ECEC Conference 2009 - Early Childhood Education Council

ECEC Conference 2009 – Speaker List by Subject
Lynn Beech
Hi I Cue: This session offers an opportunity to experience how having access to and understanding the phonemic
base of spoken language is essential to learning to read for ALL children. The participants will explore how cueing
supports the unique needs of the emerging learner.
Lynn is an educator, passionate about communication, language, inclusion and literacy for ALL children. Searching for a successful multi-sensory literacy tool that embraced all the words and the prosody of the English language, which didn’t involve interpretation, she learned to cue in 1999.
Ann Box
Jolly Phonics- A Synthetic and Systematic Phonics Approach to Early Literacy Education: Jolly Phonics provides a three-year literacy program that encompasses pre-k to Grade 3. the program provides children with the
decoding, blending and segmenting skills they need to read and write effectively. This fast paced multi-sensory
program is effective across a broad range of abilities and cultures, it is inexpensive and easy to implement.
Since the mid-1970's Ann Box has taught and supervised most types of early years education programs both in
Canada and the UK. She is an Enthusiastic proponent of synthetic, systematic phonics approach and has used the
process extensively with children representing a broad range of abilities and cultures with impressive results.
Cindy Gordon
Guided Reading K-1: In this session, we will discuss ways to help our Kindergarten and Grade 1 students move
deeper into text as they progress along the reading continuum from read alouds to shared and guided reading.
We will focus on the use of various comprehension strategies and purposeful talk to deepen students understanding of text.
Cindy Gordon (B. Ed, M.A.) is an elementary teacher in Victoria B.C. In addition to providing professional development programs at the University of Victoria, she has presented in school districts throughout British Columbia.
Cindy is part of the writing team for Scholastic Canada’s Moving up with Literacy Place 4-6.
Bonnie Lebowitz
Leveled Literacy Intervention: This hands on session will introduce participants to Leveled Literacy Intervention,
and small group intervention for K-3, designed by Gay Su Pinnell and Irene Fountas. Participants will have an opportunity to become familiar with the theory, lesson design and materials provided in the LLI Kit.
Bonnie Lebowitz is a Reading Specialist and a consultant for Edmonton Public Schools. She has taught grades 110. Her focus and passion is providing programming for students who struggle with reading and writing.
Barbara Mariconda
Reimagining our World through Writing: We often teach writing to meet the practical requirements of school
and work. But what’s sometimes underestimated is the power of the imagination. Channeled onto the page it
inspires, challenges and empowers both the reader and the writer – a vehicle for changing the world, one life at a
Author/educator Barbara Mariconda has published dozens of books for teachers and children. Her picture book,
Sort it Out was a 2008 Moonbeam Award winner and National Best Book Award finalist. She co-founded Empowering Writers, an educational consulting firm, inspiring teachers and their students across North America and beyond.
Ginger Mullen
The Gunniwolf and Other Tales from the Woods: – Storytelling helps children develop literacy skills, creativity
and empathy. In this session, you’ll listen to, then practice telling two stories and some story stretches. Whether a
novice or a seasoned teller wanting to expand your repertoire, you’ll have something new to share in the classroom come Monday morning.
A professional storyteller since 1992, Ginger has developed am expertise using language play with children
through work for libraries, schools and the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program. She also holds an MA in Children’s Literature. She believes all children need to hear stories especially from the lips of those who love them
Marie Pinsent, Catherine Carpenter, Tara Rossiter-Exall, Debra Polischuk
Language Capacity Building in the Primary Classroom: This session will provide an overview of a resource produced by Calgary Catholic School District staff to support language instruction for students who have communication disabilities. The resources use familiar children’s literacy and interactive games to address articulation and
phonological awareness, receptive and expressive language and social language.
Marie Pinsent began teaching with the Calgary Catholic School District in September 1983 and has taught in a
number of District schools. During her career she has held a number of positions with the Instructional Services
Department supporting students with special needs and is currently employed as a Kindergarten Consultant at
Catherine Carpenter has taught for the Calgary Catholic School District in a variety of capacities including Regular
Education, ESL, Special Education, Corrective Learning, Resource Support, Special Needs Coordinating Teacher
and most recently as a Consultant of Assistive Technology. Providing tools for teachers to support students with
special needs is her passion.
Tara Rossiter-Exall received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Calgary in 1995 and a Masters in
Speech Language Pathology from the University of Alberta in 1997. Tara has provided services to the full range of
pediatric population (birth to high school) primarily within the education system. Her areas of expertise include
working with children with motor speech disorders, language based learning difficulties and social communication needs.
