Subject Instruction/ Subject Teaching: Computer and Information technology (CIT) PGDE (FT/PT) 2007 – 2008 EDUC7381(2)/7391(2): Subject Instruction/ Subject Teaching (Computer and Information Technology) Instructor: Dr SC Li Objectives: This subject aims at improving the effectiveness of students - practising teachers - in teaching different subjects in secondary school. Self observation and peer observation are encouraged and will be frequently practised. Specifically, this subject enables students to develop (1) a concept of effective classroom teaching; (2) a principled approach to teaching; (3) the ability to learn through systematic and insightful observation of other teachers in action; and (4) the ability to reflect on their own teaching and to improve upon it. Students are expected to apply the principles of instruction to teaching of Computer Studies. Drawing on a thorough knowledge of the content and structure of the respective subject curriculum, they are to prepare lesson plans and construct tests appropriate for the teaching objectives of the specific subject areas. They are expected to explore different ways of teaching the same topics. Assessment: Course Work: (100%) FT 7381-2 Part-Time 7391-2 A. Lesson Planning 15 15 B. Team-teaching 20 20 C. Team-teaching reflection 10 10 D. Lesson anatomy 20 20 E. Reflective Teaching Project 35 35 A. Lesson Planning and Micro-teaching 1. The class is to be divided into groups of 2 or 3. Each group is required to choose a topic from the F4/5 CS or IT curriculum and to conduct a double- or triple-lesson (about 2 X 30 or 3 X 30 mins each) with appropriate teaching and learning activities in a normal 2. secondary classroom or computer laboratory setting. Each group is required to submit a detailed lesson plan with all the relevant notes, teaching and learning materials. Each member of the group is also required to written a short reflective report of not more than 1000 words to do a SWOT analysis of his/her micro-teaching. ----------------------------- Second Semester --------------------------------B. Reflective Teaching Project on Teaching and Learning of Computer related Subjects a) Choose a topic in the computer studies or related curriculum and develop a set of teaching ideas with appropriate pedagogical approaches and learning activities for students. The whole set of activities may span from 2 – 4 lessons (1.5 – 3 hrs) and you are required to implement these ideas in classroom practice and evaluate its effectiveness. All the lessons should be video taped, capturing both the teacher and students’ activities. The video tapes are to be edited and converted into VCD format with a length of about 45 minutes. b) You are required to write a reflective report of about 3000 words, describing your detailed lesson plan, the underlying rationales and educational philosophies of your design, and evaluating the strength and limitation of such an implementation. Tentative Deadline: on or before May ???, 2007 Syllabus and Teaching Sessions: Subject Instruction/ Subject Teaching (EDUC7381-2/EDUC7391-2) PGDE FT/PT (2007-2008) Course Outline and Assessment General References Session Topic 1 Understanding the curriculum 2 What is teaching and learning about? 3 Instructional Models for Learning & Teaching of CIT I 4 Instructional Models for Learning & Teaching of CIT II 5 Instructional Models for Learning & Teaching of CIT III 6 Lesson Planning I 7 Lesson Planning II 8 Selective Topics in CIT 9 Classroom Skills (Questioning & Managing the learning and teaching environments) 10 team-teaching I 11 team-teaching II 12 team-teaching III 13 team-teaching IV Semester Break 1 Project on Reflective Teaching Problem-based/Project-based/Inquiry-based learning I 2 Problem-based/Project-based/Inquiry-based learning II 3 Assessment for Learning 4 Lego Robotic in CS education 1 5 Lego Robotic in CS education 2 6 Lesson Anatonmy I 7 Lesson Anatonmy II 8 Lesson Anatonmy III 9 Rasch Model and Educational testing & Measurement 10 Development of Information Literacy 11 Infusing IT into and across curriculum I 12 Infusing IT into and across curriculum II 13 Reflective Teaching Project Presentation Teaching and Learning Strategies: Lecture, Lecture-discussion, Active learning, Microteaching, On-site peer observation Web Resources: ACM/SIGCSE – The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Computer