CHUnit 8 with 5E and LEP- FINAL (6-26-08)

Grade Level/Unit Number:
9-12 Unit 8
Unit Title:
Chemical Reactions
Unit Length:
7 days (on a 90 min. per day block schedule)
Major Learning Outcomes:
Students should be able to:
 Identify a reaction by type.
 Predict product(s) in a reaction using the reference tables.
 Identify acid-base neutralization as double replacement.
 Write and balance ionic equations.
 Write and balance net ionic equations for double replacement reactions.
 Recognize that hydrocarbons (C,H molecule) and other molecules containing C,
H, and O burn completely in oxygen to produce CO2 and water vapor.
 Use reference table rules to predict products for all types of reactions to show the
conservation of mass.
 Use activity series to predict whether a single replacement reaction will take
 Use the solubility rules to determine the precipitate in a double replacement
reaction if a reaction occurs.
 Write and balance chemical equations.
 Write net ionic reactions.
 Predict and write formulas using the reference tables.
 Precipitate tie to solubility rules (Goals 2.04 and 5.01).
 Product testing - Know the tests for some common products such as oxygen,
water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. (tests to know: burning splint for Oxygen,
Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide (include knowledge of safety precautions) lime
water for Carbon Dioxide).
 Color Change – Distinguish between color change as a result of chemical
reaction, and a change in color intensity as a result of dilution.
Content Objectives Includes (with RBT Tags):
Objective Objective
Apply the language and symbols of chemistry
Evaluate various types of chemical reactions
 Analyze reactions by types: single replacement,
double replacement (including acid-base
neutralization), decomposition, synthesis, and
Chemistry- Unit 8
combustion of simple hydrocarbons.
 Predict products.
Evaluate the law of conservation of matter to the balancing
of chemical equations.
 Write and balance formulas and equations
 Write net ionic equations.
Identify and predict the indicators of chemical change:
 Formation of a precipitate.
 Evolution of a gas.
 Color change.
 Absorption or release of heat.
English Language Development Objectives (ELD) Included:
NC English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standard 4 (2008) for Limited English
Proficiency Students (LEP)- English Language learners communicate information,
ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science.
Suggestions for modified instruction and scaffolding for LEP students and/or students
who need additional support are embedded in the unit plan and/or are added at the end
of the corresponding section of the lessons. The amount of scaffolding needed will
depend on the level of English proficiency of each LEP student. Therefore, novice level
students will need more support with the language needed to understand and
demonstrate the acquisition of concepts than intermediate or advanced students.
Materials/Equipment Needed
Introduction to Chemical Equations
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemistry- Unit 8
Silver Nitrate
Bunsen burners
Calcium carbonate
Copper (II) sulfate
Lead (II) nitrate
Hydrochloric acid
Test tubes
Sample of steel wool, size 00
One 100-mL beaker
0.5 M acetic acid
Crucible tongs
Paper towels
Copper(II) carbonate
One medium-sized test tube
Test-tube holder
Laboratory burner and Striker
From Reactions to Equations
Wooden splint
1 M copper(II) sulfate
One 50 mL beakerOne
medium-sized test tube
1 M KI1 M Pb(NO3)2
3% H2O2
zinc metal
3M HCl
wooden splints
test tubes and racks
VIII. Detailed Content Description:
Please see the detailed content description for each objective in the chemistry support
document. The link to this downloadable document is in the Chemistry Standard
Course of Study at:
Unit Notes:
This unit is focused on the development of the theory of the atom, the structure of the
atom and nuclear decay. Students will learn about the historical development of the
atom beginning with early contributions through the current atomic theory. Students will
examine the structure of the atom and analyze nuclear energy as it relates to the atom.
In each unit, Goal 1 objectives which relate to the process of scientific investigation are
included. In each of the units, students will be practicing the processes of science:
observing, hypothesizing, collecting data, analyzing, and concluding. The Goal 1
Objectives are as follows:
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and
understand scientific inquiry.
1.01 Design, conduct and analyze investigations to answer
questions related to chemistry.
 Identify questions and suggest hypotheses.
 Identify variables.
 Use a control when appropriate.
 Select and use appropriate measurement tools.
 Collect and organize data in tables, charts and
Chemistry- Unit 8
This goal and these objectives
are an integral part of each of
the other goals. In order to
measure and investigate
scientific phenomena, students
must be given the opportunity to
design and conduct their own
investigations in a safe
Analyze and interpret data.
Explain observations.
Make inferences and predictions.
Explain the relationship between evidence and
Identify how scientists share findings.
laboratory. The students should
use questions and models to
formulate the relationship
identified in their investigations
and then report and share those
finding with others
Students will be able to:
 Identify questions and
suggest hypotheses.