Debra Polischuk has held many teaching and administrative positions in her 29 year career with the Calgary Catholic School District. She is newly appointed to the position of Supervisor Instructional Support, Area D and Kindergarten.
Mary Printz
Writing Made Easy- Literacy: Mary Printz is an enthusiastic presenter with dozens of classroom-proven ideas to
share with participants. With over 24 years of teaching experience in the primary grades, her strategies are tried
and true, ready to use and easy to implement. She will give you techniques to work with your students individually, in small flexible groups and as a whole class for introducing literacy skills and enhancing writing fluency. Mary
is the creator of primary Workmats, a classroom resource that assists children in the writing process. Her session
is high-energy with creative, innovative activities that you can use immediately to provide your students with the
best possible start in developing writing skills.
Miriam P. Trehearne
Kindergarten Literacy: Strong Programs Make the Difference!
ALL students benefit from strong kindergarten programs. This practical session will demonstrate how kindergarten teachers provide their students (including ESL) with research based, developmentally appropriate, effective
and engaging literacy programs, with a focus on scaffolding oral language and writing. Clear literacy benchmarks,
developmentally appropriate assessments and evidence based exciting teaching will be shared.
Develop Oral Language and Reading Comprehension K-3
Practical Strategies that Work: This practical session will describe how teachers successfully support young students’ oral language and comprehension as part of a comprehensive literacy program. Come and learn many
practical, engaging, doable and developmentally appropriate strategies and activities to assess and develop both
vocabulary and comprehension. Important home-school links will also be shared.
Miriam has been a classroom teacher and Literacy Specialist. She has written four professional books, including
the AEP Award Winner for 2006. She recently presented with Regie Routman and keynote at Michigan Reading,
Georgia Reading, The IRA World Congress in Costa Rica and the European Conference on Reading in Portugal.
Pamela Winsor and Robin M. Bright
See and Say: Sharing Exemplary Picture Books with Young Language Learners: This presentation will begin
with a review of what research tells us about the relationship between oral language (listening and speaking) and
developing literacy through shared reading experiences (reading and writing). With that knowledge as background, we will introduce participants to new literature, some from well-known and familiar authors, and demonstrate how those books can be used to enrich children’s oral language and literacy development.
Pamela J.T. Winsor is a professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Lethbridge. She teaches courses concerning early childhood curriculum and literacy learning in elementary schools. She supervises both undergraduate and graduate students engaged in practicum and class-room-based research. She is co-author of Language
Arts: Content and Strategies (Pearson, 2008)
Robin M. Bright is a professor in the University of Lethbridge Faculty of Education. She teaches courses to undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of language and literacy. She is the author of several books including, Write from the Start: Writers workshop in the Primary Grades ( Portage & Main, 2001); the co-author of From
Your Child’s Teacher: Helping Children Learn to Read, Write and Speak (FP Hendriks, 1998).
Lisa Amos
What About Water: The interactive journey, through multiple literacies, of an elementary class inquiry into the
uniqueness and importance of water to our world. Together we will explore how students view this precious bit of
I am an elementary teacher with the Calgary Board of Education. This is my third year teaching a combined grade
3/4 class at Coventry Hills School. I have been an elementary teacher in Alberta for seven years, concentrating on
how to teach through an integrated inquiry approach.
Brian Briggs
Teaching, Learning and the New K-6 Science Program of Studies: Optional implementation of the new K-6
Science Program of Studies is scheduled for 2010/2011. This session will focus on the philosophy and pedagogy
embedded in the new K-6 program, with an emphasis on teaching and learning Science in the K-3 classroom.
Brain has been teaching Science for over twenty-five years at the primary and elementary grade levels. Currently,
he is the Science Consultant for the Calgary Catholic School District and sits on the Alberta Education’s Elementary Science Advisory Committee.
Gloria Brons
Butterflies and Bugs: – All about butterflies and bugs! A selection of live animals including butterflies, tarantulas,
scorpions, African millipedes and hissing cockroaches are brought into the class. Each is used to illustrate fun facts
about what we find in our own backyards.
The presentation will include general information about insects and touch on problem solving with particular reference to butterfly raising kits. Some advice will also be offered regarding other classroom projects or species.
Time allotted for questions from participants.
Gloria J. Brons is the owner of Butterfly Wings n’ Wishes. With Butterfly Wings n’ Wishes Gloria travels throughout
Alberta and other provinces offering classroom presentations to thousands of students and their teachers each
year. With these presentations and other activities she hopes to increase awareness through a “stealth education”
approach to the world of insects.
