Chapter 5 System Functions — ACMS

Advanced Control and Management System
User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
© Gorilla Technology Group, May 2011.
No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior written permission.
The information contained in this document is based on sources believed to be reliable.
However, as no independent verification is possible, Gorilla Technology Group gives no
warranty that the said base sources are correct and accept no responsibility for any
resultant errors contained herein and any damage or loss, howsoever caused, suffered by
any individual or corporation.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 System Introduction and Architecture Description .............................. 1
1.1 SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................... 2
1.3 SYSTEM SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE REQUIREMENT........................................................ 2
Chapter 2 System Function Description - Login .................................................. 3
2.1 USING AN APPLIED ACCOUNT TO LOGIN ........................................................................... 3
2.2 TO LOGIN WITHOUT AN APPLIED ACCOUNT ...................................................................... 4
2.3 LOGIN ERROR ................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3 System Function- ACMS Monitor Screen............................................ 6
3.1 ACMS MONITOR MAIN SCREEN....................................................................................... 6
3.2 REAL-TIME VIDEO RETRIEVAL .......................................................................................... 7
3.3 HISTORICAL VIDEO RETRIEVAL ...................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 System Function — ACMS Geographic Information Window ........ 21
4.1 ACMS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION MAIN SCREEN INTERFACE ...................................... 21
4.2 DESCRIPTION OF MAP INFORMATION .............................................................................. 22
4.3 DEVICE INFORMATION AND REAL-TIME VIDEO DISPLAY ................................................ 26
4.4 MAP LAYER LIST FEATURES ........................................................................................... 28
Chapter 5 System Functions — ACMS Management Window .......................... 29
5.1 ACMS MANAGEMENT WINDOW MAIN SCREEN INTERFACE ........................................... 29
5.2 EVENT MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................... 30
5.3 REAL-TIME EVENT LIST .................................................................................................. 35
5.4 USAGE LOG .................................................................................................................... 39
5.5 VERIFICATION FOR USER ACCOUNT APPLICATION........................................................... 41
5.6 USER MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 44
5.7 DEVICE MANAGEMENT FUNCTION.................................................................................. 48
5.8 DEVICE GROUP FUNCTION .............................................................................................. 57
5.9 ENVIRONMENT SETTING ................................................................................................. 62
Chapter 6 Software Version................................................................................. 64
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic Index
LOGIN WINDOW ...................................................................................................................... 3
LOCAL MACHINE START SETTING WINDOW ................................................................... 3
ACCOUNT APPLICATION FLOW ........................................................................................... 4
ENTER ACCOUNT/ PASSWORD ERROR .............................................................................. 5
MAIN SCREEN OF ACMS MONITOR .................................................................................... 6
REAL-TIME VIDEO RETRIEVAL FUNCTION ....................................................................... 7
ALL DEVICE LIST DISPLAY MODE SELECTION ................................................................ 7
DEVICE SEARCH FLOW ......................................................................................................... 8
REFRESH DEVICE LIST .......................................................................................................... 8
BASIC INFORMATION OF EVERY DEVICE ......................................................................... 9
ADDING CAMERAS TO THE SPLIT DISPLAY WINDOWS ............................................... 10
STOP VIDEO PLAYBACK IN THE SPLIT DISPLAY WINDOW ..........................................11
SINGLE VIDEO PLAYBACK WINDOW ............................................................................... 12
4 SPLIT-WINDOWS VIDEO PLAYBACK ........................................................................... 12
6 SPLIT-WINDOWS VIDEO PLAYBACK ........................................................................... 13
9 SPLIT-WINDOWS VIDEO PLAYBACK ........................................................................... 13
13 SPLIT-WINDOWS VIDEO PLAYBACK ......................................................................... 14
16 SPLIT-WINDOWS VIDEO PLAYBACK ......................................................................... 14
FULL-SCREEN VIDEO PLAYBACK ................................................................................... 15
CAMERA REMOTE CONTROLLER FUNCTION DESCRIPTION.................................... 16
DEVICE ANOMALY WARNING ICON ............................................................................... 16
HISTORICAL VIDEO RETRIEVAL...................................................................................... 17
HISTORICAL VIDEO RETRIEVAL PLAYBACK WINDOW ............................................. 18
PLAYBACK TOOL BAR ....................................................................................................... 18
SAVING THE HISTORICAL VIDEO IMAGE SNAPSHOT FILE ....................................... 19
SAVING THE RECORDED HISTORICAL VIDEO FILE .................................................... 20
ACMS GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION MAIN SCREEN ..................................................... 21
SCALE BAR AND CORRESPONDING DEVICE SIZE ........................................................ 22
ACMS LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE VALUE COLUMN .................................................. 22
MAP SWITCHING MODE ...................................................................................................... 22
BIRD'S EYE VIEW MAP FUNCTION .................................................................................... 23
ACTIVATE THE PIVA CAM DISPLAY FUNCTION ............................................................. 24
ACTIVATE THE REAL-TIME EVENT ALERT FUNCTION................................................. 25
VIEW THE DEVICE INFORMATION .................................................................................... 26
REAL-TIME VIDEO DISPLAY ............................................................................................... 27
VIEW THE DEVICES ON THE MAP ................................................................................... 27
ACMS MANAGEMENT WINDOW MAIN SCREEN ............................................................ 29
ACTIVATE THE EVENT MANAGEMENT FUNCTION....................................................... 30
EVENT MANAGEMENT INTERFACE .................................................................................. 30
CHANGE EVENT STATUS ..................................................................................................... 31
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
EVENT STATUS MARKING RULE ....................................................................................... 31
SELECT THE DESIRED EVENT ITEMS TO BE FORWARDED ......................................... 32
EVENT SMS FORWARDING .................................................................................................. 32