 Identify variables.
 Use a control when
 Select and use appropriate
measurement tools.
 Collect and organize data in
tables, charts and graphs.
 Analyze and interpret data.
 Explain observations.
 Make inferences and
 Use questions and models to
determine the relationships
between variables in
 Identify how scientists share
If a teacher follows this curriculum (s)he will have addressed the goals and objectives of
the SCOS. However, teachers may want to substitute other activities that teach the
same concept. The unit length has extra time built in for quizzes, going over
homework, additional practice depending on the nature of the class, and
assessment. Teachers should utilize the textbook as a resource by assigning
homework each day and providing additional guided and independent practice.
Reference Tables:
The North Carolina Chemistry Reference Tables were developed to provide essential
information that should be used on a regular basis by students, therefore eliminating the
need for memorization. It is suggested that a copy be provided to each student on the
first day of instruction. A copy of the reference tables can be downloaded at the
following URL:
Chemistry- Unit 8
Essential Questions:
Essential questions for this unit are embedded within the unit. Essential questions are
those questions that lead to student understanding. Students should be able to answer
these questions at the end of an activity. Teachers are advised to put these questions
up in a prominent place in the classroom. The questions can be answered in a journal
format as a closure.
Safety: Students should wear chemical splash goggles during any lab activity involving
chemicals. This includes household substances. It is extremely important for the
safety and success of your students that you do ALL activities and labs prior to
assigning them to students. At the beginning of each lab, the teacher should address
any specific safety concerns relating to the activity.
Computer Based Activities:
Several of the recommended activities are computer based and require students to visit
various internet sites and view animations of various biological processes. These
animations require various players and plug-ins which may or may not already be
installed on your computers. Additionally some districts have firewalls that block
downloading these types of files. Before assigning these activities to students it is
essential for the teacher to try them on the computers that the students will use and to
consult with the technology or media specialist if there are issues. These animations
also have sound. Teachers may wish to provide headphones if possible.
Global Content: Aligned with 21st Skills
One of the goals of the unit plans is to provide strategies that will enable educators to
develop the 21st Century skills for their students. As much as students need to master
the NCSOS goals and objectives, they need to master the skills that develop problem
solving strategies, as well as the creativity and innovative thinking skills that have
become critical in today’s increasingly interconnected workforce and society. The
Partnership for 21st Century Skills website is provided below for more information about
the skills and resources related to the 21st Century classroom.
1.01 - 1.03,
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
21st Century Skills
Communication Skills
Conveying thought or opinions effectively
Chemistry- Unit 8
Introduction to
Chemical Equations
Follow the Yellow Brick
1.01 - 1.03
1.01 & 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
When presenting information,
distinguishing between relevant and
irrelevant information
Explaining a concept to others
1.01 – 1.03
1.01 – 1.03
1.01 – 1.03
1.01 - 1.03,
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
1.01 - 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
Interviewing others or being interviewed
Computer Knowledge
Using word-processing and database
Developing visual aides for presentations
Using a computer for communication
Learning new software programs
Employability Skills
Assuming responsibility for own learning
Persisting until job is completed
Chemistry- Unit 8
Chemical Reactions
and Equations
From Reaction to
Introduction to
Chemical Equations
Follow the Yellow Brick
Chemical Reactions
and Equations
From Reaction to
Introduction to
Chemical Equations
 Balancing Equations
 Follow the Yellow Brick
 Predicting Products
and Types of
 Writing Balance
 Chemical Reactions
and Equations
 Net Ionic Equations
 From Reaction to
All activities
1.01 - 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
1.01 – 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
Working independently
Developing career interest/goals
Responding to criticism or questions
Information-retrieval Skills
Searching for information via the
Searching for print information
Searching for information using
community members
Language Skills - Reading
Following written directions
WIZARD assessment
Most of the activities can
be presented as
opportunities for students
to follow written directions.