Gloria raises Painted Lady Butterfly larvae kits to supply schools Science projects. She is currently on the Board of
Directors of the International Butterfly Breeders Association. Past President of the Canadian Butterfly Breeders
and Exhibitors Association, a member of the Entomological Society of Alberta, the Lepidopterist Society of Alberta and the Edmonton Reptile and Amphibian Society. Gloria was honoured to be one of those nominated for the
Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Small Business Owner of the Year awards for 2004.
Clean Calgary
Water Conservation and Vermicomposting: Clean Calgary offers unique curriculum based classroom presentations on environmental issues. These sessions engage students in current and meaningful activities which include
learning how to start and maintain a worm bin and issues in water conservation. Teachers will learn about Clean
Calgary Association’s in-class presentation options for K-3 students as well as have an opportunity to see and engage in the activities that Clean Calgary Association offers in both the Water for Life and Vermicompsting presentations.
Clean Clagary Association is a local urban environmental non-profit organization. Clean Calgary Association empowers Calgarians to create healthy homes and communities through environmnetal education products and services.
Elan LaMontagne, Megan Hauger, Natalie Cox, Debbie Nettesheim
What is a Park? An Inquiry Into Connection With Place: Learning From Local Environments With Young Children: What does it mean to take up a place? This presentation will focus on the work of teachers and students in
an Alternative Science School environment. We will share examples of the curricular studies and field work that
children and teachers have engaged in over the past two years. This is guided by the philosophy of numerous authors, such as David Orr, Gary Nadham, David Sobel and Richard Louv. It is our belief that children cannot ‘save
what they do not love’; development of a sense of place is critical to a liberal education. Teachers will display and
discuss artifacts and stories of learning from River Park, Centenary Park, Prince’s Island and from within our local
school community setting. Participants will be invited to engage in discussion about the value of working with
children in sustained study of local environments. Questions about our own histories and our sense of place, as
educators, will be encouraged.
We are teachers from Langevin Science school; each with a diverse and varied background. There is a wide range
of teaching experience from three to thirty years. The four of us work collaboratively as a grade one/two teaching
team and have worked together for 3 years.
Cara Linzmayer
Thinking Outside the Toy Box: Nature Based Early Childhood Education: Preschoolers are becoming increasingly responsible for meeting the developmental needs of young children. The need for high quality early childhood
education invites us to think outside the toy box. Experiential nature-based learning provides and exciting new
approach to early childhood education. This session will provide many practical examples of how to connect children with nature.
Cara has a Master’s Degree in Social Work and has worked with children and families in a clinical setting for over
12 years. In 2007 she opened a nature-based preschool in Stony Plain, Alberta and is currently completing her
PhD at the University of Alberta researching children’s experiences with nature.
Sharon McKenzie and Terry Tobin
Creating Renewable Energy Possibilities: Wind Energy, Environment and Education will focus on the journey
that Olympic Heights has taken to actively engage young learners in environmental inquiry studies. This session
will give examples of how young children can actively be empowered to be involved in sustainable energy learning
in order to live the virtues of Taking Care of Our World. This presentation will share how grants are availible for
environmental projects and how their school is presently involved in CBE/ENMAX GEN E pilot program with their
wind turbine project.
Sharon and Terry are lead teachers in environmental pursuits at Olympic Heights School. They are both involved
in environmental leadership through their active teaching and environmental eco-team. Their passion for environmental education has led their school to be one of the leading CBE schools in Environmental Education by reducing their school’s eco footprint and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. The active partnership with CBE and Enmax
has enabled Olympic Heights School to have a Skystream 3.7 micro turbine on their school site.
Jessica Badzgon
Outcomes Alive!: Bring your outcomes to life! Through activities based on the Phys.Ed Program of Studies we
will actively explore how to integrate Math and Language Arts outcomes for our kinesthetic learners. We will reveal how easily you can create movement breaks and activities that reinforce the outcomes being taught. Come
ready to move.
Jessica Badzgon is currently the Health and Physical Education Consultant for the Calgary Catholic School District. She has an elementary, dance and physical education background. She loves to work with teachers and
students to show how easily healthy active living can be incorporated into daily life.
Nicole Baker
Fit Kids are Funky! Hip Hop Dance for Young Children: Learn a funky hip hop style of dance to share with your
students. Not only will they improve balance and coordination, learn basic dance steps and get some exercisethey will LOVE it! Nicole makes dance can take the tools from the session into the classroom or gym
on Monday, or use the skills she teaches to choreograph your own funky moves.
Fit Kids Do Pilates: Learn all you need to bring this popular fitness activity to your school! Explore the mind-body
connection while improving balance, stability and coordination...and having fun! Come to this session and learn
how to set kids up for a lifetime of health and well being.
