VSAT License Application

1. Name of Applicant:
XNET Development Alliance Trust (XNET)
2. Purpose of Application
To obtain VSAT stations to serve the educational sector in Namibia for the purposes
of providing affordable access to pan-African and international education resources.
3. Postal Address of Applicant:
P.O. Box 99506
4. Physical Address of Applicant
Room 358
Ministry of Education
Government Office Park
Windhoek, Namibia
5. Category of Applicant
Trust registered in the republic of Namibia.
6. Planned Date of Operation
By end of academic year 2006
7. Telephone, Fax Nos and email
Tel: +264 61 293 3372
Fax: +264 61 293 3372
Email: Wilfred.kuria@gesci.org (Use XNET Email!)
8. Company Registration No. (Attach copy of certificate)
No. T31/04
9. Details of Company Directors/ Shareholders (3 names)
Dr. Jjama Tjivikua – Rector, Polytechnic of Namibia
Mr. Frans Ndoroma – Managing Director, Telecom Namibia
Advocate Inge Zaamwani – Managing Director, Namdeb
Mr. Len Le Roux – Managing Director, Rossing Foundation
Mr. Samuel Goagoseb – Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Alfred van Kent – Director of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education
10. Name of responsible person:
Wilfred Kuria
Title: Secretary to the Board
11. Station Name:
12. Name of VSAT Owner:
XNET Development Alliance Trust
13. Name of VSAT Operator:
XNET Development Alliance Trust
14. Name and Address of Local Technical Contact or Dealer:
Recruitment of technical staff for XNET is under way. Details will be furnished as
soon as recruitment finalized.
15. Name of local Administrative Contact:
Wilfred Kuria
16. Final Location of VSAT:
Proposed locations of the VSAT are the Polytechnic of Namibia and the University of
Namibia, Northern Campus
17. Type Approval Particulars:
Digital Carriers (onward DVB carrier and SCPC return )
18. Latitude and Longitude of GEO Stationary Orbital Satellite to be accessed
Intelsat Satellite IS 1002, 359 degrees east
19. Latitude and Longitude of final location of VSAT
Please find out from Poly/ UNAM
20. Frequency Band of Operation
C-band, Uplink – C-Band, 5925 MHz – 6425 MHz, Downlink – C-Band, 3700 MHz
– 4200 MHz
21. Uplink Frequency of VSAT station:
6240 MHz – 6243 MHz
Downlink Frequency of VSAT station: 4012 MHz – 4018 MHz
Maximum Transmit Power: 56 dBi
Details of Apparatus (RF Head)
22. Type of Equipment
Block Up Converter (BUC)
23. Manufacturer: Either Mitec or Codan
24. Model: Mitec WTX-596443-70-ES-XX, Codan 6700
25. Serial Number: To be provided at actual purchase
Details of Antenna
Size: 3.8 m antenna
Manufacturer: Prodelin
Antenna isotropic or absolute gain in the direction of maximum radiation
in dBi: 46 dBi
 Radiation Characteristics
29-25 log 0 dBi, 0 < 0 < 20 degrees
-3.5 dBi, 20 < 0 < 26.3 degrees
32-25 log 0 dBi, 26.3 < 0 < 48 degrees
dBi (avg.), 48 < 0 degrees
Polarization of transmitted waves: TX RHCP RX-LHCP
Details of Apparatus (Digital Indoor Unit)
26. Type of Equipment
Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Reciever, Modem
27. Manufacturer
DVB receiver: Ipricot or Skystream
Modem: Comtech EF Data
28. Model
DVB Reciever: IPRICOT 1000 or Skystream EMR 1600
Modem: CDM 600L
29. Serial Number
To be provided at actual purchase
30. Bit rate
Modem: 2.4 kbps – 20 Mbps
1.1. Name of Applicant
XNET Development Alliance Trust
1.2. Legal Status of Applicant/ company
Trust registered in the republic of Namibia, Registration No. T31/04
1.3. Name, telephone and fax number of contact person representing the applicant
Wilfred Kuria, Tel: +264 61 293 3372, Fax: +264 61 293 3372
1.4. Street Address
Room 358
Ministry of Education
Government Office Park
Windhoek, Namibia
1.5. Postal Address
XNET Development Alliance Trust
P.O. Box 99506
1.6. Telephone Number
+264 61 293 3372
1.7. Email Address
Wilfred.kuria@gesci.org (Use XNET Email!)
1.8. Details of Ownership of applicant/ company
XNET was formed as a Trust arising out of a partnership between SNN and Telecom
Namibia to serve the social sector in Namibia with affordable internet connectivity.
1.9. Names of Directors
Dr. Jjama Tjivikua – Rector, Polytechnic of Namibia
Mr. Frans Ndoroma – MD, Telecom Namibia
Advocate Inge Zaamwani – MD, Namdeb
Mr. Len Le Roux – MD, Rossing Foundation
Mr. Samuel Goagoseb – Permanent Secretary – Ministry of Home Affairs
Mr. Alfred van Kent – Director of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education
Citizenship of Directors (Attach certified copies)
All Directors are Citizens of the Republic of Namibia
Shareholders and percentage of shareholding
Not Applicable
2.1. Details of foreign interest in the telecommunication operation
2.2. Details of interests in other telecommunications operations in Namibia and
abroad either directly or through a holding company
XNET Development Trust has for the past two years offered flat rate subsidised
internet access to over 250 schools and other educational institutions in Namibia
through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) established through collaboration with
Telecom Namibia and SchoolNet Namibia.