EVENT EMAIL FORWARDING ............................................................................................. 32
DELETING EVENTS ............................................................................................................... 33
WARNING MESSAGE FOR NOT SELECTING AN EVENT .............................................. 33
EVENT DETAIL INFORMATION ......................................................................................... 34
ACTIVATE THE REAL-TIME EVENT LIST FUNCTION................................................... 35
REAL-TIME EVENT SEARCH RESULT LIST INTERFACE ............................................. 35
EVENT DETAIL INFORMATION......................................................................................... 36
REAL-TIME SMS FORWARDING ....................................................................................... 36
REAL-TIME EVENT EMAIL FORWARDING ..................................................................... 37
DELETING REAL-TIME EVENTS....................................................................................... 37
REFRESHING THE REAL-TIME EVENT LIST .................................................................. 38
REAL-TIME EVENT HAPPENING NOTIFICATION ......................................................... 38
ACTIVATE THE USAGE LOG FUNCTION ......................................................................... 39
SYSTEM USAGE LOG QUERY INTERFACE ..................................................................... 39
THE UNDER VERIFICATION ACCOUNT DATA LIST ...................................................... 41
ACCOUNT APPLICATION BASIC INFORMATION WINDOW ........................................ 42
ADDING THE NEW ACCOUNT APPLICATION DATA ..................................................... 42
FINISHING ADDING THE NEW ACCOUNT APPLICATION ............................................ 43
USER MANAGEMENT FUNCTION .................................................................................... 44
USER MANAGEMENT INTERFACE .................................................................................. 44
USER ACCOUNT SEARCH RESULT LIST ......................................................................... 45
ADDING NEW USER ACCOUNT WINDOW ...................................................................... 46
OPEN THE USER ACCOUNT MODIFICATION WINDOW ............................................... 46
DELETING THE USER ACCOUNT ..................................................................................... 47
ACTIVATE THE DEVICE MANAGEMENT FUCTION ...................................................... 48
DEVICE MANAGEMENT INTERFACE .............................................................................. 48
DEVICE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE DISPLAY MODES ............................................ 49
DEVICE SEARCH OPERATING FLOW .............................................................................. 49
SIMPLE DEVICE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 50
DETAIL DEVICE INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 50
ADDING AN I/O CONTROLLER DEVICE FLOW ............................................................. 51
ADDING AN NVR DEVICE FLOW ..................................................................................... 52
ADDING A NEW IPCAM DEVICE FLOW .......................................................................... 53
I/O CONTROLLER MODIFICATION WINDOW ................................................................ 54
NVR DEVICE MODIFICATION WINDOW ......................................................................... 54
IPCAM DEVICE MODIFICATION WINDOW ..................................................................... 55
DELETING DEVICE FLOW ................................................................................................. 55
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Advanced Control and Management System
ACTIVATE THE DEVICE GROUP FUNCTION .................................................................. 57
DEVICE GROUP INTERFACE ............................................................................................. 57
DEVICE GROUP CONTENT DISPLAY ............................................................................... 58
DEVICE GROUP CONTENT STRUCTURE DISPLAY MODES ........................................ 58
DEVICE GROUP CONTENT SEARCH FLOW .................................................................... 59
SIMPLE DEVICE GROUP CONTENT INFORMATION ..................................................... 59
DETAIL DEVICE GROUP CONTENT INFORMATION ..................................................... 60
ADDING A NEW DEVICE GROUP ...................................................................................... 60
MODIFYING THE DEVICE GROUP ................................................................................... 61
DELETING THE DEVICE GROUP ...................................................................................... 61
ENVIRONMENT SETTING FUNCTION ............................................................................. 62
SCREEN DISPLAY SETTING FUNCTION .......................................................................... 62
DISPLAY SYSTEM STARTUP SETTING WINDOW .......................................................... 63
MONITORING SCREEN WINDOW SETTING FUNCTION .............................................. 63
STORAGE PATH SETTING FUNCTION ............................................................................. 63
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Version Control
Wilson Chen
1st draft
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 1 System Introduction and Architecture
1.1 System Introduction
Gorilla Advanced Control and Management System (ACMS) is an
advanced Video Control, Monitoring and Management System which
integrates different kinds of video sources, like IP camera, DVR, NVR, and
different kinds of devices, like IO control, access control device based on
GIS technology. Through the powerful zooming capabilities which the GIS
digital map provides, users are able to zoom in and zoom out to view the
target area. This function helps users easily monitor the device location on
the map and the images sent back from the deployed devices, so that they
will be able to control the deployed device condition and the real-time
alerts warn of abnormal events detected. In addition, the system supports
historical image retrieval function which provides the flexibility for later
image ingestion process.
Gorilla ACMS is designed to use multi-screen mode (up to 3 screens
at most) which provides users to view and examine the digital map and
camera screen simultaneously. It helps users to quickly adjust
administrative operation settings and eliminate the monitoring oversight
during viewing function switch process.
Gorilla ACMS’s management functions supports Privilege Control
which allows users to set correlated access authority when using camera
screen browsing interface and remote control process. It also provides
easy-to-use operational interface for user to carry out Device Settings,
Event Management, System Using Log Trace functions.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
1.2 System Architecture
CMS Monitoring
Screen Window
CMS Geographic
Support Center
Image Retrieval
Support Center
Support Center
About Gorilla
Image Retrieval
About Gorilla
Real-time Event
About Gorilla
Real-time Event
Using Log
Device Group
1.3 System Software and Hardware Requirement
A. Software Requirement:
1. OS: Mircrosoft windows XP sp3
2. Others: .NET Framework 3.5、DirectX 9.0
B. Hardware Requirement:
1. CPU: Intel(R) Quad Core CPU
2. RAM: 4 GB
3. Hard Disk Capacity: 1 TB
4. VGA Card: NVidia Quadro NVS 420
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 2 System Function Description - Login
Double click the
icon on the desktop to activate Gorilla ACMS.
2.1 Using an Applied Account to Login
To login the system, users will have to apply for an account first and then use the
applied account to login. After activating Gorilla ACMS, the system will pop up a login
window. Simply enter the applied account and password, and then click the “Login”
button to proceed. The system will then open the ACMS “Local Machine Start Setting”
window. (If the “Don't show this message again.” checkbox is checked, then next time
when users login to the system, it will pop up the main screen window.