Nicole has been in the fitness and wellness industry for 13 years as a dynamic instructor, personal trainer and presenter. She is a certified Fitness Instructor Specialist, Personal Training Specialist and Pilates Coach. She has a
variety of additional certifications and training including Yoga and Keiser Power Pacing. Alongside her commitment as a professional educator, she provides fitness and wellness leadership to adults and children locally in Alberta and around the world.
Marilyn Wickenheiser
Everyday DPA: A fun filled light activity session full of many DPA activities suitable for grades 1-3 (many adaptable for K as well). Be prepared to participate, laugh, giggle and walk away feeling invigorated, refreshed and
loaded with activities for Monday morning.
Marilyn Wickenheiser is a retired elementary teacher who has taught in the classroom as well as the gym. She has
served on various committees and presented at workshops to help develop a comprehensive health school approach and was awarded Physical Education Teacher Excellence award in 2008 by HPE Canada.
Wendy Passmore-Godfrey
Vietnamese Water Puppets, Science and Story: Vietnamese Water puppeteers wear hip waders! Make and perform your own version of a water show and hear more intriguing things about this ancient art form. From materials exploration and building challenges in the puppet creation, to re-telling and performing cultural stories, this
workshop is great for all grades. Requested participants fee $3.00.
Wendy Passmore-Godfrey, BFA, is Artistic Director of W.P. Puppet Theater Society established in 1991. Her training includes study with DRAK Puppet Theater, Czechoslovakia and the International Insitute of Puppet Arts in
France. She has taught thousands of hours of workshops and residencies with students of all ages.
Gail Bartel
Art is in the Making: Let’s REMIX your Art Program with some new techniques. You don’t need expensive supplies, just the basics and some recyclables and you’re on your way to art with pizazz. Art shouldn’t be boring, you
just need some new tricks. Let’s learn felting, resists, assemblage, glue batik and lots more.
Gail Bartel BSc., BSW. A social worker and self taught artist who’s found a passion in sharing art with children.
Author of one of the top “how to” art blogs at “theartistwoman” and featured on CRAFT, DesignMom, One Pretty, The Crafy Crow, the Baltimore Sun and Davis Publications Art Education.
Evelyn Delgado
Inquiry Education Tools for Re-imagining Engagement: How can we rework our programming to engage all
audiences and keep them curious for more? Participants will be engaged in hands-on activities designed to illus-
trate what inquiry learning is and why it is effective. Participants will come away with some practical tools to create a stronger learning atmosphere within their classroom.
Evelyn is the Public Programmer for Early Childhood Education and Families at the Telus World of Science. She
has taught creative preschool programs for 11 years. She received her BFA from Concordia University in 2004 in
Art Education. She is currently working on the Inquiry based Preschool Programs.
Maureen Dennis
Bringing the Curriculum to Life!: Join Maureen Dennis of Clay for Kids for a fun and Informative hands-on session. We will discuss: Recreating Characters by using 3-D relief Inuit Spirit Mask and child’s figure on a plaque
made of clay; making cultural connections to literature with a Chinese dragon, Aztec Sun or Iroquois Spirit Masks;
Participants will make a human form using clay as an example of Author Study for Max Lucado.
Maureen Dennis has been teaching children and adults how to work with clay for years. Clay for Kids is a portable
pottery “enrichment” program which she created in 1981. It offers over 55 art and curriculum projects and Tile
Murals for children in schools and this clean, safe and cost effective program is delivered in your school. Clay for
kids has opened its first studio in Deer Run in SE Calgary where classes, birthday parties and camps are taking
Jennifer Hudec
Possibilities with Paint and Pastels: Creating Successful and Meaningful Artwork with Children: This hands-on
session will allow participants to explore ideas, tips and techniques for helping students successfully create meaningful and authentic artwork using readily available materials such as tempera paint and oil pastels.
Jennifer Hudec holds a B.Ed. in Early Childhood Education, and a B.F.A. in Art (painting, drawing, sculpting). She
has worked as an art consultant for teachers, and has taught art to students in Grade K-8. Currently, Jennifer is a
Kindergarten teacher for the Calgary Board of Education.
Robert Kelly
Creative Expression, Creative Education: Creativity as a Primary Rational for Education: Robert Kelly will
share ideas from his book Creative Expression, Creative Education on generating ideas, experimenting, and creating new forms as creativity is presented as an educational imperative. This creativity jammed session explores the
dynamic and vocabulary of the concept of creativity in education. Bring your ideas and a sense of humour.
Robert Kelly is an associate professor in Arts Education at the University of Calgary. His recent book Creative Expression, Creative Education: Creativity As A Primary Rationale For Education is the first of three volumes on creativity in education. He has developed courses for educators on creativity and is featured on the university’s Great
Teacher website.
