Heriot-Watt University - Course Notes Template for

Heriot-Watt University – Undergraduate Course Notes Template (RAY)
Form 17
Course Code
2. Course Title
MChem(Hons) in Chemistry with Industrial
Course Accredited by
The Royal Society of Chemistry
7. UCAS Code
School Specialist Degree
8. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s)
Version 3.0 (2007/2008)
MChem (Hons), BSc (Hons), BSc(Ord), Dip HE,
Cert HE
9. Date of Production/Revision
11 January, 2008
Stage Notes
Stage One: On the basis of entry qualifications, candidates will take either the Mathematics stream EPS Maths 1 and 2 or the stream Introductory Maths A and B.
an approved list provided in the Student Handbook. B17CA and B17CB are examined synoptically.
Electives will be chosen from
Stage Two: Core chemistry modules are examined synoptically in pairs: B18PA with B18PB ; B18OA with B18OB ; B18IA with B18IB. Electives will be chosen from an approved list provided in the
Student Handbook.
Stage Three: Core chemistry modules are examined synoptically in pairs; B19PC with B19PD ; B19OC with B19OD ; B19IC with B19ID. These six modules are qualifying modules.
Stage Four: B11LP is a year-long laboratory placement module, equivalent to 900 SEHs and worth 90 credits, during which students undertake a major research project while on placement in an
industrial laboratory. The two optional modules are taken by distance learning. All modules in Stage 4 are qualifying modules.
Stage Five: B11IQ, B11OQ and B11PQ are year long core chemistry modules. Students take the optional modules not taken in Stage 4. All modules in Stage 5 are qualifying modules.
Progression Requirements
(a) Progression through the course normally requires a minimum number of credit points:
Stage 1 to Stage 2:
Stage 2 to Stage 3:
Stage 3 to Stage 4:
Stage 4 to Stage 5:
(b) Progression through the course requires a minimum of Grade D in the following modules:
Stage 1: Each Chemistry module
Stage 2: Each core Chemistry module (with an average Grade B)
Stage 3: Each core Chemistry module (with an average Grade B)
Stage 4: B11LP Laboratory Placement
Students failing to meet the MChem criteria at the end of Stages 2 and 3 may instead be transferred to a BSc(Hons) course or may pursue a degree in Combined Studies.
Award Requirements
The minimum requirement for award of the MChem(Hons) degree is 600 credits.
Honours degree classification is determined by performance in the 14 qualifying modules (6 from Stage 3, 3 from Stage 4 and 5 from Stage 5) with the following weightings:
in Stage 3 the synoptic assessments for the Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry modules contribute a maximum of 50 marks each to the final total;
in Stage 4 the two optional modules contribute a maximum of 50 marks each to the final total; the research project contributes a maximum of 200 marks to the final total
in Stage 5 the two optional modules contribute a maximum of 50 marks each to the final total; the practical work contributes a maximum of 100 marks to the final total; the assessment of the yearlong core modules in Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry contribute a maximum of 100 marks each to the final total.
Total marks available = 950.
Degree classifications are based on the students’ marks out of 950, expressed as a percentage.
All awards are fully compliant with SCQF, both in terms of credit level and in credit volume.
The accompanying Course Structure provides details of modules, awards and credits for the course.
The accompanying Course Description template provides details of aims, outcomes, teaching & learning and assessment policies for the course.
List of Optional modules to be appended