Woody 2000 Project Comparative Analysis Exhibit C

Woody 2000 Project Comparative Analysis
The following Table is a comparative analysis of the original
project management processes to the new proposed Project
Management Plan.
Preconstruction Phase
Original Plan
The financial Performa and cash flow was not
prepared as a tool to be used during the entire
duration of the project. The accounting was
performed with the operational bookkeeping and
not as a separate accounting system.
An inexperienced owners representative was
selected who was not aware of the project
management processes to be followed. There was
not a defined PMLC model designated for the
There was not a defined design development
process that included strategic planning sessions.
The project programming was done in an
unorganized fashion.
The contractor was selected without undergoing a
competitive bidding process. The contract was cost
plus with an open end with no defined completion
There was a lack of communication between all
parties causing the building design to be
constructed 5 feet short to allow for the
production train.
A complete project schedule with critical
milestones was not completed and there was no
accountability for not meeting the schedule. The
contract had no provision for not meeting the
There was no provision for maintaining production
of new and existing contracts during the
construction process causing the loss of key
projects and potential revenues.
There was not a definite strategy for sales and
marketing of the new facility.
Proposed Plan
A concise and detailed Performa will be completed
and the cash flow will be an intricate part of the
construction process. A separate chart of accounts
will be maintained in order to track expenses on a
real time basis.
We would recommend an experienced owners
representative be selected who is familiar with
construction practices. We are proposing the
Adaptive Project Framework of the Adaptive PMLC
We propose to complete a concise design
development process that includes a system for
documenting needs using strategic planning and
departmental focus groups.
We propose a complete contractor selection
process that is with prequalified competitive bids.
The contract would be based on a cost plus with a
guaranteed maximum price.
We propose a communications plan that has
standards and procedures for communicating
needs, making decisions, and communicating
information to all necessary parties.
We propose a concise Overall Project Schedule
with critical milestones identified. The GMP
contract would be tied into the schedule and there
would be liquidated damages levied for not
meeting the schedule.
A complete project mobilization and sequencing
plan would be in effect to ensure that there would
be no interruption to existing production lines.
Production staff would be involved in focus groups.
We would propose that a complete sales,
marketing, and promotion strategy be in place.
Construction Phase
Original Plan
There were no processes in place for the approval
of submittals and other key construction phase
There was not a well defined Risk Management
Plan for the project and there were no provisions
for identified risks.
There was not a schedule management plan in
place with clear lines of accountability.
There was a regulatory issue with the newly
installed paint shop.
There were standardized project management
processes in place that would interface the owner
with the selected contractor. There were no
consistent project meetings held and no meeting
minutes or documentation
There was not a Budget Management process in
place for tracking the original budget to actual
completion percentages
There were problems with the utility tie ins and
coordination with the various utility companies.
The Certificates of Occupancy and Completion
Certificates were not secured by the contractor
causing a delay to the schedule.
Proposed Plan
We propose a well developed implementation
plan that includes processes for submittal review
and other key processes.
We propose a concise Risk Management plan that
includes assessment and identification, monitoring
and control, and mitigation.
We would develop a concise Overall Project
Schedule with accountability processes.
We would ensure that all necessary approvals
would be in place by the regulatory agencies.
A complete Project Management Manual would be
prepared that define all processes within the
project. Weekly project meetings would be held
with detailed meeting minutes as defined by
Roberts Rules of Order.
We would have a complete Budget Management
plan in place that includes real time updates to
actual expenditures versus projected budgets.
We would oversee and manage the coordination
of all utility tie ins and schedule accordingly.
We would have a process in place for securing the
necessary Certificates and have identified these
tasks on the Overall Project Schedule.
The construction phase would be managed based on the final
Project Management Manual. There would be various processes in
place that deals with communications management, risk
management, quality assurance, and overall project management
planning. The original process for the Woody 2000 project was
very fragmented with no clear lines of responsibility and
The post construction process would include proper commissioning
of systems and the training of personnel on the new systems
installed. A post-implementation audit and a Final Report would
be completed. The production train start up and employee
training would be part of the post construction process and it
would be clearly defined and scheduled accordingly to meet
expected deadlines.
The proposed project management plan would be diametrically
different than the original process defined for the Woody 2000
proposed project.