Tracey Kuffner
Painting with Wool (felt making): Teachers will learn how to dye wool with food colouring and then felt a small
wool picture with their class to reinforce learning when studying the fur trade, Peru, early pioneers, urban and
rural and colour mixing. It is also a wonderful medium in creating artwork and mesmerizing to see a handfull of
fluffy wool turn into a sturdy piece of fabric.
I have been a felt maker for the past 15 years. I am author and illustrator of two children’s books and designer of a
felted clothing business. I tour schools and teach workshops teaching others the wonderful art of feltmaking and
the medium of wool used in fiber arts.
Donna Lawson, Donna Brown and Jennifer Grey
Representing Learning through Visual Journaling: Over the past 5 years, these teachers have integrated the use
of Visual Journals into all curricular areas. They will focus on presentation and organization of Visual Journal pages. Many art techniques will be shared to inspire creative representation of students; understanding. Practical ideas such as lettering, paint techniques, borders and paper folds as well as student journals will be shared from Kindergarten through to Grade 3. This is a “hands-on” workshop to inspire teachers who are both new and experienced in visual journaling. If you have your own Visual Journal, please bring it with you. Paper and other materials
will be provided.
All three teachers participated in a 2 year AISI project with the Calgary Board of Education that focused on integrating visual journaling into all of the areas of the curriculum. This inspired them to go back to their classrooms
and incorporate visual journals into all aspects of their program. Having taught together, they began sharing their
ideas with one another. This led to opportunities to present at workshops, conferences and professional development sessions throughout the province. They are currently teaching together at Douglasdale School in Calgary.
Heather Palmer
Smartboard and Mathematics in the K-3 Classroom: This session will focus on the use of Smart boards in the
teaching of mathematics in K-3. Ideas on how to best utilize Smart boards allowing for the differentiation and
personalization of learning which can be shared in each strand of mathematics.
Heather is a classroom teacher, presently on a Professional Improvement Fellowship from the Calgary Board of
Education. Her fellowship study focuses on the effective and diverse use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology
(SMART boards) in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Trisa Soroski (Also listed under Math)
Using Children’s Literature and Technology to Teach Kindergarten Mathematics: This session will provide Kindergarten teachers with a variety of ways to use popular children’s literature and technology (including interactive
whiteboards) to teach the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Trisa has been teaching with the Calgary Catholic School District for over 20 years. She is currently a district ICT
consultant, working with teachers to implement technology into their programs in meaningful ways.
April Brown
Coming to Know Problem Solving through Math, Literature and Everything Else: Wondering how to engage
your students in meaningful problem solving? I’ll show you how to use literature and other activities to teach
through problem solving. Examples of student work will be shown. I’ll show how I assess for learning and some
problems I use with my students. You’ll have an opportunity to see how the new curriculum can be taught through
literature investigations with an emphasis on problem solving.
I have taught grades one and two for eleven years in Grande Prairie, AB. I have been an ECEC member for eight
years. My passion for math has grown in the last six years. I now eat, sleep and dream about how to improve my
math teaching. I live with three boys, yikes! Darcy, my significant other, Maxx and Phoenix, our two male dachshunds.
Kathy Laycock
Little Hands, Big Ideas: Easing the Transition for Grade 3 Students in Math: Join us to participate in engaging
and purposeful math activities as we explore math games and a new type of lesson called the “Your Choice” lesson that allows students to play a more active role in their learning. Participants will receive free samples of Nelsons Math focus 3, the one-of-a-kind, two-part resource designed to ease the transition for grade 3 students.
Kathy Laycock has taught all grades K-6 and has been an elementary school principal. She has worked with
teachers in Canada and the USA to enhance learning opportunities. Her passion is making learning exciting for
both children and teachers.
Geri Lorway
*Please Note: there are three separate sessions focusing on each grade: 1,2,3*
Number Sense and Thinking Strategies: How do Personal Procedures Develop and How Do We Assess Them?
Each session will focus on how teachers can support and assess student’s ability with number and thinking strategies. How do we design, monitor and facilitate activities and discussions that provide students the skills they need
to develop, refine and become fluent with personal strategies for addition and subtraction. Teachers must focus
on the skills and strategies that are unique and specific role to the grade they teach so that by Grade 3 students
are experiencing success. Each session will be supported by exemplars of student work and a framework for assessing student progress.