Graphic 2-1
Login Window
See the left picture below for the ACMS “Local Machine Start Setting” default
value. Users are able to set the display values for those functional screens in this setting
window. After changing the values, click the “OK” button to show the desired numbers
of appeared ACMS Management Windows, ACMS Monitor Screens and ACMS
Geographic Information Windows.
Graphic 2-2
Local Machine Start Setting Window
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
2.2 To Login without an Applied Account
If users haven’t applied for accounts to login, they can directly apply accounts
through the “Login Window”. Simply click the “Apply Account” button on the login
window for the account application. Enter the related user information and click on the
“Submit” button to submit the account application requests to the system administrator.
If the
icon appears beside the column, please correct the entered information
according to the prompt message in order to complete the account application.
Graphic 2-3
Account Application Flow
After the account verification process is completed, users are able to login to the
ACMS system by using the applied account and password. The appeared screens which
users see after login will differ by user’s authorization settings.
【Note】: Please refer to the descriptions in Chapter 5.5 Verification for User Account
Application for the account verification process.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
2.3 Login Error
If users enter the wrong account name or password when login, the
system will prompt a warning message as the following graphic shows. It
reminds users that the accounts will be locked if they enter the wrong
account name and password for over three times. Users will have to contact
the system administrator if they forget their account name and password or
their accounts are locked.
Graphic 2-4
Enter Account/ Password Error
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 3 System Function- ACMS Monitor Screen
The Gorilla ACMS Monitor Screen can be split-up to display multiple real-time video
and allows users to monitor these real-time multiple video streams simultaneously. This
results in an event-based monitoring system that allows operators to choose to view those
video streams which has anomalies rather than attempting to watch 64 or 128 tiny video
streams at the same time. In addition, through the Historical Video Retrieval function it
provides, users are able to take key-frame screen snapshots or Image Ingestion for the
video streams. This really enhances the video profit and takes most advantages of the video
3.1 ACMS Monitor Main Screen
When opening the main screen of ACMS monitor window, it shows the default real-time
video retrieval interface. Meanwhile, it automatically loads the device settings which last
time the user login and displays the real-time video streams of those devices. The main
screen contains: Function Menu, Device List, Tool Bar and Video Playback Window. All
functions will be described in details in the following chapters.
Graphic 3-1
Main Screen of ACMS Monitor
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
3.2 Real-time Video Retrieval
When opening the main screen of ACMS monitor window, it shows the default real-time
video retrieval interface. Users are able to execute the real-time video retrieval or historical
video retrieval by clicking and switching on the “Real-time Video Retrieval” or “Historical
Video Retrieval” items in the “Video Retrieval” drop-down menu.
Graphic 3-2
Real-time Video Retrieval Function
(1) All Device List: It provides both the complete list and device search function of the
configured camera devices. There are two viewing modes for the
device list: “Organized Device List” and “Device Structure”. Both
these two modes appear in tree view in order to help users on the
device selection for video stream monitoring.
【Note】: Please refer to the descriptions in Chapter 5.7 Device Management Function
for the device operation settings.
1. Users are able to select the display mode of the device list through the
drop-down menu.
Graphic 3-3
All Device List Display Mode Selection
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
2. Search Device
: Click the
icon to open the Advanced Device
Search window. Enter the search criteria and click “Search” button, and the
search result will be displayed in the search result list column below the
device list column as the following graphic shows.
Search criteria contain: Device Name, Device Address, Dominator and
device Type. Users are able to enter keywords or use the drop-down menu
as the device search basis.
Graphic 3-4
Device Search Flow
3. Refresh Device List
: Click the
icon, the system will
automatically load the device content and refresh the device list.
Graphic 3-5
ACMS User Manual
Refresh Device List
Advanced Control and Management System
4. In the device list column, simply click the “plus” sign
device to view the basic information of every device.
Graphic 3-6
Basic Information of every device
ACMS User Manual
beside every
Advanced Control and Management System
(2) Video Playback and Display: It provides video playback for the real-time video streams
of single or multiple selected cameras. In addition to
real-time video streams, it also provides real-time image
snapshots, real-time video recording and camera remote
1. Video Playback Mode: Gorilla ACMS allows users to add the camera video
streams to the split windows on the control panel using very easy operation
steps shown as follows:
 Add new device in the ACMS management window. (System
 Select the desired device name from the device list.
 After the selection, click and hold the left mouse button and then drag
and drop to the target split display window.
 After loading, the real-time video streams will be displayed in the
selected split window. The device name, exact time and date will be
shown on the screen as well.
Graphic 3-7
Adding cameras to the split display windows
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
2. Stop Video Playback: To stop the video playback, follow the steps below:
 Select the target split window.
 Click the right mouse button at the top of the window.
 Then click the “Stop” button to stop the real-time video streams
Graphic 3-8
Stop Video Playbacks in the Split Display Window
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
3. Video Playback Split-window Settings: Gorilla ACMS allows users to view
1, 4, 6, 9, 13 or even up to 16 camera video streams at the same time. Users
can choose a desired split number on the toolbar and click it to split the
monitor screen into the desired number of windows.
: Click it to show single video playback window.
Graphic 3-9 Single Video Playback Window
: Click it to view the video playback in four split windows.
Graphic 3-10
4 Split-windows Video Playback
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
: Click it to view the video playback in six split windows.
Graphic 3-11 6 Split-windows Video Playback
: Click it to view the video playback in nine split windows.
Graphic 3-12
9 Split-windows Video Playback
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
: Click it to view the video playback in thirteen split windows.
Graphic 3-13
13 Split-windows Video Playback
: Click it to view the video playback in sixteen split windows.
Graphic 3-14
16 Split-windows Video Playback
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
: Click the “Full-screen Video Playback”
4. Full-screen Video Playback
) icon to hide the device list and display the split-windows to full
screen scale. To show the device list again, press “ESC” key on the
keyboard to end the full screen mode.
