outline Speech 3

Outline Template for speech presentation
Name __Joshua Meyerdirk___________________
Topic__The development of reality television___
Specific Purpose: (example may be to demonstrate how to, or to inform, to persuade…..write in what type of speech
you are delivering
The specific purpose is to inform the audience on the development of the reality television phenomenon.
Central Idea (Thesis):
In this speech, the audience will learn how reality television transformed from the 1950’s format, to its current varied
Introduction-(Internal Preview)
Reality television is an increasingly popular and often criticized genre that focuses on unscripted situations and features a
cast of ordinary people.
Topic sentence I: ___Let’s examine what reality television is.
A. As a broad definition, reality TV is an unscripted television genre.
1. It has multiple subgenres but mainly focuses on personal drama.
2. Most reality television programming features an unknown cast that share a common situation.
B. The low cost makes shows easy to produce.
1. Small crews and an unknown casts lead to low production costs.
2. The number of reality shows has increased due to its low cost.
C. While the genre started out small, many countries have imitated the reality tv style.
1. Reality music shows have been duplicated in many countries.
2. Series like Big Brother have been picked up and remade in dozens of different countries.
Topic Sentence:
II. Although the popularity of reality television has dramatically increased over the last few decades, its history goes
back much further.
A. Reality television had its beginnings in the 1940’s and 1950’s
1. The candid camera format, which is still popular today, was one of the first used.
2. The game show, which uses many of the reality show staples, began in the 50’s.
B. Television in the 1960’s and 70’s began to blur the lines between genres.
1. Many documentaries and game shows in this era followed a format closer to what we recognize as
modern reality television.
2. The benefits of reality television began to occur to producers, and many of the longest running reality
shows began in the 80’s and 90’s.
C. The rise of modern reality television.
1.Beginning in 2000, the popularity of reality television took off, with the introduction of some of the
most popular shows of the era.
2.Due to its low overhead cost, new reality shows are still introduced at a regular rate.
Topic Sentence III:
____In today’s reality television, there are multiple formats that cover the television spectrum.
A. Professional/Sports themed
1. Fast paced or unusual jobs can be the focus of a reality series.
B. Celebrity/ Living situation
1. Some of the most famous shows feature people who share a common living situation.
2. Celebrity based shows have grown in popularity
C. Hidden camera, courtroom, trivia shows are examples of the wide range of shows the define the genre.
1. The growing popularity of the show has led to several cable channels picking up on the idea.
Topic Sentence IV: Due to its popularity, there has been a wide range of critical response to realiy television.
A. While extremely popular, shows like American Idol have had to deal with mixed reviews throughout its run.
1. Reviews have had little effect on overall popularity.
B. Accusations of scripted situations in unscripted reality shows.
1. Critics accuse living situation reality television of forces dramatic situations.
2. Other Critics counter that overanalyzing a show that only intends to entertain is to defeat the purpose.
C. The types of reviews depend on the nature of the show and its subject matter.
1. Some reality televison is geared toward educational or sociological situatuions.
2. Some reality television has been accused of being geared toward lowest common denominator.
Conclusion: (internal summary)
_In conclusion, we have developed a well rounded understanding of reality television by
studying its model, history, genres and critical reception . ______________________________
Booth, William. ‘’Reality is only an illusion, writers say’’ Washington Post. WPC. 10 Aug 2004. Web 05 March 2014.
Keveney, Bill. ‘’MTV’s Real World launched a revolution’’ USA Today. Gannet Co. 9Oct2007. Web 04 March 2014.
Rice, Stephen. ‘’Why America loves reality television’’Psychology Today. N.p. 01Sep2001. Web 04 March 2014.
Slocum, Charles. ‘’The real history of reality television’’Writers Guild of America. WGAWest. N.d. Web 03 March 2014.
Reality Television. Wikipedia : The free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 03 March 2014. Web 02 March 2014.