Geri Lorway brings to her presentation a unique diverse repertoire of lifelong teaching and learning experiences
with students of all ages. She has traveled the area from Math Phobic to Math Addiction in her quest to build and
maintain supportive environments within which teachers and students can experience success and understanding
in mathematics. Known for her passion, energy, enthusiasm, the focus of her work is on teaching for thinking in
mathematics. What we can learn from listening to our students allows us to differentiate for all learners.
Trisa Soroski
Using Children’s Literature and Technology to Teach Kindergarten Mathematics: This session will provide Kindergarten teachers with a variety of ways to use popular children’s literature and technology (including interactive
whiteboards) to teach the WNCP mathematics curriculum.
Trisa has been teaching with the Calgary Catholic School District for over 20 years. She is currently a district ICT
consultant, working with teachers to implement technology into their programs in meaningful ways.
Alena Aldridge and Laura Rankin
S is for Social Studies: Come with us as we explore key concepts and vocabulary connected to the grades one and
two social studies curriculum. Integrated lesson ideas using the alphabet as a visual organizer will help students
make learning discoveries through guided as well as inquiry based activities. What better way to foster a deeper
understanding of the places, events and people that shape your learners world.
Laura and Alena are experienced and enthusiastic teachers currently working together at McKenzie Lake School.
Their classroom reflects a dynamic place of learning. It is their goal to craft instruction to meet students interests
and needs in a different setting.
Sarah Kesler, Brenda Zugman and Kathy Laycock
Children Changing the World: Come find out you can change a child’s life through local and global citizenship projects in your classroom or school. We will show you haw to connect each aspect of the curriculum to your individual project. You will leave with ideas of how to empower the children in your classroom to make a meaningful
change in your community or the world.
Sarah Kesler, Brenda Zugman and Kathy Laycock are educators who have been actively involved in global citizenship work with different school communities for several years. One project was documented in the film “Letters
from Litein”, an engaging story of Calgary students who connect with children in Kenya. Sarsh, Brenda and Kathy
have just returned from their second trip to Kenya where they continued to work with an orphanage and the local
Sarah Kesler
Connecting Children with the World: This session will tell the story of how Sarah has successfully used photography and storytelling with her class to inspire authentic writing while connecting with children half way around
the world. She will share examples of student project work and photographs taken by Canadian and Kenyan children.
Sarah Kesler is currently a Grade 3 teacher with the Calgary Board of Education. She has always enjoyed taking
photographs of people. Sarah has combined her passions for photography, and teaching with her work supporting
children in Kenya.
Trisa Soroski
Citizen of the Day: This session will provide kindergarten and grade 1 teachers with ways to actively involve their
students daily in social studies outcomes. The session will also feature ways to integrate children’s literature and
technology, including interactive whiteboards.
Trisa has been teaching with the Calgary Catholic School District for over 20 years. She is currently a district ICT
consultant, working with teachers to implement technology into their programs in meaningful ways.
Krista Hewson
La La La Learn!: Music Thearpy in Early Education
An interactive and informative presentation exploring the use of music in early education and the role of music
therapists in the education multidisciplinary team. Krista shares her experience as a pediatric clinician, her insights
working with young and special needs children and will discuss various music therapy and non-music therapy
Krista is an accredited music therapist, the owner of Soundaffects Music Therapy, and the president of the Music
Therapy Association of Alberta. She has been in pediatric private practice since 2002 working with a wide variety
of special needs children. Krista specializes in autism spectrum and communication disorders.
Marty Hornstein
Surviving and Thriving with LD/ADHD: According to the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC), one
in ten Canadians has a learning disability. What does this mean to you as a teacher? This means that in a classroom with 20-30 students, two to three students might have learning disabilities. These students might seem
distracted, they might look like they are not listening when you talk to them and they might seem disorganized.
These are some of the traits of people affected by Learning Disabilities (LD) and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactive
Disorder (AD/HD). However, they are anything but stupid and lazy. They simply process information differently
than other individuals. The presentation covers such topics as: What is LD and AD/HD?; How does it feel to have
LD and or AD/HD?; What are the tips and tricks on classroom management?; How to identify strategic goals that
best suit students’ and teachers’ needs?
Marty is currently the Executive Director of LDAA-CC. He has been in this position for six years. He has been involved in the senior management of non profit organizations for 20 plus years. Past positions include the Director
of Finance and Operations for the Vocational and Rehabilitation Research Institute and the Boys and Girls Clubs.
He is an accountant by profession with a BA (honors) in Sociology. Marty has survived and thrived (to some degree) with AD/HD. He believes that every kid can survive and reach their own personal potential with the right
kind of supports and accommodations.