When users switch the monitor screen to full-screen under the 4
split-windows video playback mode, the monitor screen shows as follows:
Graphic 3-15 Full-screen Video Playback
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5. Camera Remote Controller
: Click the
icon to open the camera
remote controller setting interface. By using the function it provides, users
are able to remotely control and adjust the focal length and visual angle of
the cameras in order to achieve the most effective video monitoring effects.
Graphic 3-16
Zoom in the focal length to
increase the clarity of partial
Zoom out the focal length to
increase the breadth of the
visual range.
Adjust the camera visual angle
Adjust the camera visual angle
Adjust the camera visual angle
Adjust the camera visual angle
Camera Remote Controller Function Description
6. Real-time Screen Image Snapshot
: Click the
button to create an
instant screen capture for the playing video. The captured screenshot will be
saved to the file folder which users selected.
7. Real-time Video Recording
: Click the
icon to record the
real-time video streams shown on the screen. To stop recording, click the
icon again. The recorded video files will be saved to the file folder
which users selected.
(3) If there is any anomaly happens on the devices, the ACMS management system will
show warning messages on its three monitor windows simultaneously. There will be
also a correlated warning icon appears on the ACMS monitor screen window. For
example, if the camera machine case lid is opened or camera is tampered, the following
icon and message will appear on the screen.
Graphic 3-17
Device Anomaly Warning Icon
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
3.3 Historical Video Retrieval
When opening the main screen of ACMS monitor window, it shows the default real-time
video retrieval interface. If users want to retrieve the historical video streams, simply click
on the “Historical Video Retrieval” items in the “Video Retrieval” drop-down menu to
switch to historical video retrieval interface. It supports search, playback and edit function
for the historical video streams.
Graphic 3-18
Historical Video Retrieval
(1) Search Criteria Setting: Users are able to set up the search range by entering the time
period and device name. These multiple criteria settings
massively increase the video search efficiency.
1. Time Range Setting: Click the
icon on the time bar, a calendar shows
up on the screen which allows users to select a desired date for video
retrieval. To set time, click on the middle of the column and enter numbers
Graphic 3-19 Date and Time Range Setting of Historical Video retrieval
2. Device Condition Search: Click the
icon to open the advanced device
search window. Please refer to the search device function on page 8 for
more details.
(2) Historical Video Playback: Click and select the desired video retrieval camera. Then
click and hold the left mouse key on it. Drag and drop the
camera to the playback window to play the retrieved
historical video streams. Every recorded segment will be
played for 10 minutes.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 3-20
Historical Video Retrieval Playback Window
1. The historical video retrieval function only supports single window playback.
Therefore, it does not support split-window mode and full-screen mode while
viewing the video playback.
2. As the playback tool bar shows below, the starting and ending time of the
video clips will show up at the two sides above the time progress bar. The
total video clip playback time is ten minutes. The time appears on the
middle top above the time progress bar is the current playback time.
Graphic 3-21
Playback Tool bar
The function descriptions of the playback buttons:
- Play
- Pause
- Stop
- Previous
- Next
3. If there is no any historical video clip found under certain search criteria.
The system will pop up a warning message window show below:
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
4. Stop the historical video playback: There is another way to stop the
historical video playback. Simply right click the mouse on the top of the
playback window and click “Stop” from the menu shown to stop the
(3) Historical Video Editing: Users are able to carry out some advanced video image
ingestion progress for the retrieved videos to increase the
availability of these image evidence records.
1. Historical Image Snapshot
: Click the
icon to capture a real-time
screenshot of the playing historical video stream. The captured screenshot
file will be saved to the user’s preset file folder.
Graphic 3-22 Saving the Historical Video Image Snapshot File
2. Historical Video recording
: Click the
icon to record the
retrieved historical video stream simultaneously when playing. The
message will be prompted on the video playback window. To
stop recording, click the
icon again. The recorded video file will be
saved to the user’s preset file folder.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 3-23
Saving the Recorded Historical Video File
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 4 System Function — ACMS Geographic
Information Window
Gorilla ACMS provides digital map configuration and management features with GIS
technology. The exact location of every camera will be marked on the GIS digital map,
which allows users to view the real-time monitoring video and learn the exact location of
the monitoring device. This function helps users easily monitor the device location on the
map and the images sent back from the deployed devices, so that they will be able to
control the deployed device condition and the real-time alerts warn of abnormal events
detected. In addition, the system supports historical image retrieval function which
provides the flexibility for later image ingestion process. The optimized Gorilla ACMS
GIS technology achieves the best of visualized monitoring effect.
4.1 ACMS Geographic Information Main Screen Interface
ACMS geographic information main screen gives the ability for users to view the whole
or partial geographic location of the device deployment. Users are able to use the
Geographic Information Main Screen to monitor the real-time video streams and learn
about the camera information attributes. The Geographic Information Main Screen
contains: Function Menu, Graphic Layer List, Device Properties and Map Information.
Full descriptions of each function for the menu will be described in the following chapters.
Graphic 4-1
ACMS Geographic Information Main Screen
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
4.2 Description of Map Information
(1) The current system default map layer shows the area of Taiwan and other offshore
islands of Taiwan. Users are able to use the mouse to drag the digital map to view other
desired area.
1. Zoom in/ out: Users can adjust the map scale of the display size by
scrolling the scale bar of the map. The scale size of the digital map will
affect the appearance of the devices shown on the map.
Unable to show device icons
Devices shown as small icons
Devices shown as large icons
Graphic 4-2
Scale Bar and Corresponding Device Size
2. Latitude and Longitude: When users move the mouse cursor on the map,
the latitude and longitude values will change in real-time correspondingly,
allowing users to know the exact location very quickly.
Graphic 4-3
ACMS Latitude and Longitude Value Column
3. Map Mode: This map switching mode allows users to view the map in
different ways, such as satellite aerial maps and road maps. The current
software version only supports road map mode for viewing.
Graphic 4-4
Map Switching Mode
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(2) Bird's Eye View Map Function: This function allows users to show or hide the wide
range bird's eye view map. Users are able to widen the view area and check the
correlation of each camera deployed at every intersection in order to arrange the
real-time monitoring screen sequence. To hide the bird's eye view map, click the
icon at the up left corner of the bird's eye view map; to show the bird's eye view map
again, click the
icon at the down right corner at the bird's eye view map.
