – This button is to be used when the sales manager has made all the
changes to their records they wish to make and want to signal the management and the
Budget Team that they are done budgeting without having to click “accept” on every single
After selecting your choices on this screen, click the “Find Records” button to access the
Budget Builder Maintenance Screen that will allow you to enter budget data. If you need to
add a new product to an existing customer account, then click on the “Add Records” button.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
VI. How To Enter Your Budget Data
This section is divided into two parts. Part A is a quick reference containing the four main tips
to keep in mind when entering your budget data. Part B contains detailed instructions on how
to enter data and detailed explanations of what each part of the maintenance window means.
Part A: Four Simple Tips For Entering Your Budget Data
1. Enter Data Only In Yellow Boxes: Budget Builder only allows data to be entered in yellow
2. Enter Data In Actual Units: Suppose that the July forecast in row “2005F” shows sales of
1.2. Placing your mouse pointer over that field reveals a pop up that indicates that the
absolute number entered was 1178 pounds. You do not agree. You think it is going to be
2886 pounds. To correct the forecast, click on the July period in the “2005” row
immediately below and enter 2886. When done, press tab or click on another yellow cell to
get out of the cell you are in. The cell you just modified will then display 2.9, though it too
will show a pop up indicating 2886 if you place your cursor over it.
3. Enter Prices In All Periods: Budget Builder requires a price in every price field, regardless
of whether there are sales in the period. Make sure you enter a price.
4. Hit “Accept” or “Accept / Return” When Done: When you are done entering your data for
any customer / SKU combination, hit “Accept” if you done, or “Accept / Return” if you know
that you want to revisit your decisions on that customer / SKU combination later.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Part B: Detailed Budget Entry Instructions
After making your selections on the Budget Builder Selection Form and clicking “Find Record”,
the Maintenance screen appears, as shown below. This is the screen where you enter your
budget data.
The header of the Maintenance screen provides the information of your selection. You will note
the comments area highlighted in yellow to type in any relevant comments. At the top right
corner are the following buttons: Back, Next, Add, Accept, Accept/Return, Back to Selection,
First and Last.
Sales information breakdown is provided in three separate sections, sales pounds, selling
price per pound and sales dollars. Sales pounds are displayed in thousands to one decimal
place, selling price two decimal places, and sales dollars in thousands to one decimal place. If
you hold your mouse pointer over a number a box will appear with the absolute number.
NB: Remember to enter your data in whole numbers!! If you think you will sell 1885 pounds in
a period, enter 1885 in the box, not 1.9!! When you enter 1885, the box will DISPLAY 1.9, but
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
the REAL number (the 1885) is what is recorded in the system and used to calculate the
All sales information is provided by period for the fiscal year. The column headings indicate the
month, the period number and the number of weeks per period. Weeks per quarter are 4-4-5
and you should budget your sales accordingly.
For the budget process you will be provided with the following rows of data for both unit
volume and price per unit on the Maintenance screen:
Historical Sales: Sales data by period for the three fiscal years prior to the current year
and YTD through February of the current year. The March-June periods for the current
year use the data from the last forecast.
Computer Forecast Suggestion For Current Year: The row underneath the current year
actual/forecast contains the computer forecast for the current year. This is computed
using a seasonality index and a simple formula. It is there for your reference as you
evaluate potential changes to the record. Sales with no historical trend, such as
recently new customers, new products, and product changeovers may distort the 2005F
and 2005B. To prevent significant distortions and overstating the forecast we
implemented the simple rule, if sales pounds increase more than 100 percent then
increase the 2005F and 2005B by 10 percent. We chose 10 percent so not to grossly
distort the forecast, which are used as a comparison to your final budget.
Current Year Budget Entry: This yellow row is where you enter your actual budget.
When you first open the record, this row is set to equal the computer forecast row above
it. You can either accept the computer forecast or change it. Make the appropriate
changes if you do not agree with the forecast provided. Columns to the right side of the
spreadsheet provide YTD February totals and percent change and total year YTD totals
and percent change.
Seasonality Index (Units Section Only): This row shows the seasonality of the sales of
this product to this customer over the past couple of years, it is used to help calculate
the computer forecast.
To Budget A Record: Simply type over whatever is in the cell with what you believe will
happen. When done, you can hit the “accept” button in the upper right hand corner. This logs
the change into the system. You can change the record again by simply making another
change and hitting “accept” again. The “accept / return” button does the same thing as the
accept button (it causes the system to record the data), but it shows up in the statistics section
on the Record Selection Form as an “accepted / return” record. This button is a signal to
management that you may return to this record and adjust it again before the budget process
is over. When the budget deadline arrives all records should have been accepted, and none
should be flagged “accept / return.”
NB #1: Remember, you can only enter data in YELLOW cells. That means that you can only
enter data in three rows:
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
Current Year Units
Current Year Price
The Sales Dollar / Euro / GBP section is CALCULATED by the system based upon your unit
volume and price entries. This section is there to help check your work, you do not enter any
data here!!
NB #2: A price must be entered for every cell in the “Current Year Price” row regardless of
what is in the “Current Year Units” budget row.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
How To Add New Customers / Products
If you want to budget sales of brand new products, or sales to brand new customers( or some
other combination where no budget record currently exists), you need to take action in order to
get these sales budgeted. The actions required will differ depending on the exact situation or
scenario you are in. The different scenarios are:
Customer / Product Scenarios
Brand New
1 and 2
Scenario #1: Selling Brand New Products To Existing Customers
To add brand new products, it must exist in the Product Master file. To add a new product to
the product master file, it must go through the staged gate product development process and
be assigned a SKU number. Please contact the appropriate person in the chart below:
For USA: Richard Nafesh
For Europe: Johan Van Oosteram
To add a new product or new customer it must already exist in the BPCS/AS400 system. If it
does not exist you have to go through the proper protocol of new product / customer approval
and system set up.
Once this is done go to the instructions for Scenario 3 to complete the budgeting process.
Scenario #2: Selling Existing Products To Brand New Customers
Adding brand new customers is simpler than adding brand new products.
customers, please contact the appropriate person in the chart below:
To add new
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
For USA: Marie Marabuto
For Canada: Indra Mangru
For Europe: Fenny Susanti
Once this is done go to the instructions for Scenario 3 to complete the budgeting process.
Scenario 1 and 2: Selling Brand New Products To A Brand New Customer
This is rare, but it happens. In this case, you must follow the instructions for scenarios 1 and 2
simultaneously, hopefully in close contact with senior sales management and product
Once this is done go to the instructions for Scenario 3 to complete the budgeting process.
Scenario #3: New Sales of Existing Products To Existing Customers
If you plan on selling an existing product to a customer who has never bought that product
before, then you can use the “Add Record” function in Budget Builder to create a record. The
“Add Record” Button can be reached from either the Record Selection Form or the
Maintenance Form.
Clicking on the “Add Record” button will take you to the “New Record” screen shown below.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation
This screen works very much like the Maintenance screen. The main differences are that here
there is no history (since it is a new record) and you are able to choose both the customer and
the SKU you wish to budget.
Confidential: Property of Troy Corporation