TC-080, Subcontractor Proposal Supporting Data ($700,000 Threshold) (Page 1 of 4) Version 2, March 2011 5.1. 5.2. The following supporting data must be submitted to Praxis along with your proposal when the total price of your proposal exceeds the regulatory threshold for the submission of cost or pricing data as described at FAR 15.403-4 ( The threshold for submitting cost or pricing data is as follows: $700,000 for prime contracts awarded on or after October 1, 2010 Praxis will work with your company’s proposal formatting as long as it is compliant with the requirements of FAR 15.408, Table 15-2. Attached is a Compliance Matrix Checklist to be submitted along with your cost proposal. Indicate with a check mark whether the item is provided [Yes], not provided [No], or not applicable [N/A]. If the item is not provided or is not applicable, please explain in the adjacent comment block. To assist you in preparing a compliant response to this RFQ, the supporting data listed below should be provided with your proposal(s): REQUIREMENTS 1. Proposal Cover Page: Submit a fully executed Proposal Cover Page in accordance with FAR Table 15-2 I.A. It must be signed by the person with authority to commit this obligation for the company. 2. Element of Cost (EOC) Summary Report: This report must break out each cost element (direct labor, labor overhead, material, material overhead, Other Direct Costs (ODC), Subcontracts, G&A, Cost of Money (COM)), profit, and total price that supports the values on the Proposal Cover Page. 3. Historical Actuals: Submit data showing incurred costs of prior Lots - identifying quantity and year incurred, and breaking down the labor into type, work center, hours, and dollars. 4. Material: 4.1. Provide a consolidated priced, unburdened Bill of Material (BOM) encompassing all parts and total required quantity into one report. 4.2. Provide a separate BOM for each identified procurement line item. 4.3. Submit price support for items constituting 80% of the total BOM value (i.e., an emphasis on the higher dollar value items). Indicate price basis such as purchase order actuals, paid invoices, quotes, etc. 4.4. For your subcontracts exceeding the regulatory threshold for submission of cost or pricing data, provide a copy of your cost analysis and the lowertier supplier’s cost proposal. 4.5. If applicable, inter-divisional transfers are to be supported as a “proposal within a proposal.” Per FAR Table 15-2, this means that for inter-organizational efforts transferred at total cost, provide a separate breakdown of cost elements. 5. Labor: Provide the basis and supporting details for all labor hours quoted to include: 6. 7. 8. 9. Engineering hours. Manufacturing, test, and inspection hours including: Standards, quantity and lot size assumption, set-up time and quantity, run times and calculation of elapsed hours. 5.3. Support hours (such as program office, field test support, or any hours not covered by engineering or manufacturing). 5.4. Categorize all labor by level of expertise or occupational grades (i.e., engineer, senior engineer, technician, senior technician, etc.). 5.5. Identify the number of the Statement of Work (SOW) paragraph establishing the labor requirement. Other Direct Cost: 6.1. Travel - destination, number of personnel and trips, purpose, duration, per diem, car rental, etc. 6.2. Miscellaneous - Identify and justify the proposed resource requirements and identify all calculations including the application of rates. Rates & Factors: 7.1. For Government Approved rates and factors: 7.1.1. Provide the direct labor rates used for each labor category in the proposal. 7.1.2. Provide a copy of the Forward Pricing Rates Agreement (FPRA). 7.2. For Non-Approved Rates and Factors: 7.2.1. Provide the direct labor rates used for each labor category in the proposal. 7.2.2. Provide most recent available payroll data for the direct labor rates quoted. 7.2.3. For each of the indirect burden rates used in the proposal, provide the pool components and their dollar values, and the base value to which each rate is applied. 7.2.4. Provide the last two years of pool, base, and rate actuals. 7.2.5. Provide projected sales values for each of the years for which rates are proposed and the prior two years of actual sales values. 7.2.6. Provide supporting data for all estimating factors used within the proposal (yield, attrition, scrap, cost estimating relationships, escalation, learning curves, etc.). 7.2.7. Provide forms DD 1861 (Contract Facilities Capital Cost of Money) and CASB-CMF (Facilities Capital Cost of Money Factors Computation). Profit or Fee: State the percentage of profit or fee applied in the proposal. Identify the total percentage as well as the percentage by line item. If there are multiple contract types in your proposal (i.e., Fixed Price, Cost Plus, Time and Material), segregate the profit applied to each contract type. Denial of Audit Rights: If a supplier denies Praxis audit rights for Rates and Factors, Praxis will, on most occasions, TC-080, Subcontractor Proposal Supporting Data ($700,000 Threshold) (Page 2 of 4) Version 2, March 2011 request an assist audit by DCAA. The supplier shall provide a clear statement on company letterhead denying Praxis the audit rights, the reason for denial, and a written authorization for the release to Praxis of any Government Audit Report results (conclusions) pertaining to the Rates and Factors. Provide the name, address, and phone numbers of the supplier’s cognizant Government auditors. Refer to FAR 15.404-2 in the event that field-pricing support is being requested from DCAA in addition to an audit of the supplier’s rates and factors. TC-080, Subcontractor Proposal Supporting Data ($700,000 Threshold) (Page 3 of 4) Version 2, March 2011 PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST Supplier Name: Reference No. (Proposal No.): Date: PROVIDED? ITEM DESCRIPTION If Item Not Provided, REASON Yes 1. Fully executed Proposal Cover Page 2. Element of Cost Summary Report 3. Incurred costs of prior lots 4. Material: 4.1. Consolidated priced BOM 4.2. Separate BOM for each procurement line item 4.3. Support of 80% or greater of BOM value 4.4. Cost Analyses of lower-tier suppliers and cost proposals 4.5. Inter-divisional transfers proposal 5. Labor: 5.1. Basis and supporting details for engineering hours 5.2. Basis and supporting details for manufacturing, test and inspection hours 5.3. Basis and supporting details for support hours 5.4. Hours categorized by occupational grades 5.5. Statement of work paragraph identified 6. Other Direct Costs: 6.1 Travel report 6.2 Identification and justification of miscellaneous costs 7. Rates and Factors: 7.1. Approved Rates and Factors: 7.1.1. List of direct labor rates used 7.1.2. Copy of Forward Pricing Rates Agreement 7.2. Non-Approved Rates and Factors: 7.2.1. List of direct labor rates used 7.2.2. Most recent payroll data for direct labor rates 7.2.3. Pool components and dollar values, base rate for each rate used 7.2.4. Last two years pool, based and rate actuals 7.2.5. Projected sales values for each year for which rates are proposed, and prior two years of actual sales values 7.2.6. Supporting data for all factors used in the proposal 7.2.7. DD-1861 and CASB-CMF forms provided No N/A TC-080, Subcontractor Proposal Supporting Data ($700,000 Threshold) (Page 4 of 4) Version 2, March 2011 PROPOSAL COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST Supplier Name: Reference No. (Proposal No.): Date: PROVIDED? ITEM DESCRIPTION If Item Not Provided, REASON Yes 8. Profit or Fee: Percent of profit or fee broken out by contract type and line item 9. Denial of Audit Rights: If audit rates denied, provide appropriate statement on company letterhead Name, address, and phone numbers of the supplier’s cognizant Government auditors No N/A