The teacher will have to
work with most students to
develop this skill over
time. The following
activities are well suited to
developing skills in
following directions:
 Introduction to
Chemical Equations
 Balancing Equations
 Follow the Yellow Brick
 Predicting Products
and Types of
 Writing Balance
 Chemical Reactions
and Equations
 Net Ionic Equations
 From Reaction to
Identifying cause and effect relationships
Summarizing main points after reading
Locating and choosing appropriate
reference materials
Reading for personal learning
Language Skill - Writing
Using language accurately
Chemistry- Unit 8
1.01 – 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
Organizing and relating ideas when
1.01 – 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
Proofing and Editing
Follow the Yellow Brick
 Chemical Reactions
and Equations
 From Reaction to
All activities
Synthesizing information from several
Documenting sources
Developing an outline
Writing to persuade or justify a position
Creating memos, letters, other forms of
Taking initiative
Working on a team
1.01 – 1.03
1.01 – 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
1.01 – 1.03
2.03, 5.01,
5.02 & 5.03
Thinking/Problem-Solving Skills
Identifying key problems or questions
Evaluating results
Introduction to
Chemical Equations
Follow the Yellow Brick
Chemical Reactions
and Equations
From Reaction to
Introduction to
Chemical Equations
Balancing Equations
Follow the Yellow Brick
Predicting Products
and Types of
Writing Balance
Chemical Reactions
and Equations
Net Ionic Equations
From Reaction to
Developing strategies to address
Chemistry- Unit 8
Developing an action plan or timeline
ENGAGE: (60 min.)
In the Introduction to Chemical Equations activity, the teacher will demo some reactions
while the students perform other reactions in their groups. Emphasis should be placed
on evidence that a chemical reaction is occurring (precipitates, color change (chemical
vs physical), temperature change, production of a gas, etc.)
 As the student observes the reaction, the teacher should introduce writing and
balance equations using the states of matter symbols (s),(l),(g),(aq).
 Students should have reference tables at hand as the teacher guides them
through predicting products, using solubility rules, and the activity series.
*Cu + 2AgNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + 2Ag (activity series)
*C3H8 + 5O2  3CO2 + 4H2O (hydrocarbons)
*CaCO3  CaO + CO2
*Zn + CuSO4  ZnSO4 + Cu (activity series)
*Pb(NO3)2 + 2KI  PbI2 + 2KNO3 (precipitate – solubility rules)
*Zn + HCl  ZnCl2 + H2 (activity series)
Use solubility rules to determine the state of matter of each compound.
Use reaction page to help predict the products.
NOTE: This is an introduction only – minimal amount of time should be spent
elaborating. Keep it simple and specifically focus only on the reactions that are being
Essential Question:
What is the importance of balancing equations?
Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP Students:
 Define key terms: precipitates, color change, chemical vs physical change,
temperature change, production of a gas and the matter symbols (s), (l), (g),
 Verbally or in written form, give examples of each term.
ELABORATE: (30 min.)
The Balancing Equations Practice will allow students to build on the introductory activity.
The teacher should display equations – one at a time – using an overhead or video
projector. Allow students to work on equations. A few word equations are provided in
order to review writing formulas.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Essential Question:
How do you use chemical nomenclature rules to name binary and ternary ionic
Practice Balancing Equations
+ _____H2S
 _____Ag2S
+ _____HNO3
+ _____HCl
 _____MnCl2
+ _____H2O
_____Zn(OH)2 + _____H3PO4  _____Zn3(PO4)2 + _____H2O
+ _____Fe2O3
 _____Fe
+ _____CO2
+ _____NaOH
 _____Fe(OH)3
+ _____NaCl
+ _____Cl2
 _____CCl4
+ _____S2Cl2
+ _____Br2
 _____CH3Br
+ _____HBr
+ Sulfur
 Hydrogen sulfide
Iron(III) chloride
+ _____Cl2
Calcium chloride
10 Carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon monoxide.
Chemistry- Unit 8
During the activity, the students should be given the opportunity to EXPLAIN how to
balance equations.
EXPLORE: (60 min.)
The Follow the Yellow Brick Road activity engages students in discovering the five
types of reactions. Students should work in groups but every student should be
expected to complete their own copy of the first page. The second page can be
completed by the group (to reduce copies). Teacher input should be limited to
directions only before the activity.
 Upon completion of part one, one student from each group should bring the
balanced equations to the teacher. The teacher can briefly skim to make sure
students have equations accurate before moving on to parts two and three. As
students move to part three, encourage them to use their reference tables as a
 After the activity, engage students in a whole class discussion on the types of
Essential Question:
How can you determine reactions types?
Language (ELP) Objectives for LEP Students:
 Choose one of the 5 types of reactions and draw a poster which will
show examples of the reaction chosen.
 Share poster verbally with the class.
Optional Assignment ELP modification:
Activity Series: Metal Reactivity
Metals range in ________________
Some are very ______________ as elements.
Ex. _____________
Some are very ___________ (found mostly in compounds.
Ex. ____________
Most ___________ elements are at the top of the series.
An __________ _________ can replace ant metal ion that is _____________ it in the
activity series.
Chemistry- Unit 8
2Al(s) + __________ --- 3 Zn(s) + _________
Cu(s) + 2 NaCl(aq) ------ _____________
Practice Problems
Cr(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) --- ______________
Pt(s) + CaCl2(aq) -- _______________
Zn(s) + ______ --- ________________
Ca(s) + ______ -- _________________
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
For this activity you must complete each part in order.