2.3. Details of previous experience in telecommunications
XNET Development Trust has for the past two years offered flat rate subsidised
internet access to over 250 schools and other educational institutions in Namibia
through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) established through collaboration with
Telecom Namibia and SchoolNet Namibia.
2.4. Detail relevant knowledge, experience, skills of persons intended to operate/
install the telecommunications system as well as how the company will be
staffed. Attach names and certificates of staff in charge of technical operations
XNET technical staff are about to be recruited and details will be provided upon
completion of actual recruitment. In the meantime, XNET relies entirely on the
technical staff of Telecom Namibia and Polytechnic of Namibia for its technical
3.1. Details of planned license category of telecommunications service must be
clearly indicated
Category 1 (a) - Private national telecommunications networks and/or services (i.e.
country wide)
Category 3- International telecommunications networks and/or services
XNET will through one of its business units called EDUNet provide data/ internet
access and access to local and international educational resources to all educational
institutions in Namibia. XNET has been granted this mandate by the Ministry of
Education, supported by the Office of the Prime Minister.
4.1. Details of geographic location of equipment including outline map indicating
different stages of implementation of the network or service
XNET relies and will continue to rely on partnership with existing
telecommunications providers (Telecom Namibia and later possibly MTC) to utilize
their infrastructure by creating a dedicated educational VPN. XNET does not
anticipate rolling out its own infrastructure in the immediate future.
Internet Service Provision equipment such as authentication servers as well as content
distribution network elements such as content management servers, learning
management systems, and educational management systems will be hosted and
collocated at the data center of the Polytechnic of Namibia.
Attached is a map of the current XNET network. (Attach SNN network map)
4.2. Transmission medium and frequency band and type approval certificates
For the private national telecommunications network, XNET will rely on existing or
planned Telecom Namibia’s and MTC’s networks for transmission through the
creation of a dedicated VPN linking all educational institutions.
For international internet access and access to international and pan African
educational resources for educational institutions in Namibia, XNET will rely on
existing Telecom Namibia’s network as well as provisioning some dedicated
education content via VSAT.
VSAT will operation in C-band with following characteristics:
Name and identity of proposed satellite to be accessed –
INTELSAT 1002 (Orbital location 359 degrees east)
Frequency band assignment(s)
Uplink – C-Band, 5925 MHz – 6425 MHz
Downlink – C-Band, 3700 MHz – 4200 MHz
VSAT station frequency assignment(s).
Transmit frequencies – 6240 MHz – 6243 MHz
Receive frequencies – 4012 MHz – 4018 MHz
4.3. Maps of coverage of radio equipment to accompany application
Any radio equipment used for the national network will be provisioned by existing or
planned Telecom Namibia’s or MTC’s radio equipment.
4.4. Interference analysis report where relevant i.e. when involving C-Band
In the event of VSAT installation, a full analysis report will be provided after site
survey and before installation can commence.
4.5. Will any existing transmission facilities in Namibia be used, give details and
attach agreement
For the private national telecommunications network and international access, XNET
will rely on existing or planned Telecom Namibia’s and MTC’s networks for
transmission through the creation of a dedicated VPN linking all educational
4.6. Brief description of production and transmission facilities if relevant
Not applicable
4.7. Will the applicant be responsible for operation and/or maintenance of the
transmission facilities, give details
XNET will rely on telecom Namibia’s staff for any maintenance of the
transmission facilities.
4.8. Attach any interconnection agreements with other service providers
Not Applicable.
4.9. Municipal/ property owner approval to erect infrastructure to accompany
application if applicable
Not Applicable.
5.1. Planned date of start up of activity subject to license
By end of academic year 2006
5.2. Have funds been secured for the first 3 years? Give details
Telecom Namibia has provided N$ 13.5 million in in-kind contributions. The
Ministry of Education has provided N$5.3 Million and the Office of the Prime
Minister has pledged support but no definite amount set yet.
5.3. Attach itemized budget for first 5 years, indicating anticipated cost of
infrastructure, staff and operating costs, sources of income etc
Business plan is under development. This will be submitted upon completion.
5.4. Projected size of market and expected no of customers for the first five years
XNET will cater for all educational institutions in Namibia.
Primary Schools
Secondary schools
Teacher training colleges
Total No of
UNAM centers
Polytechnic centers
Ministry of Education regional offices
Vocational Training Centres
NETSS Centre
NOLNET centres
NAMCOL centres
Adult Education Centres
5.5. Details of community services offered to all subscribers
Educational institutions are community institutions in their own right and will extend
services to the community. Such services will include:
 Providing access to the internet
 Providing access to e-government resources
 E-voting facilities
 Training to acquire basic ICT skills
5.6. Proposals of how penetration will be achieved
Not applicable.
5.7. Projected tariffs for the first 5 years
As all services offered are for educational institutions, XNET is negotiating with
Telecom Namibia and the Ministry of Education to charge very low, flat rate,
affordable and sustainable fees from educational institutions.
Documents required
Certified copy of Namibian Citizenship of shareholders
Certified copy of shareholders agreement
Company registration certificate
Application fee (if applicable)
Should be signed by Applicant/ Willfred