Graphic 4-5
Bird's Eye View Map Function
(3) Users are able to set the type of the deployed devices and real-time event alerts shown
on the map to reveal different map information in accordance to various conditions.
1. Portable IVA Camera (PIVA Cam): PIVA Cams are deployed for some
specific situation. Users are able to activate the PIVA Cam display function
on the map by clicking “PIVA Cam → Open” in the drop down menu of
the “Settings” tab in the toolbar shown below. To deactivate the function,
click “Settings” → “PIVA Cam” → “Close” and the digital map will only
show the location of non-portable cameras such as fixed cameras and PTZ
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 4-6
Activate the PIVA Cam Display Function
2. Real-time Event Alert: Users are able to activate the Real-time Event Alert
function by clicking “Real-time Event Alert → Open” in the drop
down menu of the “Settings” tab in the toolbar. To deactivate the
function, click “Settings” → “Real-time Event Alert” →
“Close” and there won't be any event alert shown on the map.
If the Real-time Event Alert function is activated and there are event alerts
appear in the ACMS monitor window, the corresponding device icons shown in
the ACMS Geographic Information Window will change color for alerting the
users to the happening events.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 4-7
Activate the Real-time Event Alert Function
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
4.3 Device Information and Real-time Video Display
(1) To view the deployed device information, click the left mouse button on the device
icon and the detail device information will appear in the Device Properties column.
Graphic 4-8
ACMS User Manual
View the Device Information
Advanced Control and Management System
(2) To view the real-time video of the camera marked on the map, users can click the right
mouse button on the camera icon shown on the map and then the system will pop up a
floating window to show the real-time video of the desired camera. To close the
floating window, click the
icon on the top right corner of the floating window.
Graphic 4-9
Real-time Video Display
(3) When users right click on any device in the ACMS Monitor Screen Device List
Column, a menu will pop up showing two options: “Show the Device Location” and
“Show All Device Locations”. If users click on the “Show the Device Location” item,
the ACMS Geographical Information map will show the corresponding device location
simultaneously. If users click on the “Show All Device Locations” item, the ACMS
Geographical Information map will adjust its scale and show all the deployed device
locations simultaneously for user to make good use of it.
Graphic 4-10
View the Devices on the Map
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
4.4 Map Layer List Features
(1) Layer Editing: The ACMS GIS Map can display different map layers which allow users
to view and edit the individual layers. Users are able to select the appropriate layer by
request and combine the layer information with the desired monitoring mission in order
to make the best use of the layer information under different situations.
(2) GIS Map Layer Visible Range Setup: Users are able to set up the visible range of GIS
map layer. By moving the mouse cursor to the information point on the map, the map
layer list will automatically show its user-defined map layer properties.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 5 System Functions — ACMS Management
The viewable devices and event information shown in the ACMS Monitoring Window
and ACMS Geographic Information Window have to be configured and managed by users
using the functions provided by ACMS Management Window. The management items
provided by ACMS Management Window contain: Event, Device, Account and Usage Log.
Meanwhile, users are also able to send key event information to correlated personnel by
using additional message and email delivering functions.
5.1 ACMS Management Window Main Screen Interface
ACMS Management Window allows the System Administrators to carry out the “Event
Management”, “Real-time Event List”, “Usage Log”, “Account Application Verification”,
“User Management”, “Device Management” and “Device Group” related settings and
inquiry process. The Management Window Main Screen contains: Function Menu, Content
List and Detail Information. Full descriptions of each function for the menu will be
described in the following chapters.
Graphic 5-1
ACMS Management Window Main Screen
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.2 Event Management
Users are able to open the “Event Management Interface” by clicking on the
“Management Module” → “Event Management” to carry out inquiries and event info
modification process.
Graphic 5-2
Activate the Event Management Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the Event
Management Interface is divided into three different areas: “Event Search Criteria”, “Event
Search Result List” and “Event Details”.
Graphic 5-3
Event Management Interface
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(1) Event Query: This function provides setting columns for “Event Source”, “Event Type”,
“Device List” and “Starting and Ending Time”. Users are able to set the search criteria
according to the possible event category. Click the “Search” button and the events
which match the query criteria will be listed in the “Event Query Result List”.
1. Event Source: Use the drop-down menu to set the conditions.
2. Event Type: Use the drop-down menu to set the conditions.
3. Device List: Click the
icon to open the Advanced Device Search
Window. Enter the search criteria and click the “Search” button, the search
results will be shown in the Search Result List below the Device List.
4. Event Date: Click the
icon at the starting time and ending time column,
the system will pop up a floating calendar for users to enter the desired query
date. Users are able to type the date number in the column directly.
(2) Event Search Result List: All the search results will be listed in this area. The total
result number will be shown at the bottom below the list and it shows 20 results per
page. Users are able to use the
icon to switch to previous or
next pages.
1. Change Event Status: Select the target event and use the drop-down menu of
the “Status” column to change the event status. There are three event types
for users to choose: Unprocessed, Processed and Ignore.
Graphic 5-4
Change Event Status
2. Event Status Marking Rule: The system will mark the events in different
colors to distinguish different event status.
Unprocessed: The event will be marked in Black font.
Processed: The event will be marked in Blue font.
Ignore: The event will be marked in Gray font.
Graphic 5-5
Event Status Marking Rule
3. Event Forwarding: The happening event alert message can be forwarded to
other personnel or officers. It also supports multiple events in single
forwarding, which increases the efficiency of message forwarding, speed up
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
the event handling process and information exchanging at the same time.
Check the checkbox to select the desired event items to be forwarded:
Graphic 5-6
Select the desired event items to be forwarded
SMS Forwarding: Click the “SMS Forwarding” button to open the
Event SMS Forwarding Window. Enter the cell phone number to be
forwarded in the SMS cell phone number column and click the
“Forward” button, and then the selected event will be forwarded to the
target number in SMS format. If users click “Cancel”, it will return to
Event Management Window and no SMS will be forwarded.
