St Margaret’s Twickenham and Teddington Quindrat SENCo meeting 4 May 2010 Those present Lynda Boys, Gill Hostler, Lisa Barnett, Isobel Mcleish, Mary Sibthorp, Claire Berryman, Sarah Herbert, Caroline Walker Apologies: Susana Goncalves Rapid Trial Mary Sibthorp shared the excellent gains made by children on the Rapid maths, writing and reading trails. Progress was measured in ratio gains (how many months of progress were made in each calendar month). All children made progress, some as much as 11 months progress for each month of participation in the project! Mary felt that some of this massive gain in the maths trail was likely to be as a result of the improved confidence in maths that the children were experiencing. Those on the maths trial were taught for 3x45 minutes sessions each week with additional time to rehearse skills on the computer programme. The Rapid materials are designed to be used from level P7 with a ceiling of level 4. The Rapid rep gave out sample packs of materials to those at the meeting and expressed willingness to visit individual schools to show the materials in more depth. St Stephens Auditory Processing Difficulties project St Stephens School have been running the APD project offered by the speech and language therapy service with key stage 2. Lisa and the speech and language therapist gave an overview of the project. The materials are provided by the S&LT service and a therapist will work on the sessions with a teaching assistant who is then able to continue the programme without support. The programme runs for 10 weeks. In addition, teachers are encouraged to take the principles of the programme into classrooms to improve the listening behaviour of children at wave 1. The S&LT now have an APD programme for key stage 1, and a narrative programme for key stage 1 and 2. Training and support can be accessed through each school’s attached speech and language therapist. AOB Sarah told the group about the recent Closing the Gap with Numicon Intervention that she has been trained to train staff on. She will be running a pilot project in the autumn term for a maximum of 10 interested schools. Sarah told the group about the new senjit module for teachers and TAs that she is hoping will run in the spring term. This will be another foundation module, run over 5 days focussed on social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Advertising will go out as soon as the details are confirmed. Next Meeting Thursday 14 October 2010 at Collis Primary School Agenda: Visit from mental health/wellbeing person ?Agneta?? TBC Isobel to arrange.