PART I: Write and balance each of the following equations. If it is already balanced,
write the word “balanced” to the right of the equation.
1. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) reacts to produce water and oxygen gas.
2. HCl + NaOH  NaCl + H2O
3. CaCl2 + F2  CaF2 + Cl2
4. Potassium chlorate decomposes upon heating to form potassium chloride and
oxygen gas.
5. (NH4)2SO4 + Ba(NO3)2  BaSO4 + NH4NO3
6. C6H6 + O2  CO2 + H2O
7. Nitrogen gas and oxygen gas combine to form dinitrogen pentoxide.
Chemistry- Unit 8
8. SO3 + H2O  H2SO4
9. C8H18 + O2  CO2 + H2O
10. Na2O + H2O  NaOH
11. Potassium iodide and bromine react to form potassium bromide and iodine.
12. C4H8 + O2  CO2 + H2O
13. Zn + FeCl3  ZnCl2 + Fe
14. CaCO3  CaO + CO2
15. Phosphoric acid combines with calcium hydroxide to form calcium phosphate and
PART II: Using the balanced equations, try to group them into five separate groups.
Each group must contain exactly 3 equations that are related to one another in some
way. You must explain why you grouped them into your categories.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Group 1:
______, ______, ______
Group 2:
______, ______, ______
Reaction type:
Reaction type:
Group 3:
______, ______, ______
Group 4:
______, ______, ______
Reaction type:
Reaction type:
Group 5:
______, ______, ______
Reaction type:
Chemistry- Unit 8
PART 3: Using your textbook and reference tables, decide what type of reaction is
actually depicted in each grouping. Put the actual name of that type of reaction in the
space provided in Part II.
ELABORATE: (30 minutes)
Predicting Products and Types of Reactions
The teacher should display equations – one at a time – using an overhead or video
projector. The teacher should model predicting products and balancing equations. The
activity series should be included in determining whether or not a reaction occurs. A
powerpoint is provided with notes and practice problems for using the activity series.
Essential Question:
How do you predict products in a chemical reaction?
Practice Predicting Products
10. _____Ba(NO3)2 +
11. _____KOH
Chemistry- Unit 8
12. ____C6H6
Activity Series Powerpoint
Slide 1
Activity Series
Slide 2
Metal Reactivity
 Metals
 Some
range in reactivity
are very stable as elements
Go ld, Au
Less Reactiv e
 Some
are very reactive (found mostly in
So dium , Na
Chemistry- Unit 8
Mo re
Reactiv e
Slide 3
Activity Series
“active” elements are at the top of the
 An elemental metal can replace any metal
ion that is BELOW it in the activity series
 Activity Series – Reference Table
 Most
Slide 4
2Al(s) + 3ZnCl2(aq)  3Zn (s) +
l 3(aq)
To replace the Zinc, Aluminum
be higher
on the series
Cu(s) + 2NaCl(aq)  NO REACTIO N
Can copper replace sodium in the compound?
Slide 5
Practice Problems
• Cr(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq)  C r(NO 3)2(aq) +
• Pt(s) + CaCl2(aq)  NO REACTIO N
• Mn(s) + Mg+2 
• Ca(s) + Fe2+(aq)  C a+ 2(aq) +
Chemistry- Unit 8
ELABORATE: (60 minutes)
This Writing Balanced Equations activity will provide practice for writing and balancing
equations. Student will predict products and determine the type of equation.
Essential Question:
How do you predict products of a chemical reaction?
Writing Balanced Equations
Write balanced equations for the following word equations.
1. potassium chloride + silver nitrate  potassium nitrate + silver chloride
2. aluminum hydroxide + sodium nitrate  aluminum nitrate + sodium hydroxide
3. iron metal + copper(II) sulfate  iron(II) sulfate + copper metal
4. aluminum metal + copper(II) chloride  aluminum chloride + copper metal
5. potassium bromide  potassium metal + bromine
6. calcium carbonate  calcium oxide + carbon dioxide gas
7. zinc metal + oxygen gas  zinc oxide
8. chlorine gas + sodium metal  sodium chloride
9. aluminum sulfate + barium chloride  aluminum chloride + barium sulfate
10. beryllium fluoride + magnesium  magnesium fluoride + beryllium
11. sodium hydrogen carbonate  sodium carbonate + carbon dioxide + water
Chemistry- Unit 8
Complete the word equation for the following chemical equations. Then write the
balanced chemical equation. Indicate the type or reaction on the line to the left of the
equation by classifying each reaction as single replacement (SR), double replacement
(DR), decomposition (D), synthesis (S), or combustion (C).