Graphic 5-7
Event SMS Forwarding
Email Forwarding: Click the “Email Forwarding” button to open the
Event Email Forwarding Window. Enter the email address to be
forwarded in the email address column and click the “Forward” button,
and then the selected event will be forwarded to the target mailbox in
Email format. If users click “Cancel”, it will return to Event
Management Window and no email will be forwarded.
Graphic 5-8 Event Email Forwarding
To select all events on that page, check the
checkbox beside the
“Status” tab.
SMS and emails can be forwarded to multiple cell phone numbers and
email addresses simultaneously. Users can use a comma “,” to separate
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
each number and email address when entering.
4. Event Deleting: Used to delete the target event from the event search result
 Check the checkbox to select the desired event items to be deleted.
 Click the “Delete” button and a popup confirming window will appear
on the screen. To delete, click “Yes” and the system will delete the
selected event. To cancel, click “Cancel” to return to Event
Management Window.
Graphic 5-9 Deleting Events
5. When carrying out SMS Forwarding, Email Forwarding and Event Deleting,
the system will prompt users a warning message shown below if they
haven’t selected desired event items. To continue, Click “OK” and select
the desired event items.
Graphic 5-10 Warning Message for not selecting an event
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(3) Event Details: Select an event from the event search list and the detail information of
that event will appear in the “Event Details” Column at the right side of the screen.
Graphic 5-11
Event Detail Information
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.3 Real-time Event List
Users are able to open the “Real-time Event List Interface” by clicking on the
“Management Module” → “Real-time Event List” to carry out inquiries and sending
event information process.
Graphic 5-12
Activate the Real-time Event List Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the Real-time Event
List Interface is divided into two different areas: “Real-time Event Search Result List” and
“Event Details”.
Graphic 5-13
Real-time Event Search Result List Interface
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(1) Real-time Event Details: Select an event from the real-time event search list and the
detail information of that event will appear in the “Event Details” Column at the right
side of the screen.
Graphic 5-14
Event Detail Information
(2) Real-time Event Forwarding: The real-time event alert message can be forwarded to
other personnel or officers. It also supports multiple events in single forwarding, which
increases the efficiency of message forwarding, speed up the event handling process
and information exchanging at the same time.
1. Check the checkbox to select the desired event items to be forwarded.
Graphic 5-15 Select the desired real-time event items to be forwarded
2. SMS Forwarding: Click the “SMS Forwarding” button to open the Event
SMS Forwarding Window. Enter the cell phone number to be forwarded in
the SMS cell phone number column and click the “Forward” button, and
then the selected real-time event will be forwarded to the target number in
SMS format. If users click “Cancel”, it will return to Real-time Event List
Window and no SMS will be forwarded.
Graphic 5-16
Real-time SMS Forwarding
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
3. Email Forwarding: Click the “Email Forwarding” button to open the
Event Email Forwarding Window. Enter the email address to be forwarded in
the email address column and click the “Forward” button, and then the
selected real-time event will be forwarded to the target mailbox in Email
format. If users click “Cancel”, it will return to Real-time Event List Window
and no email will be forwarded.
Graphic 5-17
Real-time Event Email Forwarding
4. To select all events on that page, check the
checkbox beside the
“Status” tab.
5. SMS and emails can be forwarded to multiple cell phone numbers and email
addresses simultaneously. Users can use a comma “,” to separate each
number and email address when entering.
(3) Real-time Event Deleting: Used to delete the target real-time event from the real-time
event search result list.
 Check the checkbox to select the desired real-time event items to be
 Click the “Delete” button and a popup confirming window will
appear on the screen. To delete, click “Yes” and the system will
delete the selected real-time event. To cancel, click “Cancel” to
return to Real-time Event List Window.
Graphic 5-18
Deleting Real-time Events
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(4) Real-time Event Refresh: Click the “Refresh” button and the real-time event list will be
refreshed to show the latest information for the list.
Graphic 5-19 Refreshing the Real-time Event List
(5) Real-time Event Notification: Whenever there is an event happening, an alert message
will pop up at the bottom right corner of the screen to notify users of a new happening
event. Users then are able to view the detail information of the event in the list.
Graphic 5-20
Real-time Event Happening Notification
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.4 Usage Log
Users are able to open the “System Usage Log Query Interface” by clicking on
“Management Module” → “Usage Log” to carry out inquiries of information usage for
certain personnel and event types.
Graphic 5-21 Activate the Usage Log Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the System Usage
Log Query Interface is divided into two different areas: “Usage Log Search Criteria” and
“Usage Log Search Result List”.
Graphic 5-22 System Usage Log Query Interface
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
This function allows users to set the query criteria according to their requests. Click the
“Search” button and all the usage logs match the query criteria will be listed in the
usage log search result list. If the data listed in the usage log search result list is no
longer needed, click the “Clear Search Result” button to delete all the search results in
the search result list.
1. Query Criteria Input Method:
 User Account: Enter the keyword of the user account in the column
 User Name: Enter the keyword of the user name in the column
 Affiliation: Enter the keyword of the affiliation name in the column
icon at the starting time and
 Starting/Ending Time: Click the
ending time column, the system will pop up a floating calendar for users
to enter the desired query date. Users are able to type the date number in
the column directly.
 Operation Behavior: The operation behaviors are divided into several
different types. Users are able to check their desired checkbox to view
the target correlated operation behaviors.
2. Search Result List Column Description:
 Using Time: Shows the detail using time information of that record.
 User Name: Lists the correlated user name information according to the
defined query keyword.
 Affiliation: Lists the correlated affiliation information according to the
defined query keyword.
 Phone Number: Shows the phone number of that specific user
according to the applied user account information.
 Operating Activities: Describes the operating activities of that specific
record in detail.
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.5 Verification for User Account Application
Users are able to open the “Account Application Verification Interface” by clicking on
“Management Module” → “Account Application Verification” to carry out the
verification process of newly applied user accounts.
