Digital Hill Graphic Design Approval Form It is important for programming purposes that we have a clearly designated completion and sign-off on the graphic design. Programming cannot begin until the graphic design is set because the slicing of the design for the web necessitates breaking the images into smaller, fast loading pieces. By signing this document, you are stating that the artwork presented to you by Digital Hill is correct in layout, design, and all other areas and is approved to be developed into your website. If you find ANY errors, please clearly make note of them and return this document. A new approval will be provided. Any errors found after approval will be the responsibility of the customer and any costs that may occur to correct the website will be the responsibility of the customer. COLOR IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND WILL VARY SLIGHTLY WHEN PRINTED OR VIEWED ON DIFFERENT COMPUTER MONITORS. Once the website is complete you will be given another sign off sheet for final web development approval. Company Name: ________________________________ Website Domain: ________________________________ I Am Authorized and I Approve This Web Site Look Signature________________________________ Print Name: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________________ I Do Not Approve This Look, Please See Comments Below: Comments:________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Visit our Website at: Website Design ● e-Commerce ● e-Marketing ● Spam Blocker ● Custom Programming