_____12. aluminum sulfate + calcium phosphate  ____________________________
_____13. magnesium chloride + silver nitrate  _______________________________
_____14. hydrogen gas + oxygen gas  ____________________________________
_____15. zinc metal + copper(II) nitrate ____________________________________
_____16. copper(II) oxide + sulfuric acid (H2SO4)  ___________________________
_____17. nitrogen gas + hydrogen gas  ____________________________________
_____18. sodium iodide + chlorine gas  ____________________________________
EXPLORE: (90 minutes)
This lab allows students to investigate the different types of chemical reactions by
performing them in the lab. The students will have to write balanced equations for the
reactions performed. Students need to include the states of matter when writing the
equations. All students should complete part E following the lab activity. Part E
includes practice with predicting products, reaction types, and balancing equations.
Essential Question:
How can you use experimental observations to predict products of the various types of
Chemistry- Unit 8
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Introduction: A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of atoms into new
combinations resulting in the formation of different substances. The entire process can
be very complicated, and there are thousands upon thousands of different known
reactions. Often, it is enough to know what chemicals are needed to begin a reaction
and what new substances will be produced from the reaction. A chemical equation is
a symbolic way of describing a chemical reaction in this limited way.
The substances that interact to begin a reaction are called the reactants, and these are
written first. An arrow is used to represent the entire process of change, the part of the
reaction we are deliberately ignoring within this narrow framework. To the right of the
arrow are written the new substances formed. These are called the products. The
number of product substances need not be the same as the number of reactant
substances, but the same number of each kind of atom must be on both sides of the
equation. This is because atoms are conserved. We reflect this law of nature by
balancing the equation.
The gas that feeds your laboratory burner is called methane. It has the formula CH 4.
When this gas chemically combines with oxygen called burning, new substances are
produced, namely carbon dioxide and water. We call this process a combustion
reaction and write the balanced equation as follows:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)
The symbols in parenthesis that you may see in a chemical equation are as follows:
(g) – gas
(s) – solids (l) – liquids (aq) – substances dissolved in water
In this activity, we will investigate four general types of reactions, synthesis,
decomposition, single displacement, and double displacement.
You will
experimentally observe each type, and you will also work with equations, identifying
them, completing them, and balancing them. As a result, this activity is divided into
several parts.
 How can the four types of reactions be defined and identified?
Part A: Synthesis
In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances, either elements or compounds,
combine to form a single, more complex substance. An example is the synthesis of
water from hydrogen and oxygen:
2H2(g) + O2(g)  2H2O(g)
Chemistry- Unit 8
Rust is a compound having the formula Fe2O3. It is synthesized by the direct
combination of iron, Fe, and oxygen, O2. On the Observations and Equations sheet,
write out the equation for the synthesis of rust. Balance it.
Synthesis of rust, iron(II) oxide:
Apron and safety goggles
Sample of steel wool, size 00
One 100-mL beaker
0.5 M acetic acid
Crucible tongs
Paper towels
1. Put on your apron and safety goggles and leave them on for entire lab. Any person
caught not wearing goggles will cause their group to receive a 10 point deduction
from their lab grade.
2. Obtain a 1 g sample of steel wool, size 00, and place it in a small beaker.
3. Pour 20 mL of 0.5 M acetic acid over the steel wool, and let it stand for 1 minute.
(The acetic acid solution acts as a catalyst to speed up the process; it is not a
reactant, and is not consumed in the reaction.)
4. With crucible tongs, remove the steel wool from the beaker and place it on a paper
towel. Press on it with a second paper towel while it reacts. This should take 20 to
30 minutes. While you are waiting, continue to Part B.
5. After the steel wool has reacted, examine it closely. Describe the product on the
Observation and Equations sheet.
Part B: Decomposition
Decomposition is the reverse of synthesis. A single compound is broken down into two
or more simpler compounds or elements. The compound is broken down into two or
more simpler compounds or elements. The compound mercuric oxide, HgO, is the
mineral cinnabar. It is a red powder. Heating cinnabar decomposes the mercuric oxide
to liquid mercury metal and oxygen gas.
2HgO(s)  2Hg(l) + O2(g)
Decomposition of Copper(II) carbonate, CuCO3:
Copper(II) carbonate
One medium-sized test tube
(18 x 150 mm)
Test-tube holder
Chemistry- Unit 8
Laboratory burner and striker
Wooden splint
1. Place copper(II) carbonate to a depth of about one centimeter into a clean, dry
medium-sized test tube. On the Observations and Equations sheet, describe the
appearance of the CuCO3.