Graphic 5-23
Activate the Account Application Verification Interface
(1) Viewing the under verification data: After the account applicants entering the certain
data in the login interface, the system administrator will be able to view the account
data information waiting for verification in the account application verification list.
Click the “Refresh” button to update the under verification account data list.
Graphic 5-24
The Under Verification Account Data List
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(2) Operating the Verification Process:
1. Double left click the mouse on the under verification account item and an
account application basic information floating window will pop up as the
following graphic shows.
Graphic 5-25 Account Application Basic Information Window
2. Click on the “Create” button to open the “Adding New User Account
Window”. Here the system administrator can perform the modification and
management of the newly applied account’s authority settings and basic
Graphic 5-26 Adding the New Account application Data
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
The system administrator can set, control and modify the information of
every column in this window.
Under the User Group column, the system administrator can use the
icons to modify the adding device authority settings.
 After confirming the above settings, click “OK” to add a new user
account. This approved application data will then be removed from the
under verification application list as the following graphic shows.
Graphic 5-27 Finishing Adding the New Account application
To stop adding new user accounts, click the “Cancel” button and it will
return to the Account Application Verification Window.
3. If users click the “Cancel” button to stop adding new accounts and return to
the Account Application Verification Window, then those unapproved user
account application data will remain in the under verification application list.
4. To delete the account application data, click the “Delete” button and a popup
window will appear on the screen. Then click “Yes” to delete the account
application, or click “No” to return to the “Adding New User Account
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.6 User Management
Users are able to open the ACMS “User Management Interface” by clicking on
“Management Module” → “User Management” to carry out the inquiries and
management function of the system users' basic information and access authority.
Graphic 5-28 User Management Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the User
Management Interface is divided into two different areas: “User Account Search Criteria”
and “User Account Search Result List”.
Graphic 5-29 User Management Interface
(1) This function allows the system administrators to set the query criteria according to
their requests. Click the “Search” button and all the user account data match the query
criteria will be listed in the user account search result list. If the data listed in the user
account search result list is no longer needed, click the “Clear Search Result” button to
delete all the search results in the search result list.
1. Query Criteria Input Method:
 User Account: Enter the keyword of the user account in the column
 User Name: Enter the keyword of the user name in the column
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Phone Number: Shows the phone number of that specific user
according to the applied user account information.
Affiliation: Enter the keyword of the affiliation name in the column
2. The columns in the “User Account Search Result List” contain: User
Account, User Name, Affiliation Name, Title and Phone Number.
Graphic 5-30
User Account Search Result List
3. If the warning
icon appears on the left side of the data, it means the user
account data is not completed. The system administrators can click the
“Modify” button to update the data information.
4. If the system administrators click the “Refresh” button, the user account
search result list will be refreshed to show the latest user account information
for the list.
(2) Managing the User Account Data: The system administrator can manage the user
account data by clicking “Add”, “Modify” and “Delete” buttons.
1. Adding a New User Account: Click on the “Add” button to open the “Adding
New User Account Window”. Here the system administrator can enter the
basic information in every column and click “OK” to finish adding new user
accounts. To cancel adding user accounts, click “Cancel”. After the new user
account is created, the applied user will be able to login to the ACMS system
by the created account name and password.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 5-31
Adding New User Account Window
2. Modify the User Account: Select the desired user account to be modified
from the user account list. Click the “Modify” button and the “User Account
Modification Window” will appear on the screen. The system administrators
can enter the updated data in the corresponding columns and then click “OK”
to complete the modification. To cancel the modification, click “Cancel”.
Graphic 5-32
Open the User Account Modification Window
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 5-33 Enter the updated data in the User Account Modification Window
3. Deleting the User Account: Select the desired user account to be deleted
from the user account list. Click the “Delete” button and a popup
confirming window will appear on the screen. To delete, click “Yes” and
the system will delete the selected user account. To cancel, click “Cancel”
to return to User Management Window. The deleted user account will no
longer be able to login to the ACMS system.
Graphic 5-34
Deleting the User Account
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.7 Device Management Function
Users are able to open the “Device Management Interface” by clicking on
“Management Module” → “Device Management” to carry out the Inquiry, Adding and
Modification process of the device information.
Graphic 5-35 Activate the Device Management Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the Device
Management Interface is divided into three different areas as the following graphic shows:
“Function Bar”, “Device List” and “Device Property”.
Graphic 5-36
Device Management Interface
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(1) Device List Display and Query:
1. Users are able to select the display mode of the device list through the
drop-down menu. There are two viewing modes for the device list:
“Organized Device List” and “Device Structure”.
Graphic 5-37
Device Management Structure Display Modes
2. Click the
icon to open the Advanced Device Search window. Enter the
search criteria and click “Search” button, and the search result will be
displayed in the search result list column below the device list column as the
following graphic shows.
Graphic 5-38 Device Search Operating Flow
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
3. Click the
icon, the system will automatically load the device content
and refresh the device list.
4. Device Information: Offers both Simple and Detail device information.
 In the device list column, click the “plus” sign “ ” beside every device
to view the simple and basic information of every device.
Graphic 5-39 Simple Device Information
In the device list column, click on the desired device name and its detail
device information will be shown in the “Device Property” window.
Graphic 5-40
Detail Device Information
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(2) Managing the Device Information: The system administrator can manage the device
information by clicking “Add”, “Modify” and “Delete” buttons.
1. Adding a New Device: Click on the “Add” button to open the “Adding
New Device Window”.
Add I/O Controller: Click the “Add I/O Controller” item and enter the
complete device information in the popup “ I/O Controller” basic
information window. Then click “OK” to complete adding a new I/O
Controller device.
Graphic 5-41 Adding an I/O Controller Device Flow
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Add NVR: Click the “Add NVR” item and enter the complete device
information in the popup “NVR” basic information window. Then click
“OK” to complete adding a new NVR device.
Graphic 5-42
Adding an NVR Device Flow
Add IPCam: Click the “Add IPCam” item and enter the complete
device information in the popup “IPCam” basic information window.