Dawn McBride
Hands on Strategies to help your child move their anger from Hot to Cold: This session will provide helpful
tools, not only for students who struggle with anger or expressing their emotions, but for all students. Dawn
McBride, a registered psychologist and assistant professor in an online graduate counselor education program at
U of L. She has an extensive background in counseling, including working overseas with Arab youth. She maintains a small private practice specializing in trauma, disordered eating, and OCD.
Carmen Bryant
Wiggle While You Learn: – Movement and music are powerful tools. Use actions to songs to teach colors, alphabet, Fairy Tales, dinosaurs and many other themes. In this session you will learn a variety of kids tested singing
games, dance and movement activities for the Early Primary Grades. This is a practical workshop with many great
Carmen Bryant has been teaching the early primary grades for over 25 years. She has a Bachelor degree from Simon Fraser University. She has been combining music and literacy in her classroom and found it to be an effective
tool in teaching Kindergarten/Year One programs. The workshops are rich in songs movement, poetry and dance
to engage all learning styles. Carmen has presented workshops throughout Alberta, BC, Ontario and California.
Denise Gagne
Dances and Singing Games for Kindergarten: In this session Denise will share dances and singing games that are
fun and easy for your Kindergarten – Grade 3 students.
Denise Gagne has taught instrumental , choral and classroom music from preschool to College levels. She has
degrees in music and education, as well as certification in Kodaly and Orff. Denise has authored many publications
including the Musicplay K-6.
Marilee MacDonald
The Rats in the Hearts of Little Learners: Building on children’s natural need to move, create, express and do as
they learn: It is time to think outside the box and discover how we can use the Arts to encourage and further learning in the K-2 classroom. This session will provide you with: innovative ways to get your students active and more
involved in their learning; suggestions for ways to teach the curriculum through Drama activities; new ideas to
enhance your creative dance unit; activities that can be used to meet DPA goals; management strategies for children in movement environments. Get ready to have fun, explore, and leave with some practical ideas for your
Marilee MacDonald has an extensive background in teaching Fine Arts and Early Childhood Education. She began
teaching in Edmonton at Victoria School of Performing and Visual Arts. She then went on to spend the next 7
years at Afton School of the Arts teaching half day Kindergarten, as well as grade 1-6 Dance and Drama. Marilee
recently moved to Grand Prairie and is the owner and teacher of a movement program for children 0-4years called
“ABC Move with Me.” She is also a registered student at the Institute of Children’s Literature. Whether it is
Dance, Drama, Creative Writing, Music, or Visual Art, Marilee is passionate about the Arts and the role they play in
enhancing students’ learning.
Lee and Sandy Paley
The Joy of Music in the Classroom: As we all know, when children are happy they play well together and find it
easier to learn. Using CDs and music DVDs in the classroom is a great way to lift their spirits, open their minds and
inspire creativity.
We look forward to meeting you! To sample our songs and preview the ‘Ballooner Landing’ television series, visit
For over 25 years Lee and Sandy Paley have been sharing their songs with children, their families and teachers.
They have written and recorded over 200 action packed and visually rich songs on 10 CDs, and produced 200 music videos on DVD for their Ballooner Landing television show. Winner of the Can-Pro Gold award for best Canadian produced children’s series, Ballooner Landing aired for 15 years on various networks including YTV, Treehouse,
Global, PBS and Kidztime in the US.
Motivated by their love of children and a belief that childhood is far too short, Lee and Sandy inspire families to
play, laugh and sing together. Their imaginative music has a positive focus and a message of caring, friendship
and love. The Paleys live in Calgary along with their three daughters, three son-in-laws and six grandchildren…their inspiration for life.
Denise Gagne Williamson
Teaching French Through Songs and Games: Fun and simple beginner level French songs and poems that can be
integrated into language programs for young children. Techniques for engaging the social, emotional and imaginative world of the young learner, and discussion of teaching resources will be included. These ideas can be applied to teaching any foreign language.
Denise earned a BA in Theatre and Music from the University of Quebec in Montreal, and a graduate diploma in
Early Childhood Education from the University of Calgary. Throughout her more than 20 years of teaching (includ-
ing 10 in Kindergarten French Immersion) she has integrated music, drama and FUN into everything she’s done.
She currently teaches at Waldorf School.
Robin Barrow
Primary Kitchen Creations: Introducing young children to cooking reinforces the importance of the kitchen as a
practical and social gathering spot for family and friends. Establishing an early interest in preparing food and
making healthy food choices has lifelong benefits. The enthusiasm displayed by young students during cooking
classes demonstrates the fun and educational value of lessons in the kitchen. This session will include proven creative recipes, organizational ideas and suggestions for integrating cooking lessons into other subject areas.