2. Using test-tube holder, heat the CuCO3 strongly for about 3 minutes. Light a
wooden splint, and while it is still burning, insert it in the test tube. Note what
happens. What gas do you think was produced by the decomposition of the
copper(II) carbonate?
3. Describe the appearance of the substance still in the test tube. Based on your
guess of the gas produced and the formula for copper(II) carbonate, make an
intelligent guess as to the formula for the solid product left in the test tube. On the
Observations and Equations sheet, write the balanced equation for the
decomposition of CuCO3.
Now return to Part A and examine what has happened to the steel wool.
Part C: Single Displacement
A compound is a combination of two or more elements. In a single displacement
reaction, one element of a compound is replaced with a different, more active element.
In general, metallic elements replace a compound’s metal kind of element, and
nonmetallic elements replace a compound’s nonmetal kind of element. For example,
copper metal, Cu, will replace the silver in silver nitrate, AgNO 3. This only occurs easily
in water solutions, so we use the abbreviation “aq” to indicate this. The water itself does
not chemically react.
Cu(s) + 2AgNO3(aq)  Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)
Replacement of copper by zinc:
Apron and safety goggles
1 M copper(II) sulfate
One 50 mL beaker
1. Add 10 mL of 1 M copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4(aq), to a clean 50 mL beaker. Note the
appearance of the solution. Obtain a piece of zinc and describe its appearance.
Place the piece of zinc into the solution.
2. After a noticeable reaction has occurred, describe any changes you observe. Write
the balanced equation.
Part D: Double Displacement
With very few exception, ionic compounds are combinations of metal ion and nonmetal
ion. Double displacement reactions occur when two compounds switch partners, that
is, the metal ion from one compound trades places with the metal ion from the other
Chemistry- Unit 8
compound. These reactions always take place in aqueous solution, and the driving
force is the formation of a precipitate. For example, in aqueous solution, barium
chloride and sodium sulfate switch metal ions to form soluble sodium chloride and
insoluble barium sulfate.
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq)  2NaCl(aq) + BaSO4(s)
A double displacement reaction also can occur if the compounds are not ionic, or if just
one is. The most common of this type that you are likely to encounter involves
molecular compounds containing hydrogen. The following equation shows what
happens if a sulfuric acid solution is combined with table salt, NaCl.
H2SO4(aq) + 2NaCl(s)  Na2SO4(aq) + 2HCl(g)
Double replacement between lead nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, and potassium iodide, KI:
Apron and safety goggles
One medium-sized test tube
(18 x 150mm)
1 M KI
1 M Pb(NO3)2
1. Add 2 mL of 1 M lead nitrate to a clean, medium-sized test tube. Next, add 2 mL of
1 M potassium iodide to the same test tube.
2. On the Observations and Equations sheet, describe the results of the above
reaction. Knowing that lead iodide, PbI2, is insoluble, write the balanced equation for
this double displacement reaction.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Observations and Equations Sheet
Part A:
Equation for the synthesis of rust:
Description of the product:
Part B:
Description of copper(II) carbonate, CuCO3:
Probable gas produced:
Description of copper(II) carbonate after heating:
Probable formula for the solid product:
Balanced equation for the reaction:
Part C:
Description of copper(II) sulfate solution:
Description of zinc:
Description of the changes observed:
Balanced of equation for the reaction:
Part D:
Description of the results of the reaction:
Balanced equation for the reaction:
Chemistry- Unit 8
ELABORATE: (30 min.)
This Chemical Reactions and Equations practice will allow students to practice
necessary skills that will deepen student understanding for writing chemical equations.
Essential Question:
How would you describe the five types of reactions?
Chemical Reactions and Equations Practice
Complete and balance each of the following equations. Also, in the space provided,
identify the type of reaction that is involved. Be sure to include the state of matter for
each reactant and product.
1. KCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) 
Reaction type:
2. Ni(II) + FeCl2(aq) 
Reaction type:
3. N2 + H2 
Reaction type:
4. BaCl2(aq) + NaOH(aq) 
Reaction type:
5. MgCO3(s) 
Reaction type:
6. H2 + Cl2 
Reaction type:
7. KI(aq) + Cl2 
Reaction type:
8. H2O(l) 
Reaction type:
Chemistry- Unit 8
9. H2O(l) + SO3(g) 
Reaction type:
10. Al + Cu(NO3)2(aq) 
Reaction type:
11. AgNO3(aq) + Sn(II) 
Reaction type:
12. Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) 
Reaction type:
13. Cu(OH)2(s) 
Reaction type:
14. Mg + HCl(aq) 
Reaction type:
EXPLAIN: (30 minutes)
Net Ionic Equations
The teacher should begin with a review of the solubility rules including soluble, insoluble
and precipitate.