Then click “OK” to complete adding a new IPCam device.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 5-43
Adding a new IPCam Device Flow
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Advanced Control and Management System
【Note】The IPCam devices have to connect to the NVR devices in order to
transmit video streams and record video normally. Therefore,
please confirm there are added NVR devices to be connected the
newly added IPCam devices.
【 Note 】 Please confirm the device configuration information with the
correlated personnel before adding the I/O Controller, NVR and
IPCam devices. After completing the adding process, please
confirm the connection is working normally. If there is any
anomaly happens, please consult the device configuration
personnel with correlated setting value in order to make the
connection right.
2. Modify the Device: Select the desired device to be modified from the
device list. Click the “Modify” button and the “Device Modification
Window” will appear on the screen. The system administrators can enter
the updated data in the corresponding columns and then click “OK” to
complete the modification. To cancel the modification, click “Cancel”.
To Modify the I/O Controler:
Graphic 5-44 I/O Controller Modification Window
To Modify the NVR:
Graphic 5-45 NVR Device Modification Window
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
To Modify the IPCam:
Graphic 5-46 IPCam Device Modification Window
3. Deleting the Device: Select the desired device to be deleted from the
device list. Click the “Delete” button and a popup confirming window
will appear on the screen. To delete, click “Yes” and the system will
delete the selected device. To cancel, click “Cancel” to return to the
Device Management Window.
Graphic 5-47
Deleting Device Flow
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(3) Different brand devices will affect the items for ACMS system to execute. Take video
camera as an example, different brand cameras’ functionalities will vary in remote
controller, Video Recording and Snapshot. It’s listed in the table below:
Brand Name
Function Items
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.8 Device Group Function
Users are able to open the “Device Group Interface” by clicking on “Management
Module” → “Device Group” to carry out the Inquiry, Adding and Modification process of
the device group information.
Graphic 5-48 Activate the Device Group Function
According to its individual setting function and information shown, the Device Group
Interface is divided into three different areas as the following graphic shows: “Device
Group List”, “Device Group Content” and “Device Group Properties”.
Graphic 5-49
Device Group Interface
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
(1) Device Group List Display and Query:
1. Users are able to select the display mode from the device group list. The
“Device Group Content” column will show all the devices in the group.
Graphic 5-50
Device Group Content Display
2. Users are able to select the display mode of the device group list through the
drop-down menu as the following graphic shows. There are two display
modes for the device list: “Organized Device List” and “Device Structure”.
Graphic 5-51 Device Group Content Structure Display Modes
3. Click the
icon to open the Advanced Device Group Search window.
Enter the search criteria and click “Search” button, and the search result will
be displayed in the search result list column below the device group list
column as the following graphic shows.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 5-52 Device Group Content Search Flow
4. Click the
icon, the system will automatically load the device group
content and refresh the device group list.
5. Device Information: Offers both Simple and Detail device group
 In the device group list column, click the “plus” sign “ ” beside every
device group to view the simple and basic information of every device.
Graphic 5-53 Simple Device Group Content Information
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
In the device group list column, click on the desired device name and its
detail device information will be shown in the “Device Property”
Graphic 5-54 Detail Device Group Content Information
(2) Device Group Setting: The system administrator can manage the device group
information by clicking “Add”, “Modify” and “Delete” buttons.
1. Adding a New Device Group: Click on the “Add” button to open the
“Adding New Device Group Window”. Enter the name of the Group
Authorization, set the Group Authorization and select the desired devices
for the device group to add a new device group. Then click “OK” to
complete the adding process. To cancel, click “cancel” to return to the
Device Group Window.
Graphic 5-55 Adding a New Device Group
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
2. Modify the Device Group: Select the desired device group to be modified
from the device group list. Click the “Modify” button and the “Device
Group Modification Window” will appear on the screen. The system
administrators can enter the updated data in the corresponding columns
and then click “OK” to complete the modification. To cancel the
modification, click “Cancel”.
Graphic 5-56 Modifying the Device Group
3. Deleting the Device Group: Select the desired device group to be deleted
from the device group list. Click the “Delete” button and a popup
confirming window will appear on the screen. To delete, click “Yes”
and the system will delete the selected device group. To cancel, click
“Cancel” to return to the Device Group Window.
Graphic 5-57 Deleting the Device Group
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
5.9 Environment Setting
Users are able to open the “System Setting Interface” by clicking on “Setting” →
“Environment Setting” to carry out the setting process of the storage path of Snapshot and
Recorded Videos, and the default screen display settings as well.
Graphic 5-58 Environment Setting Function
(1) Screen Display Setting:
1. The system will automatically detect the number of the screens connected
to it and provide the multiple-screen display setting. Users are able to set
the default screen display mode when activating the system. If users select
“Only one” screen, then the Management Window/ Monitoring
Window/GIS Window of the system can only be set to “Not display” or
“Shown on the first screen”. If users select more than one screen to
display, then the Management Window/ Monitoring Window/GIS
Window of the system can be set to “Not display”, “Shown on the first
screen” or “Shown on the second screen”, etc.
Graphic 5-59 Screen Display Setting Function
2. If users check the “Display System Startup Setting” checkbox, then the
system will automatically open the Manually Setting Window after login,
which allows users to change the screen display mode. If the “Display
System Startup Setting” checkbox is not checked, the system will load the
default screen display mode.
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Advanced Control and Management System
Graphic 5-60
Display System Startup Setting Window
(2) Monitoring Screen Window Setting: Users are able to set the default split-window
mode for viewing the monitoring videos. The ACMS Monitoring Screen Window
Modes contain four, six, nine, thirteen and sixteen
Graphic 5-61 Monitoring Screen Window Setting Function
(3) Storage Path Setting: Users are able to set the storage path/location of the Real-time or
Historical Retrieval Video Streams and Snapshot. The system default storage location
is shown as follows:
Video Recording-C:\Recording
Image Snapshot-C:\Pictures
Graphic 5-62
Storage Path Setting Function
ACMS User Manual
Advanced Control and Management System
Chapter 6 Software Version
Users are able to view the software version of the ACMS by clicking on
“About Gorilla ACMS” on the toolbar.
ACMS User Manual
“Help” →