Science Education as an Academic Field Computer Science Education Links Computer Science Education Resources Computer Science Teaching Centre Hong Kong Association for Computer Education Logo Foundation The Complete Collection of Algorithm Animations The Connected Learning Community References: Joyce, B., Weil, M. & Calhoun, E. (2004). Models of Teaching (7th Ed.). MA: Allyn & Bacon. Loveless, A. (ed.) (2001). ICT, pedagogy and the curriculum: subject to change. London : Routledge/Falmer. Merrienboer, V. (1990). Strategies for Programming Instruction in High School: Program completion VS. program generation. Journal of educational computing research, 6(3), 265-285. Bradley, R. (1999). New Understanding Computer Science for Advanced Level (4th Ed.). Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. ITiCSE’ 97 Working Group on CMC in Collaborative Educational Settings (1997). Computer-Mediated Communication in Collaborative Educational Settings. SIGCUE Outlook, 25 (3), 51-69. ITiCSE’ 98 Working Group on Problem Based Learning (1998). Resources, tools, and techniques for problem based learning computing. SIGCUE Outlook, 26(4), 41-56. Crawford, R. (1997). Managing information technology in secondary schools. London ; New York : Routledge. Kahn, T. (1999). Designing virtual communities for creativity and learning [online]. HKEd (1999). IT Learning Targets. Department of Education, HKSAR. Boroni, C.M., Goosey, F.W., Grinder, M.T., & Ross, R.J. (1998). A paradigm shift! The Internet, the Web, browsers, Java and the future of computer science education. SIGCSE Bulletin, 30 (1), 145-152. Taylor, C. (Ed.) (1991). Teaching Information Technology. Collingwood: VCTA Publishing Pty Ltd. Mayer, R.E. (1988). Teaching and Learning Computer Programming: Multiple Research Perspectives. Hillsdale, NJ : L. Erlbaum Associates. Soloway, E. (1986). Learning to Program = Learning to Construct Mechanisms and Explanations. Communications of ACM 29(9), 850-858. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------香港布政司教育統籌科。(1993)。《香港學校教育目標》。香港:作 者。 教育統籌局。 (1998)。 《應用資訊科技發展優質教育:五年策略 (1998/99 至 2002/03)》。香港:政府印務局 陸鴻基與李偉端(合編)。(1985)。《教師工作的理論與方法》。廣角鏡。 蕭炳基。(1992)。教學課程之演進與革新。 《香港中文大學教育學報》 ,20(1), 頁 3-16. Amundson, K. J. (1991). Building self-esteem: A guide for parents, schools and communities. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators. Board of Education. (1997). Report on review of 9-year compulsory education. Hong Kong: Author. Brown, G. A. (1975). Microteaching: A programme of teaching skills. London: Methuen. Brubacher, J. W., Case, C. W., & Reagan, T. G. (1994). Becoming a reflective educator: How to build a culture of inquiry in the schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Cohen, L., & Manion, L. (1996). A guide to teaching practice (4th ed.). New York: Routledge. Cole, P. G., & Chan, L. K. S. (1994). Teaching principles and practice (2nd ed.). London: Prentice Hall. Dunne, R., & Wragg, T. (1994). Effective teaching. New York: Routledge. Eby, J. W. (1998). Reflective planning, teaching, and evaluation K-12 (2nd ed.). New York: Merrill. Education Commission. (1997). Quality school education (Education Commission Report No. 7). Hong Kong: Author. Gagne, R. M., Briggs, L. J., & Wager, W.W. (1992). Principles of instructional design (4th ed.). New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Gronlund, N.E. (1998). How to make achievement tests and assessments (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Hayhoe, R. (1997). A civilizational perspective on compulsory education. Educational Research Journal, 12(2), 138-141. Joyce, B., & Weil, M. (1996). Models of teaching (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Lawrence, D. (1996). Enhancing self-esteem in the classroom (2nd ed.). London : Paul Chapman. Lee, C. K. J., & Wong, K. M. P. (1997). Student teachers’ perception of teaching and learning: An exploratory study of the level of reflectivity. Educational Research Journal, 12(2), 180-189. Levin, J., & Nolan, J. F. (1991). Principles of classroom management: A hierarchical approach. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Levin, J., & Nolan, J. F. (1991). Principles of classroom management: A professional decision-making model. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. McIntyre, D. J., & O’Hair, M. J. (1996). 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