 Demo and/or animation:
o Demo: Pb(NO3)2(aq) + KI(aq)  produces a precipitate and spectator ions
 When predicting products, include states and explain the
importance of the states to working ionic and net ionic equations
and identifying spectator ions.
 Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq)  PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)
 Relate to lab – Chemical Formulas and Equations
o Show example of an acid-base reaction
 HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  H2O(l) + NaCl(aq)
 HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  produces molecular compound and
spectator ions.
 Model writing complete ionic and net ionic equations and provide guided practice
from the text or other resource.
 Allow students to work in groups and EXPLAIN to one another the process for
writing net ionic equations.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Essential Question:
How would you determine what species should be included in net ionic equations?
ELABORATE: (30 minutes)
Instruct students to return to Chemical Reactions and Equations Practice. Write
symbols (s), (l), (g), and (aq) for each reactant and product. Students should write
complete ionic equations and net ionic equations. This activity will allow students to
practice necessary skills that will deepen student understanding for writing net ionic
Essential Question:
How would you determine what species should be included in net ionic equations?
EXPLORE: (60 minutes)
The activity From Reactions to Equations lab will allow students to test for the presence
of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide. Prior to the lab, make sure students
understand that the 3 gases are colorless and odorless and have them record this in
their data table. After the lab, discuss the indicators of a chemical change, including
when color change is chemical.
Essential Question:
What experimental tests can you use to determine the identity of a colorless, odorless
From Reaction to Equations:
Identification of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon Dioxide Gas
safety goggles
lab aprons
3% H2O2
wooden splints
test tubes and racks
zinc metal
3M HCl
collection stoppers (one-hole stoppers to fit test tubes with a small piece of glass rod
inserted into the hole and about 4-5” of rubber tubing attached to the glass rod on the
top side of the stopper)
Answers to Conclusion Questions
1. Bubbles were produced in all the experiments.
Chemistry- Unit 8
2. No. All 3 colorless and odorless.
3. Yes. Different reactions to flame test and the limewater test.
4. O2 – glowing splint relit
H2 – popping noise
CO2 – flame extinguished
5. The limewater test can be used identify CO2 only – the limewater turns cloudy.
6. Oxygen: 2H2O2  2H2O + O2
Hydrogen: Zn + 2HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
Carbon Dioxide: CaCO3 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + H2O + CO2
7. Ca(OH)2 + CO2  CaCO3 + H2O
From Reaction to Equations:
Identification of Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Carbon Dioxide Gas
A chemical reaction serves as a shorthand way to reporting the details of a
possible laboratory reaction. What we write on paper should correspond to reality:
many reactions can be constructed in writing that do not actually occur in nature. For
example, a chemical equation that represents a reaction between copper metal and
hydrochloric acid can be written as follows:
Cu(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CuCl2(aq) + H2(g)
However, if we place a sample of copper metal in hydrochloric acid, we would not
observe any reaction because copper metal does react with hydrochloric acid. Thus,
the simplest rule to follow in writing chemical equations is that what is placed on paper
should represent accurately what is known about actual substances and their changes.
Chemists have long known that in chemical reactions atoms are neither created
nor destroyed; they are conserved. Thus, our pencil-and-paper equations must be
balanced; that is, the total number of atoms of each element we start with must equal
the total number of atoms of each element we show when the reaction is completed.
In this investigation, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide gases will be
produced and methods to distinguish among these three gases will be determined. You
will also write balanced chemical equations that represent the reactions observed.
Pre-Lab Questions.
1. Explain how by balancing a chemical equation you satisfy the Law of Conservation
of Matter.
2. Write balanced chemical equations for the following chemical reactions:
a. One substance found in gasoline is octane, C8H18,. If octane is fully burned in
air, it reacts with oxygen gas, O2. The products formed are carbon dioxide and
b. Ammonia gas, NH3, can be formed when hydrogen gas, H2, reacts with nitrogen
gas, N2.
c. Waste sulfur dioxide gas can be destroyed by allowing it to react with carbon to
produce carbon disulfide and carbon monoxide.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Safety precautions: Students must wear safety goggles and lab aprons
Producing Oxygen
Part A. Place a very small amount of manganese dioxide (MnO) in a clean test tube.
Fill the test tube one-third full with hydrogen peroxide (HO). Wait 1-2 minutes for the
gas to collect in the test tube. Light a wood splint and let it burn for a few seconds.
Blow out the flame so that the tip of the splint remains glowing. Insert the glowing
splint into the test tube but not into the liquid contained in the test tube.