Robin holds a Bachelor of Home Economics degree and a Bachelor of Education degree from the University of
British Columbia. She is currently employed by the Foothills School Division teaching kindergarten at Dr. Morris
Gibson School in Okotoks Alberta. Robin has an extensive background in early childhood education including preschool and division 1 (K-3). Kitchen activities have always been integral part of her Pre-K program.
Lorraine Beaudry
Easy to Teach- Ready to Learn: Teachers are expected to teach MORE curriculum to a MORE diverse group and
to MORE students who seem not ready or willing to learn. Society has changed and so, therefore, has its children.
We frustrate ourselves by attacking new problems with old techniques, often feeling powerless. But learning delays, attention, aggression and independence issues can be viewed in a new light. With a basic understanding of
current developmental science and the role of nature in the maturation process, we can discover where a teacher’s power actually lies and what makes a child easy to teach and ready to learn.
Lorraine Beaudry is an experienced teacher, having worked with children ages 5 to 16 years, in various inclusive
classroom settings. Lorraine studies the material developed by Dr. Gordon Neufeld and is a certified Neufeld Video-course Facilitator. In addition to presenting Dr. Neufeld’s materials to groups of parents and educators, Lorraine puts the science of development into daily practice.
Gail Campbell
Are you working with students from 0-6 years? Alberta Education has recently developed a new branch, titled the
Early Learning Branch. It’s mandate is to “continue to improve broad-based supports and early intervention initiatives for at-risk children to improve their learning outcomes”. Come to this session to learn about how the Early
Learning branch can help support the work you do with at-risk children. Several excellent resources will be displayed.
Cheryl Greenridge, Pamela Payne
Managing Challenging Behaviour in Young Children – This session is a compilation of many behavioural theories and strategies proven effective in Early Childhood classrooms. The focus of this session will be on the prevention, replacement and response strategies used to manage challenging behaviours. Expect to leave this session
with at least 50 strategies to try on Monday morning.
Cheryl Greenidge has worked for the Calgary Board of Education for the past 14 years in Division One classrooms.
She has spent the majority of her time working as a Kindergarten teacher as well as a Division One Resource
Teacher. Cheryl is currently working as a Kindergarten Behaviour Strategist on the CBE Kindergarten Enhanced
Service Team.
Pamela Payne has worked for the Calgary Board of Education for 15 years. She has taught Kindergarten and
Grade 2/3 and has spent many years as a Resource Teacher. For the past three years she has worked as the Kindergarten Behaviour Strategist on the Kindergarten Enhanced Services Team. Currently, Pam has returned to the
classroom to teach Kindergarten.
Lana Kostiuk & Julie Ramsay
Insights: Reggio-Inspired Documentation: What is documentation? Why document children’s learning? This
session will review various types, techniques and implementation strategies utilized when creating Reggioinspired documentation. Practical examples and resources will be shared.
Lana Kostiuk is an AISI Learning Leader with the Calgary Board of Education. She has taught for 18 years and is
currently pursuing her Masters in Education. She is an advocate for Reggio-inspired primary programs and she
participated in the 2007 Canadian Study Tour to Reggio Emilia, Italy. Her interests focus on pedagogy, facilitating
professional development, and creating collaboration between educators and artists.
Julie Ramsay is currently a Learning Leader with the Calgary Board of Education and has been teaching in a Reggio-inspired environment for 13 years. As a delegate with the 2007 Canadian Study Tour to Reggio Emilia, she is
dedicated to collaborating and sharing her passion for this innovative approach with children, parents and colleagues.
Pat Tarr
Fundamentals of the Reggio Approach: Finding Your Way: This session will present an overview of the fundamental principles of the Reggio Emilia approach to education with an emphasis on helping session participants
find relevance to Alberta educational contexts.
Pat Tarr is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary. She has been researching the Reggio Approach since 1990 and was instrumental in bringing the Hundred Languages of Children exhibit
to Calgary in 1997 and 2006.
Carol Vaage
Just back from Reggio, Italy! Carol was on a study week in Reggio two weeks ago and will be sharing her experiences in Italy, as well as her work on Continuity from the Infant-Toddler Centers to the Preschools to the Primary
Schools. It will be a "Coles-Notes" version of her week!
Carol teaches Gr. 1 at St. Monica Early Learning Center in Edmonton, and has been actively involved in the ECEC
for years. She holds her M Ed in ECE from the U of A, and has authored Bibi and the Bull.
Smart Table Demonstrations
Representatives from SMART Technologies will be on hand Friday to demonstrate their amazing new SMART
Table. They will be set up in the main lobby next to the registration desk. Be sure to stop by for an opportunity to
see, touch and play with this incredible tool.