Part B. Fill a small beaker one-third full with limewater. Add a very small amount of
MnO to a clean test tube and fill the test tube one-third full with HO. Place the
collection stopper on the test tube and allow the gas being produced to bubble into the
Producing Hydrogen
Note to Teacher: An additional safety precaution would be to wrap the test tube in
which the hydrogen is collected (part A below) with masking tape or strapping tape to
prevent glass from flying in case of explosion. Also, insist that the test tube in which the
H2 gas was collected is moved well away from the test tube in which the Zn and HCl
were reacted before bringing the burning wood splint near. The hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) that is left in the original test tube after the Zn and HCl react is an explosion risk.
Part A. Add a couple of pieces of zinc metal to a clean test tube. Fill the test tube onethird full with hydrochloric acid (HCl). Invert another test tube over the mouth of the test
tube containing the zinc and HCl. Wait 1-2 minutes for the gas to collect inside the
inverted test tube. Move the inverted test tube well away from the test tube containing
the Zn/HCl reaction. Carefully bring a burning wood splint to the open mouth of the
test tube in which has been inverted (where the H2 gas was collected).
Part B. Fill a small beaker one-third full with limewater. Add a few pieces of zinc metal
to a clean test tube and fill the test tube one-third full with HCl. Place the collection
stopper on the test tube and allow the gas being produced to bubble into the limewater.
Producing Carbon Dioxide
Part A. Place a few pieces of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) into a clean test tube. Fill the
test tube one-third full with HCl. Wait 1-2 minutes for the gas to collect in the test tube.
Carefully insert a burning wood splint into the test tube but not into the liquid contained
in the test tube.
Part B. Fill a small beaker one-third full with limewater. Add a few pieces of CaCO3 into
a clean test tube one-third full with HCl. Place the collection stopper on the test tube
and allow the gas being produced to bubble into limewater.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Carbon Dioxide
ELABORATE: (30 minutes)
Following the lab, students should complete the conclusion questions. These questions
will deepen and broaden understanding of the lab.
Conclusion Questions:
1. a. What specific physical evidence was observed that indicated that a gas was
produced when the manganese dioxide was added to the hydrogen peroxide?
b. What specific physical evidence was observed that indicated that a gas was
produced when the hydrochloric acid was added to the zinc metal?
c. What specific physical evidence was observed that indicated that a gas was
produced when the hydrochloric acid was added to the calcium carbonate?
2. Was it possible to distinguish among oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide
according to their physical properties? Why?
3. Was it possible to distinguish among oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide
according to their chemical properties? Why?
4. Describe how the flame test was used to distinguish among the three gases.
5. Describe how the limewater test was used to distinguish among the three gases.
6. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reactions observed in Part A.
Oxygen: hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water and oxygen gas, O2
Hydrogen: Hydrochloric acid reacts with zinc to produce zinc chloride and hydrogen
gas, H2.
Carbon dioxide: Hydrochloric acid reacts with calcium carbonate to produce calcium
chloride and carbon dioxide gas.
7. Write balanced chemical equations for the reactions observed in Part B.
Carbon dioxide: Limewater is an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide which
reacts with carbon dioxide gas to produce an insoluble precipitate, calcium
carbonate and water.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Sample Assessment Questions:
Unit Goal/
1. Which one of the following is classified as a combustion
Zn + 2 HCl  ZnCl2 + H2
CH4 + 2 O2  CO2 + 2 H2O
2 KClO3  2 KCl + 3 O2
CaO + H2O  Ca(OH)2
2. Using the Activity Series of Metals, which is the most reactive
A. Ag
B. Cu
C. Zn
D. Ca
1. When the following equation is balanced, what is the coefficient
for oxygen, O2?
C5H12 + O2  CO2 + H2O
A. 1
B. 5
C. 11
D. 12
2. Which one of the following equations is correctly balanced?
Chemistry- Unit 8
2Al + 6 HCl  3 AlCl3 + 3 H2O
Ba(ClO3)2  2 BaCl2 + 3 O2
CS2 + 2 O2  CO2 + 2 SO2
Pb(NO3)2 + KI  PbI2 + KNO3
1. Identify the precipitate in the following equation:
2 NaOH + CuCl2  2 NaCl + Cu(OH)2
2.Select the gas that will cause a glowing splint to relight?
EVALUATE: (45 minutes)
Below are sample test items obtained from the WIZARD test bank developed by
eduware™ that can be used to allow students to assess their understanding and
abilities and allow the teacher to evaluate the students understanding of key concepts
and skill development for this unit.
Chemistry- Unit 8
Chemistry- Unit 8
Chemistry- Unit 8
Chemistry- Unit 8